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The Nameless Slave 2

Page 36

by Vitaly Zykov

  There were imposed the most severe sanctions against Sarduor, prohibiting import of various goods. This is, mostly, concerning magic and weapons. Sarduor exports various delicacies like byhdurk meat and garlun grass, which is actively used by most fencing schools. In addition, the richest deposits of gold have been found in the south, now they are being actively developed by the Protectorate in order to pay back the maintenance in the largest expeditionary forces in the local countries. The local rulers do not object that, for, despite their narrow-mindedness, they realize the colossal positive effect from the presence of a united peacekeeping power.

  Let's leave the political world order and move on to the key concepts that you just need to know when traveling through this mortal world.

  Measures of length and monetary system

  1 mile = 7 versts (1 mile = 7.4 km)

  1 verst = 500 fathoms (1 verst = 1.07 km)

  1 sazhen = 3 arshin (1 sazhen = 2.13 m)

  1 arshin = 4 quarters (1 quarter = 17.7 cm)

  1 quarter = 4 vershoks (1 top = 4.4 cm)

  1 farlong (golden) = 30 kelats

  1 kelat (silver) = 30 gylt (copper)

  Hierarchy of magicians in Nold

  Junior student – 1-5 years of study at the Academy of General Magic.

  Senior student – 6-10 years of study at the Academy of General Magic.

  Magician of the fourth rank(grade) is a graduate of the Academy.

  Magician of the third rank(grade) – 11-13 years of training at the Academy of General Magic (the third highest circle).

  Magician of the second rank(grade) – 14-18 years of training at the Academy of General Magic (the second highest circle).

  Magician of the first rank(grade) – 19-25 years of study at the Academy of General Magic (the first highest circle).

  Apprentice is a magician of the first rank, who has interested a Master and became his disciple.

  Master is a magician who has reached the heights in Art, not attainable by others, a creator of a spell of extreme complexity or a creator of a new direction in magic. The title must be approved by the Council of Masters.

  Hierarchy of sorcerers in Tlantos

  Only for the True Magicians of the senior grades of initiation

  The lowest rank of the sorcerer is the first, the largest – the tenth. Each rank has a special pattern on the bone medallion:

  1. The shield

  2. The wand

  3. The clenched fist

  4. The crystal

  5. The branched lightning

  6. The clawed hand

  7. The Lens of force

  8. The Look of the Dead

  9. The twisted horns

  10. The clean surface

  Clans of Light Elves

  1) Lital, the Voice of Light – are strong in diplomacy. The emblem is a silver flower.

  2) Rh'yarkhin, the Guardians of the Night – are good warriors. The emblem is an inverted drop of purple, like a fang.

  3) El'Tuarren, the Gateseekers – are known for their magicians. The emblem is a blue eye framed in black silver.

  4) Chintalion, the Shield of Dusk – are good warriors. The emblem is a green snake.

  5) Fek'Yarr, the Heralds of the Shadow – are magicians-killers. The emblem is a blood-red toad with black eyes.

  6) Orielta, the Mirror of Life – are strong in diplomacy. The emblem is a golden cup or goblet.

  7) Guarr'Errit, the Windhunters – is one of two elemental clans survived through millennia, dedicated to the Air. The emblem is three feathers made of metal.

  8) Tes'simir, the Birds of Water – is the second elemental clan, dedicated to the Water. The emblem is dark blue sky

  Structure of infantry units and military ranks in Zelod

  5 legions (about 20,000 people) – a full general.

  1 legion (about 4,000 people) = 4 regiments – a general.

  1 regiment (about 1,000 people) = 10 squadrons – a colonel.

  1 squadron (about 100 people) = 3 platoons of 3 or 4 dozens. A squadron could be commanded by a captain or a lieutenant. The priority is determined by the number: the smaller the number, the higher the title. That is the first squadron is always commanded by a captain, a lieutenant can command squadrons from the fourth to the tenth. Besides priority, the number determines the qualitative composition of the units. The first squadron has the most experienced and skillful veterans, while the tenth has the newcomers. The platoons are commanded by sergeants whose seniority is determined by the number of the platoon. It is believed that the first platoon must be much more professional than the third one, hence the sergeant of this unit is higher in rank than his colleagues.

  A dozen (usually 10 people, although it happens a little more) – a corporal. Seniority of corporals is determined by the same scheme with the numbers of units. The same simple rule is also transferred to legions. Thus, the First Legion is considered be much better prepared and honorable than the Twelfth. Such a scheme causes a large number of complaints and, perhaps, someday will be simplified.

  Each legion consists of heavily armed regiments such as Scorpions, Basilisks and Griffins and lightly armed infantry(Lions). In addition, every legion has a group of battle mages and a division of field launchers.

  The gods of Toarn

  Many pantheons of gods and idols dissolved in the depths of millennia, but the church of Orris keeps its dominant position for two thousand years already. Probably, there is no sense to cite all the sacred texts here, so let's retell only the main points. The world is divided into several realities. There are the layer of Being, where live all sensible creatures, the Upper World is the abode of gods, angels and some demons, the Lower World or Abyss is the abode of demons, evil spirits and some angels, and a narrow layer between them, known as Astral.

  …Once, from the unknown remoteness in the Upper World appeared the Great, Forever Dancing God Orris, who has two faces and eight hands. Two his wives appeared with him in the abode of celestials, one was meek Alma and the other was fierce warrior Cali. The masters of this world did not admit the strangers, and a war began. The young and powerful gods won this war. An era of prosperity came …But one day in the heat of jealousy Cali slaughtered Alme with her curved sword. The light goddess fell asleep into a long, healing dream, and there was no one to humble Orris' fierce temper. The soul of the Great God was divided, and now Two-faced looks at the world with his Dark and Light halves, and Cali, the ruler of Night and Darkness stand next to him…

  In general, having no talent of the narrator, it is difficult to express the grandeur of the heroic epic, the tragedy of the Divine Soul, which was parted with its beloved!

  Besides the church of Orris, there are several other gods worshiped by peoples on Toarn. These are Phoenix, the patron of marriage and a symbol of rebirth of life, and two divine brothers — Jurga and Zarhr, whom many researchers believe to be avatars of Great Orris, who appeared in this form before the folks engulfed by ignorance.

  The talks about Dark Gods and spirits border on heresy, so we will not talk about them

  A brief reference book of the most commonly used terms, published in the year 2127 from A.S. especially for traveling citizens of the Republic of Nold blessed by gods and prosperous under the rule of consul Arrosh.

  Aramzan – is a relict plant. According to legends, it is able to warn people about the approach of death.

  Aura – magical radiation of physical objects on the etheric plane of existence.

  The Mages' Bane – is a disease that traditionally strikes long-living magicians, although there are exceptions. With the course of time, a magician begins to lose interest in life, turns inward and quickly fades. According to researchers, this disease has both psychological roots (not all are able to bear the burden of long years), and magical (the loss of Gift).

  Byhdurk – a very rare beast. It is mainly found in the Heathland and Plaguelands. It reminds of a hamster which has grown to the size of a fox, but with horns like of a goat. The
meat of byhdurk is the subject of trade of all the tribes of Plaguelands with the other lands, as it is considered a delicacy.

  Wartags (old Cayen – lord). The mythical masters of Toarn. In the few remaining fragments of myths, there is an image of them as of monstrously cruel and powerful creatures. Their appearance is unknown. So far, no material evidence of their existence has been found. Wartags are an object of the most thorough study of lir Ptolomey.

  The War of the Stars – is a civil war between the clans of Elves, which initiated the division of the once united folk into the Light and Dark. The reason of the War was disagreement in relation to the former owners of Toarn.

  The War for Legacy – is the military campaign of the Dwarfs of the Eagle's Ridge against the inhabitants of deep mines and caves, in order to win back their ancient settlements.

  The Wars of the Fall Age – a series of monstrous wars between the united forces of Men, Elves, Dwarves and True magicians on the one hand, and human and Elven renegades on the other. The latter called themselves the United Colonies of the Dusk and were led by unknown creatures who destroyed themselves at the end of the war, refusing to surrender to the victors. The results of the War have determined today's world order. The True magicians have got the most benefit, receiving the island of Nold in their possession.

  Garlun – the grass, which forms the smoke containing a specific drug when burnt. A weak concentration of this drug is used by masters of most fencing schools. Taken according to a special scheme in combination with the influence of special magical artifacts and constant military exercises, this drug causes directed mutations of some internal organs, which lead to emergence of a variety of paranormal abilities. Using this drug for other purposes leads to addiction and brain degradation. Using it outside fencing schools is prohibited. Garlun is the subject of trade with tribes of Plaguelands, where Garlun is grown.

  Gwonks – the name of human tribes of Plaguelands, given to them by other savage tribes. These so-called people are similar to civilized people only in appearance. Their soul is bestial, which explains the completely wild way of life and cruel laws of these unhappy folk. The only thing that does not allow civilized peoples to crush these savages with an iron heel, is their location - the Plaguelands. Some of these tribes trade slaves, and they are the only ones who have the secret of creating kords.

  Gralg – a language that has become widespread in Sarduor. Today, it mainly remains only in the north of Sarduor, but it is also gradually eradicated due to the missionary activities of the United Protectorate. It originated from the dead new Cayen language – the language of the Dusk Empire. Official documents written in Gralg are considered invalid if they do not contain translation to Toarn. Gralg continues to be studied only in the Military Academy of Nold.

  Drul – a fruit resembling an apple, but growing on the bushes almost at the very ground.

  Dharg Log – the highest rank in the hierarchy of In-between-worlds dragons. People do not have information about the existence of living owners of this rank. Presumably, an owner of this rank should have a giant magical potential. The strength of influence upon the Reality ranges from 100 to 131 points on the Ptolomey's one-hundred-and-forty-four-point scale.

  Dyork – is a complex game using a deck of thirty cards and five dices. It is a serious challenge for luck and ability to think as well.

  Zaarr'h'dorr (old Cayen – the lands of dead spirits) – the mythical, deadly dangerous lands in the center of the Death Forest. Nothing is known for sure about those who visited them. Presumably, they are located to the east of Guurr'o'demy(The demons threatening to the heaven) - a high mountain resembling a clenched fist, seen by many sailors venturing to come into the Old Harbor.

  The Dusk Empire – the empire, created by men and representatives of other races, was located on two continents - Sarduor and Gorkh, and had the strongest influence on other two – Grold and Suud. According to the legends, Nold, the island of the True magicians, was created by the magicians of this Empire (this information is only for students of the Academy of General Magic). There are tales about unknown races who were allies of this state. The Empire had wars with unknown races, in collisions with who the fifth continent was destroyed (the fact of existence of this continent is still unproved, so this information is equated to rumors). The Empire existed, according to various sources, from 5000 to 10000 years. It fell in a series of cataclysms and disasters of a magical and natural character about 4500 years ago.

  The warrant of Girkam – is an artifact in the form of a pair of mahogany sticks a quarter long. The warrant includes some part of the Force that is transferred by one participant of an agreement as a guaranty of the future payment. This artifact is used in case when it is required to back someone's promise with something material and weighty. When the debt is paid, the artifact returns to the owner and its Force releases, but if the warrant keeper does not wish to return it, the artifact will self-destruct within five-ten years (it is impossible to determine the exact time in advance). The Force of magicians, perhaps, is their most important value, and therefore the contracts confirmed by the Warrant are always completed.

  Forbidden Land – the territory, which includes the Death Forest, the Heathland, the Plaguelands and the western spurs of the Border Mountains.

  Zuu'll'teck – the stone plates with magical letters of the Ancients. There were found only four intact samples. Partly deciphered fragments allow us to speak of them as carriers of complex spells of the lost magic of the Ancients (although even those crumbs that survived were tacitly attributed to the Forbidden Fields of magic).

  Transformation – is a ritual, after which the Dark Elves(M'Lleurr) increase their abilities for Forbidden Magic. Unfortunately(or maybe fortunately for others), the ritual leads to irreversible changes in appearance, after which there are reasons to talk about the "demonization" of M'Lleurr appearance.

  The True magicians – natural magicians, having magic abilities since birth (40-60 points on the scale of Ptolomey). Those having reached the heights in studying magic have an unlimited life span.

  The Cayen language – in its lowest form was the main language of the Dusk Empire during its heyday. Its ancient form was the secret language of the highest nobility or magicians (which was basically the same thing). Only a transcription of several words has reached our days. Until now, the magic alphabet which forms the basis of the language remains a mystery behind the seven seals. Only a few hieroglyphs and their approximate meaning are deciphered, but the most important thing, the astral projections of the symbols, are still unavailable. Presumably, the language has multivalued meaning. Some researchers suggest that the language is more ancient than the Dusk Empire itself.

  Kord (old Cayen – slave) – an inferior or an untouchable or a Bound-slave. A slave with a collar, which controls all the actions of the slave, painfully punishing him for even the slightest faults. A Bound-slave cannot betray or escape. The expression «the Bound-slave loyalty» speaks about loyalty determined by pain. According to rumors, there is an even more complex and deadly variant of suppression collar, called the Dark Collar. It is intended for those who possess magical abilities and it does not allow their wards to use their own Gift. Only the shaman who put the collar can remove it. The secret of creation is unknown.

  Puppet – a man with completely suppressed will or even with burnt mind.

  Kurraz – a tribe of Toarn dragons, intelligent, fire-breathing, have the highest resistance to magic. They have their own language and culture (according to legends, related to the culture of the mythical In-between-worlds dragons). Most of them serve the Republic of Nold in the ranks of the horrifying Wings.

  Khorr – one of the few known words of the In-between-worlds dragons. The literal translation is an enemy, a killer. It is not known who exactly is characterized by this word.

  Forest or Death Forest – the name of the deadly dangerous territory in the north of Sarduor, overgrown with all kinds of vegetation. It is a place where ba
ttles between two warring races of Toarn took place in antiquity (and possibly the place where the last representatives of these races died). Waves of distorted magic spawned monsters and changed the laws of Reality in this place. From the several thousand of intelligent beings who went into these places, no more than a hundred have returned, most of who lost mind or degenerated.

  Plaguelands – the territory, located between the Death Forest, the Heathland and the Border Mountains. The habitat of human tribes and trolls. Although this land obeys the general laws of our world, but it continues to be deadly dangerous.

  Loggs – the self-name of the race of the mythical In-between-worlds dragons regardless of their clan. According to the legends, this kind of dragons differs from ordinary dragons in size, strength and magic inclination, but the most important is their ability to travel between worlds. The strength of influence upon the Reality is about 70-90 points on the scale of Ptolomey.

  Lir, lirissa – a respectful address to a True mage, male or female.

  Usual magicians (insulting: «Thieves», «Hairsplitters») – the ordinary people not having inborn magical talent, and receiving the Force through long training. The average life span is two or three hundred years.

  Marhuz – a creature similar to representatives of cat family, covered with long wool of gray-steel color and possessing the characteristic yellow eyes without pupils and iris. Half-intelligent, have their own magic. The life span is unknown (presumably unlimited). The product of the joint work of alchemists and magicians of the Dusk Empire. After its fall, they fled, but were called to service of the United Colonies of the Dusk. After the defeat of the latter they were globally destroyed by special search groups of magicians, only remaining within the Forbidden Land.


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