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My One, My Only, My StepBrother

Page 2

by Terri Brooks

  We don’t get a break in life. We spend our childhood and teen years in school, and adult years working. Sheesh!

  Since prom night Jake hasn’t been himself.

  It’s like he lost his voice, says what he has too and leaves it as that.

  He was silent that night on the car ride home. I thought it would of past by now.

  I thought it was awkwardness from our shared kiss that night.

  I just want to scream at him to -Get over it already- I am to nervous to bring it up first.

  Our relationship would be forbidden by others breaking all the rules. I can give a two shit less about what people think.

  I honestly don’t think our parents would care. I think as long as we are happy they would be happy for us.

  As for others, I never cared what others thought of me, neither did Jake.

  Jakes temper worsen over the years. I haven’t seen him with another female since my tenth grade prom night when we kissed.

  I still haven’t seen him with any females since we kissed. Hopefully I ruined him for all other females.

  I remember what he whispered in my ear that evening clear as day, as if he said it to me yesterday.

  He still knows me better than anyone. Even though he barely talks to me like he used to it doesn’t stop me from constantly talking his ears off.

  I’ve gotten used to his short replies.

  Since our parents gifted him the gym, he is always buying me little gifts, or leaving money on my dresser.

  He continuously watches me. It feels like he watches my every move when ever were in the same room together.

  We still hold hands whenever we go somewhere. Not all things changed.

  I’m not sure if he does it because he needs to or out of habit.

  It’s like his body language is still the same, but his voice disappeared.

  I feel him before I see him. When his cologne hits my nostrils I turn to the right and there he is, standing a few feet away.

  Even though he has changed, I can’t help but smile everytime I see him.

  “Congratulations, Holly Bear.” This is the first time I’ve caught a true smile on his face in such a long time.

  “Your a sight for sore eyes.” He shakes his head and spreads his arms widely to the side.

  This right here is what confuses me. His actions tell me he is full of love. But, his silence over the years has confused me.

  I don’t hesitate to run into his arms. I’d never pass up a chance to be in his arms.

  Jake is my weakness.

  Burying my face in his chest, deeply inhaling his cologne, hugging him tight. The whole world disappears when I am in the comfort of his arms.

  We tear apart when mom clears her throat. I look up at our parents, feeling a little nervous until I see a smirk on each of their faces.

  Jake takes a hold of my hand and we all head toward the car.

  “I’m taking you to out to eat.” Gosh, so full of demands. I actually have plans tonight.

  Layla and Dave invited me over their house tonight. They are throwing a graduation party and invited me.

  I restrict myself from telling Jake about the party.

  His protective side will come out. It will feel like I am on trial when he starts questioning me.

  His jealousy never simmered.

  And I still love it.

  “What time?” It’s better this way, not telling him will save me from answering ninety nine questions.

  I’ll just play it cool. Act curious instead of mentioning my plans.

  I am an adult, single, wild and free and I plan on having fun tonight.

  He uses his free hand to adjust his tie. “After we get home in you change out your cap and gown.”

  Something on the top of his hand catches my eye when he adjusted his tie.

  I grab his hand to look.

  I’m floored by what I see.

  “When?” I’m not one to be rattled speechless. He has gotten many tattoos once he gotten his first one. He just kept getting one after another when one would heal.

  And damn they are the hottest thing ever!

  This though, is now my favorite. He got it in plain sight.

  He has a HOLLY plant tattooed on the top of his left hand with my name above it.

  “Yesterday, I went out with a few of the guys from the gym.”

  “Was you drunk?” That thought makes me want to laugh. I had to ask it. I hope he wasn’t. If he was drunk it would take the meaning of it away.

  He laughs, he doesn’t hold it in. “No,Holly Bear I wasn’t drunk!”

  “Why did you get my name tattooed on you, something that is for life? The past two years you’ve barely spoken to me. I can’t believe you did it. You’ve been sending me mixed signals over these last couple of years.” The only place that is free is his back. I lift his hand to my mouth and softly kiss the tattoo.

  “I meant what I said, your mine. I got it on my left hand because it is straight to the heart. My heart beats for you, only you, Holly. I love you. That isn’t something that fades.” This is the most he’s said to me in two years since he moved out and got his own place a year ago.

  To think he was pushing me away causing a sadness in my chest for nothing because the whole time he was silently loving me. Loving me in secret, waiting for me to turn eighteen.

  I tell him the one thing I feel. “I love you infinity, Jake.” Not caring that our parents are in the front seats.

  “And I...” before he can finish, I take a hold of his head with both my hands and kiss him.

  I kiss him with all the feeling I have been holding in. I let them all out in this kiss.

  Pouring all of these pent up feelings into this kiss, years of holding it all in, comes out in this kiss.

  Pulling him closer, rubbing my hands through his hair and down his back, and back up.

  We pull apart only for him to bite my lip and trace my lips with his tongue.

  I capture his tongue in my mouth and suck it tenderly. He grips the side of my hip and squeezes it tightly. I suck his tongue a little harder, scratching my nails down his back.

  A low growl escapes him. I let go of his tongue, both our breathing is shaky.

  He pulls me closer, this time we kiss tenderly, devouring each others mouths. I can’t stop myself from loving this man no matter how forbidden it is.

  We got so lost in each other, we don’t feel the car come to a stop. It isn’t until we hear a door shut and another door open before we finally pull apart.

  Realizing we got busted.

  I allow no room for regret. I refuse to regret Jake.

  He must feel the same way. He reaches over me unbuckling my seat belt. I love how he shelters me. Caters to my every need.

  All attention is on us. Both parents are gazing at us.

  I crack up laughing.

  I have always been the golden child. Always cooped up, doing the right thing.

  I’m tired of being the golden child.

  I love our family and hope it doesn’t cause problems with us.

  But Jake is my future. We’re not blood. Only siblings by marriage.

  The hell with it, no one is stopping me.

  Chapter 4


  “It’s not funny, Holly. Stop laughing.” Daniel says strongly. He doesn’t look happy.

  Mom has a look of amazement crossing her features.

  I don’t like the tone of voice dad used with Holly. I know this is his little girl, but Holly is mine to protect.

  He needs to find a way to calm himself, Holly isn’t a little girl anymore.

  I’ve waited long enough!

  They had to know something was bound to happen between us.

  Over the years I’ve always loved her, and have always showed it.

  Holly stops laughing, I can tell by the look on her face she isn’t happy.

  Holly is spoiled by both of our parents. When she gets into her attitudes, she always gets what sh
e wants. Hopefully dad gives in this time.

  “Let’s all go inside and talk about this. I don’t want us causing a scene outside.” Mom says solidly leaving no room to argue.

  Dad shifts away from the car and rapidly walks into the house. He’s definitely pissed the fuck off.

  “Try to keep your cool guys. All of you have such terrible tempers and I don’t want this blowing up to bad. Even if you disagree, keep it respectful. I think we can talk this out, like adults... He may need some time to let this all settle. No matter what we are family, and family always sticks together.” her eyes darting back in forth between Holly and I.

  I pull her into a hug and Holly joins in.

  “I love you, momma.” Holly tells her.

  I speak low into her ear promising to try and control my anger and to keep it respectful.

  Dad is pacing the floor, he only does that when he is irated or pissed.

  Dad takes his pointer and middle finger and massages the spot between his eyebrows, closing his eyes, he says. “What the hell is wrong with y’all this is incest?”

  Is he fucking crazy? We are step siblings, not siblings by blood.

  Holly throws her purse on the couch out of anger, looks straight at dad and says. “We are not dad. Yes, we were raised together, that doesn’t make us incest. We do not have the same blood running through our veins. We can’t help the fact we fell in love with each other. I don’t want this to cause problems in our family, but I am completely and utterly in love with Holly. There is no more denying it. We couldn’t have stopped it even if we wanted too.”

  Mom walks over to Holly, and rubs her back in a comforting motion.

  “This is absurd. I won’t allow it. People will talk, they will judge the two of you. This just simply can’t continue.” Dad’s voice is hard.

  This is pissing me the hell off now. “Daniel, you or nobody else will stop me from loving your daughter. I have loved Holly since I was a little boy. Too young to even understand what it meant. That love has grown over the years. Fuck what people think. They can stick a dick in their ear, and fuck what they think. The only people who matters and who has always mattered to me is Holly. I refuse to allow anyone’s opinions to stop me from loving her.” I am not backing down. Fuck that.

  A flash of hurt crosses Daniels features.

  Mom walks over to him and wraps her arms around his waist. It seems to relax him a little.

  “Okay, let’s calm down for a few seconds, take a much needed breather.” Mom is the kindest out of us all. She has always been the more sensitive one in our family.

  Daniel looks down at her and asks, “Your okay with this?” Mom nods her head up and down.

  “Oh, so I’m Daniel now?” I can hear the pain in his voice. I didn’t want it to come to this.

  “If I have to pick, it will be her, it will always be her, dad. I don’t want our family to break apart because Holly and I fell in love. If it does then so be it. But It will always be her I choose.” I can feel the anger slowly leaving. This is her father, and it is all new to him.

  Holly comes over to my side and lays her head on my shoulders.

  “Then don’t let it son. You will always be my son. She is my daughter. I know you will always love her. It’s not that I don’t think your good enough for her. Because you are. I know you will love and protect her. I’m not divorcing your mother. I don’t believe in divorces.” Rubbing his hand through his hair, he continues.

  “If the two of you are serious, then I would rather it be you, then someone I don’t trust loving my daughter. At least with you I know she is loved and you will protect her with your life.” I look down at Holly and reply back to Daniel.

  “I don’t believe in divorces either. I would give my life for hers. You have nothing to worry about.”

  She places her hand on my cheek, gently moving her thumb back in forth.

  “I’m so in love with you, Jake.” I know she is. That’s one thing I will never doubt. I am certain she loves me, it shines in her turquoise blue eyes everytime she looks at me.

  “We raised the two of you the best we could. Your both over age. It’s time to let go of your hands and let the two of you bloom like the flowers you are. A relationship is hard work. I won’t have you two breaking up, hating each other and destroying our family. You are so young and will definitely have problems. You will work through them. Work them out together. A relationship isn’t a one way street. Remember that. Don’t get to busy in life and forget each other. Always make time to show each other love. Never let each other go, no matter how hard times get. I may not be your real mother, Holly but your my daughter in every way that counts. I trust my son to take care of you.” Mom looks at me firmly. I know she’s not joking about this.

  I wouldn’t hurt Holly. I try to make light of this situation. “Enough with the sappy shit, group hug.” Everybody laughs.

  When Holly and I was younger and we had a disagreement our parents always made us hug it out. Our family has always been big on hugs.

  “I’m taking Holly to dinner, dad. To celebrate her graduation.” He nods, still looking unsure.

  I pull him close for a one on one manly hug. “I’m sorry. You will always be my father, I shouldn’t have called you by your name, when I haven’t done so since I was a young skinny turd. I love you, dad. Mom picked a good man when she picked you, I learned from the best. I will love her for my forever.” The corner of his eyes crinkle as I let him go.

  “I know you will son, christ Jake, I know ya will. I just have to adapt to this. I should of known. Y’all was always so close, walking hand and hand growing up. I should have known this shit was gonna happen. Y’all were too close. Usually step siblings fight” Shaking his head. “Not y’all though. You two were always so god damn close”

  I study his features he looks as if he is more relaxed now.

  “Keep it PG 13 in front of me and your mother.” A smile is dancing on his lips.

  I can respect that that.

  Chapter 5


  Jake takes me to the most elegant restaurant I’ve ever seen.

  I’ve never heard of this place.

  The food is so tasteful, I’m savoring every bite.

  The Fancy Emerald, doubtlessly has to become a regular.

  I told Jake about Dave and Layla’s party.

  It is still early in the day, and I have plenty of time to get ready for the party. Jake is coming with me to the party. After we eat, I’ll have to go back to our parents house to get a couple of outfits.

  Since I am staying with Jake tonight, I’m just going to get ready over his house.

  “Your marrying me, Holly. Let’s escape to vegas.” I almost choke on my champagne.

  If he thinks he can demand that and I will bow down and agree, he has another thing coming. He’s gonna ask me the right way.

  “I will but... you will propose to me the right way.” This time I’m demanding and I refuse to back down. I don’t care how demanding he is, or how much I love him, I want a real proposal.

  I’m not bending under no circumstances.

  He nods his head in agreement and ask, “How many kids do you want?” Whoa, there cowboy.

  This is an emotional topic for me. I’ve thought about it but there are some things that pushes the thought out of my mind as soon as it enters.

  This is Jake I’m talking to.

  The boy I grew up with.

  The man I plan to spend my forever with.

  Deciding to confide in him. My stepbrother is now my lover. He needs to know. “I’m scared to have children, Jake. My mom suffered from mental illness and committed suicide. What if I have children and do the same as she did? Your mom stepped up to the plate and did what my mother should have done. Instead my mother was selfish. She didn’t think of the ones she left behind. Her husband who would become a widower, and a single father. Or her daughter that would grow into a young woman who would need her mother. I don’t want t
hat to happen to me. Some women suffer postpartum depression after delivery. What if that happens to me?” I’m fighting back tears I feel trying to surface.

  He closes his eyes, and seconds later he is wrapping me in his muscular arms.

  Pulling me onto his lap. Softly rubbing my back up in down. “It will not happen to you. I’ll make sure of it. Your so full of life and love, You have so much love to give. I’ll always protect you, Holly, even if I have to protect you from yourself.” I bury my nose deeper into his neck, loving his smell and always finding comfort in it.

  “Holly” he whispers my name so low I hardly hear it.

  Positioning the tips of his fingers under my chin, guiding my face up to meet his.

  He kisses me and the world fades away.

  It is slow, soft and possessive all at once.

  This kiss seals the vow that he just made.

  He will always protect me.

  I run my fingers down his arms, loving the feel of his muscles.

  Pulling him closer until there is no space between us. Kissing him with everything I have.

  I feel his cock harden underneath me. I might be a virgin, but I’m not stupid. I took health class in school. Momma gave me the -bird in the bees- talk. I’ve also watched porn in the privacy of my own room out of curiosity.

  I rotate my body lifting myself up sitting fully on his lap.

  Oh, my goodness his cock is enormous. It is kind of scary when I think about it. His jeans are covering it. I can’t imagine the full size of it without his jeans covering it.

  I grind my hips in a circular motion rubbing my vagina over his pants covered cock.

  Goodness gracious, I can feel the heat building. I’m shocked he hasn’t pulled back yet. Right when things begin to heat up he always pulls back.

  I reach up wrapping my arms around his strong neck, holding on to his neck bracing myself.

  Tingles start to flood my body.

  Moaning into his mouth as we continue to push our tongues against each other.

  Suddenly his hands drift to my ass, gripping my ass cheeks toughly, helping me to grind him harder.

  He pulls away.

  Oh, hell no he CAN’T leave me like this.


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