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Urban Bigfoot

Page 3

by Deb Stratton

Flashbacks of old movies and shows from my childhood kept coming to mind. I was not sure if those memories would help me uncover the mystery of this mess I was in. I am scared and intrigued at the same time. I was frightened to fall asleep because I am not


  sure what will happen to me if I do. There surely must be some purpose to collecting people and bringing them down to the world below the woods that I am in.

  Maybe I am not even under the woods any longer. I could be anywhere by now. They could have taken me somewhere while I was knocked out.

  Barka comes in. Oh such relief to see her. It almost feels to me like when you start a new job and the other new person is the only one you know so you feel comfortable with them right away. I feel like I know her. She sits on the ground in front of me and begins to tell me that after everyone in this ward is finished eating we will all be taken to a group room.

  I ask her where I am. She tells me a story to tell me that her family is very large and has been populating the earth for hundreds of years. That the culture is unique to nature and the underground is the safest place to dwell. I thank her for giving me that information even though I have no idea what she really means. I am repeating myself in my thoughts, underground, surrounded by large hair covered half human and half forest beast?

  I am thankful for the chance to get more answers and as she walks over to the area near me, I study her gait. I see that she walks well. She has animal like feet

  and hands only to the point that they are thick skinned and larger than mine. It is almost primitive in looks, but very modern in intellect. She is actually very well versed and I feel like I must high on something to even believe what I am seeing.

  I look at the walls while I wait. They are dirt but molded. They are not crumbly. They are packed in and formed. Someone spent a lot of time digging these out I am sure.

  I see no modern conveniences other than the evidence of my cot and the lanterns. Also the design of some areas I had seen before I got to this area seemed more advanced. The brick walls were not in this section. I see nothing electronic.

  NO cell phones or televisions. NO noises of any sorts that would indicate beeping or computer like.

  I am greeted by a group of humans and hairy people and waved to come along, as my vine is removed by Barka. There are 5 others like me in clothing and 6 hair covered. Of the 5, I am the only female. I guess finding women in the woods alone is more rare than men. I must be a real gem.

  We all walk together silently to the end of this mulched walkway. It sounds like a fan or wind tunnel is


  Ahead. Some sort of air flow. The blowing is definitely making the odd stench more apparent and it reminds me of a trip to petting zoo. Stale. Unclean. I arrive at the group room which must be for frequent gatherings. There were amazing pieces of natural tree and stick furniture everywhere. I would almost say this could possibly be a great hit at any rustic craft store. There is a large table made from a tree. In front of this room there are rows of chopped tree trunks, in the form of stumps. It is very similar to the old campfire ones.

  We are all sitting while a conversation at the table became intense. In a strong and sensitive man voice, the bearded one says to us that his name is Stem. He would be speaking to us as a group and then one on one. I feel like I am at work meeting ready to ask questions. I have so much I want to say. Is this the right time?

  The commotion begins. Noises begin out in the hallway path and start entering the room as many others start to fill the area. I only see the 4 other similar beings to myself. All others are still displaying the hairy overgrowth that I cannot stop looking at. I am starting to put things together slowly and it is very hard for me to even believe that this is real.

  There was Ground Pounding, stomping and running by some coming into the room. The metal lights that are hanging begin swaying and small dirt chunks from

  the walls begin to fall. To describe it best would be primitive but very well designed. I am taking it all in, and trying not to get anxious or nervous. I just want to leave and run out of here. I am guessing that the only way I will ever find my way out of here it to blend in and become a cooperative person. I will do what they ask and hope that the reward will lead me out of this place eventually.

  The room fills with odd chanting that is almost animal like. I relate the human hairy figures in the room to this type of breed.

  I am sure that they must have some history of caveman relatives. I am thinking it through, woods people, hairy individuals. I believe that this must be some sort of relation to a Bigfoot or Sasquatch. In Missouri the legend was always called MoMo. The grandparents of my generation had always told the stories of running from the woods after seeing such a creature. I had heard of sightings in the area multiple times and always chalk it up to the types of people that look for a story to make the news. After all, most of the sightings never panned out to really becoming anything other than a tale.

  There is a photo, a sighting, a story, and then nothing because there is never any proof. It is almost


  like the Bigfoot disappears instantly.

  This makes sense to me now, as to how this could happen. If what I am seeing is proof that they exist. The underground homes they have made for themselves has provided a quick escape from any hunter or individual looking for a news story.

  The room is now full. The smell is real. The warmth from the body heat all around me is real. There is really no attention being paid to myself or the others that were unvined and brought to this area. We just sit on these stumps waiting. A strong tall figure stands at the front of the room and begins speaking. Stem. He would like to welcome everyone to the gathering and is offering all a chance to get a good look at us. Pointing and speaking, it feels almost like an auction.

  Whispering and staring. I am feeling like I am about to be carried off to another unknown place. The room has become louder and a female takes a hold of the hand of another human man that is on a seat by me. He is walked off leaving just me and another man. Another group comes forward and takes the remaining male to the back of the room and they exit down the path. I am left alone with this group. There seems to be a disruption. They are arguing. Many are pointing and I am being touched and my hair was being sniffed to assure one that I was OK.

  The fighting continues until the head of the meeting yells loudly announcing that everyone should leave. This is a problem as there are many that are disputing his decision. Some large hairy ones escort others out of the room.

  I am left on the stump with only Stem standing in front of me. He looks at me continuously into my eyes. He sits on the ground in front of me and says to me that I will be safe and I will be going with him.

  I feel my eyes swell up with tears. I try to be as calm as possible and he can see that I am upset. I look back at him. Looking around at the dirt walls and tree stumps. I do not feel warm. I am once again feeling damp and cold here. I miss the comforts from my life like quilts and pillows. I miss clean clothes. I need sunshine on my face.

  He tells me that this will be my new home and that he does hope that I will find some comfort. He then goes on to tell me that he saved me from some of the other owners that wanted to take me to make me work for them. I believed him and was about to find out that he was waiting himself for a female for a very long time. I was that female.

  He said he saw something in my eyes and could not


  allow the others to take me away. He took my hand and we walked towards the entryway into the mulched path. We are not walking in the direction that I have originally come from before this gathering. The path was taking us more downhill than we had previously been on.

  We walked together for more than thirty minutes. The scenery changed and we entered a large general area filled with an underground pond and vines. There is a waterfall and small, very small hairy people playing. Are these children? There are cook stoves made of stone and a small fire.

re are females laying out strips of meat on wood tables. I am assuming this is what I was fed when I was taken to my original little cave. It was some sort of dried meat or jerky. That is what it reminded me of. There is also a large amount of meat on another table. I am sure they consume large amounts based on their sizes and I see no other types of food.

  There is the feel of family here and happiness. Everyone around me in this area is well versed and friendly. They are all working hard together to complete their daily chores. I just stare in confusion. I want to accept that this is real, but cannot.

  I feel like I will wake up any moment and would be at home again. Stem is still grasping my hand gently and is not aggressive at all.

  He has not put the vine back on my wrist and is allowing me to walk at my pace even though his stride is massive and he could easily make one step up to my 5.

  He is pleasant and gentle. Soft. He takes my arm and moves me to the front of him as we step into a doorway of beauty. This large area is filled with such an array of nature filled trinkets and other random items. I feel myself turning to look in every direction just to take it all in. It is pleasant and clean. I see his resting area and living quarters. A small fire pit area. There are many different types of wood and stick furnishings surrounding the perimeter of the room which is huge.

  Stem tells me softly not to be worried or frightened. He continues on by telling me that I will reside here with him as his worker and he will in turn for my services take care of my wellbeing. I do not really want to do this but I am strangely fascinated with him. He is actually very nice and seems to be good company so far.

  I am still confused as to what day it is. I have been in


  captivity for several days at the least. I can tell by the way my hair feels oily and my teeth feel unbrushed.

  Stem motions to follow him and we walk out and down the path to the common area. I am sitting in a corner area taking in the surroundings when a female comes up.

  She places a container of water on the table for me and pats my hand like an old grandmother would do. She looks middle age and content with what she is doing here. Stem takes what he would like from the tables and motions for me to take my new items and follow him. We walk back to the sleeping area without any talking.

  I am attempting to come up with some sort of name to actually call my new captors. I realize more and more that they must be a creature of the woods and the best that I can do is call them a Bigfoot. Do they know they are a mythical creature of the forest that people have talked about for many years? I have never really been one to believe in such things, including conspiracy theories or ghosts.

  I had always wanted to believe and thought I may eventually stumble across some sort of proof that would intrigue me enough to search for more information. I would not have guessed that the type of

  proof my brain required to believe in such a thing would come along while taking a jog in the park. It did start making sense to me a little more.

  Last year there were other men and women missing in our area. There were also many missing over the past years in all areas of the United States. There was really never an explanation. Most people just figured it was due to abductions or the increase in human trafficking. I always had thought it was uncaptured scripted killers that just hid in our society. I must have been wrong. This may be the final clue in solving hundreds or thousands of missing person cases.

  Some missing people were found and others were not. Is this what had become of them? I had to find out more.

  I fell into a trap and if there were more traps in multiple areas, this underground haven I have landed myself in could possibly be very large. It could be miles and miles wide. There could be hundreds, if not thousands of Bigfoot here as well.

  I have discovered that there is an unlimited amount of food and water for everyone here. There are sleeping areas and intelligent beings living in a world that they have designed. The vision that I see for them is a very


  well organized army of the hairy ones that have rules and order. A very similar life to what humans have. Well almost. We have sunlight and fresh air. We also have money and hair removal products. I am shocked that I even just thought that due to the dark place that my thoughts are in right now. I have decided once again to cooperate and find a way home. I have no other solutions at this time.

  As I sit here I looked at my hands. I started cleaning out the dirt from my under my fingernails and I still had a chill. It is not really uncomfortable it is just not the type of warmth I am familiar with. I glance down at my feet and am sorry that I had ever complained about wearing old worn out socks or shoes. At this point, I would happily take whatever was given to me.

  Stem enters a small room and several minutes later he comes back out. He is very smooth and kind. He comes to the corner quickly to take a seat on a large bench. He asks my name. He asks if I am in need of food.

  I look at him and quietly say my name and that I would be happy to have some more food. I am still holding the items I was given and start drinking while he sits down. I also point to my feet and tell him that I would like a covering or a blanket.

  I needed something to warm my body. He sends out a whistle that some would say was close to being ear shattering and minutes later a hairy Bigfoot woman brings in a burlap bag and leaves it at my feet.


  Chapter Four

  Inside my sack is more dried meat. I have not determined what type it is. It must be beef or venison. It is dark and is so perfectly dried that it appears to have sparkle like crystals on it. I was hoping for some fabric to cover my feet and at this moment I have realized that everything is about food. I rip off a piece to eat quickly and grab the extra jug of water out of the sack to feel more refreshed. I notice there is a small fire burning across the room with some type of grate over it. A rusty tin can is sitting on top of it. To the right is a sleeping area and a few small dug out rooms with other items in them. I ask Stem if he could give me more information on who he is and where I am at. I really would like to know what type of plan to make. I am not sure why I am here. He only says I will know all of the answers I seek in due time.

  Closing my eyes, I try to listen to the noises down the pathways. There are no doors and I can hear a lot of talking and yelling. I cannot hear what the others out there are saying clearly enough to make out words.

  “Stem, I am not explaining myself very well. I need to know why I am here and who you are.” I sip on my water while I wait for an answer. He is busy making some sort of vine knot. Hopefully not the same type that had me restrained in the previous area I was in.


  He looks at me and says, “You are in our world now.

  We are the ones that are spoken of for many years by your people.” He continues to tell me that for the many years of his life that he and his large family had existed without harm. I understand when he tells me that he has never been caught or harmed by anyone.

  I had heard of a story many years ago when I was camping, a story of a large hairy man that broke limbs and ran through the woods. It sounded terrifying then and now it is really blowing my mind. I raise my eyebrows at him and say that I would like to help in any way that I can. I also asked that he assure me that I could leave and go home.

  At that moment Barka came into the room with another female and ask if they may take over the conversation. Stem complies and thanks them for visiting. “Emily, Stem has taken you in, to keep you safe. You have fallen into our world and for many decades human men and women have searched for us.”

  She continues to tell me, that they are a large group that expands in the earth, what we call the underground. They live in sections and it branches out for many miles under many areas. I have spent limited time above searching for food, supplies and sometimes just out of curiosity.

  It was not until about 20 years ago, that they had the gift of learning our language. A visitor from another area was brought dow
n to study and had offered to teach them how we communicate with each other through words. I notice that there is no slang. The English being used is primitive and straight to the point. Yet impressive.

  “We have no other way to discover and learn without you.” She continues to explain. “In our family we have thousands spread out. We raise children and work hard just as you do above the ground.”

  I was actually very interested in the information that she was giving. I felt like I had discovered something wonderful and would be famous the world over for what I could take back and tell. According to Barka the humans that have been captured all have jobs that they do here. Many are used to dig out additional tunnels and smooth walls. I notice the fine detail that is carved into every area that I can see. The human touch is obvious. Instructions must have been given over the years to them for furniture building, drying meats, learning English and grooming.


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