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My One, My Only, My StepBrother

Page 4

by Terri Brooks

  I don’t have to make the decision. She rushes over to me jumping straight into my arms.

  Having her in my arms causes my heart to beat faster and feel stronger. Filling me with pure joy.

  I notice she is shaking lightly. I barely feel it. Feeling her tears soaking my neck.

  “Don’t cry, Holly. You know I can’t handle your tears, baby.” I’m not perfect. Even though I want to be for her. I am gonna fuck up occasionally.

  It’s a given.

  I just need her to love me equally as I do her and love me through all of my fuckups and never leave me. I just got her and leaving me isn’t an option.

  I’m a persistent son of a bitch I refuse to allow her to leave me.

  “What’s in the basement?” Her voice soft. She always was curious growing up, had to know any and everything. Somethings never change.

  “That’s for another time.” Running my fingers through her hair hoping she will drop this conversation.

  “Do you have your own private whore house in that basement? That’s where that girl came from, I mean you are the owner it would explain why she walked straight to you throwing her tits all in your face? Or was she one of your god damned exes you fucked?” Her body shaking in anger.

  All of the rage I felt watching her dance with her backside pressed against Killian doesn’t stop the hurt I’m feeling in my chest. She thinks I would cheat on her. A whore house... That’s funny. This isn’t the time for laughter so I hold that part in.

  Looking into her eyes hoping she believes me. “I would never cheat on you, get it though your thick ass skull. I’d move heaven and earth for you Holly Bear. I’m your fucking protector, you lover, not your enemy. I want to shield you, love you, worship and cherish you, not break your heart or hurt you in any kind of way. Noone comes before you. Trust in me baby, the way I trust in you. I’d lay my life on the line for you. Together we’ll ride out the storms that push their way into our life. We’ll ride them out, side by side, hand in hand.” Breaking up is never an option. She will never get rid of me. I’ve loved her since I was thirteen years old. I impatiently waited for her to turn eighteen, I be damned if she thinks I’m ever letting her go.

  I was scared to open my mouth too much over the years. I was scared I’d say something to soon and not be able to contain my feelings. I was scared they would pour out my mouth and I’d have no control in stopping it.

  I bring her lips up to meet mine. Kissing her aggressively hoping she isn’t to sore, because I am going to show her what her body does to me and that she’s the only one for me.

  Walking to the nearest bathroom, I shut and lock the door.

  Sitting her on the bathroom counter next to the sink, I pull her dress up. She doesn’t have any underwear.

  My body is fueling on rage.

  “You was dancing with him with no underwear on?” Looking at her in disbelief. She must want to get this mother fucker killed.

  “I wanted your attention, that girl had her breast in your face, Jake. I hated your attention on her. I did it to make you react and focus solely on me.” She kisses my lips.

  Wrapping her long dark blonde hair around my hand, pulling her head to the side.

  Kissing down her jawline. “You should know by now you always have my undivided attention. Even when your not near your all that fills up my head.” Sucking her neck making sure I brand her more, adding to the marks I made earlier, making sure every asshole knows she is mine.

  I pull myself free. Playing with her clit to get her nice and wet making sure she is ready for me.

  Once she is wet enough, I take ahold of my erection and slowly slide it into her.

  “This is mine, and only mine. Say it.” I don’t think I am going to last too long.

  “It’s yours Jake.” She says panting, not hesitating to give me what I want.

  After working her open, I flip her around bracing her hands on the counter.

  I slide back in. Sliding my hands up her thighs, I smack her ass. God she is so fucking tight.

  Spitting on her backside, I rub her rear in circles and pick up speed going deeper than I did the first time.

  “Do you feel what you do to me? Only you. I love you Holly, not them bitches.” Her screams filling the bathroom. Her screams zoning out the noise of the party.

  I am going to fuck her until she understands she is the only one I want. I don’t want them trashy hoes who throw themselves on anyone with a dick.

  Her walls are squeezing my shaft so damn tight, I won’t last too much longer. Reaching my hand between her lips playing with her most sensitive place, I rub it with an intense amount of pressure.

  Pushing in deeper, she tries to pull away. I stop thrusting and tease her for a few. “Jake, turn me around I want to touch you.” I give in to her. I’ve never been able to deny her.

  Sitting her back on the counter she wraps one leg around my waist, I put her other one on my shoulder.

  Stretching her and claiming her.

  Tormenting her with my hands and mouth the same way she tormented me by not trusting me, and dancing with a mother fucker to make me jealous.

  I grind her, trailing kisses up and down her flawless skin. When she starts to tremble I capture her mouth trying to catch her cries into my own mouth.

  I needed to be close to her. I need her too feel what she does to me. I need her to trust in me.

  My cock drains into her, filling her pussy up.

  She’s flushed, looking sexy as hell with the after look on her that I put there.

  Gently sliding her leg off my shoulder, I help her up, and slide her dress back down her waist.

  Jumping into my arms off the counter, holding both sides of my face she says. “I love you, Jake. I was jealous. I used to get jealous before, nothing like this. It’s all new to me. Your it for me. I shouldn’t have did that.” Pecking me on my lips. “I’m tired, can we go back to your place?”

  I carry her out. Leaving tonight behind us.

  Chapter 9


  I hope today turns out better than yesterday. So much took place yesterday. I couldn’t handle another day full of bull shit.

  I’ve never felt so furious like I did when I saw that bitch with her tits shoved up in Jake’s face.

  The terror I felt when Jake and Killian was fighting scared the living hell out of me.

  In all seriousness as long as I have known Jake which was most of my life. I have never seen him so livid. I have never even seen him fight, until yesterday.

  Overall it didn’t sit well with me. That’s something I never want to witness again.

  In spite of all the jealousy, I was so worried something would happen to Jake.

  Witnessing him getting hurt isn’t a situation I would grasp lightly.

  I live and I learn. I regret the way I handled the situation yesterday. I should of walked over to them and pulled that bitch away from him by her hair.

  In life I’ve learned I can not rewind time. Momma always told me to use my mistakes as a lesson. I definitely learned from this. I won’t act foolish like that anymore.

  I feel awful knowing I’m the reason Jake got into that fight in the first place.

  Shifting sideways, I notice Jake is wide awake. His eyes are glistening in the dark.

  “I love you jake, and I’m so sorry for dancing with Killian yesterday. I didn’t know it would have escalated the way it did, Or I wouldn’t have did it. I was so angry when I saw that chick bent over in front of you, I reacted out of anger. I didn’t want you to fight. That’s something I never want to happen again.” He takes his hand and reaches under my hair below my ear, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

  His eyes revealing more than words can.

  My lips part as we lean closer to each other until there isn’t any space between us.

  “I forgive you Holly Bear. Just don’t disrespect me like that again. You have to trust me. Shit is gonna happen. We work it out, ya hear me, not play chi
ldish ass games with each other. “ He is right. It was childish for me to do the shit I do to cause a reaction out of him. I need to realize Jake is mine now. We’re no longer loving each other quitely. Last night it was blasted loud in clear.

  After I shower in dress, I follow the smell of the food. Jake has cooked breakfast. Making my favorite. I give him a kiss and thank him, then dash over to the plate with the scrapple. Instead of getting a clean plate, I eat it right off the plate he served it on.

  “Move in with me Holly. So we can do this every morning.” I’ve loved Jake almost my whole life. When I’m not near him I feel miserable.

  When Jake moved out a year ago, I missed him so much. I even slept in his bed just to feel close to him. He stopped by every night after work. I just hated that we wasn’t under the same roof anymore. I missed waking up, arguing over the bathroom or him having my favorite cereal poured for me after rushing out of the bathroom.

  I missed him a great deal when he moved out. This question is a no brainer.

  Before the word YES completely leaves my mouth I am in his arms. My favorite place in the universe.

  “You have to tell mom and dad.” Rubbing his thick facial hair as I say it.

  “When your finished eating we’ll go over their house and get all of your stuff.” A part of me is so excited yet, a part feels kind of nervous. I’m starting a new chapter in life. It is a lot to take in at once.

  MOM AND DAD KNEW IT was going to happen. I think they handled it very well.

  Jake takes a turn that is going in a different direction of our house. “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Somewhere.” Ugh, I totally hate when he answers me with just one word.

  “You do know all of my stuff is in your trunk. Don’t you want to drop it off first?”

  “Naw, this is more important.” Now I’m curious. I remain quiet while he drives instead of pressuring him, not wanting to take the chance of distracting him while he is driving.

  I hear the turn signal clicking and notice we’re pulling into the parking garage at the courthouse.

  I am almost scared to ask why we are even here. I pray it has nothing to do with the fight him and Killian had last night.

  When he finds a parking spot, I wait for him to open my door. He has always did that. He had to pick that habit up off dad. Dad always opens the doors for momma.

  Jake opens my door and reaches around to unbuckle me, taking my hand and hauling me out of the car. Something is up with him. He seems too eager.

  I hear country music blaring, looking towards the sound I see our parents turning into a parking spot near ours.

  I am so damn confused right now. Unsure of what to think or do, I stand still as a statue holding Jake’s hand. As nosey as I am, I decide to stay quiet. With our parents here it must be bad. I really hope Killian didn’t file any charges on Jake.

  Why the hell would my parents be here? How the hell did I not notice them following us after we left the house with my belongings?

  My parents walk over and Jake drops to one knee.

  Is he seriously about to propose to me in a parking garage? This is my Jake. One of many reasons I fell in love with him. He is so unpredictable. Relief automatically floods my body.

  As in-fucking-sane as this is, My heart is beating happily in my chest.

  This will be a story to share with our children and grandchildren one day.

  “Holly, I’ve loved you basically all of my life. Your my one, your my only. I’ve never loved anyone. Only you. I’ve imagined this moment for as far back as I can remember. You’re all I see. Your the air I breathe. I can’t wait any longer, I don’t want to wait any longer. I’ve waited for you to turn eighteen and it was almost impossible. I want to make you mine in every possible way I can starting with making you my wife. Will you marry me? Here, today at this court house?” I can not love him anymore than I can in this moment.

  This man has done nothing but loved me. Even when he was loving me silently he showed me with his actions. As kids he always put me first. As adults he worries more about me than himself.

  Looking deeply into his eyes. “Yes, Jake, I’ll marry you.” I tackle him, kissing him deeply. He takes his thumbs and wipes away the tears that slipped down my face.

  Pulling back looking at me. “Why are you crying. Are you not happy?” I can hear the concern in his voice.

  “They are happy tears. I can’t believe you proposed to me in a parking garage.” I say in disbelief.

  “I’m an impatient man. I refuse to wait any longer. I’ve waited long enough.” He pulls me into a hug, I go willingly.

  I let go of him to hug our parents saving my dad for last. Looking at my dad I ask him if he is okay with this.

  He pulls me into a hug, “ I know he’ll protect you Holly. I know he will love you the way you should be loved. I’m not going to stand in the way of your happiness. If this is what you want I will stand by you. Regardless of how old you get Holly always know you always have a bed at home.” Squeezing each other tighter.

  The tears flow, I’m helpless to try and stop them. “I know you will never turn your back on me. I love you so much dad. Your the best father any girl could have. After mom left us, you worked so hard and took care of me on your own until you met Rose. I have never doubted your love. You will always be the number one man in my life. I loved you before anyone. You set high expectations. Jake is the only one who can full fill them. I believe it is because you had a hand in raising him. I’ll always be your little girl.” We’re both crying when I finish.

  Dad and I link arms as we walk into the courthouse for him to give away his only daughter.

  I CAN’T BELIEVE WE actually got married. It seems so unreal to me right now. The ceremony was fast. I’ve dreamed of Jake and I together for so long, now that it is finally happening, It just feels like I’m living in a dream.

  Looking at my ring, feeling so much love for the man next to me. “I love you Jake. For my forever I will love you.” I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart.

  I burst out laughing “ you really took me by surprise Jake, it just doesn’t seem real.” I say in between my laughter.

  “I love you, wife. You took me by surprise from the moment you walked into my life.” Placing his hand on my thigh giving it a little squeeze.

  I never did put my things away. I guess it’ll have wait until tomorrow. Our parents paid for a room for us tonight. We’ll be at the hotel all night and leave in the morning. I’ll ask Layla to come help me. I haven’t had the chance to unpack anything. Everything just happened so fast. Also it will give me a chance to catch my best friend up on everything.

  Chapter 10


  I couldn’t wait another minute to make Holly my wife. I wasn’t giving her time to change her mind.

  I’m a little nervous if she finds out about the fights she will run. Holly has always ran instead of facing her problems head on. I don’t want her to know that side of me.

  When I fought before and would visit her after work I always wore a hoodie to cover up the marks.

  I never give the fuckers a chance to hit my face.

  She never snitched on me growing up. When I got into trouble with my friends she always covered up for me.

  Even when I would sneak in late. I would tell her what I was doing. I didn’t want her to think any crazy shit. I’d text her, and she’d let me in after I would sneak out.

  I don’t want this to come in the middle of us.

  I want her to know she is all I need. I need her to know she is enough for me, and always will be.

  She has no reason to be jealous over other bitches. None of them bitches compare to her.

  The way I love Holly scares the fuck outta me sometimes. There is no me without her.

  The urge has gotten stronger. I knew as soon as she finished graduating she was gonna be mine. I’ve planned it for years.

  I can’t get enough of her. “Holly, let me love
you.” I say looking her into her eyes wanting her to see my need for her.

  Lifting her body she climbs on top of me. “I’m yours to love. But you have to wait until I worship you.” Her hands are all over me. My breath catches as my desire for her builds.

  I feel her lips and tongue everywhere.

  My chest.

  My arms.

  My neck.

  It’s hard giving her control. I want to flip her around and attack her with my lips.

  The need for her is so strong. Not sure of how long I can take this.

  My need for her is so damn strong. I pull her lips to mine thrusting my hips up.

  She pulls away too soon.

  Rotating her body, she pulls my shaft free.

  She goes down on me. Talk about surprises, she just surprised the shit out of me.

  She wraps her full lips around my cock and sucks me hard, I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling, until I can’t hold back.

  I pull back causing her to make a slurping sound. She looks back at me confused. “If you keep going, I’m gonna cum in your mouth.”

  “Go ahead, I am curious to how it taste.” I love being her first at everything. I don’t argue.

  While she is sucking and lick me, I do the same to her.

  Gripping her ass cheeks, I bury my face in her vagina. Dipping my tongue in and out of her whole.

  I’m not gonna last long, and I need her to cum with me.

  Dipping my finger into her juices I start massaging her ass while rapidly licking and nibbling on her clit.

  Her moans are vibrating my cock. Unable to hold back I drown her mouth in my cum. She licks me clean. Sucking off every last drop.

  Damn she is a wild thing.

  I get up and flip her over. My turn to torture her. “You surprised the fuck out of me.” Biting her nipple causing her to yell out in pain.

  “I need you jake, Fuck me.” I worship her with my hands, lips and tongue. Touching her like she is a fragile piece of glass that will shatter if touched too hard.

  Laying beside her, I pull her backside up against my front. Teasing her entrance with my length. Her body fits perfectly against mine.


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