Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3)

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Lessons for His Bride (Regency Matchmaker Book 3) Page 11

by Celeste Jones

  Once the water had been filled to his satisfaction, Lucas added some scented oils and swished them around with his hand. Then he turned to her, his eyes smoldering as he held her gaze. “Your bath is ready, Seraphina.” The deep timbre of his voice fanned the burning desire building in her.

  “Yes, I see.” Her own voice was husky too. “Thank you, Lucas. If you will just help me with the closures at the back of my dress, I should be able to manage from there.” She could hardly believe she was asking a man to help her undress. Perhaps it was an indication of her comfort with her new husband, even if she was completely unused to nudity. Lucas, and his lessons, had given her confidence in him, even if her confidence in herself remained tentative.

  Lucas turned her around and worked the fastenings of her gown until it was loose around her shoulders. However, he did not step away and allow her to undress herself. He just stood there, like it was his right. And it was.

  Mrs. Hartpence had kept her cloistered away. Seraphina had never exposed her body in its entirety to another human being.

  However, she wished more than anything to be a good wife, a dutiful wife, to Lucas Spencer. And so, when he tugged the sleeves of her dress until the entire bodice was around her waist, she did not object.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest as her bare arms and décolletage were revealed to him. His gaze roamed over her as he circled around to stand before her. “We had best hurry, Seraphina, before the water gets too cool. Much as I would enjoy slowly stripping away your clothing, there will be time for that later.”

  The glint in his eye held a promise of much naughtiness in the days to come. Seraphina knew from this moment forward, she would finally learn about the intimacies between a man and a woman. Was she prepared to venture into that unknown and mysterious world?

  Yes, she told herself, she most certainly was. She put her trust in Lucas, her husband. Though she had been skeptical about Lady Ambrosia, particularly after experiencing her unique methods of matchmaking, she now realized the odd woman with the even odder name and bearing, knew exactly what she was doing.

  And for that, Seraphina vowed eternal gratitude. Lucas pushed her dress all the way to the floor and held her hand as she stepped out of it, gathering the dress up from the carpet and draping it on the back of a chair.

  “Are you nervous, my sweet Seraphina?” Lucas said, his voice lowered to a husky whisper.

  “Yes, I am. But you have promised to be a gentle teacher, and I trust you to do so.”

  “I do not believe you could say anything which would make me happier, at this moment.” He pulled her into his arms. His hands in her thick, dark hair, he tilted her face back and lowered his mouth to hers in a sweet and gentle kiss. By the time he finished, the kiss had turned passionate. And when he finally raised his face from hers, Seraphina was breathless and clutching at his shoulders, the urgent longing which she had felt at intervals throughout the day had returned.

  “We had best get you undressed and into the water, or I cannot promise you will get a bath before the water turns stone cold.”

  It gave Seraphina a boost of confidence and pleasure to realize Lucas desired her. When he began removing the layers of her undergarments, she did not object, but silently prayed he would find her pleasing. He removed her petticoats, then her corset, and finally the chemise. She stood before him utterly nude, a shiver ran through her body. Whether from a slight chill from being completely exposed, or a thrill from being gazed upon by her husband, she could not determine.

  “You are exquisite, my darling wife.” Lucas’ eyes roamed over her body, and his fingers gently trailed the length of her spine before he moved his hands to cup her face and enticed her with another kiss.

  The telltale moisture which had gathered between her legs earlier in the day returned and Seraphina found herself squirming. Lucas gave her bottom a playful slap. “Hold still,” he said, “I am not finished kissing you. In fact, I do not believe I shall ever be finished with kissing you, my little wife.”

  When he finally relinquished her lips, she was breathless and rested her head on his shoulder, his powerful arms encircling her. After a moment when they each caught their breath, he reached down and lifted her in his arms. “Come now, we must get you into the bath.”

  Wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck and pressing her face to his broad shoulder, Seraphina had no objections. Bending carefully, he lowered her into the fragrant water until her body was completely submerged up to the shoulders. Her anxieties over being naked somewhat allayed by the cover of the water, though it still left little to the imagination. However, the warmth of the watery cocoon helped her feel secure and relaxed. What luxury! “You shall spoil me, Lucas,” she said, gazing up at him with wonder.

  “That is my intention, Seraphina. For every day of sorrow and lack, I shall give you two of comfort and joy.”

  “I do not deserve it. You are too kind. I never dreamed a man such as you existed.”

  “I shall be the one to determine what you deserve, and I believe you do deserve to be indulged,” he said.

  “Much has happened since you let loose some curse words in the dining room, has it not?” He knelt next to the tub, so they were at eye level.

  “A shocking amount of things have happened in a short time. ‘Tis enough to make my head spin. I-I still cannot believe you are not disgusted by my sordid background.”

  “Seraphina,” he held his index finger up to emphasize his point, “if I hear you say such a thing ever again, you shall receive a most severe punishment. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, you do,” she said, though she still found it hard to believe he was sincere. After living in shame for as long as she could remember, knowing she was only of value to Mrs. Hartpence as long as she remained pure and untouched until she could be sold off to a wealthy man as his plaything. Her virtue her only value. She had dared not think what might happen to her once the blood of her virginity had been shed. Was it any wonder she had a difficult time believing a man, particularly a man such as Lucas, would wish to be leg-shackled to her through all time?

  As if reading her thoughts, he said, “Seraphina, I would imagine, based upon what you have told me about your upbringing, you have very little experience with people—men in particular—who keep their word. But I wish to make very plain to you, I am, above all else, a man of my word. I realize you have no reason to accept my word as truth; therefore, I shall endeavor through my actions to reassure you of my trustworthiness.”

  “Thank you, Lucas,” Seraphina said, her heart filling with happiness and wonder at this man who was now her husband. “I do have one additional question, if you do not mind my asking.”

  “Of course, my dear, what is your question?”

  “I am wondering, if you are as you say, a man of your word, then why have you not commenced bathing me as you have said you would?” She glanced up at him from beneath her lashes taking particular pleasure in the shocked look which crossed his face.

  “What did you just say?” He gaped at her, as though he could not believe the words came out of her mouth.

  She wondered if perhaps she had gone too far. But her worries were for naught, because he looked at her with a heated gaze, and said, “You are quite correct, my dear wife. It is time to stop talking and start washing.”

  He soaped the sponge in his hand thoroughly and commenced to bathe his wife in a most detailed and intimate manner. Beginning with her neck, he ran the warm sponge from back to front with delicate strokes over the pulse at the base of her throat. Seraphina lay back in the tub, luxuriating in his attention.

  Eyes closed, she breathed deeply and allowed herself to simply enjoy the tender care of her husband. However, when the soapy cloth slid over her breasts, her eyes opened wide with surprise.

  “Hmm. Does this shock you, my little wife? You seem unaccustomed to washing your breasts. If such be the case, then I shall have to be most diligent in making sure to cleanse this area. It would not d
o to allow breasts as lovely as these to not be properly attended to.”

  Tendrils of heated longing spiraled through her body from the point where he was sponging her breasts, stroking the rough sides of the sponge across her nipples causing them to harden into pebbles. Seraphina opened her mouth to speak but no words would come out except for a moan of pleasure.

  “Huh, I see you enjoy this, little wife,” Lucas said. “I believe in being quite thorough in all of my tasks. In fact, as much as I enjoy rubbing this sponge over your lovely breasts and nipples, I think there is one method which will assure me I have done a proper job of attending to you.”

  Seraphina had no idea what he could be talking about, so she simply held her breath as her husband lowered his mouth towards her and nipped first one breast and then the other. His lips caressed her nipple and sucked causing her to grasp the sides of the metal tub and arch her back to get closer and closer to the delicious delight that was his mouth upon her throbbing breast. While his mouth attended to one breast, he used his hand to tease the other, leaving Seraphina to rise in the water, her hips bucking and waves of heated longing crashing over. She continued to moan and clasp at the edges of the tub in order to maintain some manner of control of her body. The throbs in her womanly core burned hotter and finally a completely new sensation overwhelmed her. She threw her head back and groaned loudly, her eyes closed, dark spots danced in her vision and she shot to the clouds and then slowly floated back down.

  When she finally opened her eyes, she gazed directly into her husband’s dark eyes. “It would appear, my naughty little wife, you enjoyed that a great deal.”

  “I did. I’ve never experienced something like that before.” Seraphina looked to him for answers though her face burned with embarrassment for her reaction.

  “That was you reaching your climax, Seraphina. Something which I hope will be a regular occurrence. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, I believe I would.”


  Lucas could hardly believe the transformation in his little bride from shy and reserved to frankly, quite bold. He had her positioned in the tub on all fours, her bottom perched high as he squeezed the sponge and watched the rivulets of warm water trickle over the tantalizing curves of her bottom.

  “My little bride, how is it that you have gone from shy and reserved to rather bold?”

  “Oh, my dear husband, I apologize if I am shocking you with my behavior,” she said turning her head and looking at him over her bare shoulder. “Something has come over me, now that I have confessed all to you. I feel free. As though a huge burden has been lifted off of me. Maybe for the first time ever, I am able to actually be myself. But even though I am feeling bold, you must believe it when I tell you no man has ever seen me or touched me in such a way. For that I am particularly pleased, because I wish to offer all of that to you, my husband.”

  Momentarily stunned, Lucas stared at his sweet little wife and let her words sink in. She was the most intoxicating mixture of innocence and vixen-like coquettishness he had ever imagined. He was a most fortunate man indeed.

  “That is the loveliest thing you have ever said to me, and I hope to be worthy of your trust.”

  “I wish to be a most eager student.”

  “Then perhaps it is time for yet another lesson for you, my naughty little wife,” Lucas said, adding a couple of playful slaps to her upturned bottom. He watched as the flesh of her bottom quivered and Seraphina instinctively opened legs wider, revealing to him the sweet pink folds of her sex. He could see the swollen nub of her clit peeking through the glistening wetness of her womanhood. Inhaling deeply, he took in the aroma of her arousal. His cock pressed against the front of his trousers in an alarmingly turgid position.

  “Oh, yes, dear husband, please teach me everything I need to know to be a good wife to you. However, I must ask for you to hurry, as my arms and legs are becoming weak. Is it normal for me to quiver so?”

  “I believe the quivering is the result of your growing passion, and it is quite normal indeed. However, I do not wish for you to harm yourself in any way, particularly because I have so many plans for you, my dear. Perhaps it is time for you to leave the tub.” He reached for a towel and helped her to her feet carefully drying her all the way from her shoulders down her torso with special attention to the swollen buds of her breasts, further south to the ringlets protecting her womanhood and then between her thighs. “Oh my, you are very wet, my dear. You are nearly ready for me, is that not so?”

  With a saucy look, she glanced up at him. “Did you not say, husband, we would both be clean and start anew? But only I have been bathed. Is it not your turn for me to wash you?”

  Holy hell. The girl continued to shock. She wished to bathe him? Well, who was he to deny her such a request? The water had cooled, but considering the heat coursing through him, he was sure it would be of no inconvenience to him.

  “If you insist.” He helped her from the tub and wrapped her in a warm dressing gown, rolling the sleeves up past her elbows.

  Securing the dressing gown around her tightly, Seraphina snuggled into the warmth of the fabric, inhaled deeply and recognized her husband’s scent. The intimacy of wearing one of his personal garments, particularly next to her bare skin, filled her with a thrill of longing.

  As she watched, Lucas stripped away his clothing. He held her gaze as he began the process. First, he untied the cloth wrapped around his neck and slowly unwound it revealing the dark skin of his throat and a small glimpse of chest hair at the opening of his shirt. Her breath hitched in her throat at the imaginings of what lay beneath the rest of his clothing. Her throat was dry, but she could not take her eyes off him, in addition to all of his other fine qualities, her husband was an exceptionally well built and attractive man.

  He loosened his shirt from the waistband of his trousers and as he did so, she caught a glimpse of bare flesh and his flat stomach. The knot of desire which had been building in her tightened further. He slowly removed the shirt and revealed the hard muscles of his chest and shoulders to her. Seraphina gasped.

  “If you’re going to bathe me, little wife, you would best be quick about it, for I fear the water may soon be too cold.”

  Mesmerized, Seraphina could do nothing but nod. She knew she ought to look away as he removed his pants, but she could not. Her gaze was drawn to the hard outline of his member and she yearned to see and touch this most intimate part of him. Her wish was soon granted as he lowered his pants and revealed all of himself to her. She had never seen a man in the altogether before, and she found it very appealing indeed.

  Lucas strode toward her, a smile teasing the corners of his lips, and a naughty glint in his eye. “Do you see what you have done to me, my beautiful wife?”

  Seraphina blushed. “I believe I have promised to bathe you, is that not true?”

  “Yes, it is true, and I would hate for you to go back on your word,” Lucas said stepping into the tub. “I believe, I should like for you to bathe me while I’m standing in the tub, rather than sitting. Do you have any objections?”

  Seraphina could only stare at the thickness of his cock and shake her head back and forth. Lucas stepped into the tub, reached down and handed her the sponge. “I believe you have a task to do, little wife.”

  Seraphina stepped toward the tub gazing at her husband’s body which was chiseled like a marble statue. Only this statue did not have leaves covering the private parts.

  Lucas reached his hand out to her. “Come,” he said, and she placed her hand in his. Cupping her hand, he stroked it up and down the length of his hard shaft. When he released her hand, she continued to explore the smooth, firm flesh. “This is my cock,” Lucas said, his voice thick with emotion, “in just a few minutes, I am going to claim you as my own by placing it inside that wet cunny of yours.”

  Seraphina’s fingers closed around his cock and gave a slight squeeze.

  “I believe,” Lucas said through clenched teeth, “this will ha
ve to be the extent of my bath for the day. I promise you shall have ample opportunity to tend to me, but for now, I must have you.” He stepped from the tub and gathered her in his arms, carrying her to the bed and depositing her amongst the pillows piled there.

  Seraphina gazed up at him and her breath caught in her throat. He was the most handsome, most kind, and most honorable man she had ever known, and he was her husband. She extended her hand to him and he joined her on the bed.

  Kneeling over her, he untied the belt of the dressing gown and pushed the sides open, his eyes taking in every inch of her naked flesh. A tingle of anticipation moved through her and she bit her lips together in an effort to contain her nerves. Would she please him? Would the act be painful? What if she did not care for marital relations?

  All her worries were soon blocked out by Lucas’ face descending to kiss her. “Loosen those lips, little wife, for I mean to kiss you until you are breathless.”

  “I-I already feel a bit breathless, Lucas.”

  “Oh,” he pulled back, “then I suppose you do not wish for me to kiss you?”

  “Oh, no, absolutely. I do want you to kiss me. I-I want you to kiss me… all over.”

  “As you wish, my beautiful bride.” Lucas lowered his mouth and commenced his mission of kissing her... all over. His lips started out gently, nibbling along her throat and down the slope of her breasts, but when he got to her nipples, his mouth became more insistent and again Seraphina writhed beneath him, urges and yearnings coursing through her body.

  Lucas had both her hands pinned above her head, allowing him unfettered access to her quivering flesh. As he moved further down her body, however, he had to relinquish his hold on her hands in order to position himself between her thighs.

  Not even the boldest romance novels had ever mentioned such a thing and Seraphina was caught completely by surprise when Lucas began to lap at the folds of her cunny.


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