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Page 9

by Serena Valentine

  “Red light green light!” All the kids in the street yelled.

  “Well, Seraphina Medina?” Reeves lowered his tinted shades and winked at her.

  What was she, an idiot? “Red light green light."

  “All the kids are inside now.” Seraphina sat on the ground. It was incredible the surge of nostalgia that had swelled within her at first as she played the children's games. She was playing like she was ten years old again, and not only her. Daryl, Amanda, and all the adult lifers that were her age that had never outgrown the concept of play. Even the man she thought was the devil in disguise, the Paladin himself, laughed like a child as he ran around. It felt like being caught in a different world where grownups and children never grew up. There was no distinction between ten-year-old Rebecca or thirty-two and a quarter year old Chuck. Even the way they spoke, the parallel between adult and child blurred. Each time she was introduced to someone they would give their age along with their first name only.

  Seraphina had only lived in Hidden Secret, feeling like an outsider looking in. Never had she dreamed she would enter the play world that all its residents enjoyed. Before she knew it, all the years of being a grownup faded away and the nostalgia she felt turned into the everyday feeling of being a child again. She knew why children wanted to get up early and stayed up late. The games they played were phenomenal, some only worked with a hundred residents participating. And when she thought she'd finally seen it all, Reeves had one more surprise.

  “Kids have to go bed, but we can play tomorrow with them,” Reeves chuckled. “You see? I knew it. You liked playing too.” He winked.

  “I can’t believe I was playing all day,” Seraphina laughed. “I haven’t played like that in a long, long time. Never thought I would be doing that again. I mean, playing is for kids.”

  “Not here,” Reeves reminded her, "everyone plays."

  “Like I said . . . uh.” Seraphina remembered his rule about his name and scratched her head. “Most people don't play like kids. You don’t see people our age running around playing tag.”

  “You do here,” Reeves laughed. “What's wrong with playing?”

  “You are downright bizarre. In a good way.” Seraphina added quickly. “I didn’t get to lay on my butt all day, but then again, there wasn’t a rigorous workout.”

  “Actually, playing is very hard,” Reeves disagreed. “Did you think about all the things you did while you played? You spent much more power in your play than you ever did in your pushups.” He stood up straight and crossed his arms. “There will come a day when all forms of exercise will seem great but playing will always be the greatest.”

  Where was this guy from? Seraphina stared at him, not knowing what to make of him. He wasn’t the dictator or tyrant she had first pegged him for. He was just odd. “Well, what are we supposed to do for the hour? I have to keep moving until seven.”

  “The kids are in bed, not the adults.” Reeves stood up. "Up for a run?" Seraphina took him by the hand and jogged the usual path until he stopped. "Turn right instead of left." Seraphina did as he said, and only one block down she saw the most extraordinary place she had ever seen.

  A playground for adults.

  Reeves jumped up on the swings next to him. Higher than children swings and the material holding everything together wasn't mere aluminum. The swing height was twice as high as any swings she'd probably ever seen outside of the secret sectors. "Jump on, Seraphina Medina."

  Seraphina cautiously went to the swings and sat down. “You have to jump three feet to get to the merry go round, and the circumference is the size of a living room. The slide is as large as the ferris wheel on the other side of sector. It’s crazy.”

  "Slides won't get you as much exercise going down, but climbing up is hard enough to count," Reeves interrupted her thoughts. She had a ton of fire in her, but he saw a spark in her that day. Someone who would risk everything to save a child, he knew it had to be in there somewhere. He was glad to see she wasn’t opposed to playing like Timothy. She took it over the exercise easily, and she even had fun. It was in her face, lit up. Happiness looked good on her. Happiness felt good from her.

  He watched her moving to and fro on the swing. He doubted after the training she would play like that as much. He didn’t. Retraining pulled him away to other things too but that’s what he wanted. Someone who didn’t need to play but could play. Someone who had broader ideas of life than sitting on some swings. Yet, still could enjoy those swings. I was right. At that first glance. “Are you Timothy’s girlfriend?” He had to know. His training was already starting to have an effect on her.

  “Sort of but I don’t know,” she said. “Why?”

  “You went out with him and you kissed him,” Reeves pointed out. “That’s a girlfriend.”

  “I kissed him and went out with him before I left for Calibri for two months,” Seraphina said staring up at the top of the sector. “I’ve just been friends now. He pushes for more. Sometimes I get nudged, but I don’t know right now.”

  Then it’s what he thought, she wasn’t with Timothy. She was feeling things out. “That’s good. If you kiss him, I don’t know if that would be enough to hurt you from what he ingested.” He noticed her smirk. “What?”

  “A kiss is not going to kill me,” she said. “Are you trying to keep me away from Timothy?”

  “Yes.” He’d be honest. “When you aren’t so angry, you’ve got a sweetness to you that even I can’t resist.”

  She didn’t seem to know how to take that. She moved her arms along the inside chains of the swing. "Don’t do that.”


  “That.” Then, she made his world even brighter with her next words. “I can feel what you want.” She looked away.

  “You have hypersensitivity.” She could feel what others felt. “I knew it. I do too. It must be part of the condition.” Well, there was no hiding it now. “You don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “You’ve been stringing me along because you like me.” She read him right back. “Well, not all hero all the time, are you?”

  Yep. They could feel each other out now. “Everyone has a little villain I suppose.” He admitted his selfish ways.

  “I see. No one is perfect all the time,” she slowly agreed. “I was almost killed this morning. You also left me in a wet T-shirt.” Still, she couldn’t hide it. She was blushing. “Quit. I’m supposed to hate you.”

  “You don’t have to.” He started to twist his swing more toward her. “You’re a pretty girl.” No, he could do better. “Gorgeous? No, too extreme. Beautiful.” He held up his finger, trying to figure it out. “You’re beautiful, but when you are wet, you are gorgeous.”

  The redness in her face inflated with those words. “I don’t know whether I should feel like that’s a compliment or I should knock you out for that. You are a complicated person.”

  “Am I?” That wasn’t a good thing. No, yes, he could feel that was a good thing. Maybe. “Your aggression is tough, but I think doable. Understandable.” He was never a happy person when he was on the pills. “We both understand the same pain more than we can ever say.” She nodded. “Your body is nice too.” Nope, a misstep. “A good combination all the way around. I’m not good at the talking part, am I?”

  She just laughed at him. “Don’t try so hard.” She glanced away.

  Oh, her hypersensitivity was spot on. “I’m sorry. I was focused on being able to have anyone.” He looked straight at her. “You’ve made it very hard to care, Seraphina Medina, but your kind spirit. I knew it was buried in there, and I thought this was how I should get it out.” His eyes didn’t leave hers. “It’s been there the whole time, I was just too busy looking on the surface.” Words were just in the way between them. They could both feel each other so well. He reached out to hold her hand. She stared at their hands, then glanced toward him.

  “Is there some unwritten rule that I’m supposed to kiss the retrained guys around here?” she teased him. Yet, it
didn’t reach. They both felt it and it wouldn’t go away. “There are things about me that you don’t know,” Seraphina warned him. “You won’t like.”

  He already felt that. He also knew she wouldn’t reveal it yet. Everything was a process, and she could follow that process while he followed something else. Taking the initiative, he leaned in to kiss her lips. It was close mouthed, a pucker he’d practiced before for several years.

  Which was nothing compared to her move. She opened her mouth, moved it to the left side of his while he fidgeted on moving to the right side against her mouth. The action made his body tingle, good vibes moving in and out of it with the taste of her.

  It was a heck of a first kiss.

  She was first to let go, which is not what he wanted. He stared at her longingly, hoping she’d come back on her own. “More?”

  His words. They just made her laugh again. He wasn’t going to be a wordsmith of romance, but his awkwardness hadn’t turned her away. “Want to go slide on the slide with me?"

  “Yes.” But not the one she was thinking about. He stole another kiss, feeling her more than ever. He could feel so much at that time. She wanted to resist, but she couldn’t. He could feel her anger at not being able to stop but her lust driving her forward. Their lust.

  As they continued to make out, they both fell off the swings to the ground, consumed by their hypersensitivity. Their lust. Their days of never having anyone, and now, each other.

  Seraphina was the most scared of the two, unused to the power felt between them. She knew where they were leading as Reeves had his whole body entangled with hers. Any willpower to say no, knowing that this was wrong, was weak. The best she could do was stop kissing and say, “Someone might see.”

  The way his eyes burned right back at her. He licked his lips gently. “Seraphina Medina. I, I can’t go down the slide with you.” His open mouth breathed back into hers. “I want you to enjoy the slide.”

  Enjoy the slide? His hands found their way up her blouse, only undoing a couple of buttons at the bottom. He was stroking her, touching her just right. She didn’t want him to stop, but then his words made sense as he started to unzip her pants.

  At first, she moved back, uncertain. He was from Hidden Secret, no experience at all, what was he doing? Yet as he backed away a little and continued to kiss her and to ease her worries again, she felt him making the same move.

  “No one’s out this late, but, precaution.” He grinded his teeth lightly as he started to move against her, his mouth now kissing her neck as he began his ministrations. He wasn’t doing anything with his pants, he was only on top of her, sheltering her from view if anyone saw them. Her breath was quick and rapid. How did he know this? “How? How do you even?”

  Reeves didn’t answer at first as he continued to pleasure her. She could feel him growing so tight above her. How could this be the man that earlier she was ready to hate for the rest of her life? Their passion of hatred, in that short time, had turned into a passion of love. One neither could explain.

  She felt almost useless but so willing as Reeves unbuttoned the very top of her blouse. Not far at all, nothing that would expose her. His strong hands nudged her bra outward. Almost like a man just wanting to see down her bra, to take a peek. He didn’t though. Instead, she gasped as she felt his tongue. Refusing to expose her or her breast, but still making her go mad with desire as his tongue touched parts of her unseen. “Reeves. How?”

  This time, he answered as he continued to kiss around a neck. “Living in a sector where love is not allowed. A man won’t seek someone outside for random relations selfishly. A Secret sector man wants one.” He stopped and looked her straight in the eyes. “He’ll show that one everything he has to offer, to make her the one for good.”

  As he went back to touching her breasts through her bra, his breath against his neck, and his hands moving against her, his words clicked. The one. If she ever got with Reeves, this wouldn’t be a one-time thing.

  She wanted to stop, understanding the seriousness of his words, but his sensual touch had driven her to a level she wasn’t ready for. Her body froze, almost struggling to take the ecstasy coming at her.

  After her release, he buttoned her back up. He was so tight, his pants must have been hurting. He wouldn’t take her out there in the open view, but he made sure she felt satisfied.

  Hidden Secret men were going to be the death of her. Seraphina Medina felt him almost fall against her. She wanted to feel his tremendous power so much more. So much closer. Yet, his words were a warning to her, one she couldn’t ignore.

  “Seraphina. I have to go home,” he insisted. “It’s time for you to get some rest. I’ll drop you off at your place.” She felt his strong grip lift her into his arms, like she weighed nothing.

  She didn’t make a sound as he did as he promised. He dropped her off at home. Satisfied yet unsatisfied.

  “Don’t say anything,” he said to her before her left. “Give it time. Okay? Tomorrow, just like always.” His eyes stared at her mouth. “Until you give the word.”

  “Okay, Reeves.” Reeves wouldn’t be like Timothy. If I give in, he wants forever. The danger of the Secret man. One time meant a lifetime. Watch your step with him, Seraphina Medina.

  Until she got a better grip on herself, she couldn’t risk anymore with Reeves. She didn’t want to risk breaking his tender heart.

  Chapter 12

  She should be a lot faster, Reeves thought to himself as he watched Seraphina running after Simps in a game of tag. Then again, he had trained with the Sergeant twenty-four seven of strenuous exercise. It might take longer than two weeks for her, but it still would not be bad. There was no reason to doubt he would win.

  “Hello Seraphina,” Timothy walked over to Seraphina as she played.

  “Hi Timothy,” Seraphina smiled. “Want to play too?”

  “No, no. I thought you should know I wanted to call your sister to ask about something,” Timothy sighed, “and my phone went out. It doesn’t always work well.”

  “I remember. You need to update it along with your services," Seraphina chuckled. “What were you calling my sister about? That just makes her worry. She’ll probably check up on me.” Reeves watched her expression switch from playful to panic in a matter of seconds. “Sis is going to come check up on me?”

  Timothy handed her a cane. “Here you go, I thought ahead.”

  “Thanks, Timothy.” Seraphina leaned against her cane.

  “What is going on?” Reeves came over when he saw Seraphina leaning on her cane. What was Timmers up to? “Seraphina Medina?”

  “My sister will visit,” Seraphina insisted. “I need to have my cane and slow down long enough for a visit.”

  “You can’t,” Reeves shook his head, sister or not, he couldn't let this fly. “You need to tell her the truth.”

  “Don't worry about me, Coach.” Seraphina twirled her cane. “I’ve got enough adrenaline going to do this.”

  “Yes, but you know me,” Timothy added. “It takes time to walk way over here to tell you. She will probably be here fairly soon.”

  “Seraphina Medina!” A woman with short dark curls started to run over. She had brown eyes and wore a broad smile. Her physical, facial expression seemed to match Seraphina’s.

  “Like now,” Timothy smiled at Seraphina. “Care to say hello?”

  “Timothy, I can’t stay still for a whole-Sis!” The stranger came over to hug Seraphina. “How are you? Are you staying long?”

  “Not real long, wanted to stop by and see you.” Her apparent sister smiled. “I got a call from your boytoy, but it got cut off and I tried to call back, but there was no answer.” She laughed. “I had to check on you, make sure everything was okay. Here, I brought you something too.” She handed Seraphina a box with a piece of fudge on top. “Your favorite kind of fudge. I was going to bring it next time I visited anyway.”

  Reeves looked at the fudge. Death in a box, she couldn't have that. He watched
as Timothy quickly ate the fudge on top and chewed all of it at once. At least he stood up to help her out.

  “Timothy,” Seraphina’s sister said, “boyfriends sometimes.” She sighed and opened the box. “Here, Seraphina.”

  “She can’t have that,” Reeves stood beside her. Not boyfriend, Seraphina said that already. Timothy must have been keeping in contact with her sister.

  “I can’t, I’m full.” Seraphina rubbed her belly. “Right, Timothy?”

  “Huge, all you can eat buffet, she couldn’t eat one more thing.” Timothy lied for her. “I’m sure she’ll eat later, thanks.”

  “Yeah.” Reeves patted Seraphina on the back gently. “Don’t forget, you need to keep moving.” Timothy hit his head, and Seraphina looked awkwardly back at her sister.

  “Keep moving?” Seraphina’s sister looked at Reeves suspiciously. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Reeves.” He smiled and held out his hand “You are Miss Medina?” He had no idea what her last name was, Seraphina had only talked about her in her daydreams.

  “He’s just an acquaintance, not even a friend, Tracy.” Seraphina reasoned fast as she saw her sister’s expression. “Thanks for the fudge.”

  “But you can’t eat that,” Simps piped up from the back. “You need to keep running, Seraphina.”

  Reeves pushed Seraphina up slightly. Good ol' Simps made pushing easier. “Try talking while hopping on one leg maybe?”

  Seraphina closed her eyes. “Tracy.”

  “Seraphina . . . ” Tracy practically growled. “You are not taking your pills, are you? You are insane!” She took back the fudge and dropped it on the ground. “Do you have a death wish?” She glared angrily at Reeves. Family trait, same death stare.

  “Tracy.” Seraphina looked over at Timothy for support, of course.

  “She is being closely monitored by experts,” Timothy insisted. “Something happened with her medication, and it had not been strong enough. While the doctors figure it out, she has to stay off.”


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