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Touched by Moonlight

Page 21

by Bonnie Vanak

  “Do whatever you must to make you happy,” I told her.

  Grayson returned, bearing two keys. Kara hugged me. “Good luck, Sienna. Don’t stay alone if you have to. It’s a hard thing, not having friends in the world.”

  She stepped back, nodded at Grayson. The silver dragon replaced the woman, blinked once and rose into the air. My hair billowed back from the currents created by her wings.

  Grayson looked upward, his expression contemplative. Keys jingled in his hand. “Come on, Sienna. We’ll get dinner at the restaurant and then a good night’s sleep.”

  I slept in his arms after dinner, and in the middle of the night, woke with a scream. Grayson pulled me back into his arms. We made love until the screams died in my throat, replaced by moans of pleasure.

  The next morning, Grayson drove me to his place.

  As he stopped outside the gate, I put a hand on his arm. “I’m not sure if it’s safer for me to simply leave. Your people don’t like me. They may try to drive me out.”

  “My people will do whatever I say. You’re staying.” A deep frown creased his forehead.

  Unlike my previous visit late at night, two wolves prowled behind the fence. They sat on their haunches as Grayson punched a code into the security panel. We drove through and one wolf shifted into a human and closed the gate behind us.

  Several wolves patrolled the grounds as we pulled into the driveway. They all sat as their alpha drove up, and bowed their heads.

  Two men carrying shotguns stood guard at the front door. The peaceful mansion had turned into an armed compound.

  I knew it was because of what happened back at my office. Grayson hadn’t wasted time tightening security. The sight of all those fangs and guns reassured me a little, but I knew what I faced.

  Shifter magick cannot defeat Kallan.

  Then again, what was Grayson? No ordinary shifter could do what he’d accomplished back at the lake. My enemies closed in around me, but did Grayson and his pack present the greater threat?

  For now, I had to seek refuge until formulating a plan. All the safe places I’d known were gone. The Timber Wolf Retreat offered the only security, with strong, reinforced magick to defeat Kallan.

  At least temporarily. Even if most of the pack disliked me.

  Nicolas and Stephan met us in the driveway. Without words Stephan rushed over, lifted me off the bike and engulfed me in a tight hug. He buried his face against my neck.

  “I was so scared for you, Sienna. When Grayson called and told us what happened, I feared the worst.”

  I rubbed soothing circles on his back. Of my three wolves, Stephan was the most sensitive.

  The most fierce and unapproachable, feared by others, hugged me next. Nicolas, who kissed my cheek and framed my face with his calloused fingertips.

  “Sienna. You okay?”

  I nodded. “Considering what happened…”

  Nicolas swept me into his arms and delivered an intense kiss that drew my breath away. Stephan slid up behind me and hugged me from the back. I felt enveloped in such love and concern that my throat tightened.

  Grayson might be my lover, but these boys were equally mine.

  When both stepped back, Grayson put a hand on the small of my back. He whipped off his mirrored sunglasses and placed them in the pocket of his jacket.

  “Sienna is here under our protection.”

  I pulled away. “Oh? Remember how your people reacted to the news I’m Fionn Fae?”

  He growled. “After what happened in Cheyenne, we’re not taking chances.”

  Hard to argue with that logic. But now that we were safe on land heavily warded against intruder magick, and patrolled by vigilant werewolves, I needed answers.

  I fisted my hands in Grayson’s jacket. “Inside, now. We need to talk.”

  Nicolas and Stephan followed us into the living room. Too restless to sit, and my ass hurt from riding from Cheyenne, I paced before the elegant marble fireplace.

  I pointed at his beta wolves. “Do they know what you are?”

  Grayson considered. “What am I?”

  In no mood for games, I scowled. “Judging from what I saw, you have powers beyond those of a shifter.”

  His expression tightened. “Perhaps. Or perhaps I absorbed those powers from you when we made love.” He stared at me, unblinking. “And so did my men. You’re unique and extraordinary, Sienna. But vulnerable.”

  “You led me to believe you were an ordinary shifter!” I drew a deep breath. Getting upset wouldn’t solve anything.

  “I am a shifter.”

  “Who happens to have halted Kallan. Twice.”

  “I channeled your powers and directed them at Kallan. It’s the same concept I apply with other members of my pack – the witches, for example. Teamwork.”

  “Too bad your explanation doesn’t make sense because I wasn’t there the first time you stopped him. What are you, Grayson?”

  He braced his forearms on his knees, and regarded me, his blue gaze steady. No quarter given from this alpha. “In due time, you’ll know. Know this now. We need you, and you need us. This can be your home, permanently. No more running, or looking over your shoulder. We share a bond that cannot be broken. As for my pack, they will do as I ask.”

  Now I did shout. “We had a lovely week together, the four of us. That’s all it was.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  This from Stephan, who plopped onto the gray sofa. “It was much more, Sienna and you felt it as well. The four of us now share a strong bond.”

  “A connection,” Leaning against the doorway, Nicolas regarded me with a hard look. “There’s no denying it. We talked after you left and Stephan and I agreed to help Grayson convince the rest of the pack to accept you.”

  Laughter gurgled up from my throat, but there was no humor in it. “I’m Fae. You’re wolves. How could I live here among wolves? The rest of your people don’t like me.”

  “I know what you are.” Grayson stood and paced, restless as his wolf. “Who you are, Sienna. They will learn to accept you. For now, I promise you will be safe here. We have a connection that ties us together, lass.”

  “We aren’t connected,” I protested. Connection meant ties I could not break, and I could not prevent others from being hurt.

  “We will always be connected,” Grayson said softly.

  My chest constricted because I knew he was right. Whether I liked it or not, Grayson and I were tied together. His mind had entered mine as powerfully as his cock had thrust into my body.

  No matter where I fled, how far I wandered, I could never forget him.

  He touched my cheek, his caress tender, but in his eyes I knew the truth. I was his, and had been since the first time our thoughts had touched all those years ago. His skills as a lover made me crave him like a drug, want his hard, naked body atop me… I saw us tangled together in passion as he grunted and strained, thrusting inside me, stroking me to heights of pleasure I’d experienced only here in his pack. Desire whipsawed through me, and the empty space between my legs pulsed with need.

  Control snapped like a dry twig. Damnit, I let no one determine my fate and what I wanted.

  Conditioned to run from threats, for this is how I had survived, I turned to flee. Strong fingers laced around my wrist.

  “No. Don’t run, Sienna. Not anymore.”

  I tried pulling free from his vise-like grip. Gentle, but unyielding, he would not release me. “Let go, Grayson. I need to get out of here.”

  “And go where? The pine barrens of Jersey? The mountains of North Carolina? Perhaps the swamps of Louisiana? You’ll always have Kallan pursuing you. And all those places you’ve gone have never offered what we can.” He took a deep breath. “A home. Safety. Love and companionship.”

  Nothing in life, hell, especially my life, was granted for free. “In turn for what?”

  “You will stay here, as my queen and mate, and the mate of Stephan and Nicolas. We will give you whatever you wish, whatever you
r heart wants…” his voice dropped to a hushed whisper. “In turn, all we ask is that you share your power with us. And in time, give me an heir to rule the pack after I am gone.”

  So startled at the thought of sharing power with the three of them, I almost didn’t catch the last request. “Have your baby?”

  My womb clenched hard in sweet anticipation. But sharing power… my kind of power destroyed.

  The last time someone wanted my power, they ended up dead.

  “Is that the real reason you want me, Grayson? For my power? You took it from me at the lake and staved off Kallan’s attack. And now you want more?”

  “It is a request, nothing more. If you shared your power, you would be free of its burden.” Grayson’s jaw clenched hard. “Power can be a terrible responsibility.”

  “Power is a curse, Grayson.”

  “You’ve walked alone for so long. You think yourself cursed, Sienna. Power such as yours can be beneficial. You have only seen the dark side of the magick.”

  “There is no good side,” I whispered. “I am a freak. No Fae should possess this kind of magick. In the end, it will destroy me.”

  “You think that because you were conditioned to believe it. Conditioned to want to get rid of it. It’s stamped into your brain that you’re a force for destruction, but you can be a force for good, Sienna. Your father wanted you to think of your magick as a single-edged sword, not a double-edged one. Because he was the one wishing to wield it for his purpose. We will not do that. Share your magick with us and ease your burden.”

  But Grayson and his men still wanted to use me, even if they wished for a more benevolent purpose. Even if they handed me the world on a silver platter, they did so with velvet ropes tethered to my wrists and ankles. I had not fled my colony and people to become a pet in a pretty cage. Even the most luxurious home can still be a cage.

  I needed to buy more time. Time to think, formulate a plan.

  Or stay.

  Are you nuts? The sex wasn’t that terrific. Well, okay it was, but still…

  Can you trust this wolf? And what about the other wolves who think Fae would make a nice snack?

  “You want my magick to empower yourself and become invincible.”

  Grayson laughed, but it held no humor. “Lass, I couldn’t absorb all your power. It would kill me. My body isn’t equipped to hold that much magick. No, I want you to share your magick with us to free yourself.”

  “Sounds like a terrific plan, if only your people didn’t hate me.”

  He bent his head and nuzzled my ear and heat sizzled between us. “Stay with us. We will convince the pack to accept you.”

  “I can’t.” I struggled to resist falling into his arms as he kissed my neck. And then I moaned, because he aroused me all over again.

  “Damn, I can’t resist you. Every time you’re near me, my thoughts grow cloudy, my body takes over and all I can think about is fucking you. What power do you have over me, lass?”

  Grayson nipped my skin and I moaned, my breasts heavy and full, their nipples hardening, my body soft and pliant and readying itself for penetration once more. My mind might struggle to resist this wolf, but my body would not. My body would always welcome him. Already my legs parted a little as if anticipating the slow, deep slide of his cock.

  He drew his head back so I could see the intent glitter in his blue eyes. “I have a battle to prepare for. I want you in the gardens, where you’ll be safe.” His hot, intent gaze swept over me. “No one will bother you there.”

  Nicolas and Stephan left the living room.

  He needed to know the truth. “Grayson, I can’t stay here. I need time to think. And plan.”

  Grayson fisted his hands. “I want you, Sienna. We want you. But we need a promise from you that you will remain and try to work it out. Share your power with us and we will make you stronger than you can ever be. Strong in family and our bonds. We will work it out, I promise. Share your power with us and it will form a protective bubble around our people. They will love you for it.”

  “If they don’t tear me apart before that love starts.”

  Grayson’s expression turned grim as he pointed to the outdoors. “Kallan knows where you are. It is only a matter of time before he tracks you here. Your choice is clear. Stay here and fight with us, or keep running.”

  He kissed me swiftly and turned to walk away. Grayson paused at the door. “I made a blood vow to my people when I formed this pack. Many of my people are too helpless to fight. They cannot survive in the outside world. I promised to protect them and fight for them to keep them from harm. I will never break that vow, Sienna. Not for anyone or anything.”

  My heart raced at the resolute determination on his face. “And I guess that leaves me out of the picture.”

  His mouth formed a humorless smile. “No, it includes you. Because from the moment we shared our dreams and walked together and made love in the shadow world, I made the same vow for you. I will protect you to the last drop of my blood, Sienna. No matter what.”

  Chapter 28

  The Zen garden was a good place to think over what Grayson wanted from me.

  As I walked amongst the peaceful vines, trees and the quiet waters of the lotus pond, my thoughts swirled in a maelstrom.

  Grayson wanted me to trust him. Trust Nicolas and Stephan as well and share my powers as if loaning them a car. I wanted to, how I wanted to! It was almost as if I needed to trust again.

  But deep inside rang the memory of the bitter betrayal of my family and my people. They had raised me, walked with me, loved me and in the end, hated me.

  And even though their betrayal hurt, I could not forsake my blood. I was Fae.

  The Fae were blood. The Timber Wolf pack was not blood. No matter how much they had loved me, given me a pleasure I had never felt before, had made me feel a part of their family, I could not commit.

  Swear a blood vow to Grayson as my mate, with Nicolas and Stephan as co-mates? How could I?

  Yet they had been only kind, protective and loving to me. Kallan approached, I knew it in my bones. I had to leave for my sake. And theirs.

  The solo life held no appeal for me any longer. I had walked alone for three years, and being with the Timber Wolf pack gave me insight into how long I’d fought my inner feelings. I had been lonely and numb, afraid to make friends or form any connections.

  A ghost of myself.

  Grayson and his betas brought me back to life. Could his people learn to accept me as Grayson said they would?

  All these thoughts ran through my mind as I left the Zen garden. Grayson was in the workshop near the house, sharpening a sword against a stone wheel. Sparks flew in every direction as he honed the blade. The sight chilled my blood.

  As if scenting me, he looked up, saw me silhouetted in the sunlight, and set down the sword on the bench. “Sienna. Have you come to give me your answer about staying here and joining us?”

  “Yes.” Clenching my fists, I struggled to find the words. “I can’t. I have to leave. It’s to save you.”

  But deep inside, I knew I was only saving my own skin.

  “I see.”

  “Do you?”

  “We need you.” He drew in a deep breath and gently clasped my shoulders. “Lass, I need you. Stephan needs you. You’re the first woman who hasn’t turned away from him after seeing him as wolf. Nicolas needs you. You make him smile again. It can be good here for you, for all of us. All those dreams I shared with you showed me how unhappy you are. I want to make you happy here.”

  Resolve melted beneath his touch, and his words. “I want to stay, Grayson. But I have to move on. It’s the only way I can survive.”

  His expression became tight and controlled. “You’re choosing the coward’s way out.”

  My jaw dropped. Me, a coward? “I’m doing the right thing for me, and for your people.”

  “Stop running away from your troubles. Running never solves anything.”

  “I’m doing this to
protect all of you. He’s coming here because of me. He wants my magick.” How could he be so critical?

  “Right. You’re doing this to save your own pretty ass. Fine.” He waved a hand, and turned his back. “Go.”

  I felt as if he’d kissed me and then slapped me. Breath fled my lungs in a whoosh. This was Grayson, who understood, whom I’d confided in my secrets and my dreams.

  Turning on me hurt as much as when my father had ordered his army to destroy me. It hurt as much as Lily and Kallan’s betrayal.

  “You really want me to leave?” Pride struggled with the hollow ache in my chest.

  “No. But I won’t stand in your way.”

  “Can’t you see I must leave? For your sake? Kallan will kill you all to get at me.”

  He picked up the sword and sliced off an arm from a practice dummy standing in the corner. “And that is why we have to make this stand against him.”

  “No! He’ll kill all of you. All it will take is a tornado or a lightning storm and your home will be destroyed, your people dead in minutes. You can’t fight a dark Fionn Fae.”

  “If he’s such a threat, deal with him.” Grayson turned back, his voice low and growling. “Damnit, Sienna, you have enough power. Do it. Kill the son of a bitch and stop running from him and your problems.”

  “I can’t!”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because he’s my brother!”

  Words screamed at Grayson, slicing through the air as sharp as his sword. Truth admitted. My hands fell helplessly to my side. Tears clogged my throat.

  Tears I’d refused to shed the day I left, tears I’d kept inside all the years I’d dealt with such terrible betrayal. Grayson did not hesitate. He went to me, pulling me into his arms. I struggled at first and then collapsed against him.

  He stroked my hair as I fisted my hands into his shirt and released all the anguish I’d kept bottled up for three years.

  “My mother was a powerful Fionn Fae who could manipulate energy, Grayson, and my father was king of the northern Fionn Fae. She was his mistress. He had a wife, Kallan’s mother, but he was drawn to my mother’s magick and her power. She died when I was twelve. They told me she died of illness, but… I think maybe he killed her to siphon her magick.”


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