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Little Red Riding Omega

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by James Austen

  “Oh,” moaned Little Red, “what a great mouth you have.” The Wolf took his time, licking and sucking.

  “All the better to make you cum with," the Wolf finally said, and hardly were the words spoken when Little Red came, and the Wolf swallowed down every bit of Little Red Omega’s cum.

  Moving up to his knees on the bed, the Wolf pushed Little Red’s legs up and out of his way, exposing the opening he longed to love. Gently, he slid his fingers inside, loosening and widening it.

  Little Red’s head fell back against the pillow. “Please, now,” he whispered, aching to be filled by the Big Bad Wolf.

  The Wolf pushed against him, and then into Little Red.

  “Oh. What a perfect cock you have,” Little Red sighed.

  “The better to fuck you with,” the Wolf replied.

  And so he did, until Little Red came again with a loud cry. Only then did the Wolf allow himself to let loose, rocking against and into the omega’s ass until he, too, found his release, filling the omega with the heat of his orgasm.

  When the Wolf had appeased his appetite, he lay down again in the bed. “I believe that from now on I shall call you Little Red Riding Omega.”

  “Oh, you are a wicked beast,” Little Red Riding Omega said with a laugh.

  With that, the Wolf and Little Red both fell asleep and began to snore very loudly.

  Chapter 5: The Huntsman Joins In

  The Huntsman-Alpha was just passing the house, and thought to himself, How the old omega is snoring! It sounds like two men are in there! I must just see if he wants anything.

  He knew, of course, that he was probably fooling himself, for he remembered his conversation with Little Red and wanted to check on the omega.

  So he went into the room, and when he came to the bed, he saw that the Wolf was lying in it, curled up with Little Red Riding Omega.

  “Do I find you here, you old sinner!” said he. “I have long sought you!”

  The two of them awoke and glanced slyly at one another. And then Little Red held out his hand to the Huntsman, who joined them in the bed, although he was wary of the Wolf.

  “So you have already devoured my Little Red Omega,” said the Huntsman, pouting as Little Red untied his trousers while the Wolf playfully nipped along his neck. “I wanted him first.”

  “I did not know,” protested Little Red. “For if you had, then perhaps we would have done this sooner.”

  “But perhaps in that case, I would not have been a part of it,” mused the Wolf, and he kissed Red. “Yet then again, you were not of age until recently. So this is just as well.”

  “We shall make up for it,” the Huntsman promised as Little Red pulled out his sizeable cock. “For I so desperately want you to have your happily ever after.”

  “Our happily ever after,” the Wolf agreed, taking out his own cock. “How do you want to do this, our Little Red?”

  “I want to taste him first,” Little Red answered as he gave the Huntsman a strong tug on his rock-hard cock. “And then I want him in my ass while I taste you.” He licked up and down the Huntsman’s shaft, while the alpha shuddered in pleasure.

  “And we’ll see who tastes better?” the Huntsman asked.

  Little Red gave him a heated look. “I think you both together are the sweetest thing that could possibly ever be.” He took the Huntsman in his mouth and sucked and tugged while the Wolf stroked himself watching, readying himself for Little Red’s mouth.

  When the Huntsman came, the omega lapped up every drop of his cum. Heaving great big breaths, the Huntsman and the Wolf shared a look before positioning Little Red to take both of them, the thought of sharing Little Red making the Huntsman hard yet again.

  “No, Little Red,” said the Wolf.

  “You’re the sweetest thing we’ve ever had,” said the Huntsman, just before he pushed himself all the way to the hilt into Little Red’s entrance. The omega cried out in pleasure, for while the Wolf had had a large cock, the Huntsman’s cock was thicker and met even more resistance. With Little Red’s mouth open, the Wolf held himself at the ready, and the omega began sucking him off, too.

  And so they shared bodies in the most intimate of ways, while the Huntsman thrust into Little Red, pumping his hips in a rhythm that his other two lovers replicated. They sucked, and they fucked until they came, one after another, crying out each other’s names in ecstasy as the Huntsman filled up Little Red’s ass with hot white spurts while the Wolf did the same to Little Red’s mouth. The omega took all that and more. Gladly.

  They collapsed in a heap on the bed, curling and cuddling one another, not wanting the afterglow to leave. But now that they were together, nothing could ever part them.

  Then all three were delighted at the prospect of a life spent together.

  Chapter 6: His One and Only Wolf

  Thus it became their favorite game, to pretend like it was their first time all over again, and the grandomega, who was past his prime but not as ill as he pretended to be, delighted in seeing how much they all loved each other—and allowed them to use his cottage as often as need be while he visited with his friends at the pub, but not before helping the thruple prepare for their games.

  Once, for example, when Little Red Riding Omega was again taking cakes to the old grandomega, the Wolf spoke to him, and tried to entice him from the path. Little Red Riding Omega, however, was on his guard, and went straight forward on his way, and told his grandomega.

  “The Wolf said, ‘good morning’ to me, but with such a wicked look in his eyes, that if we had not been on the public road I am certain he would have eaten me up right there.”

  “Well,” said the grandomega with a snicker, “we will shut the door, that he may not come in.”

  Soon afterwards the Wolf knocked, and cried in a silly, high voice, “Open the door, Grandomega, I am Little Red Riding Omega, and am bringing you some cakes.”

  But they did not speak, or open the door, so the wicked Wolf stole twice or thrice round the house, and at last jumped on the roof, intending to wait until Little Red Riding Omega went home in the evening, and then to steal after him and devour him in the darkness.

  But the grandomega saw what was in his thoughts. In front of the house was a great stone trough, so he said to his grandson, “Take the pail, Little Red Riding Omega; I made some sausages yesterday, so carry the water in which I boiled them to the trough.”

  Little Red Riding Omega carried water until the great trough was quite full. Then the smell of the sausages reached the Wolf, and he sniffed and peeped down, and at last stretched out his neck so far that he could no longer keep his footing and began to slip, and slipped down from the roof straight into the great trough, and everyone laughed.

  The Huntsman-Alpha, supposedly merely passing by, overheard the hilarity and came to the trough. "What! are you here, you old rascal? I have been looking for you," exclaimed he. And then the three of them made their way inside while the grandomega went to the pub.

  And thus their romance was all light and laughter.

  Until the day Little Red Riding Omega discovered he was expecting a baby.

  Chapter 7: Little Red’s Expecting!

  The Wolf and the Huntsman were delighted to hear their omega’s news. For they were both looking forward to becoming parents and they couldn’t wait to see their little one.

  “I wonder if our baby will be a shifter like me,” wondered the Wolf.

  “Or big and strong like me?” wondered the Huntsman as well. Playfully, the Wolf tackled him, as they had both been debating who is the biggest and strongest out of all of them.

  “I just want our baby to be healthy,” Little Red Riding Omega said. “That’s all I care about.”

  The Wolf smoothed back Little Red Riding Omega’s hair. “Of course our baby will be healthy. And our child will have three fathers who will love and take care of them for their entire lives.”

  Whether it was because of the omega’s pregnancy hormones or because the Wolf had said
the sweetest words possible to a pregnant man—because face it, that was really sweet—Little Red started to cry.

  “You two are the best mates an omega could ever have,” Little Red sobbed.

  “Only because you’re the best omega ever,” the Huntsman promised, kissing away the tears on Little Red’s cheeks.

  “We waited for you for a long time,” the Wolf said as he started tugging at Little Red’s hoodie, to take it off, “and you brought us together. No one but you could have made us see how perfect we are for each other.”

  “Now,” said the Huntsman, “let’s make love in celebration.”

  And so they did, because there had never been a more joyous occasion.

  Even grandomega, upon hearing the news, was absolutely thrilled. “Well,” said he, looking at the bottle of wine he had been drinking directly from, “no more wine for your pregnancy. I’d heard tale that a healthy pregnancy meant less alcohol. And I want you to have the easiest pregnancy.”

  Little Red only laughed and shook his head, for he was nowhere near the drinker that grandomega was. “I’m so glad you’re happy, grandomega. Now, will you stop drinking as well?”

  But grandomega scoffed. “You’re the one who’s pregnant. Not me.” He took a big swig of wine from the bottle. “Now, let’s have you and your two lovers get set up in my house. I have an extra two rooms here, one where you and your Wolf and Huntsman can live, and another that can become a nursery for all the babies you will have!”

  And Little Red started crying once again, because he had never been so happy.

  Chapter 8: The Pregnancy

  The wolf and the huntsmen remained delighted by the thought that their omega was expecting, both sure that it was their soldiers that had done the deed, while inwardly deciding that if that were not, in fact the case, they would remedy it with his next pregnancy. For both sexy beasts thought nothing better than filling their omega with their knot and with their cum—except possibly filling each other as the other knotted their omega.

  Little Red’s mother was not as pleased, for she deemed herself far too young to be a grandmother and insisted Little Red leave her abode immediately. Little Red packed up his meager belongings, not at all cross with the woman, for she had never understood his love of not only one, but two men. He set out to see his grandomega for surely, he would welcome Red with open arms.

  Hal way down the road, the wolf, in his beast form, stalked over and licked Red’s hand. Red smiled at the sight of his big, sexy mate donning his fur and attempting comfort in the way of his beast.

  “Worry not, my alpha,” Red said. “For with your child in me, there is nothing that could diminish my joy.” For it was true. While none of them knew with certainty whose child he was carrying, Little Red felt the beast in him and was well pleased.

  “Mates,” The Huntsman joined them as Red and the Wolf rounded the final bend. “I have decided that both for our young and to allow us to appease our insatiable need for one another, it is best we share a cabin. I offer mine, though the Wolf may have other solutions to our dilemma.”

  The Wolf shifted into human form, ending by standing there wearing only the clothing he was born with and his erection, long, thick, and pointing directly at his omega—who immediately licked his lips. “We should discuss it together.”

  After the omega slated his desires, the three of them decided to settle down at the Huntsman’s cottage, as it was closest to both Little Red’s grandomega’s house and his mother’s, in hopes that she would see the error of her ways—as indeed she soon did and made amends.

  So it came that Little Red and the Wolf moved into their new home, and they set up the most adorable little nursery that you ever did set eyes upon. It was painted in greens, for Little Red wanted their child to be comfortable with however they wanted to be. The Huntsman made a crib. The Wolf made blankets and clothes for the child.

  And Little Red was able to focus on his unborn child, taking every care that he would have an easy, successful pregnancy. He went for walks in the woods. He ate the best food that the Huntsman and the Wolf brought him. And he was sure to get plenty of sleep—when the Wolf and the Huntsman weren’t wanting to make love to him, that is.

  Thus months went by and the three of them settled into their new home, Little Red visiting his grandomega often while both the Wolf and the Huntsman spent their days hunting. Their nights were spent together, the three of them sweaty and naked, their appetites not waning as Little Red’s nickname was changed to Big Red, thanks to his very robust belly. None of the three had ever been happier, nor did they think it was possible—at least, not until the day of the birth.

  Chapter 9: Little Red’s Delivery

  One day, Red was out in the woods, picking flowers to brighten his grandomega’s home. While he was thus occupied, a wasp came buzzing along, and, delighted at finding so many flowers without the trouble of searching for them, the wasp began to drink up their honey very voraciously.

  Little Red Riding Omega knew well the difference of a wasp and a bee—how lazy the one, and how industrious the other—yet, as they are all God's creatures, he wouldn't kill it, and only said, "Take as much honey as you like, poor wasp, only do not sting me.” The wasp buzzed louder, as if to thank him for his kindness, and, when he had sipped his fill, flew away.

  Presently, a little bird, who had been hopping about on a bough opposite, darted down on the basket, and pecked at one of the strawberries. “Eat as much as you like, pretty tom-tit,” said Little Red Riding Omega, "there will still be plenty left for grandomega and for me.” The tom-tit replied, “Tweet—tweet,” in his own eloquent language; and, after gobbling up at least three strawberries, flew away, and was soon out of sight.

  Little Red Riding Omega now thought it was time to go on; so, putting his wreath into his basket, he tripped along demurely enough till he came to a brook, where he saw an aged crone, almost bent double, seeking for something along the bank. “What are you looking for, good madame?” said the omega.

  “For watercresses, my pretty omega,” mumbled the poor old woman; “and a sorry trade it is, that does not earn me half enough bread to eat.”

  Little Red Riding Omega thought it very hard the poor old creature should work and be hungry too, so he drew from his pocket a large piece of bread taken from a loaf his mother had sent to their cottage as a gift, and said, "Sit down, Goody, and eat this, and I will gather your watercresses for you.”

  The old woman willingly accepted the offer, and sat down on a knoll, while Little Red Riding Omega set to work in good earnest and had presently filled his basket with watercresses. When his task was finished, the old crone rose up briskly, and, patting the little omega’s head, said, in quite a different voice, “Thank you, my pretty Little Red Riding Omega. And now, when you next see the Huntsman, pray give him my respects, and tell him there is game in the wind.”

  Little Red Riding Omega promised to do so and walked on; but presently he looked back to see how the old woman was getting along, but, look as sharp as he might, he could see no trace of her, nor of her watercresses. She seemed to have vanished clean out of sight. “It is very odd,” thought Little Red Riding Omega to himself, “for, even pregnant, surely I can walk faster than she.”

  Then he kept looking about for her and prying into all the bushes.

  At last, just as he was passing by a pool of stagnant water, so green that you would have taken it for grass, and have walked into it, as Little Red Riding Omega, who had never seen it before, though he had gone that same way often enough, had nearly done, he perceived his Huntsman-Alpha, clad in green from top to toe, standing on the bank, apparently watching the flight of some birds that were wheeling above his head.

  “Good morning, my beloved Huntsman-Alpha,” said Little Red Riding Omega; “the old watercress woman sends her service to you and says there is game in the wind.”

  The Huntsman-Alpha nodded assent, and bent his ear to the ground to listen, and then drew out an arrow tipped wi
th a green feather and strung his bow to hunt their dinner. “Thank you for the message. I will see you tonight,” he promised, dropping a kiss on the omega’s lips.

  But when Little Red Riding Omega reached his grandomega’s cottage, he was suddenly wracked with a great pain, for he had begun his labor.

  No one else was in the cottage. Little Red Riding Omega was too frightened to stay still, and, shutting the door, darted into the forest like a frightened hare, and ran till he was out of breath, when he dropped down quite exhausted under a tree.

  Here he discovered that he had mistaken the road and was lost.

  His next contraction left him sobbing, when, to his great relief, he espied his friend the watercress woman, at some distance; and, feeling sure he could soon overtake the aged dame before another contraction came, he again set off, calling out to her every now and then to stop.

  The old crone, however, seemed too deaf to hear; and it was not till they had reached the skirts of the forest that she turned around—when, to Little Red Riding Omega's surprise, he perceived a young and beautiful being in place of the decrepit creature he thought he was following.

  At that moment, though, the omega fell to his knees, overcome again by a wrenching labor pain.

  “Little Red Riding Omega,” said the fairy, for such she was, “your goodness of heart has saved you from a great danger. Had you not helped the poor old watercress woman, we would not have sent word to the Huntsman and the Wolf to come to you in your time.

  “Had you killed the wasp, or driven away the bird, I would not have been here to help you in your time of need. In future, no wild beast shall ever harm you, and the fairy folks will always be your friends.”

  So saying, the fairy aided in the baby’s birth. As Little Red Riding Omega suffered through contractions, his beloved mates, the Huntsman and the Wolf, appeared, having been called by the fairies of the wood to join Little Red Omega.


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