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Falling For Temptation: A New Adult College Romance (Good Ol' Boys Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Mj Hendrix

  I try to conceal the smirk wanting to spread over my lips. She’s got it bad.

  Adam is wide-eyed, lips parted. He looks down at me, silently begging for an explanation that I am not going to give him. I look back at Kenna, biting into my lip to hold in the laughter.

  “I…uh, he…I don’t think there’s anyone back home. For Levi? No, definitely not. He’s never even talked to a girl. He’s less experienced than…any of us.” He stumbles over the words, finally coming to a halt.

  I take pity on him. “Okay, so is he really not gay? Who wouldn’t want to be with Kenna, baby? She’s a doll,” I question him, softly running my hand over his arm as goose bumps prick up on his skin.

  His eyes zero in on the movement, lids dipping down. “She—yeah…she’s great. I don’t…I don’t know, I guess. He’s not gay.”

  He forces air into his lungs. His hand under the covers grips my hip so hard it hurts, but I can’t say I don’t like it. I bite into my bottom lip, this time for a different reason.

  “So then, what’s his deal? Is he”—Kenna’s voice lowers to a whisper as she glances at the adjoining door to the suite—“is he, like, asexual?”

  Adam looks at me, then back at her. His face gives nothing away.

  “Why don’t I…talk to him about it?” he hedges, waiting to see what her reaction will be.

  His face is stiff, but his fingers are still claiming my hip, and I’m trying to rein in my breathing.

  She seems to be satisfied with this, nodding. “Don’t tell him…you know, that it’s me asking,” she rushes out, hopping off the bed.

  She turns back to confirm his agreement, but his attention is elsewhere.

  I’ve dipped my face down into his cotton-covered chest, breathing in his scent. He’s all man, a big cocoon of testosterone and muscles. The last few guys I slept with were mostly scrawny, always smelling like smoke. His skin is glowing with health, and I know not a single nicotine stick has ever touched his lips.

  I hear the faint click of a door in the distance, and we are alone. The air is thicker, our hearts beating too fast for a normal Sunday morning.

  Callous fingertips are grazing over my skin, tracing every dip and curve, memorizing me. His mouth is on my collarbone, lips and teeth nibbling. I want to crawl further into the bliss of this moment.

  “All I want is your skin,” he says, voice deep and husky.

  The temperature under the sheets is scorching. My thigh is squeezed right under the knee, then pushed upward. The sensitive space is filled with his hips pressing into me, his hardness right against my soft.

  “You can…take it all, Adam. I’m ready,” I whisper, my hands equally violating his form.

  His panting breath is on my bare shoulder, and I know he wants it more than anything. His body is stone—everywhere. He seems to need a nudge from me to be able to fully commit.

  I pull back from him, and his eyes are wide, swirling with emotion. His breath is coming out in tiny, short bursts. I stare at his hungry eyes as I sit up enough to remove my shirt. I didn’t sleep in a bra last night, and his breath sucks in at the sight of me. This must be his first time to see a woman topless, and I love that I get to introduce him to this part of life.

  That does it. He takes the reins from me, and I gladly relent. Work-strong hands are gripping my flesh. Damp underwear and shorts are pushed down. His shirt is nearly shredded from his torso with jerky movements, and I’m reminded that he looks like he was chiseled by a Greek deity in an old fable. Muscles flex on top of me, delicious golden skin shiny with a hint of sweat in the morning light.

  A switch has been flipped, and he’s not hesitating at all.

  We let out twin sighs as he begins. I immediately feel the relief of tension, the turning point of our dynamic into lovers, and the joining of our bodies and hearts as one. My skin is pale and inked, contrasting his golden and pure.

  I’m deliciously overwhelmed by his weight, and his face is indescribable ecstasy. He watches me, our eye contact never breaking. Sweat is beading up on his skin, and I love the feel of it.

  I’m not sure how I’ve ever done this with anyone I didn’t trust like I do Adam. This vulnerability with a lesser man would be repulsive.

  He draws my ear into his teeth, pausing to gently suck on my skin. He reaches a hand to cup my breast, fingers pinching the sensitive tip that sends a beacon of excitement straight down. My body is quivering underneath him, and I’ve never felt so undone and treasured at the same time. It’s never been this way before.

  He’s exploring, discovering all the joys of what he can do with me in this position. He’s taking care of me, even through this monumental first experience. He’s whispering in my ear, checking on me, asking me what I want. I tell him, and he overenthusiastically complies as his thumb finds my center. He gapes at my immediate, open-mouthed response.

  “You’re such a beautiful creature, Harley, the most incredible sight I’ve ever laid eyes on,” is just one thing he whispers, strong hands driving me wild as they grip my thighs while he moves over me.

  His abs flex with each movement, and I’m unable to look away.

  His strength and stamina are fully unprecedented, but I’m not complaining. His amber eyes are wide, focusing on my face. His lips capture mine, our tongues dancing. He’s commanding my attention, moving my body where he wants it. We’re one, molded together. He bites my earlobe harder this time, drawing a moan from my lips that only encourages his movements.

  We’re in a capsule on another planet, worshipping each other.

  He retreats and pauses for some reason, and I take the opportunity to flip over. He doesn’t press into me again, and I turn around to see him staring at my backside, a look of complete awe on his face.

  “What?” I ask.

  He looks up at me before saying, “Like this?”

  I nod, encouraging him to keep going. He complies; after a few awkward positioning moments, he finds his rhythm again, and I know he’s happy about the switch. He leans forward as he grips my hips, fingers exploring me. I hitch out a moan as he makes contact with the right place.

  I realize at the last moment that it’s too late. I’m in love with him. I have to swallow the words down, forcing myself not to tell him.

  In the next moment, he brings me to the brink of sanity, tipping over and falling into a state of bliss. It lasts for several endless seconds, and I’m overwhelmed with the sensation, my heart racing inside my chest.

  He gently pulls away before he collapses next to me, silent for several long seconds. Our skin is damp and hot a second before it starts to cool. We’re both breathless.

  He lifts up on his elbows, cheeks flushed, mouth slightly open. “I…can’t believe how incredible that was,” his lips press a kiss to my jaw. “How do you feel?”

  I laugh, tears stinging my eyes.

  This is usually the part where they leave, saying, “Text me.”

  I roll onto my side, clutching the blanket to my chest.

  “I feel amazing…are you sure that was your first time?” I ask, choking down what I wish I could say. How does this man exist in the world?

  He carefully traces the side of my face with a finger until his thumb is pressed into my bottom lip.

  “I wish we could stay in this bed for the next five years,” he says in a serious voice, and I laugh.

  He smiles at me, pulling me closer. My head is on his bare chest, and I’m listening to his steady heartbeat. Several quiet moments of bliss pass by us, and words are useless. The thought enters my mind that we should've used a condom, but it's too late now. How did I forget that?

  The bathroom door creaks open.

  “Psst, guys…I’m so sorry to interrupt. I can’t stay in here anymore,” Kenna whispers. “I tried to hang out with the guys, but…anyways, I’m just going to sneak up, okay?”

  She starts to climb the ladder, and I reach out to grab her ankle.

  “Stay down here, you weirdo,” I say, stretching down to the
floor for Adam’s faded green T-shirt and pulling it over my head.

  “Finally,” he says, gathering a ball of the fabric in his fist. “How do you make every piece of clothing look so…” He trails off, pressing his face into my side, groaning.

  I can’t help myself from gently scraping nails across his scalp.

  “Adam,” a cold voice says from the door.

  We all three turn to see Dan standing in the room, arms crossed.

  “Don’t just barge in here. She wasn’t dressed,” Adam growls at him, tucking the covers around my waist.

  “I didn’t. The door was open,” he defends himself. His eyes are taking in the state of the bed we clearly did not just sleep in.

  “Could you come in here for a sec?” Dan’s tone is icy as he stalks back into the boys’ side.

  My stomach is tied in knots.

  “I’ll go to the closet while you get dressed,” Kenna jumps up.

  Adam kisses my forehead, and I notice he has a trail of hickeys on his neck and left shoulder beginning to form. His body is an absolute work of art. It should be frozen in carbonite and put on display in a gallery.

  He stands to put on shorts, and my eyes are blessed with a flash of pale cheeks.

  “I’ll be right back.” He leans down to kiss me good-bye.

  I can’t think about what his brother has to say, but I know it’s not in my favor.



  I collapse into the desk chair on Silas’s side of the room. My body feels heavy and weightless at the same time. I want to eat a giant sandwich and take a nap with Harley. I make a mental note to do that later. I can still feel her all around me, and I ache to be closer to her. The thin wall between us is too much.

  “What’s up, D?” I ask, unable to stop smiling.

  My brother’s mouth is gaping open. He looks over at Silas and Levi, who are both conspicuously preoccupied with their fingernails. Dan’s face turns back to me.

  “I guess I’d like to know what your goal is here. Are you going back to the farm after your degree? Has your whole life plan altered because of a girl?”

  His accusatory tone doesn’t mix well with my good mood, and my smile drops as I stand up.

  “I’d like to know who you think you are to question every move I make. I’ve already got two overbearing parents. I don’t need another one.”

  My fists clench at my sides, and I force them to loosen as I focus on breathing in and out.

  Dan takes a dangerous step closer to me, raising up his hands in defense. “Listen, brother, I’m just worried about you. This girl—”

  “Her name is Harley,” I interrupt, my voice low and harsh.

  “Harley…seems to have a rough background. Nothing wrong with that, okay? There’s nothing wrong with her. I’m concerned about what’s going to happen when you try bringing her home.” He’s close to me now, only a step away. “I want you to be happy, and I know what you have always wanted is the farm. To work on it and develop it into something great. Our hometown doesn’t accept girls that look like her. They just don’t. You remember Scarlett?”

  Silas’s head pops up at the name drop, and we both turn to him. His cheeks turn pink as he looks back down at the blank notebook in his lap.

  “What about her?” I ask, folding my arms over my bare chest.

  “She…basically moved away because she was always going to have that kind of…reputation. She was the bad girl, and we all knew it. She would’ve never been able to marry one of us and settle down. You know Harley has that same…look and vibe. You don’t have to know her to know—”

  My forearm comes up to grind against his windpipe, and he struggles to finish, “I just—meant—that’s what people will—think!” He shoves me back, his eyes darkening as he rubs his throat.

  My chest is heaving with my breath.

  “Despite what you think, I don’t care if you’re with her.” He raises his hands with his voice, and I almost believe him. “If she makes you happy, I’m happy. What I don’t believe is that you’ll be happy without the farm. And I know that even if she wanted that life, that life doesn’t want her. They don’t want her.” He pauses, shaking his head as he looks down at the floor. “I talked to Eden, but I’m guessing you haven’t.” He looks back up at me.

  “What?” I grit out. I’m about to walk out without listening to the answer. I don’t care what they think.

  “Basically…Mom thinks Harley is…the woman of the night, just distracting you. She’s got the whole family praying for you to see the truth and find a good girl.”

  My stomach is full of lead. I can tell he doesn’t agree, eyes full of pity.

  “I don’t know her well enough, Adam. I don’t know her at all. I know we all make mistakes, but I don’t get why you’d want to take on…so much baggage. It’s already changing you.”

  His voice is quiet now, his face creased in concern for me. He’s worried I’m throwing away my future for the girl I can’t take home to Momma. He doesn’t get it. How can he?

  If the roles were reversed, would I be giving him the same speech?

  “I love her.” Words have never felt so right, and I speak them with full conviction. “She’s not…what they think. She’s had a bad life. She’s made mistakes, like we all have. Mostly, she’s just been treated…horribly. She hasn’t led me down some destructive path. I’ve chosen my way. I haven’t done everything right, but as soon as she’s ready, I’ll ask her to marry me. If our family can’t accept her”—my heart sinks at the possibility of having to neglect the only life I’ve ever known until the last few months—“then I’ll just have to start a new one with her.”

  Dan’s face has softened as I speak, and he reaches a hand to clap me on the shoulder. “You won’t lose me, brother, and I want to get to know her. We’ll talk to them together; maybe they’ll see reason. They might just need some time.”

  He flashes me a devilish smile. He’s a handsome son of a bitch, and I’ll bet he’ll understand better once a girl waltzes into his life.

  “So, is it worth the wait?”

  Silas and Levi both jerk their heads up again, suddenly okay with revealing their obvious eavesdropping.

  “You will never, ever be the same.”

  I match his grin, shoving his hand off of me to go hold on to my girl.

  Monday is a perfect day of sunshine. I talked to my dad on the phone this morning, and he was pretty concerned about how I’m spending my free time. I know I should just be straightforward about it with him, but I was vague instead. At this point, I know I won’t be giving Harley up, no matter what the obstacles in our relationship are.

  I knew when I met her that she was inevitable.

  What Dan said is true. I’ve always wanted a life on the farm. I love working the land and growing new things every year. It’s something Harley and I have in common. I want to take her to the orchard down the road from us to pick the green apples.

  We’re sitting in Principles of Horticulture, and her foot is wrapped around my leg underneath the desk.

  what’s your favorite color?

  She scribbles on my paper, leaning over to my side. She’s nearly sitting in my lap, but the contact isn’t enough. I need more of her skin. I purposefully sat us in the back row this time, hoping we could get away with more touching.

  red on black. what’s yours?

  She smiles, scribbling back. Her ocean eyes are sparkling as she looks toward the front of the classroom.

  that’s two colors. cheater. mine’s green.

  I don’t hesitate to write back as the professor begins to assign homework to go to a plant nursery and discuss seasonal harvesting of the plants they sell. I guess I have a leg up on this one. I know Harley won’t have time to respond, which gives me the confidence to say it.

  it was the red on your inked skin at the beach party. when I fell in love with you.

  I don’t wait for her to respond as I begin to pack up. She’s motionless, reading the pa
per for a very long time. My pens and notebook are put away, backpack swung over my shoulder. I’m surprisingly calm despite the increase in my heart rate.

  She slowly begins to fold up the paper, pushing it into her jean shorts pocket. She’s actually wearing a low-cut red tank top today, dark hair up in a big, tangled bun on her head. She belongs on the cover of a magazine, the one my mom would frantically turn over in the grocery store line when I was twelve. Now, I get to stare at her without anyone to stop me.

  She’s packing up her stuff with robotic movements. We’re the last students in the classroom again. I wait on her, a cloud of nervous energy surrounding me as I shuffle on my feet.

  I wish I had let her have time to respond. Not knowing what she thinks about my confession is worse than a rejection…maybe.

  She leads the way toward the door. I step ahead of her to push it open, watching her face as she follows me through.

  Her pale blue eyes almost glow in the morning sun, but she’s quiet as we walk. I reach for her hand, interlacing her fingers. She holds me tight, and it’s the only confirmation I need. The tension in my neck and shoulders relaxes. I can wait until she’s ready.

  “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” I ask.

  My old plastic phone starts to ring before she can respond. I pull it out, not recognizing the number.


  A wet cough sounds on the other line.

  “Hello? This Adam?” an older voice speaks, and I remember the thinning white hair of the old man at the campus police.

  “Yes, sir. Russ?” I respond, speaking louder.

  “Hope I didn’t wake you. I know you youngsters like to sleep in these days.” I hear him sipping loudly into the receiver.

  “No, sir. I just got out of class.”


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