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Dual Sword God Box Set

Page 80

by Shadows Finger

  The woman who stood at the entrance of the cave was shocked, however, her body reacted before her brain turning into a blur as she quickly arrived a distance not too far away from the small boy.

  The blue-haired boy seeing this, became vigilant as he tried to pick himself up but fell flat on his butt, the individual seeing this quickly rushed over and picked him up from the ground as she held him in her bosom like a mother holding her son.

  “Little one, do not struggle all is ok...” She said in a soothing tone of voice.

  The blue haired child hearing this felt sleepy, but he managed to shake it off and slapped the woman’s hand as he struggled from her embrace, “Let go! I don’t want up!” The small boy said as he struggled fiercely.

  “Really?” The woman asked as she changed her approach and gently held the boy while she tickled him.

  “Hahahaha! No! No! No! Yes...” A childish laughter sounded about as the blue hair child found that he liked it, being tickled an easy approach to small child’s heart. Soon, the woman stopped as she placed the blue haired child on her lap and asked.

  “Do you have a name little child?” She said in an even gentler tone of voice, the child who had now dropped his guard greatly around the woman spoke in an innocent tone of voice, “This... this... I don’t know...”

  “Hmm, then how about this? You came into being by Heavenly Thunder, so you can be said to be a Child of Heavenly Lightning. Lei (Thunder) Tian (Heaven), or Tian Lei. Hmm, these are too orthodox, something simpler, I know... how about I call you, Dai Lin?” she asked in a sweet tone.

  The blue haired brat hearing this thought for a moment then a smile soon came upon his innocent face a cheeky one different from common brats, “I like-like, this name sounds handsome! When I grow up, I will be handsome Dai Lin.”

  The woman seeing Dai Lin accept his name felt happy, however, Dai Lin soon turned around and looked at her with his big eyes and asked, “Miss, miss, are you my mother?”

  The woman hearing this became stunned as if struck by lightning, she looked at the expectant look on Dai Lin’s innocent face and responded with a firm light in her eyes after a moment of thought, “Yes, from now on, I’m your mother...”

  Dai Lin hearing this was excited as his small little hands grabbed the ladies robe and asked, “Really, really, then... then... will mother like me forever?”

  The woman hearing this responded with a warm smile, as a feeling she had always longed for came over her entire being. A feeling of having been given the world’s most precious gift to be cherished for as long as she lived, the feeling of motherhood.

  “Yes, I will always love you forever...” Her voice super imposing with the face of Xin Qing who gazed deeply in Dai Lin’s eyes as she waited for his response.

  However, it was a pity this scene had once more changed to a different scene, one filled with endless carnage as the beautiful mother of Dai Lin stood before him with blood flowing from her mouth as she struggled to say her last words.

  “I.... H...a....t....e... Y...o....u....”

  Chapter 114


  Unusual Thunder Chains, A Strange Black Book?

  As Xin Qing looked at Dai Lin, she couldn’t help but grow uncertain as she saw his dazed state of mind. But a strange change occurred, teardrops began to fall from Dai Lin’s eyes.

  However, this teardrop was different, they sparkled with electrical lights and seemed to have come from a source beyond mortal men.

  As they fell to down his cheeks, the eyes of Dai Lin took a shade of red as he moved his hand and placed it on the cheeks of the confused looking Xin Qing. Gently rubbing her cheeks as his tears soon faded away revealing his usual look, only at depths of his eyes hiding an old grief.

  Xin Qing seeing was concerned she grabbed his hand that was on her cheek with her other hand and asked, “Are you ok? Did this princess’s confession hurt your feelings?”

  Dai Lin hearing this soon felt a little better as he laughed, “Hahaha! No, no, I only had a slight shock that’s all. It caused me to remember something, something I thought I had long placed behind me. What has gotten me curious though is how such a beautiful princess has fallen in love with me?”

  “You being shocked, who would believe? Also, who in this world can explain love? I like you because I like you!” Xing Qing said in a sharp response, her mouth curved into a happy smile as she looked at Dai Lin with her big eyes.

  Dai Lin hearing this then responded with rare solemn tone, “Ok, then I shall ask you one question. Are you able to love me forever?”

  As Xing Qing heard this, her sharp eyes noticed a kind of fragility that hid within his eyes, a fearful kind that was coated by a seemingly carefree and nonchalant façade on its surface. She paused for a moment before looking deeply into his eyes and responding, “As long as I live, I won’t be able to not love you... as I’d fallen for you the moment you defeated Brother Tang. It is an unusual feeling, something I’ve never felt before, for when I first laid eyes on you, it felt as if it was destined as if it was supposed to be this way from the very beginning...”

  Dai Lin hearing her words had a clean feeling came over his soul, a type of cleansing that nothing other than this type of acceptance could give, he placed his finger on top of her lips stopping her words as he spoke in a new tone of voice, “That’s all I need to hear...”

  As he said this, he forcefully grabbed her into his embrace and pressed her down onto the wooden vessel’s ground, preparing to reward the hardworking girl’s efforts. Xing Qing feeling this closed her eyes as she had already lost herself to his charms since the beginning thus felt no need to resist.

  “Heh! From today I’ll be your Dai, and you’ll be my Qing-Qing...” Dai Lin said cheekily, Xing Qing hearing this opened her closed eyes and she replied playfully, “Who gave you the right to call names?! This princess isn’t happy...”

  “Oh, pardon me, mam. How shall this servant pay for his mistakes?” Dai Lin replied submissively, as a sneaky light shone in his eyes. Xing Qing seeing this paused or a bit as she placed her finger on her cheek thinking of something, but before she could respond, the sneaky Dai Lin had already acted, like lightning itself, he pasted his lips on top of her lips catching the beauty off guard.

  Xing Qing couldn’t help but be stunned as she thought to herself, “You Rogue... ahh... doing... ahh.. what I did...” As she tried to speak, she couldn’t help but release a few enchanting little moans, as Dai Lin’s hands had started to become a bit unruly, reaching his hands towards unknown places as he used his fingers caress her plentiful curves.

  Looking at the pretty little red face that was drowning in ecstasy, Dai Lin lifted his head and licked his lips as he prepared to eat the rabbit in full. However, before they could get to an even closer degree, the world around them started to change.

  Boom! The small wooden vessel they traveled in had collided with an invisible wall breaking to pieces as the odd wall seemed to have blocked off all entrances to the depths of this narrow thunderous gorge, this collision caused both Dai Lin and Xing Qing to be launched into the air.

  The ever so sneaky bolts of lightning that were continuously streaking about the upper levels of the gorge seeing this chance launched another quickly assault, causing streaks upon streaks of bolts to strike towards their forms.

  “Not good!” Xing Qing who realize that she was no match for even a single of these lightning bolts wanted to escape into her shadow-space, but it was too late. A red bolt of thunder descended with very intent to destroy its target.

  Swish! Instantly, Dai Lin appeared once more grabbing Xing Qing into a princess hold as he waved his free hand behind him slapping the lighting to a distant part of the narrow passage walls.

  Crackle! The lightning that collided with the wall exploded causing chunks of rocks to fall into the steam, creating massive waves of water to spread about the area.

  As they fell from the air their clothes made flapping noises in the wind as they descended towar
ds the now turbulent streams, Dai Lin seeing this frowned as he thought, “Hmm, there must be another footing...”

  He inspected the surroundings with his spiritual sense only to see nothing more than raging currents, and violent lighting that descended into the streams almost like an apocalypse in the making.

  “Dai, look over there!” Xing Qing said as she noticed a strange looking platform behind the region of the invisible barrier that destroyed their vessel. Dai Lin seeing this platform knitted his brows before speaking, “While it’s the only region of land we have it’s blocked by that barrier that destroyed our boat. There is no way we can pass through without getting injured...”

  Xing Qing hearing this cheekily replied, “We don’t have any other choice now do we, sometimes one has to take a leap of fate.”

  “Tsk! Fine then, let’s risk it!” Dai Lin wasn’t the type to shy away from the unknown, to begin with as he was only concerned about Xing Qing succumbing to injuries due to the unexcepted.

  Flash! Like a beam of blue lighting, Dai Lin rushed towards the platform from the sky, upon reaching the area of invisible barrier both Dai Lin and Xing Qing placed her hands before their heads as they were expecting a kind of resisting force. But soon, things didn’t seem to go the way they had previously imagined.

  Swoosh! They effortlessly passed through the wall quickly arrived on top of the large platform that stood alone within this gorge as the streaming rivers flowed around it.

  A strange platform it was, with two odd objects placed on top of two podiums its surface. If looked carefully they would see a black book that seemed no different from a diary, as on the other podium near this book was an unusual set of chains, it emanated a divine-like overwhelming aura as streaks dark purple lighting flickered around its surface.

  Dai Lin and Xing Qing who had now landed on the platform looked around with a puzzled look on their face, Xing Qing looked at Dai Lin and asked, “Did you feel anything strange Dai, I don’t know what’s going on, but I feel strange here...”

  Dai Lin hearing also replied, “Yes, I feel strangely familiar here... those objects I feel a certain connection with one of them...”

  As they spoke, their bodies couldn’t help but become drawn towards the two objects placed on the podiums. Upon moving closer and closer, a strange presence started to shroud both Xing Qing and Dai Lin as they were sent into a semi-conscious state.

  Soon, they both arrived before the strange objects in this unusual state as they stretched out both of their palms towards the items. Dai Lin took up the odd set of thunderous chains while Xing Qing took up the strange black book that now started to give off a dark aura.

  Instantly, both woke from this strange state as they had now realized that they were standing directly before two different podiums holding the various objects in the hands.

  “What... what’s going on?” Dai Lin felt strange, as the chains in his hand began emitted a friendly aura as if it was a long-lost son that had finally found its father. While only Xing Qing remained silent as her eyes became closed listening to a stream of words that came into her mind, “Eternal Dark Diary...”

  As those words finished, the strange aura on the book vanished as it returned to normal while Xing Qing opened her eyes once more. She looked at the dairy in her palm with confusion as she then moved her gaze towards Dai Lin who also happened to be looked towards her strangely.

  “Do you feel something strange about that book in your hand Qing-Qing?” Dai Lin asked in an attempt to verify something.

  “Un. I feel an unusual connection with this book as if it was a part of my being from the very beginning and it was only lost for a while before returning. How odd? I’m sure I’ve never seen this book before in all of my life...” Xing Qing said with a puzzled look on her face.

  Dai Lin hearing her words also felt it strange, he looked around the platform and to his surprise now noticed that the two podiums that were previously before them had all but vanished as if this platform was empty from the very beginning.

  Xing Qing also now noticing this felt shocked as she spoke, “Dai, I think we should hurry and leave here for this place is giving me a dark feeling...”

  “I think so too, but I don’t know where we should go. There is no path backward, and the passage leads to here, which means there should be a path forwards that we aren’t seeing.” Dai Lin replied as he walked forwards, after making three steps forward his foot stepped on an unknown mechanism that made a gear-like sound.

  Rumble! Almost instantly, the gorge began to shake vigorously, as the stream surrounding the platform that Dai Lin and Xing Qing stood one began to change. The waters began to swell at the four corners of the platform looking like four hills that were forming around a central landmass, as they reached a height of no more than 10 meters they exploded as four figures rushed out of them.


  The four figures that appeared look like divine sculptures with strange thunderous runes wrapped around their surfaces, as if they had been guarding this place for eons their unusual rocky surfaces had begun to show signs of age as there brightly glowing purple eyes gazed upon the two who stood on the platform with anger.

  “The two of you have intruded the sacred platform and stolen the late Thunder Lord’s sacred artifacts! For this crime, you have both been sentenced to death!” The four spoke in unison as oddly enough only one voice was heard, a powerful voice that seeped into the minds of Dai Lin and Xing Qing.

  “Run!” Dai Lin as he wasted no time to grab Xing Qing and jumped from the ground beaming himself into the air towards a protruding rock in the narrow walls of the gorge.

  “Hmph! It is futile!” The four guardian stone statues said as they clasped their hands together causing a barrier to form around the platform which caused Dai Lin and Xing Qing to fall back towards the center of the platform.

  “Damn! What to do?” Dai Lin said as he saw their situation wasn’t looking good, Xing Qing also tried to figure out a solution as she scanned the area. A pity though, for the statures will give them no more time.

  “Accept your judgment!” The statues said in one voice again as their clasp hands started to glow in a strange light.

  Buzz! Rumble! Following a strange sound, the platform shook, as it began to split into two sections revealing a sinister looking waterfall that descended into unknown depths. Large bolts of thunders could be seen dancing around in this waterfall that descended towards the unknown.

  “Not good!” Both Dai Lin and Xing Qing said as they tried to resist, but a strange pulling force soon pulled in their bodies swallowing them into the large waterfall pit below the now separated platform.

  Swish! Swish!

  Their forms falling into the depths of the unknown, vanishing into the darkness that was surrounded by strange waters that sparked with thunderous energies.

  Chapter 115

  Xing Qing’s Change, The Shadow Lord?

  It was an endless narrow pit, a raging current of waters fell down its walls with currents of electrical energies that streaked across the water’s surface. Two forms could be seen falling at the center of this narrow pit at alarming speeds looking like two comets descending, a terrifying force acting around their bodies dragging them down towards the unknown hindering their ability to act.

  Dai Lin seeing the scene below him was stunned as he was stuck in his thoughts, “This isn’t good! If I fall into this stream below here there may be a slight chance that I survive. But Qing-Qing will not!”

  Xing Qing seeing this scene below them thought to herself, “My Shadow Space can only accept my single being. It’s never been used to accept others before... but if I don’t try it then Dai will be in trouble... I cannot let anything happen to him!”

  A firm look in her eyes as she made up her mind and wrapped her arms around Dai Lin’s neck while speaking, “Dai, trust me!”

  Dai Lin hearing her words felt puzzled as he asked, “Qing-Qing, what are yo--?”

  However, before he could finish speaking to Xing Qing a dark power had started to emerge from her body. As it shrouded both their forms, the shadows of both Dai Lin and Xing Qing also began enveloped their bodies slowly as if trying to overlap their existence.

  As this strange scene occurred, the usually cheerful Xing Qing felt a strange change. The dark book that was still in her grasp started to glow in a strange light as dark aura seeped into her being. Soon, her eyes became blurry as she fell into a strange state of mind as both Xing Qing and Dai Lin were completely warped into a void space vanishing from this plane in entirety.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Far away from this zone, at the distant dark grotto at the edges of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield.

  A dark looking shade surrounded by other shades stood quietly in the darkness as it sent its unusual senses across the entire the Ancient Dragon Battlefield seeking for something. Soon, it began to feel a familiar but vague aura that flickered for a moment before vanishing in entirety.

  The shade sensing this felt a strange sync with the being who emitted this energy as his dark eyes flickered with a bright dark purplish light, a dark smile came upon on his face as he opened his barely visible mouth and spoke, “I’ve finally found you...”

  “All are as destined, for the Heir of Shadows shall rise once again..." The shade thought to himself as his dark eyes glowed in a strange light, he then moved his gaze towards the mighty shadows that surrounded him and commanded, “Prepare, for we shall leave this realm. I will retrieve the Heir... personally!””

  As he said this, the group of mighty shadows bowed and replied. “We hear and obey the Shadow Lord’s will!”

  Rip--! The space around each of their forms began to tear apart as their bodies vanished into a different kind of darkness, to another realm.

  The Shadow Lord seeing this nodded as he moved his finger from the darkness towards the light that beamed its way from the horizon. Soon, a pale hand became visible in this world as if it was stretching outside of the realm of darkness into the realm of light.


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