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A Lady for the Forsaken Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 30

by Bridget Barton

  “And who are you to tell me what will or will not make me feel better?”

  Hugh looked deep into her eyes. “The man that loves you with his whole being.”

  Madelene opened her mouth and then closed it again. What was he saying?

  “You must mean as a sister.”

  Hugh shook his head. “What I feel for you is what is felt between a man and woman. I believe that you love me too, that is why you are running.”

  Madelene looked away, her heart beating fast. Did Hugh actually love her? No, that cannot be. He still loves his wife.

  “And what of Almeria, your wife?”

  Hugh frowned. “What of her?”

  “Do not be foolish, Hugh. You still love her! That is why you were ashamed to have ... to have kissed me!”

  “No, my love, that was not it at all!”

  “Then what was it, Hugh? Julia told me of the tragedy you endured when your wife and child died on the same day. You have never healed from that, and I will not compete with her memory!”

  Tears were streaming down her face unchecked, but she did not care. The man was playing with her feelings, and it hurt. When Hugh stood up, she did as well.

  “Do not come anywhere near me, do you hear me? You need to leave.”

  Hugh shook his head. “I’m afraid that I cannot do that. Julia did not tell you the full story. How could she? I am the only one that knows what really happened. Would you sit down and allow me to tell you the events of that night? If you still wish me to leave afterwards, then I will go.”

  Her mind told her to tell him to leave, but her heart wished him to stay. She listened to her heart. Madelene returned to her seat.

  “Very well, but it will not make much difference.”

  Hugh sat down as well and took a deep breath, expelling it slowly.

  “Almeria was my childhood sweetheart. Getting married to her had been the happiest day of my life.”

  Why did he have to torture her like this? Madelene already knew of his undying love for his wife.

  “It took several years before she fell pregnant, but when she did, I was the proudest husband around. When she went into labour, I could tell that something was wrong. She seemed to be in more pain than what I assumed was normal. When I saw all that blood, I knew that something terrible was happening in her womb.”

  Hugh’s eyes took on a faraway look, but she could hear the pain in his voice.

  “The midwife said that the baby was facing the wrong way and that the umbilical cord was around his neck. I could see in her eyes that things did not look good, but I still had hope. That was my wife and child; I had to hold onto hope. The midwife did all that she could, but she got to the baby too late. A baby boy, she said, a beautiful baby boy.”

  Madelene’s heart ached for him, for the pain he must have felt. Still felt.

  “Almeria had lost a lot of blood by then, and I could see the life leaving her eyes. I was beside myself. To have lost your child, and then to find out that your wife was about to die ... it was torture.”

  Madelene wished that she could comfort him, but his story was not done yet.

  “She called me to her side and took my hand into her weak ones and told me something that has eaten at my soul since that night. She had been having an affair with my brother, Edward, and the baby was not mine. She died asking for forgiveness, but I couldn’t give it to her. Edward came soon after, and when he saw Almeria and his child dead, he left on his horse, riding like a madman. I went after him, seeking revenge. The storm had been fierce that night, more so than I have ever known it. I found him dead on the ground, his neck broken. I wanted revenge, but not enough to kill him.”

  “Oh, Hugh,” cried Madelene.

  “My parents blamed me for his death, stating that I was jealous of him, that I wanted his inheritance. I didn’t bother to correct them. I left for the army soon afterwards.”

  “And James?”

  Hugh laughed bitterly. “My brother had a taste for breaking the rules. He was already married with two sons of his own, but that wasn’t enough for him. Not only did he have an affair with my wife, but he kept his own mistress on the side as well. She delivered the baby to my doorstep with a note that he was Edward’s child. I left him with a wet nurse and Jasper, my friend, made sure that he had all he needed while I was away at war.”

  Hearing this made her love him even more, but she was too afraid to say it to him. It would be putting her heart on the line.

  “Your life has been full of tragedy, but you have remained a kind and generous man. Taking in your brother’s illegitimate child was a wonderful thing to do.”

  “Yes, wonderful. I did not want him, did you know that? I would have sent him to the orphanage, but I took one look at his face, and I knew that I couldn’t do it.”

  Madelene was glad that he had not. It must have taken strength to take in the child of a man who had betrayed him in such a way.

  “When you came into my life, I knew that there was something about you. I felt it the moment our hands touched. Even James was smitten with you the very first day you arrived at Scarborough House! Day by day, I realised that my past no longer plagued me as it did before. My heart felt lighter, and my mind was no longer a dark mess. I believe that this is all due to you.”

  Madelene shook her head. “You did it yourself, Hugh. Who am I to have had such an influence in your life?”

  Hugh slid off the chair onto his knees and came to her. Madelene held her breath, not moving.

  “You are my light, Maddy. All I know is that I existed in darkness, but when you came, everything changed. Your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your intelligence – everything about you called to me, and I couldn’t help falling in love with you. You are everything that I could have ever wanted or needed, and I cannot live my life without you. Madelene Huntington, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

  Madelene looked into his eyes and could only see love and sincerity shining forth.

  “Do you really love me? I could not bear it if you were to reject me again.”

  Hugh took her hands and kissed them. “With my body, soul, and spirit. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you, to raise our children, and grow old with you, Maddy. Say that you will be mine?”

  Her tears began to fall again. “And I love you. I love you to the point of distraction; that is why I felt that I had to leave. I could not love you as I did and have you not feel the same way.”

  Hugh smiled and took her face in his hands, stroking her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

  “I’m glad that I caught you because I’m never letting you go again.”

  He laid a tender kiss on her brow, her cheeks, and finally her lips. He pulled away and rested his forehead on hers, their breath mingling together. It was the sweetest of moments for her, and she felt safe in his arms. Madelene gently pulled away and stared lovingly into his eyes.

  “Let’s go home.”


  One Year Later

  Marguerite was finally asleep. Hugh laid his daughter in her cradle, giving her a kiss on her brow before tiptoeing away. Madelene, exhausted from staying up most of the night with their one month baby, was resting. However, he had a surprise for her, and that entailed waking her up. Hugh walked to their room and stood by the doorway watching her, a part of him not believing that she was his. He had gotten lucky this time around, waking up each day and taking nothing for granted. But he couldn’t stare at her for the whole day, there were things to do. Hugh crossed the room, bending down to lay a kiss on his wife’s lips. She stirred, and he pulled away, waiting to see her beautiful eyes open. One eye opened, and then the other, and finally a smile.

  “Morning, my love. How is the baby?”

  “Sleeping soundly. And how are you this morning? I know that you stayed awake much of the night.”

  Madelene stretched, placing her arms above her head and giving a great yawn.

  “Oddly, I feel fine. I am not too t
ired – perhaps I am now used to being awake at all hours of the night. It helps that you took over halfway. You seem bright and furry tailed.”

  “Because I am. Can you get ready?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Whatever for? I was thinking of having a lie in before Marguerite lets us know that she is awake.”

  “If you get ready, then you will find out.”

  Madelene narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to, oh Husband of mine?”

  “I do not think that I will ever tire of hearing you say that. But you must get up. You will find out soon enough.”

  Madelene sat up and drew her knees to her chest.

  “Are we leaving the house?”

  Hugh laughed. “You ask too many questions, Maddy.”

  “I am only asking if Marguerite should awaken.”

  Hugh leaned forward and kissed her brow, tugging at a golden curl before he straightened.

  “Up you get, dear Wife. You know full well that Maria will watch over that baby like a mother hen. You have no excuses.”

  Madelene sighed, but there was a hint of a smile about her lips.

  “I hope it will be worth it, my love.”

  “When is it never?”

  “Oh, alright, you have me there. Now out! I will not get ready with you milling around. I will meet you downstairs.”

  Hugh would have argued just to play around, but what he had planned took precedence over some morning banter. He gave another chaste kiss and left the room, taking the stairs two at a time. He met James as he got to the bottom.

  “Is Marguerite awake?” he asked hopefully.

  James turned out to be a loving bigger brother, often watching over the baby while Madelene was busy. Soon after they were married, Madelene had declared James to be her own son and treated him like her first-born child. It had taken Hugh a little longer to get used to it, but he had eventually come around. James was no longer a reminder of his brother, but Hugh’s son.

  “I’m afraid not, James. I just put her down to sleep. But you can watch her while your mother and I step out for a bit.”

  James’ face lit up. “Are you showing her the surprise today?”

  “Yes. Today is the day. It has been a long time coming.”

  “Mama will be happy. Papa, if Marguerite is asleep, then I’m going over to Nicholas’ house. We have a game of marbles to finish.”

  Nicholas was Nielsen and Diana’s youngest son and also happened to be James’ age. He ran off, with hardly a goodbye said, probably already thinking about the marble game he was to play.

  “Stay out of Diana’s hair while you’re there!”

  But the boy was already out the door. Hugh decided to wait for Madelene in the drawing room, growing more and more impatient the longer he waited. He was anxious to show Madelene her surprise, hoping that his wife would love it.


  Madelene stared out of the window, trying to figure out where it was that they were going to. Hugh was being secretive, not giving away anything.

  “Are we there yet?”

  Hugh laughed. “This is the fifth time that you have asked me that question. If you would just relax and enjoy the ride, you might find that we will get there sooner.”

  Madelene crossed her arms, giving her husband a pout, but she sat back. Hugh took one of her hands and kissed it, earning him a begrudging smile.

  “All in good time, my love. The wait will be worth it.”

  Madelene would have loved to know where they were going, but she found that she did not want to spoil her husband’s surprise. He seemed somewhat anxious about it, so she reached across and kissed him on the cheek.

  “You are the best husband that any woman could have asked for.”

  “Then you are lucky that I am all yours. And now, my wife, we have arrived.”

  Madelene felt the carriage slow down and come to a complete stop.

  “Close your eyes,” Hugh ordered.

  “How am I to see where I am going?”

  “I will guide you. Now, close them.”

  Madelene did as she was ordered, allowing her husband to guide her out of the carriage. He led her by hand until they came to a stop a few feet away from the carriage.

  “Now, open your eyes.”

  Madelene opened her eyes and gasped. Before her was a beautiful building, but it was the name on the building that brought quick tears to her eyes.

  Madelene’s Home for Women and Children

  “Oh, Hugh. When did you have this done?”

  “While you were still round with our baby. I wanted to find a meaningful way to thank you for what you have done for me – giving me a second chance at life by marrying me, and now a gorgeous baby girl. If I know you well enough, then this should be perfect.”

  Madelene could not stop her tears from falling. Hugh had done this for her, and he had managed to keep it a secret from her, which was a difficult thing to do.

  “Hugh, you are all that I need – being with you is the only gift that I need. But this is wonderful, my love. To have a place for women and children to come to when in need is a wish come true for me. What did I ever do to deserve a husband like you?”

  Hugh took her in his arms and gazed down at her.

  “I believe that question should be mine. What did I do to deserve a wife like you?”

  “By being the amazing man that you are. Can we go inside and take a look?”

  “I’ve been waiting for you to say that. Allow me to carry you over the threshold.”

  Hugh scooped her up and walked to the building’s entrance, making her laugh out loud. If someone had told her that she would find her perfect man in England, she would have laughed in their faces. But find him she had, and she was never letting go.


  Can't get enough of Madelene and Hugh? Then make sure to check out the Extended Epilogue to find out…

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  (After reading the Extended Epilogue, turn the page to read the first chapters from “The Revenge of the Betrayed Duke”, my Amazon Best-Selling novel!)

  The Revenge of the Betrayed Duke


  When Edward decided to join the army with his friends and set off to war, he had no idea what a journey awaited him. His only company being his love’s medallion, he found himself trapped in a long adventure filled with betrayal and deceit. Lost and exiled, Edward can think of nothing but Emily and her enduring faithfulness to get him through. Will he ever find his way back to his home and to the heart of the woman he left behind?

  Emily Daventry watched her friends and her love of her life march for war with a heavy heart. The only thing she could cling to was that one day Edward would come back for her. She had to wait, no matter what. When dreadful news comes that Edward was killed during the war, Emily vows to seal her heart and never love again. But with her love gone and her family in need of saving, will Emily stay true to her promise?


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