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Slumber of the Fae

Page 3

by J. D Reo

  We would sit at the breakfast bar every night before bed, and we would clink our glasses. Making me feel like I was an adult having a drink with a friend. It always made me feel so cool.

  I swallow the lump in my throat at the bittersweet memories and continue on with what I was saying.

  "I only need I tiny amount to replenish completely.” I explain as I fight back the tears that started to form because for just a brief second, I was able to picture my dad in my head again. Though after so long his image in my head is never quite right.

  I don’t think about them often anymore. I wasn’t prepared.

  “I don’t have a knife on me. So, without fangs I’m not exactly sure how that’s going to work.” He says with a scowl on his face. Not like he’s mad really more like it’s his normal resting face. Which I have to say suits him perfectly.

  “I don’t have vampire fangs, but my canines are a little longer than the average person’s.” I say and lift up my lip to show him.

  “Their points are razor sharp.” I say and drop my lip when I realize I look like a chipmunk talking like that. Smooth Sammy girl.

  With an annoyed huff Shepard holds out his wrist, I should ask if he’s sure. I should double check. But the rush of the blood in his veins has been killing me all night, and just seeing the offer makes that hollow ache inside me pulse with need, its own kind of hunger.

  Quick like a bunny I take the two steps over to him and bite without hesitation. He doesn’t flinch or grunt. So, I just continue. I pull my mouth off him and lick my lips as the blood starts to trickle.

  Not wanting to waste a single drop I latch my mouth around his wrist and take a gulp. His blood hits me like an inferno. He tastes like hickory and sex on the beach. It’s over-whelming and absolutely corrupting. I swirl my tongue over the small wounds as the blood starts to clot, not quite ready for this to be over.

  My wells are full already, his magic’s strong and potent. I’ve only ever drank from humans before. Their magic is sleeping and lite but it’s what I’m used to. This is all new and fierce. I moan as the blood flows over my tongue, his hickory taste consuming me.

  When I can’t take even another wisp of magic I pull back, my chest heaves and I can't bring myself to open my eyes. So, with my hand still wrapped around his wrist I mentally check his body for injuries as I come down from the most amazing blood lust.

  His head is sore, his fingers are fucked up, his ribs bruised, and okay he has a cavity. He’s hungry and exhausted but I can’t fix that. I fix what I can, ignoring his grunt of annoyance at my good deed and drop my hand before opening my eyes.

  I don’t know what I expected to find when I looked at him again but it sure the fuck wasn’t his jaw ticking and him glaring into the fire.

  “My magic is good enough. I’ll take you back to my community to get cleaned up and rest. Then you can do whatever the fuck you want.” He snaps before raising to his feet. He throws handfuls of dirt on the fire then proceeds to stomp out the remaining flames with his boots.

  That’s a temper tantrum if I have ever seen one, especially because I’m assuming that if he can start a fire magically, he can probably put one out the same way too. At least I would assume.

  He could have just said no. Fates what a cry baby. But I’ll take him up on the offer for sure. The farther I get from the S.T.F the better.

  He growls before snatching my hand like he thought I was going to run and before I can so much as blink the world around me starts to legitimately shimmer away.

  Landing is definitely worse than take off. It happens in an instant and makes my head rush, like I just free fell a great distance. As my vision spins, I grip on to Shepard’s forearm for support.

  “It’s not like that when you're not exhausted and starving.” His voice is thick with either concern or distain, I honestly can't tell at this point.

  As soon as the world stops spinning, I step away from him and find myself on a large gravel path surrounded by small town shops.

  There are definitely voices to be heard but not a person in sight.

  “This is the center square of Destin Burrows, which is the name of our small town, everyone living here is Fae.” He tells me as he starts walking down the path. I hurry to follow too busy taking in my surroundings to give him shit about his lacking manners.

  “How is that possible?” I ask at a fast walk, my legs having to work twice as hard to keep up with his large stride.

  “One of our council members here is an illusion mage. He spelled the road into town to give anyone without their magic awake a massive sense of unease, so they don’t want to come this way. Same goes for a perimeter five miles out all-around town.” He explains but the tone in his voice makes it sound like that should have been common sense.

  I have a million questions, but I’ll bite my tongue since the dick is obviously in a mood.

  At the end of the path, we come to a break in the shops that leads to a road. I look down both ways of the street seeing a stop sign way down one way and by the way the road splits it looks like a four way stop.

  Down the other way looks to be some houses and I see what looks to be the top of an apartment complex above the treetops. Across the street in front of us is a massive white building. It’s obviously old but immaculate none the less. The large pillars alone that ring the front are incredible.

  “This is town hall. Basically, it’s where are council can be found on weekdays.” Shepard starts walking towards the building and I’m quick to follow.

  “Almer, will get you set up for a place to stay for the night.” He explains as he holds the massive door open for me.

  I step aside as soon as I walk in so he can lead the way. As I follow behind him, I take everything in. The floors are polished and perfect cherry wood, the place is massive. It has a museum feel with a touch of a cozy home vibe.

  “Hey Shep, did you bring home a stray?” a gruff voice says from off to our left.

  Following the voice, I peer into an open doorway as Shepard moves forward and shakes an older man’s hand. Just behind him another man closer to my age stops typing at the computer to greet Shepard with a nod.

  He looks me over slowly, his own blush seeming to race mine. His eyes are an amazing forest green. I swear they must match the pine trees perfectly. His hair is a mop of chestnut curls on top of his head. The kind you want to run your fingers through. He’s tall but closer to an average height for a man than Shepard. Though I can’t tell exactly how tall because he’s sitting. He has a small dusting of freckles under his eyes, and the cutest dimple complimenting his smile.

  A smile that is directly on Shepard now as he turns to talk to the older man. Unfortunately, I can’t miss the way the man at the computer briefly checks out Shepard’s ass before resuming his work at the computer.

  Internally I groan before reminding myself that I’m not staying long so it shouldn’t matter that I’m not his type. Besides as I glance towards Shepard’s perfect ass, I can’t even bring myself to disagree.

  A throat clears and my head snaps up and I meet Shepard’s gaze as he peers over his shoulder at me. I shrug like I don’t give a fuck that he caught me checking him out, even as my blush gives me away.

  “Almer, this is-" the smug looks falls from his face as he soon realizes he never even bothered to ask me my name.

  I shoot him a look telling him I agree, he’s a jackass, and step past him to offer Almer my hand.

  “Samara Hart, it’s so nice to meet you.” Almer smiles as he shakes my hand. His grip is warm and comforting, though his hands are calloused in a way you wouldn’t expect of a counselor.

  “It's so nice to meet you Samara, what can I do for you both?” He asks turning his words towards Shepard.

  “So, Samara here was a prisoner of S.T.F. She needs a place to rest and mend, maybe get some food. I was hoping you could make up a place for her. I don’t exactly have any room at my place otherwise…” His words trail off like he isn’t sure how he shou
ld finish that sentence. He rubs the back of his neck, clearly a habit of his.

  “You went to the S.T.F? We talked about this Shepard!” Almer scowls, his voice taking on a fatherly edge.

  “Look, I know you're pissed, Alm. But can we get her situated before we can talk about it?"

  Almer scowls up at Shepard like the man he’s toeing off against isn’t a foot taller than him and twice his size.

  “Absolutely.” He turns back towards me, his smile back in place.

  “We’ll get you settled in somewhere and I’ll see about getting Marcy to see you tomorrow. You must have gone through hell, my dear. I’m so sorry.” He says placing a hand on my shoulder. His aged blue eyes full of sincerity.

  “I’m sorry but whose Marcy? And there’s no need to get anything big set up. I’ll rest up as quick as I can and get out of your hair. I don’t want to be a bother.” I tell him.

  Honestly, a bite to eat, a quick shower and a sofa to crash on would more than suffice.

  “Marcy is our doctor, She’s actually a vampire too. Helps with the diagnoses you know.” He tells me.

  “She’s a blood mage Alm, she healed herself already. She just needs food and rest. Then she can be on her way.” Shepard spits through his teeth. Making me feel oh, so welcomed.

  “That maybe so,” Almer shoots him a glare as me and the man at the computer watch on helplessly.

  “But we take care of our guests here.” Almer closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose like he’s fighting off a headache.

  Without thinking I reach out and place a hand on his shoulder healing the oncoming migraine away.

  He smiles my way and drops his hand.

  “Thank you dear. That is an amazing gift indeed.” He says as I genuinely smile back for the first time in a long time.

  “We do have empty apartments, but they will take a while to get up to snuff. Give me a second to think, I would really rather you stay for a while, but I understand if you’re in a hurry to get home.” Almer sighs and moves to lean against the desk.

  “I’m not in a hurry, I just don’t want to be a bother. I don’t have enough money to pay for anything long term.” I tell him.

  “She can stay with me.” The man behind the desk interjects causing all of our eyebrows to shoot up.

  “ I have an extra room at my place, I have the food and the space. Besides, I can use the company, my kind are not exactly the best at being alone.”

  He explains with a down cast expression.

  “You don’t have to do that Ogden; I know Cal and I have been busy with work lately, but we have some more time now.” Shepard tells him. His eyes communicating something he's not saying out loud to his friend.

  “No, really. It’s fine. As long as you’re comfortable with that, that is?” The man, Ogden, asks.

  I take a second to think it over. It’s better than having them make a huge fuss. Also, I’m pretty confident that I’m not his type so I don’t have to worry about him crawling into my bed at night. Not that I’m sure I would mind if he did. Also, for some reason, I feel like I can trust him. I don’t know why, but deep in my gut I just know he would never hurt me.

  “If you’re sure you're okay with it, I would really appreciate that.” I say, looking into his moss-colored eyes, and watching the blush spread across his cheeks.

  Today is definitely looking up.

  I follow Ogden out of Destin Burrows town hall. We left Shepard to dig himself out of whatever hole he had dug himself into with Almer.

  The sun is just starting to set here despite the fact that it was dark when Shepard and I had left the campsite. Which tells me we are definitely farther west in the country now.

  “So where exactly are we? Like which state?” I ask as we walk down the sidewalk in the direction of the apartment complex I had seen earlier.

  He chuckles as he tucks his hands into the front of his jeans.

  “We’re in Washington state.” He smirks as he glances at me from the corner of his eye.

  “I’m guessing Shepard wasn’t very chatty after he rescued you?” He asks.

  “Not at all.” I smile back as we approach the apartment complex. The building surprisingly modern and upscale.

  “And technically I rescued him.” I smile as he leads the way to a door down the hall on the ground floor.

  “Ah, so that’s what has his panties in a twist.” He pulls some keys from his front pocket and unlocks the door.

  “I’m not sure exactly why that would piss him off, trust me, it’s not exactly a fun place to have a slumber party.” I remark as he throws his keys onto a small table by the door and kicks the door shut behind me.

  “I’m sure you're right. There’s definitely more to why he is mad, but that’s not my story to tell.” He tilts his head towards a hallway as he starts to walk, asking me to follow him.

  I look around as we walk, his apartment the perfect mix of cyber nerd and nature buff. The pallet is all earth tones, and there are plants in every corner. The main rooms we pass are open plan, the kitchen full of real wood which continues to the island/breakfast bar. The leather sectional faces the most expensive T.V and entertainment set up I’ve ever seen.

  “This is a bathroom,” he knocks a finger on a door in the hallway as we pass.

  “This is my computer room, aka my work room.” He pushes the next door open to showcase a computer setup spanning multiple desks. It looks like something you’d expect to find buried deep in the Pentagon not in the spare room of a small-town apartment complex.

  I just nod as he continues on.

  “This is my room.” He knocks on the last door on the left.

  Moving across the hall he opens the door.

  “This will be your room.” He explains.

  The room is simple and plain. Walls are white, the wood floor is light. The bed isn’t made but it’s clean and massive. All the furniture is oak. From the dresser and t.v stand to the bed side tables and bed frame.

  Ogden moves to the closet which looks to be a small walk-in and pulls out some bedding before walking over to drop them on the bed.

  “I'll get the bed made and find you something to wear while you get cleaned up then I’ll get something started for dinner. Anything in particular you want or won’t eat?” he asks while turning back to look at me.

  “No, I’m not picky.” I say while I tuck some hair behind my ear and cringe a little when my finger snags on a knot.

  “I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate this Ogden. Really, it means the world.” I tell him sincerely. I can’t even remember the last time anyone gave a damn about me.

  Actually, I can, I was eleven. The last time I had a home in fact.

  “It’s really not a big deal Samara, I promise, you’re doing me a favor by being here too. My kind get lonely really easily. I feel better having someone else in the house.” He says with a small smile.

  “Do you mind if ask what kind of Fae you are?” I ask as I gnaw on my lip.

  “I’m a wolf shifter.” He says with a small smile.

  “So why don’t you live with a pack? I thought wolves preferred to live all together.” I blurt out before my brain has a chance to think that one through. If he doesn’t it probably means that for some reason he can’t.

  “We do, but the Fates aren’t always kind and fair Sam.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal, but I can see the pain in his eyes that he tries to bury.

  He walks across the room and pulls open another door.

  “I’m sorry, Ogden, I’m really working hard to start thinking before I open my mouth.” I say scratching at some dried mud on my arm as I watch him pull out a towel from a cabinet in the room, I can now see is an attached bathroom.

  “It’s fine, really.” He says pulling out some toiletries from under the sink for me and setting them on the counter by the sink. I stare at my shoes fully feeling the exhaustion and hunger throughout my body.

  “Get cleaned up Sam, I’ll get you set u
p and you can crash. You look about ready to pass out.

  “Thanks again.” I say as he leaves the room.

  This has been the longest day ever.

  I’ve been with Ogden for two days now. I didn’t intend to stay this long time just passed by in a blur. The first night after eating I slept for eighteen hours straight. Then Ogden and Almer insisted I meet with Marcy despite me assuring them both that I was fine.

  After the doctor had cleared me, I came back to Ogden’s and ate and slept some more. Last night we hung out and watched a movie while scarfing junk food. Ogden is the friend I’ve always wanted. He’s genuine and real, and never fails to make me smile. He just makes me feel cared for and wanted, it’s a kind of magic I have never known before.


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