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Dual Sword God Box Set

Page 66

by Shadows Finger

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Within a small yard was a garden of roses, resting at its center was building with its door open.

  If one looked beyond this door, they would see a vibrant scene of red; there were red curtains with patterns of roses, red carpets, and a large queen size bed with a white sheet. A beautiful red-haired woman could be seen resting on this bed, her hair scattered into a mess that flowed around her body covering most of the plain white sheet.

  She wore red underwear that was vaguely visible through a silk-like cloth that wrapped over her body below her hair, as beads of sweat trickled down her curves and falling on top of the fabric and the sheet making them stained with her scent.

  However, while this scene would enchant the sights of many who saw it, the scenario for this case was different. The beautiful woman would occasionally reveal a painful expression on her face making her seemed to be in pain rather than being at peace.

  Feng Junling who had arrived very quickly looked at the distressed form of his adorable baby sister with helplessness as he cursed, "Just what the hell is going on?!"

  As his roar echoed throughout the courtyard, the distressed Feng Xingyu soon after became strangely calm in her sleep. She murmured in a soft tone that trailed off into the wind, "I once saw..."

  Chapter 95


  A Hereditary Vision? Xingyu's First Awakening!

  Ionce saw a world, a place with three suns, ten moons, and a broad sky with an arrangement of stars. It was as vast as the universe itself as its horizons stretched seemingly into oblivion.

  I once saw mountains, mountains filled with different colors and strange runes that shimmered on their surfaces. They tore through the world's clouds as if ascending towards the limits of the heavens...

  I once saw seas, boundlessly broad, occupying a majority of the world's surface. These waters were strange, crystal-like clear and pure as the world's beginning...

  I once saw creatures, unique lifeforms, scale-like creatures that thrived in the sea and birds of no less than hundreds of miles in size that soared through the skies. I saw a few humongous furry-like mammoths who would stride the land in large steps, covering a vast distance for each movement...

  Powerful creatures whose abilities can give rise to storms and natural disasters...

  I once saw structures, made from unknown materials of a sleek, angular design floating above the earth as they rested on top of divine clouds...

  I once saw people, a fascinating kind who wore strange clothing that gave one a feeling of having been filled with endless divine might. These people were unique, as they went about their daily lives through different means, some meditating at the peak of various mountains, some chanting before the vast rivers while some soared to the skies and traversed the land doing battle with the creatures of different kinds...

  I once saw war... a truly dreadful kind. It shook the very core of this world leaving its inhabitants on the verge of decline as a dark race emerged threatening to end all kind...

  I once saw divine-like giants, lifeforms that were bigger than all species with bodies that towered high underneath this world’s skies. They were powerful with a strength that eclipsed the limits of all races. They battled with the darkness that threatened to destroy all kind, eventually, driving them back to the twilight where they hid once more, biding their time...

  I then saw these gigantic beings disappear as if their only purpose was to oppose those who threaten all kinds, fading away into the light that shrouds all times, as they also silently watched and waited for the arrival of these enemies whose only purpose is to destroy all things...

  How strange? Why is it that I feel so connected with this kind?

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Within the garden of roses, inside of Feng Xingyu's room.

  The figures of Feng Junling and Feng Yunlong were seen standing around the sleeping form of Feng Xingyu with worried looks on their faces; her body was continually sweating as her breathing continued at an irregular rhythm.

  It was as she was shedding an outer self to achieve a new level, as time passed her previous skin became even livelier, taking on a more vibrant skin tone. Her long red hair grew disordered as it danced around her form as if it had a life of its own, a few colorful strands were gleaming in a divine light that shrouded her body with a new presence.

  As she continued to change, the worried Feng Yunlong couldn't keep his mouth closed as he nervously asked, "What to do? What to do? This had never happened before, even in her childhood when she had those 'Berserk Phases' there was never something so strange. She has always been different from us, aging differently from us, showing signs of patterns not typical to us which can most likely be related to her mother who has long since vanished from us, but why, why have there never been signs of these current symptoms?"

  "Sigh, Yunlong... father left us with too little information and as for her mother... well she..." As Feng Junling replied, he was interrupted by a new change.

  Rumble! The space within the room shook, as a mighty power arose from the sleeping Feng Xingyu. This power was strange as if it was the very foundation of 'strength' itself. A force soon spread out from her entire being causing her body to rise into the air floating above her bed with hair dancing wildly.

  "What on earth?!" Both Feng Junling and Feng Yunlong exclaimed in shock, as the distant clan members and core officials looked towards the yard of roses in similar surprise.

  Within moments, this power spread out from the flying mansion towards the distant horizons and beyond...

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  As if they felt something strange, two beings looked towards their distant horizons.

  The shadow that lurked in the darkness spoke in surprise as it felt the new change, "How curious? I first felt the rise of a new being. Now, I feel awakening of a familiar presence from the old. Could the heir's rebirth be the cause of such entities being born in this era?"

  "Chuckle! No matter, even if you are both grown to your limits nothing will hinder the queen's r--- eh?" As the shadow laughed in a sinister manner, it began to speak in a tone filled with confidence. However, it was soon disturbed.

  Sniiiiifffff! The shadow that existed outside of reality took a deep whiff of the air as if it was surprised by a particular scent. After confirming its guesses, it spoke in a solemn tone, "Dragonic... aura... vague... but I am certain of it. How could I not sense this before? Why, or rather, who left a dragon here? Did they all not vanish years before that generations war?"

  The shadow thought for a moment before a cold light shone from its pure dark eyes as it spoke with an undisguised murderous intent, "These three can't pose a treat if acting alone, but if they were to join hands things would be different in the future. I cannot let my plans go to waste by three undeveloped disasters... but if I act directly, those who watch over these worlds will not only become vigilant of our kind but also hinder the heir's rise... it seems that I will have to make use of that bunch..."

  The darkness of the gorge soon after enveloping his figure as he vanished into nothingness once more...

  On top of a golden throne, on the vast continent that rested between a network of mountains in the sky. A giant entity sat silently as it watched the horizon as if seeking the edge of the world, behind it was a large golden palace with no guards on the outside or the inside with a large window at its main building whose glass that reflected the worlds brilliant golden light.

  A peerlessly beautiful woman sat on her throne with a look of puzzlement on her face as she spoke to the void, "I first smelled the scent of a 'dragon,' which was an odd fact, then came the rise of a new entity whose body shoulders two celestial forces evolving to become as one supreme being. Now, I sense the awakening of an ancient old race, one forgotten by many, one that was thought to be lost in time..."

  The woman seated on top of her golden throne frowned as she peered through the palace's window towards the distant horizon. Soon, her gaze moved from the horizon t
o the massive figure who remained seated outside with a lost look on its face.

  As the gigantic entity sat down quietly, it soon began to knit its brows as it felt something strange within the distance. Shortly, a piercing sound rang out as if something was syncing with its very being like two entities becoming one.

  Feeling this connection, the gigantic entity was shocked for a moment, shortly after, it lifted its head up high as it laughed with a sound filled with pure excitement, "Hahahahaha!"

  Its laugh shook the world and echoed beyond the vast horizon startling many of the creatures and living beings where they reside. After a good moment of laughter, this gigantic entity then zeroed in its vision towards this source of connection and spoke in an excited manner, "Kindred blood at last!"

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  At the summits of the sky, a mansion was currently flying in a state of disorder, as clusters of an unknown power would scatter from within causing the space around it ripple in confusion. After a few moments, the ripples receded to its source causing a trail of energies to flow towards a particular room within a yard of roses.


  The figure of a beautiful red-haired woman whose hair had a few multi-colored strands hovered above her bed as these energies rushed towards her form, soon after, covering her from sight.

  Within moments, a red covering formed around her body, which started to pulsate at a regular interval as if it was a beating heart.

  Ba-dump! Ba-Dump! Ba-dump!

  As this red covering pulsated, new ripples of energies would be born a new as the woman inside began to undergo even more drastic changes. It was as if the inside of this covering became another world with a boundlessly wide sky and a vast earth to no end.

  She hovered in the air with powerful energies flowing through her body causing her to glow in a divine light. Soon, her body started to grow at a rapid pace...

  It grew to 2 meters, 4 meters, 8 meters, 16 meters, 32 meters, 64 meters...

  Finally, upon reaching the massive height of 1000 meters, her body once more started to change.

  Piiiiii! A bright light shone upon her form, causing her to rapidly shrink becoming the standard size of a fully-grown woman once again. As if sensing her body's change, the red-haired woman abrupted opened her eyes causing a strange force to ripple throughout the enclosed world.

  Feng Xingyu looked towards the sky and earth with confusion as she spoke, "Where... where am I? Where are my brothers? Is this another dream? Wait! My body feels different somehow... as if all things are nothing more than a part of my hands and by simply reaching out..."

  As she said this, she reached her hand out towards the sky and made a gripping motion as if she intended to grasp the sky of the enclosed world.

  Buzz! Following a loud buzzing sound, the space around her palms began to distort as if it was a piece of paper in her hands causing the boundless sky above the earth to fall towards her palm like a piece of paper torn from the ceiling of a building.

  Almost instantly, this space was torn to pieces and destroyed.

  BANG! The red ball that hovered before the eyes of Feng Yunlong and Feng Junling abrupted burst to pieces revealing the new Feng Xingyu who continued to finish her previous statement, "I can destroy all things with the palm of my hands..."

  "Well!" Feng Yunlong and Feng Junling once more exclaimed with interest upon hearing her arrogant words.

  Feng Xingyu hearing their exclamations quickly awoke from her state of mind, her face filled with embarrassment as she ran before her brothers and spoke like a child, "Brothers look, I've changed!"

  She pointed to the back of her palms excitedly, as Feng Junling and Feng Yunlong saw the back of her palms they frowned as they didn't understand what they were seeing. A mark of a fist that looked no different from any other kind, except its strange fluctuations that were unnoticeable by those not of a specific 'line.'

  "Junling, do you know what this is?" Feng Yunlong as pensively.

  "Erm. I... I don't think I do; this is the first time I've come across such a unique marking maybe it’s a kind of bloodline trait?" Feng Junling replied in an uncertain tone.

  "Bloodline? Then wouldn't this mean that..." Feng Yunlong hearing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he spoke, but before he could finish Feng Junling interrupted.

  "Indeed so... it simply means that there was a lot more to Xingyu's mother than meets the eye and father was either compelled to keep her details a secret or simply wasn't aware." Feng Junling said, as his voice began to fade away with the winds that blew throughout the mansion at the summits of the sky, as if welcoming a new era.

  Chapter 96


  The Beauty Stranded at Deep Sea...!

  The sky here was of a deep blue, reaching out as far as one could see eventually merging with the similarly blue horizon. It was as if this place connected the sky with the land or rather, the sky with the ocean.

  A boundlessly wide sea that stretched to no end, a salty smell wafted through the air as the ocean breeze moved the currents creating waves that rippled towards a distant surface. If one looked towards the skyline from a distance, they would see a small dot that stood out within this realm of the endless waters.

  It was a very small piece of landmass that was no more than a few kilometers wide, with a few odd-looking spiritual palm trees on its surface and a sandy beach that surrounded all of its sides. The tall bushes grew to the size of full-grown men that added a kind of native wildness to this secluded piece of land.

  The intense light from the sun would pierce down from the heavens giving this region a kind of tropical vibrancy uncommon to the lands of the martial world. However, as beautiful as this land was, there was more to its appearance than meets the eye.

  Bang! Following the sound of a loud 'boom,' the form of a creature appeared from the bushes falling harshly onto the sandy beach ground. Its body was roughly 10 meters tall and 4 meters wide, a sizeable bear-like beast with a ferocious scar on the side of its cheek.

  As it fell into the sand a large dust cloud formed from its collision with the ground, a few moments later it cleared away revealing the creature with a large hole in its chest. A large pool of blood had formed on the sandy ground below its back as its eyes were dull and empty, losing all signs of life.

  Swish! The figure of a beauty with jade colored hair soon after appeared from the bushes standing on the sandy ground of the beach. She looked towards the corpse of the bear-like creature and turned up her nose with a frown on her face as she spoke, "Phew! This beast is certainly not friendly, neither in life nor death, how can it smell this bad?"

  She then covered her nose and started to walk towards the corpse of the beast, while inspecting her current amount of war points. As she walked, the symbol of a sun rising behind a mountain would show itself as her long jade colored hair would sway from side to side revealing the hidden crest on the back of her dark green qigong robes.

  "Now I have 5000 points! Slow, but at least I'm making progress... I wonder how the others are doing?" said Miren Fei as her gaze wandered off to the sky. Quickly though, she cleared her distracting thoughts and focused on the scene before her.

  "Hmm, with this corpse, I should be able to bait one of those sea creatures and brand it with father’s odd technique; Although I haven't used it much, I'm certain that it won't fail. I do not believe that I won't be able to leave this cursed island!" Miren Fei said with a determined look on her face, she quickly arrived before the corpse of the bear creature and began to wrap an unusual kind of rope around it.

  The fierce beast soon after becoming similar to spider’s prey that was wrapped to perfection, feeling pleased with her handiwork Miren Fei nodded as she dragged the corpse to sea by holding the end of the rope.

  After a short while, she stood at the seaside and started to spin the corpse around.


  A small cyclone soon formed around her body, causing the sand on this region of t
he beach to swirl around her body like a curtain. The wrapped bear revolved in the air at high speeds making its form become blurred.

  "Go!" Miren Fei yelled as she let go of the rope she used to twirl the bear causing it to soar towards the sky a few meters away from the small island.

  Splash! Soon, the bear fell into this deep ocean causing a small ripple within this vast sea, as it sunk to the bottom of its depths the blood within its body would seep through the waters spreading out for a few a meter’s distance.

  A strange mood soon after rising at the bottom of this once calm sea...

  The depths of the ocean was a dark place, different from its ever so glamorous surface with its brightly sparkling lights and occasional sea life swimming through the ocean's undercurrents. However, despite this darkness, some creatures choose this depth to become their home ground as only dark space like this can truly shroud the ferociousness of their true forms...

  As if sensing something from the distant surface, the darkness began to shake as if something was coming into being. Soon, a bright light lit up at the depths at this ocean pushing away the darkness for a few thousands of meters.

  It was a strange light much like the bright gold one would see only in the eyes of nocturnal creatures. Oddly enough, this light would flicker on and off at a random interval, almost as if... it was blinking?

  Zooming out for a reasonable distance we would now see that this was not one light, but two lights that 'blinked' on and off as they squinted towards a distant bloody section of this sea very close to its surface.

  Fwoossh! The lights vanished as the darkness moved, causing a terrifying undercurrent to spread out under this sea pushing away countless other similar lifeforms that were eying the patch of blood far above these depths...

  Miren Fei looked at the peaceful ocean with a frown on her face as the corpse of the bear would float up and down on the sea, she complained in an annoyed tone of voice, "Why? Why aren't there any sea creatures coming up? I'm sure that they can't all be avoiding the bait now, could they? Maybe, I should..."


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