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A Lady for the Forsaken Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 14

by Bridget Barton


  Madelene watched as Hugh stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. Something or someone had riled him up, and she had the notion that it had to do with the little boy she had seen earlier on.

  “What is it about the little boy that troubles him so much?”

  She turned away from the staircase, gasping to find the same little boy standing behind her.

  “Oh! What are you doing out here on your own?”

  The boy – she remembered the Earl calling him James – stared up at her, his eyes intelligent.

  “Why are you in boy’s clothes?” he asked.

  The question took her by surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “You are not a boy, you are a girl.”

  Madelene’s eyes grew wide. How is he able to see that? I am certain that I am well hidden beneath these heavy garments.

  “No, I am a boy, just like you,” she said.

  James smiled and shook his head. “You are too pretty to be a boy. You are not so strong either. I thought that you would catch me when I ran to you, but you fell down.”

  Had he been expecting me to catch him?

  “You took me by surprise; that is all. I am sure that I could catch you the next time around.”

  He came closer and took her hand, studying her fingers. Madelene didn’t know what to make of it, so she left him to it. James looked up at her, smiling.

  “You are a very pretty girl. Will you marry my uncle?”

  This boy will not let go of this, will he? This is the Earl’s nephew? Marry the Earl? That explained the resemblance between them, but why was he here and not with his own parents? And why would he speak of marriage?

  “I am not a girl, James. I’m here to tend the horses in your uncle’s stable.”

  The boy frowned. “Girls don’t know how to look after horses!”

  “Yes they do!” she argued, but then caught herself. “I’m sure that they do, but as I am a boy, it is alright.”

  The boy looked behind him, and back at her.

  “Will you come and play with me?”

  Madelene was so glad of the change in topic that she readily allowed herself to be steered into the boy’s room. The room seemed quite sparse, which she found strange. There was a bed, an armoire, a writing desk, and a shelf with some books. She wondered what they were going to play since there were no toys in the room. He led her to the bed, making her sit down.

  “You can be the mommy, and I will be the child.”

  Back to the girl thing again. The boy was intent on uncovering her disguise, it seemed.

  “James, how can I be the mommy if I am a boy? Why don’t I be the father?”

  “Because you are not a boy! You have to be the mommy!”

  James’ voice had risen, and Madelene was worried about someone rushing in to find them.

  “Very well,” she agreed. “I will be the mommy, but do not tell anyone. Do I have your word?”

  James nodded. “First, you have to tuck me into bed.”

  “But you are not wearing your night clothes, yet.”

  In answer, he hurried to the armoire and pulled out a flowing garment.

  “You can dress me, and then you will tuck me in.”

  Madelene had never undressed anyone else but herself before, but she figured that it would not be terribly hard. Five minutes later, she was slightly out of breath.

  “Do you always wiggle so much?”

  “No, but I was having fun. I like you.”

  Madelene felt her heart warm up. The boy was undoubtedly mischievous, but he was also quite sweet. She tickled his sides.

  “I like you, too. Now into bed, young man.”

  James ran and jumped into bed, kicking the covers off.

  “I am quite sure that is not the way to do things, James. Lie back, and I’ll draw the covers around you.”

  James stilled as she drew the covers over him, tucking him in on either side.

  “There, I have tucked you in. What comes after this?”

  James giggled, a sound that Madelene found delightful.

  “Now you have to tell me a story.”

  “What about one of those books on the shelf?”

  He shook his head. “Uncle Hugh does not have any good books. You have to tell me a story, a good one.”

  Uncle Hugh? She now knew the Earl’s name, not that she would be using it herself. Madelene wracked her brains for a story that a young boy would like.

  “How about a story of pirates, ships, and gold?”

  The boy’s eyes became large. “You know stories like that? But you’re a girl!”

  It didn’t look as though the boy was about to drop this anytime soon. She needed to make sure that he wouldn’t speak of it in public.

  “Why don’t we make a deal? I promise to play with you, and you promise never to mention me being a girl to anyone else, alright?”

  He nodded. “I promise.”

  “Good. Well, my story is one about adventure, heroes, and pirates. Do you like stories like that?”

  “Yes! Especially about heroes! Uncle Hugh is a hero – I want to be like him one day.”

  James clearly held his uncle in high esteem, but the Earl did not seem to have any visible affection for his nephew.

  “Oh, really? I believe that you’ll be an even greater hero one day. Now you need to lie back and just relax, alright?”

  James settled in, making himself comfortable against the pillows. When he looked at her, she felt her breath catch. There was a look of adoration and need in the young boy’s eyes. It seemed that he had attached himself to her. How will he feel once I leave?

  “May I ask for your name?”

  She nodded. “George.”

  James shook his head. “No, your real name. George is a boy name.”

  Madelene struggled with that. It was such a simple request, but it held great repercussions. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  “I’m going to whisper it into your ear okay? It will be our little secret.”

  He nodded eagerly. “I’m good at keeping secrets.”

  She leaned forward, pressing her face against his.


  Before she could pull away, he took her face in his small hands.

  “It’s a pretty name. Will you stay with me?”

  Madelene didn’t know whether he spoke of this moment or a lifetime, but she nodded either way.

  “Yes, now close your eyes and listen to the story.”

  His eyes immediately closed, and she started her tale. It was one that she knew very well because it was her own, taken from her adventures aboard her father’s ship. Madelene hoped that she would be able to return to her father’s ship one day and resume her life. But for now, she wanted to bring some happiness to this little boy with sad eyes.

  Chapter 7

  Maria listened at the entrance to the boy’s room, remembering the story that Madelene told him. She had just changed the gender of the hero, but the tale remained the same. Maria was amazed at how quickly the boy had grown attached to her young mistress, and how dangerous it was that Madelene seemed to be developing an attachment as well. She is going to be hurt once she leaves that boy, and he will be devastated as well. She needs to understand what she is doing. Madelene finished her tale and leaned forward to kiss the sleeping boy’s brow. Maria watched her stand up carefully and silently turn towards the door, getting a fright when she saw her standing there. The young woman placed a finger to her lips and tiptoed out of the room, pulling her arm as she moved away from the door. When they were some feet away, Maria stopped her mistress.

  “What do you think you are doing, Madelene?”

  The young woman looked away. “I do not know what you are talking about, Maria.”

  “Surely you are more intelligent than this, ma cherie? You cannot afford to have that boy grow attached to you. You need to sever any ties you have made with him.”

  Madelene folded her arms
, defiance written on her face.

  “I have done nothing wrong, Maria. James simply wanted me to play with him. What would you have had me do? Deny him that little pleasure?”

  Maria shook her head and looked at the young woman before her. Madelene sooner thought with her heart than her head.

  “Tucking a child into bed and telling him a bedtime story is not playing, ma cherie! That boy is clearly looking for a mother figure, and he just happened to latch onto you. Did you tell him who you really are?”

  Madelene looked away again. Maria shook her head and looked heavenward.

  “What am I going to do with you, child? How can I protect you if you insist on putting yourself in danger? Giles and I are doing all that we can to keep you from harm, but you keep on walking into it. When will it stop?”

  Madelene turned to her, her eyes flashing.

  “Is it my fault that my father sent me away to live with my uncle? Is it my fault that my uncle placed a wager on my hand and lost? Is it my fault that the very person to help us after those bandits attacked us is the very Earl who my uncle had made the wager with?”

  Maria sighed. “No, child. But you cannot deny that you are complicating the situation. You feel something for the Earl, and do not even bother to deny it – I know you very well.”

  Madelene walked away, muttering to herself. The young woman still had much to learn of the world and the ways of men. She came back, somewhat calmer.

  “Yes, I am interested in the Earl, but it is nothing that I would risk my future over. Is it so wrong to be interested in a man? I am not pledging my love to him, neither am I revealing myself to him. He intrigues me, Maria, and I cannot help it.”

  Maria had always hoped that Madelene would one day fall in love with a worthy man, but this honourable man could not be the Earl.

  “You need to put him out of your head, ma cherie, for we will not be here much longer. Giles and I were speaking of leaving before the month is through. We believe that it is much too dangerous to stay longer than a week or so.”

  “So soon? What will the Earl say?”

  Maria wished that Madelene could hear herself. She was far more concerned about what the Earl would think than ensuring that their plan was not compromised.

  “Madelene! Forget about this Earl! He is nothing more than a man who helped us. You must put him out of your head or risk discovery. What if that boy informs him of who you really are? What then?”

  “He will not,” she argued. “He gave me his word, and I believe him, Maria. He really is quite a sweet boy – he just needs some attention.”

  “And you believe that you will provide him with that attention? Do you hear yourself, ma cherie?”

  The young woman’s hands went to her head, grabbing the short curls. Madelene could be so stubborn, a trait of her father. Marguerite had been a gentlewoman, strong, but gentle. Maria sometimes wished that Madelene was more like her mother had been. She would be less of a handful that way.

  “Alright, Maria, alright,” she finally said. “I will do as you say. I will keep my distance from the boy and from the Earl. Does this please you?”

  Why do you not understand, Madelene? They were risking much to leave this country. Nothing was stopping Cornelia from saying that they had kidnapped her, or even that they had stolen from her. Maria had seen the look of a desperate woman in Cornelia’s eyes, a woman willing to do anything to get her way and get ahead in life. There was a hunger for more, and that same hunger had been mirrored in her daughter’s eyes. Maria knew that Netty would follow in her mother’s footsteps, but perhaps her husband-to-be would soften her edges. Maria was well aware of the fact that Cornelia had stolen Madelene’s money, stolen it to add to her daughters’ dowries. Madelene was better off far away from them, and the sooner they left for America, the better.

  “It pleases me very well, as it should for you as well, ma cherie. We are going to board that ship to America and forget this nightmare called England. A new life awaits you across the ocean, child. Do not ruin it by holding yourself to what can never be. Do you understand?”

  Madelene nodded. “I’m sorry if I trouble you so much, Maria. I suppose that my emotions get in the way of logic at times. Yes, we must look ahead. I cannot cling to anything that England has to offer.”

  Madelene’s eyes were sad as she spoke. What had her mistress been hoping for? The Earl was a troubled man, haunted by his past. She had noticed that same look on many men before him. Even if Madelene was to marry him, Maria believed that the Earl’s history would bring her down into misery. The boy was not hers either, but a child with the same sadness that the Earl exhibited. Her heart went out to them, but her duty was to her Madelene, not these troubled strangers. Maria would not be able to live with herself should something happen to her young mistress. She went forward and took Madelene’s hands in hers.

  “You’ll see, everything will work out perfectly. Why don’t we go to the kitchen? I’m sure that they have prepared our light meal. Giles is ready to eat a horse!”

  Madelene laughed. “He always has such a great appetite. Aunt Cornelia complained bitterly about needing to purchase double to stock up the pantry. Good thing that the Earl is wealthy – I have no doubt that his pantry is always stocked to the brim.”

  Maria laughed, relieved that the tension between them had been broken. They descended the stairs together, chattering away about anything and everything. As far as Maria was concerned, there was nothing that could go wrong.


  The mansion was locked up tighter than a maiden under her mother’s watchful eye.

  “I will not be entering through those gates by crooked means, that is for sure.”

  Pringle stared at the building, stroking his chin. He needed access, but how was he to get it? He had not counted on the woman living at the Earl’s residence.

  “This complicates things, but all is not lost.”

  He merely needed another disguise, one that would grant him access into the mansion. Perhaps he could sweet talk one of the maids – he was a bona fide ladies man who could charm the stockings off of any woman.

  “But not in this old man’s disguise. I need to find meself a rich gentleman to rob.”

  He had emptied his pockets at the Staghead Inn, in an effort to find out as much information as he could. The housekeeper had been particularly useful, he remembered. If not for her, he would have missed the woman’s early departure. But he was going to fill his pockets once again, and soon. He just needed a grabbing chance at the woman. Pringle blew a kiss in the direction of the mansion and walked away, already plotting his next move. He cursed as a horse, and its rider, missed him by mere inches.

  “Hey! I’ll tip ye a settler, I will!” he yelled, pointing his fists at the man.

  He watched the horse go to the very gate that he had just vacated. The rider dismounted, stumbling as he reached the gate.


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