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Monica and the Weekend of Drama

Page 4

by Diana G. Gallagher

  I didn’t tell her about the perfume. I didn’t want her to be mad at Angela. I figure it doesn’t make a big difference.



  Mark my words

  approve (uh-PROOV)—

  accept or think something is good

  bribe (BRIBE)—

  money or a gift that you offer to a person to persuade them to do something for you

  characters (KAR-ik-turz)—

  the people in a story, book, play, movie, or television show

  depressed (di-PREST)—

  sad and gloomy

  explanation (ek-spluh-NAY-shuhn)—

  a reason

  grounded (GROUN-did)—

  not allowed to go out

  ingredients (in-GREE-dee-uhnts)—

  items that something is made from

  positive (POZ-uh-tiv)—

  sure or certain

  reservations (rez-ur-VAY-shuhnz)—

  arrangements to save space for someone

  responder (ri-SPON-dur)—

  the person whose job is to answer 911 calls

  romantic (roh-MAN-tik)—

  to do with love

  scratch (SKRATCH)—

  if something is made from scratch, it is homemade from the beginning

  You can write too.

  Some people write in journals or diaries. I have a secret blog. Here are some writing prompts to help you write your own blog or diary entries.

  1 For the first time, my mom and stepdad left me in charge. Write about a time you were given a new responsibility. What happened? How did you feel about it?

  2 I really want Chloe and Cameron to become a real couple. Write about the most perfect couple you know. Who are they? What do they do that makes them seem perfect?

  3 Sometimes my stepsister makes things go wrong. Write about your own siblings.


  Just like Monica, Diana G. Gallagher has loved riding horses since she was a little girl. And like Becca, she is an artist. Like Claudia, she often babysits little kids — usually her grandchildren. Diana has wanted to be a writer since she was twelve, and she has written dozens of books, including the Claudia Cristina Cortez series. She lives in Florida.

  Monica is published by Stone Arch Books

  A Capstone Imprint 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, Minnesota, 56003

  Copyright © 2012 by Stone Arch Books

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.



  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Gallagher, Diana G.

  Monica and the weekend of drama / by Diana G. Gallagher.

  p. cm.

  Summary: When her mother cannot find a babysitter for the weekend, thirteen-year-old Monica is left in charge of the house and her stepsister Angela, with disastrous results.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-4342-2557-3 (library binding)

  ISBN-10: 1-4342-2557-7 (library binding)

  ISBN 978-1-4965-3947-2 (eBook)

  1. Responsibility--Juvenile fiction. 2. Self-reliance--Juvenile fiction. 3. Babysitters--Juvenile fiction. 4. Stepsisters--Juvenile fiction. 5. Emergencies--Juvenile fiction. [1. Responsiblity--Fiction. 2. Self-reliance --Fiction. 3. Babysitters--Fiction. 4. Stepsisters--Fiction. 5. Emergencies--Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.G13543Mpt 2011



  Art Director/Graphic Designer: Kay Fraser

  Production Specialist: Michelle Biedscheid

  Photo credits:

  Cover: Delaney Photography

  Avatars: Delaney Photography (Claudia), Shutterstock: Aija Avotina (guitar), Alex Staroseltsev (baseball), Andrii Muzyka (bowling ball), Anton9 (reptile), bsites (hat), debra hughes (tree), Dietmar Höpfl (lightning), Dr_Flash (Earth), Elaine Barker (star), Ivelin Radkov (money), Michael D Brown (smiley face), Mikhail (horse), originalpunkt (paintbrushes), pixel-pets (dog), R. Gino Santa Maria (football), Ruth Black (cupcake), Shvaygert Ekaterina (horseshoe), SPYDER (crown), Tischenko Irina (flower), VectorZilla (clown), Volkova Anna (heart); Capstone Studio: Karon Dubke (horse Monica, horse Chloe)




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