Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3)

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Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3) Page 10

by Celeste Jones

  Lucas gathered up the layers of her dress and raised the skirt until her backside was exposed. With a gasp of shock, Seraphina turned her head. “What are you doing?”

  “Eyes front, Seraphina. And put your hands behind your back, palms up.” His stern voice wrought havoc upon her nerves and sent tingles of anticipation and curiosity through her body. She did as he instructed and he laid the handfuls of her skirts in her palms. “Hold these. Bend forward until your nose touches the wall. I am going to administer your first disciplinary spanking. This, I suspect, will be quite a lesson for you, little wife. It is important for you to know I will not tolerate such shocking language.”

  Anxious butterflies battered her stomach. This was really going to happen. A serious spanking from her husband and she had no idea what to expect. Although she had said she was eager to have the discipline complete, she might not have actually understood exactly what would happen. The unknown set her nerves on edge.

  Lucas rested his hand at the top of her rear end. His other came down on her left cheek with a sharp crack.

  “Oh!” she gasped.

  “We are just beginning, Seraphina. You had best prepare for more.”

  A muffled shriek escaped her mouth as her husband landed a swift smack to the other side of her bottom.

  He continued swatting her bare backside with determination. His broad palm landed all over her rear end from the tops of her thighs to the center of the cheeks of her bottom and back again. What had started out as warmth turned to flaming heat over her tender flesh.

  This was something she had wanted? What a fool she had been.

  Two final smacks landed with such force she was raised up on her toes and her nose mashed against the wall.

  When it was over, Lucas removed his hand from her back and raised her up to stand, though keeping her facing the corner.

  “Remain in place like a good girl. I wish to gaze upon your pert backside while I finish my dinner.”

  Lucas’ hand skimmed over the curve of her bottom and gave a squeeze and despite having just received a firm spanking, his touch sent delicious tendrils of desire winding through her body. He dropped a kiss on top of her head, and she heard him resume his seat.

  “While you are in the corner, my dear wife, I should like for you to consider the shamefulness of your language. You are my wife now, and your poor behavior reflects not only upon you, but upon me as well. Just as my deeds or misdeeds will either bring honor or shame to you,” his voice echoed throughout the dining room and the gravity of her actions weighed heavily upon, Seraphina.

  “Y-yes, Doct—um, Lucas. I shall. I apologize for my undignified language.”

  “I accept your apology, Seraphina, and I appreciate how you took your punishment without complaint. Now, it is time for you think about your behavior and I shall eat my dinner before it gets cold.”

  Seraphina dared not look around to confirm it, but she believed with absolute certainty she could feel her husband’s dark gaze on her exposed backside.

  “How does it feel to have me looking at your naughty bottom, Seraphina? You recall what I said earlier—your body belongs to me, to gaze upon, or pleasure or punish as I see fit. Correct?”

  “Y-yes, you are co-correct.”

  “Good girl. Now, you still need to tell me how it feels knowing I am looking at you. Looking at what is mine and, if I may be so bold, enjoying the view very much. Did you know the flesh of your backside is a delightful shade of scarlet right now? You have a very attractive body, Seraphina. I am eagerly anticipating exploring the entirety of it... very soon.”

  Seraphina gasped and felt herself start to sway a bit with the heady and shocking images which her husband’s words brought to mind. She licked her lips and forced herself to answer his questions. “It f-feels naughty and shameful knowing you are looking at me. But it also has brought about other feelings. Feelings which are less familiar to me and which make me feel sort of squirmy and funny in my—my lady parts.”


  Bloody hell, indeed. How in blazes was he supposed to finish a meal when she said such things? Admittedly, he was having trouble even going through the motions of eating with her delectable body on display. She was so sweet, so innocent and yet the most provocative words came out of her mouth. He had positioned her so her legs were in just the right position for him to get a glimpse of the lips of her virgin cunny. It took every ounce of willpower he could muster not to bend her over the dining room table and bust through the barrier of her innocence in an urgent mating, but he had at least a modicum of self-control remaining and he refused to treat her in such a brutish manner.

  At least not during their first coupling.

  He slugged back the wine in his glass before going to her. Standing behind his wife, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Do those funny feelings in your lady parts make you want to touch yourself there?”

  Though he was not touching her, he stood close enough to sense her body tensing up. With a deep inhale, the scent of her arousal wafted to his nose. ‘Twas nearly more than he could tolerate and his cock stirred in his pants, longing surging through his veins. “I am waiting for your answer, my naughty wife.”

  From his vantage point he could see her lick her lips, the tip of her pink tongue sliding over the plump of her lips and he envisioned what else her tongue might glide over and his cock strained further against his pants, his longing nearly uncontrollable.

  Despite the rampant urges which seemed to almost be taking over his entire being, Lucas remained steadfast in his determination not to rut into his sweet little wife like some sort of wild beast. Again, at least not the first time.

  “No, I have never touched myself there, it is forbidden.”

  This was an interesting bit of information, Lucas thought. Of course many young ladies had been told it was sinful and evil to engage in any sort of self-discovery, so he ought not to have found this to be unusual, though her use of the word ‘forbidden’ caught his attention.

  “And who has forbidden you from doing such a thing?”

  “N-no one,” she said with a stammer, “does not everyone know it is scandalous behavior?”

  Lucas cupped her bottom cheek and slid his hand down between her thighs and into the slick heat of her cunny lips. His heart pounded in his chest, and blood throbbed in his ears, as he touched her again in the most intimate of ways.

  “Does this seem evil to you?” he asked, pushing his finger deeper into her womanly core.

  Seraphina’s face had become flush, and he could hear her breath coming in shallow pants. He had not even reached the hard clitty at the top of her core, she was already far into the throes of her passion. It appeared his little wife was easily aroused, which pleased Lucas immensely.

  “No,” she said her hands gripping tightly and obediently to the handfuls of fabric which she continued to hold, her knuckles appeared white with the effort. “It does not feel evil. It feels, in fact, very good.”

  “I am pleased to hear you say so, my wife, for I intend to engage in this activity quite often.”

  “Is this what is called consummating our love?”

  Holy hell! She would be the death of him. Was she really so uninformed? He ought not to be surprised, for as a physician, he had ample opportunity to encounter the bewildered and confused young ladies who enter into marriage without any knowledge of what happens in the marriage bed. He often wondered why their mothers never gave them more information, but given the strictures against any kind of discussion of bodily functions, or perhaps for fear of frightening their young daughters, few brides entered their bridal chamber well informed.

  There was a curious inconsistency with his wife. On the one hand, she had a mysterious background and a vocabulary of blue language which belied any sort of genteel upbringing. On the other hand, she had a sweet and innocent demeanor which was inconsistent with the working classes.

  Regardless of his rising curiosity, he wanted her. Wanted her unlike anyo
ne or anything he had ever wanted in his entire life and with an urgency and nearly blinding power.

  “L-Lucas? Have I said something to upset you? You have not answered my question. I thought I would be n-naked when we consummated our marriage.”

  Unbidden, a short laugh escaped his mouth and as soon as the sound entered the room Seraphina stiffened up and her face blanched. Shoulders sagging, she rested her head against the wall, slow tears falling from her eyes which rapidly transitioned to all out sobs.

  Lucas removed his hand from its exploration of her sex and carefully loosened the grip her fingers continued to have on her skirts, lowering the layers of fabric to the floor before massaging her hands between his own and then turning her gently to face him. Lifting her into his arms, he had no idea what had brought on the sudden change in her demeanor, though he despaired of his ill-timed laugh. Not for all the crown jewels would he have intentionally damaged his sweet bride’s feelings, and yet it appeared he had done so.

  They exited the dining room and he carried her up the main staircase to the master bedroom where he settled himself into a large armchair, his wife still tucked against his chest, her tears wetting his coat. This was hardly the way he had envisioned his wife’s introduction to his bedchamber.

  He managed to get a clean handkerchief from a bureau before he sat down and used it to wipe the tears from his wife’s face, his heart aching with her anguish. His mind spun trying to understand this sudden change in her and, more importantly, how to correct the situation, which he feared was of his own making.

  For a few moments he simply held her and allowed her to cry herself out. In part because he believed she needed the release, but also to give him a bit of time to determine the best way to handle the situation.

  Finally she stilled, her little body pressed against his and she sighed and rested her head on his chest, clearly exhausted. Lowering his head, he pressed a kiss to the softness of her chestnut colored tresses, inhaling the aroma of her shampoo. Despite his extensive training and medical knowledge, he was at a loss as to how to alleviate her profound pain. Helpless. He hated feeling helpless. That was why he had gone into medicine in the first place,

  But, Papa, why will the doctor not come? Did you not send for him?

  His father scraped his hand through his hair and looked away. “There is nothing the doctor can do. Nothing any of us can do.”

  He shook his head and pushed away the heartbreaking memory. Times had changed. No longer a child, he was a man, and now, a husband.

  He tipped his wife’s face up so he could look into her eyes. “Seraphina, please, tell me what has upset you so. I know I laughed a few minutes ago and for that I sincerely apologize. But I must tell you, it was not a laugh of derision, but a laugh of delight. I find you utterly charming and endearing and would never do anything to mock or belittle you.”

  Seraphina held his gaze for a long moment. “Thank you for apologizing. But, your laughter only proved to me a truth which I have been fighting against.”

  That was quite a dramatic statement coming from his bride and Lucas was unsure of what to make of it.

  “Please tell me, little one, what is on your mind. Let me help you.”

  “The truth of it is,” she said, looking him squarely in the eye, “I was born and raised in a bawdy house. My mother was a whore, from what I understand my father, or at least a man who claimed to be my father, was a soldier. I hardly remember my mother, I was rather young when she died.”

  Lucas watched her make this confession, an overwhelming urge to comfort and protect her coming over him. However, he felt there was more she needed to say, and so all he did was encourage her to continue, which she did.

  “After my mother died, I was raised – if you can call it that – by the woman who ran the brothel. However, she had made up her mind that a pure and innocent virgin such as myself, particularly one with no family or anyone to protect her, or frankly to even know whether or not she lived or died, would fetch a pretty penny. I was kept closeted away from the other people who worked for her. Sometimes I could overhear their conversations, and occasionally I was allowed to be included, but only about discussions of fashion or news of the day. I was never permitted to know any of the details of their lives. In retrospect, I doubt many of them wished to discuss the hardships, the brutality, and the misery of the tasks they performed for Mrs. Hartpence.”

  “Oh, my little wife, I am truly sorry to learn of these things.”

  “I am sorry to have to share them with you, but I have determined to be candid with you and I believe I must do so before things get out of hand. When you laughed a moment ago, I assumed due to my ineptitude in the ways of men and women, I realized I am a fraud. I am neither a proper young lady who can be a proper wife to you, and ironically, despite being raised in a brothel, I have no idea how to please a husband.”

  “Well, my dear, as I told you before, it is my honor to teach you those things.”

  “No,” she said pulling away from his touch and standing to face him. “I am not suitable as a wife for you. I have deceived you, and even Lady Tempest and Lady Calliope. Only Colonel St. Clair knows the truth, it was he who told me not to tell anyone. Lady Calliope and Lady Tempest only know I am the daughter of a soldier Colonel St. Clair knew. That is true, but they do not know the rest of it. And so, I have been living a lie for the past several weeks, pretending to be something much other than my actual station in life. If I were to be found out, I could not bear the thought of the shame it will bring upon you. When we were in the garden at the vicarage, and I offered to release you from your commitment to marry me, I said it was because of my poor behavior, which is true, but primarily it was because of my unsuitable background. I believe it would be best, if you were to allow me to leave. I cannot be a suitable wife for you.”

  There, she had done her duty, though it broke her heart, because she believed she would enjoy life very much at Cherry Grove Manor, as the wife of Dr. Lucas Spencer. However, a girl of her background dared not aspire to something so much above her station in life.

  She hated deceiving Lucas and felt relieved at having the truth of her lineage in the open air between.

  She knew Colonel St. Clair only had her best interest at heart when he had admonished her not to share these details with anyone. However, she could not bear the thought first of all, of keeping such a secret for the rest of her life. And secondly, she could not bear the idea that eventually her husband would learn the truth, then not only would he know how shameful her pedigree was, but possibly worse, he would know she had been lying to him. She was in an untenable situation.

  Lucas had said nothing after her long explanation. He was probably dumbfounded by her revelation. Or he was so angry he could not even speak. In any case, it was time for her to leave. With one last glance at this handsome man who was her husband, if only briefly, she turned to leave the room.

  Just as she reached the door, a hand from behind her slammed it closed. She gasped with surprise. And stood in place. Lucas towered over her, both of them facing the door which he held closed with one of his large hands.

  “Please, sir,” she whispered with the last of her strength and resolve, “please allow me to leave with my dignity.”

  Lucas lowered his hand from the door, and she assumed he was allowing her to leave. But instead he rested both of his palms upon her shoulders and gently turned her to face him. His dark eyes bored into hers as his warm palms encased her upper arms.

  “First, I wish to thank you for sharing with me about your background. I know many in society would encourage me to have our marriage annulled and send you back from whence you came. But I am not like those people. And neither were you. The circumstances of your birth are no fault of yours. In our short acquaintance, you have shown yourself to be honest, straightforward, and a young lady of much integrity. You were willing to give up all hope of the future with me in order to spare me from what you imagine to be the shame of being your husband

  Seraphina could only stare up at him, trying to discern his intentions. A tiny flicker of hope began to burn in her heart, but she dared not believe it would be permitted, or should be permitted, to burst completely into flame.

  Lucas gathered her close to him, his strong arms wrapped around her. “You are my wife, Seraphina, I shall have no other.”

  The flicker of hope in her heart began to flame a little brighter. “What are you saying? You do not mind about my family?”

  “I am your family now.”


  Seraphina stood by anxiously as her husband carried two more buckets of steaming water into the master bedchamber and poured them into the large copper tub which he had positioned close to the fire. He had removed his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing the muscles of his forearms and his broad shoulders which she watched flex as he poured the water.

  “We shall wash away the old, and start fresh,” he had said when he told her of his intentions. “We are a new family, this is a new day, and we shall have a new beginning. You and me together. Dr. and Mrs. Spencer.”

  Seraphina could hardly contain her joy. She had been absolutely certain no man, not even one who looked at her the way Lucas did, would ever find her acceptable as a bride. For other purposes, yes, but she pushed those thoughts far away. She was safe now.

  Perhaps she ought to have kept that secret to herself, as Colonel St. Clair had instructed her. He was certainly a wise and kind man and had only her best interests at heart. But something within her, deep in her soul, had told her she could not have secrets from Lucas.

  However, mixed with joy was a fair amount of trepidation. Although Lucas had taken some liberties with her bottom on more than one occasion during this, their first day of married life, but as she watched the tub fill with steaming water, she knew she would need to reveal her body to him in its entirety. Yes, it was ironic that she had grown up in a brothel, and yet retained a high level of modesty about her person.


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