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Iron Fury MC Boxed Set

Page 44

by Bella Jewel

I’ll answer text messages on his phone. Calls. And hopefully a few people will come around, leading me exactly where I need to be led.

  My brother isn’t going to die because of whatever he’s gotten himself into.

  I’ll finish this for him, and hopefully he’ll come out of rehab clean, and I can get his life back on track.

  That’s the plan, anyway.

  I arrive at his apartment late in the afternoon. There are no cars here. Using the key I took off Brax, I unlock the front door and walk in. The place is mostly empty. He’s already gone, by the looks. Can’t say I blame him. I walk through the house warily, checking out all the rooms. Braxton’s stuff is all that remains. He bailed, without a call or a text. Which tells me one thing—he was concerned enough to run and not look back.

  I walk into the kitchen, and there are broken cups all over the ground, the toaster is on the floor and things are knocked over. I move to the counter and see smears of blood.

  Someone paid him a visit.

  No doubt demanding to know where Braxton is.


  I can only hope he’s still alive and that they just gave him a touch up. I guess it all depends on who we’re dealing with. Although, his stuff being gone is a good sign. It means he very likely packed up and got the hell out of here.

  I exhale and go over what I’ve got left to work with. An old sofa, a few kitchen items, and Braxton’s room. I’ll have to bring some of my own stuff over without anyone noticing.

  Fuck me, Brax.

  What the fuck did you get yourself into?

  First thing I do is pull out my phone and dial a locksmith. Getting all the locks changed is the first thing on my list.

  I’ll have no fucker coming in in the middle of the night and putting a bullet in my skull.

  I organize that and then check the house once more before moving to Braxton’s room and stripping everything. It fucking stinks in here; his dirty clothes are scattered all over the ground. I pick them up and start tossing them into a pile. One pair of his shorts makes a jingling sound, and I shove my hand into the pocket and pull out a set of keys.

  They’re for a storage locker.

  What the fuck is Braxton doing with a fucking storage locker?

  I shove them into my pocket.

  Guess I’m about to find out.




  Super. Mega. Fucking. Jerk.

  I can’t believe he walked out this morning and acted like that. It’s not like I was throwing myself at him after what happened last night. I simply offered him a damned coffee. He didn’t need to be such a jackass about it. Anger bubbles in my chest as I swallow the lukewarm coffee because I’ve been sitting here brooding. The club coming for a visit tomorrow can’t come quick enough.

  I’m not sure what I’m capable of right now, I’m so angry.

  Fuck him.

  I finish the last mouthful of my coffee and take a deep, calming breath.

  The front door slams, and Koda walks out onto the patio, glancing at me, before walking to the front steps.

  “Where are you going?” I ask him.

  His shoulders tense, and he turns, glaring at me. “If I wanted to fuckin’ tell you, I would.”


  “Last time I checked, you’re supposed to be protecting me. If you disappear, who will do that?”

  His jaw clenches.

  I know that was a bratty thing to say, but fuck him.

  “I’m going to get fuckin’ fire wood, around the corner. Unless someone is hidin’ in the fuckin’ woods, ready to jump out, you’re fine.”

  “How do you know they aren’t?”

  He looks like he’s doing to snap me in half.

  I should stop pushing him.

  But dammit.

  I can’t.

  “I’m goin’ to give you three fuckin’ seconds to lose the attitude, because I am not in the mood today.”

  “Why, wasn’t last night’s sex good enough? I don’t imagine it would be, considering half your club has probably ploughed that same hole.”

  I bite my bottom lip, because I know those words will set off a fire inside him.

  I’m right.

  He storms over, putting two big arms on either side of me and leaning down so his face is so close to mine, I can smell his breath. It smells incredible, by the way. Masculine, strong, gorgeous. I want to kiss him. After I bite him. Dammit. Jerk.

  “Listen to me, woman,” he sneers in my face, “my patience with you is at an all-time fuckin’ low. I don’t tolerate shit on a good day, and today is not a fuckin’ good day. Do not doubt me when I say I will fuckin’ lock you in that room and let you out only to piss and eat. That what you want?”

  “You and I both know that’s not going to happen,” I snap back.

  “Fuckin’. Try. Me.”

  He’s serious.

  I can see it in the angry set of his eyes.

  He’d find a way, and strength wise, he overpowers me in a big way. So, I do what any smart girl would do. I clamp my mouth shut and simply scowl at him. He stays in his position for a moment, just glaring at me, then finally he pushes off and stands. He turns, without another word, and disappears around the side of the house. I exhale and take my phone from the table beside me.

  I don’t use it much, because, honestly, what’s the point? Nobody calls me, because very few people have my number. Once I changed my name, and my life, I was very picky about who I gave it to. I click into the screen and notice two missed calls from a private number.

  On any other occasion, that wouldn’t bother me. I’d assume it was someone trying to sell something, or a cell company trying to give me an upgrade. But now, with a million-dollar hit on my head, everyone has a different agenda. And when you want to find someone, with the right people, you can.

  And will.

  My heart leaps into my throat and I stare at the screen for a while. The phone is on silent, so I didn’t hear it ringing, but it was only a couple of minutes ago. Will it ring again? Will I answer? My stomach feels as though it’s going to twist its way up my throat and out of my mouth, and my heart is racing so hard I can feel it pulsing, even in my head. Has he found me? Does he already know my name? Where I am? Who I’m with?

  My father is a smart man.

  He also has friends in low places.

  And high places.

  And every damned place you can have a friend.

  Which means it rarely takes him long to find out things.

  There is a hit out against me, and with that hit would come a picture. So, my father already knows I’m out there. But, is he getting closer to finding exactly where I am? Is it him calling? How did he find my cell number? Putting myself out on the streets for the club was a bad idea. All my father would have needed to see is a photo or a description of a girl with red hair and he’d know it was me.

  Why didn’t I think more about it?

  Why the hell didn’t I dye my hair? Or change my name to something completely different? After all, Charlie is hardly different from Charlene.

  I feel so incredibly stupid.

  And so scared.

  So damned afraid.

  Should I tell Koda?

  If I do, he’ll ask questions. But maybe it’s time for those questions to be answered. If they’ve found my number, it’s only a matter of time before they find me. And when they do …

  I shudder and rub my arms.

  Tomorrow, Malakai is bringing some members of the club up here.

  I’ll tell them then.

  I’m safe here, for right now.




  My eighth birthday came and went.

  Nobody remembered.

  Well, that isn’t true. Rebecca remembered. She brought me in a cupcake and left it beside my bed.

  But there were no presents.

  No parties.

  No cakes with candles.
  No singing.

  It was just another day. Another number. Another year I’d have to go through without my mommy by my side.

  I’ve been to thirteen houses now.

  Dad says I’m doing a good job. That’s probably the only time he’s ever said something nice about me.

  He isn’t as mean to me when I do a good job. He mostly leaves me alone for a few days, and that feels nice, because when I’m alone, I’m not so afraid. I can read books and take myself to different places. Being alone makes me feel the safest I can feel, so, I’ll keep doing a good job, because, eventually, maybe he’ll leave me alone forever.

  I went back to school today.

  Summer is over.

  I couldn’t be happier.

  If I’m at school, I don’t have to be with him. Of course, most of the kids at school hate me, and they pick on me, teasing me about having no family, and having a dead mommy.

  It’s not very nice.

  Rebecca says people pick on other people, because usually their lives are just as bad.

  That makes me feel better, to know maybe they’re just doing what they can to get through their own pain.

  I’m sitting in my room, doing my homework, when my dad barges in. He doesn’t knock, or say hello, or ask me how my day was. Honestly, he wouldn’t even know I was home. I could be anywhere, and it would probably take him days to figure it out.

  I’ve thought about running away once or twice. But where would I go? The city is big, and I’d end up on the streets, scared and alone. So, that’s probably not a good idea. Besides, as far as I know, Dad doesn’t have any family. Mom has parents somewhere, but I don’t think she liked them very much. Or maybe they didn’t like her, because she married Dad.

  I heard them fighting about it once.

  “You have a big job on the weekend,” my father says, his voice gruff. “It’s important. The most important yet. You’ll need to do this perfectly. There is no room for error. I’ll be giving you a list of what you need to get, and you won’t be leaving until you get it.”

  I swallow.

  That doesn’t sound good.

  “This man … he’s dangerous. And mean. You’re going to have to put on your best show to even get into his house. Cry if you have to. Hell, make yourself bloody so he’s forced to consider helping you. Whatever it takes. And I mean whatever it takes. Whatever he wants, you give him. This is important, if you screw up … Well, trust me, you won’t want to.”

  I swallow and weakly nod.

  “You won’t be going to school tomorrow, we need to get this one hundred percent perfect.”

  “But it’s only my second day back …”

  I stop talking when I realize what I’m doing, but it’s too late. My father’s big, hard hand lashes out and he slaps me, right across the face. It’s so hard I go flying from my chair and land on the floor in a heap. Tears burn under my eyelids, but I know better than to cry. I clench my eyes shut, pain burning through my cheek, and stay on the ground.

  “Don’t you ever speak back to me again!” he roars.

  Then he storms out.

  I lie on the floor like that for a while, maybe even a few hours, I don’t know. My hand is cupped over my cheek, but it’s not doing much to ease the pain. My head is throbbing, and my heart aches. I swallow back my tears, over and over, until they finally disappear. I don’t have time to cry. Crying only makes him angrier.

  I have to get stronger.

  I have to.

  Or maybe, I’ll die here.

  Right here in this house.

  With him.



  Thank. Fuck.

  When I hear the distant voices moving closer to the cabin, my shoulders ease just a tiny bit. Yesterday was hell. Barely two words were spoken between Charlie and me. She was off all afternoon, staring at her phone, and then losing herself just looking at nothing, not even me. She didn’t eat. She went to bed early.

  It’s fucked.

  I need something to break it up.

  I stand out in front of the cabin, arms crossed over my chest, and watch as Malakai, Amalie, Maverick, Scarlett, Mason and Boston come into view. I nod in their general direction, and it’s Scarlett that skips over first with a big smile on her pretty damn face.

  “Hi there, Koda. Is Charlie still alive?”

  I stare at her, then grin. She’s one of the only women I actually like. I’d go as far as calling her a friend, and I have very few of those with a pussy. I don’t do women very well. But Scarlett, I can handle her.

  “That depends on what you class as alive? She’s still breathin’ …”

  She shoves my chest lightly. “You’re awful. Where is she?”

  I jerk my head toward the house and Scarlett waves to Amalie. I nod and smile at the shy, beautiful girl that captured Malakai’s heart, and she smiles back, lifting her hand in a wave. When they’ve disappeared inside, I walk over and shake Malakai’s hand. “Glad to have you here, brother.”

  He grins at me. “Surely she’s not that fuckin’ bad?”

  I snort. “You have no idea. Biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever come across in my life.”

  Maverick chuckles. “Do you good to interact with a female, bro. Fuck knows all you do is screw ‘em and send them on their way.”

  “Exactly how it should be,” I mutter.

  I shake Mason and Boston’s hands, and then help them set up camp, pitching a few tents. There isn’t enough room in the cabin for everyone. We’ll let the girls stay in there, if they want, that is.

  “Well, there she is, lookin’ as pretty as ever.”

  Malakai’s voice makes me lift my head, to see Charlie standing on the porch with Scarlett and Amalie by her side.

  “Hello, Malakai, did you bring me someone else for protection yet? I don’t like Dakoda very much. In fact, I’m surprised he’s still alive.”

  I glare at her, and she throws me a sarcastic smile.

  “Watch yourself,” I warn.

  “Come now, darlin’,” Malakai chuckles. “He ain’t all that bad.”

  Charlie crosses her arms, and nearly every man there zones in on her tits. Fucking perfect tits.

  “I’m starting to think you put me up here with him on purpose. I mean, surely you have other members of your club that could protect me. Are you getting some sort of twisted satisfaction out of this?”

  Malakai grunts, then laughs. “Oh, abso-fuckin’-lutley.”

  “Jerk,” she mumbles under her breath. “Well, I’m telling you, if any bad guys actually found me, there is no guarantee your man over here wouldn’t throw me right at them.”

  “Too right,” I mutter.

  “Now now, you two.” Maverick grins. “We’re here to break things up a bit. For a few days, you won’t have to talk to each other at all if you don’t want.”

  “Thank God,” Charlie murmurs, shooting me a look.

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” I snap.

  “Okay.” Scarlett claps. “Now we got that out of the way, is it safe if we take Charlie for a walk to the river?”

  Malakai looks to me. “Thoughts?”

  “No one can get to the river without coming past the cabin first. They’re fine.”

  Scarlett claps. “Yes!”

  “Don’t get eaten by anythin’, darlin’,” Maverick tells her, his eyes lusty. “That’s my job later.”

  Scarlett flushes, Amalie giggles, and Charlie grins.

  Of course she grins.

  Dirty bitch.

  Fucking like it, too.

  The girls all rush off toward the river, and I turn to help finish setting up the tents.

  “Any more information?” I ask Malakai as we hammer the pegs into the ground.

  “Fuck all, was hopin’ you had something?”

  “Been doin’ research every night. Tryin’ to get information. Names. He’s keepin’ himself well hidden.”

  “He?” Malakai asks, stopping and c
rossing his arms.

  “Can’t tell me a chick is running a show this big.”

  He thinks on that, then nods. “Yeah, probably fuckin’ right. Charlie said anythin’ more?”

  “Not a fuckin’ word.”

  “She’s closed lipped, eh?” Maverick says, joining the conversation.

  “Tight as fuck. Won’t say a word. Not sure if it’s out of protection, or fear.”

  “My guess,” Mason throws in, “fear. Fear makes you do far more stupid shit than protection does. She’s a hard woman, closed off, blocked everything out. Most people only do that when they’ve been forced to.”

  “Agreed,” Boston mutters. “Whatever she knows, she’s scared of it.”

  “Mmm,” Malakai murmurs. “I’ll try talk to her later tonight, see if I can get anythin’ out of her. We need to get this show movin’, if we don’t, things are only goin’ to get more dangerous for her, and us. We gotta get her safe, and the club.”

  “Agreed,” I tell him. “You have a go, see what you can get outta her. She won’t tell me a damned thing.”

  Maverick chuckles. “Like a fuckin’ married couple, you two.”

  “Don’t insult me, Maverick,” I warn.

  “See Sugar didn’t do her job properly the other night,” Malakai adds. “You’re still cranky as fuck.”

  “You see how you go with her attitude swingin’ around,” I growl. “See if you can keep your cool.”

  “Challenge accepted.”

  Good luck to him.

  She’s more than a handful.



  It takes me three days to find the location of the storage shed that Braxton has. Three fucking days. The keys have no address, and I have to call every place in the city to find out which one he registered with. Turns out, he used a different last name. No idea how the fuck he got away with that, but he did.

  I take a drive out there, and it’s thirty minutes away from his apartment. When I arrive, everything is well secured, big electric gates, cameras, top of the line storage. What the fuck would he need top of the line storage for? What could he possibly want so securely hidden?

  I don’t want to know, but I’m about to find out.

  I check in as Braxton and drive through the secure alleys until I find a big storage shed right down the back. I park my truck, pull out the key, and walk over to it. It’s triple padlocked, which I’m sure doesn’t come standard. There are five keys on the keyring, so I start using them all until I find the three I need. Then, I shove them into my pocket and slide the unit open.


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