Xander's Mate

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Xander's Mate Page 11

by Abigail Raines

  “He escaped,” Xander says again, plopping down in the chair across from me. “And a bunch of men from Hardwidge escaped too. Almost all of them, it looks like. Except for Alice’s brother for some reason. I got a bunch of texts from Elroy Finch letting me know. Jason didn’t even try to escape, that’s strange…”

  “Where do you think they’ll go?” I ask. I wring my hands. Xander’s going to need to deal with this. I know how he’s considered a de facto leader in his clan. But I don’t understand at all how he juggles it all, keeping this company he’s built up so much going strong while remaining the most powerful voice among all the packs in the state. It’s a crazy amount of responsibility he has. No wonder he used to have anxiety attacks.

  Even now...he’s not exactly looking calm. In fact, his breath seems short and his eyes seem glassy. I get to my feet quickly, shutting the blinds on my windows looking out on the floor so no curious onlooker can see the CEO having an anxiety attack in the middle of the day. Not that it should be anything to be ashamed of, despite how Xander has thought of it in the past, but people can be weird about that kind of thing. They might assume it’s something to do with the company. My office came with a little office fridge and some Tremblay Company branded water. I pull a bottle out and slide it across the table.

  “Breathe, Xander, “I say softly. “It’s going to be okay. This is a problem...but we’re going to get through it. Together. Nothing bad is happening right now.”

  “If he comes for you,” Xander says, looking at me even as he trembles a little bit. “I’ll protect you. Assuming I’m not flipping the fuck out. I’ve never panicked in a fight. I don’t see why I’d start.”

  “I know, baby,” I say, reaching over to squeeze his hand that rests on the table. “I know. I look after you, you look after me.”

  “Mates,” Xander breathes.


  Chapter Eleven: Aaron

  My mate is annoyed with me. Michelle thinks I was too hard on Xander. I may have been. He did come around in the end after all. But considering how much guff I and Micah have gotten due to our mate’s histories and, well, genetics, I don’t think I was out of line to be aggravated. If Michelle had turned out not to have the shifter gene at all, Xander would have raised hell at the idea of one of us marrying a straight up human.

  I can’t quite stop talking about this. Which is annoying Michelle because it’s a pleasant Saturday morning and she wants to leave our problems at home for the day and have a nice time at the park with our pup, Trevor, who’s just starting to walk. We’re still getting ready for the morning. I have Trevor in my lap and I’m attempting to feed him some gross smelling sweet potato mush. He should be in his chair, but I love feeding Trevor, even now as he makes a mess of everything.

  “I’m just saying,” I grumble wiping sweet potato from my beard, as I bounce Trevor on my knee. “This cute human woman comes along and suddenly this all important code doesn’t matter? I mean, I would’ve thought it would be kind of a problem for him.”

  “I’m sure it was,” Michelle says, packing supplies into the baby bag. The park’s got a petting zoo going on today. I’ve cleared space on my phone for pictures just for the occasion. I just hope he doesn’t prematurely shift and try to kill a goat or something. Shifter kids don’t usually start for a few more years yet but there are cases of pups shifting at a very early age.

  It’s not impossible. It’s the perils of shifter kids.

  “How are you not upset?” I say, throwing my hands up.

  “Because he’s your brother,” Michelle says simply. “And I know that he would always have come around just like he did. And it’s stupid to get so upset because he had a problem for five minutes-”

  “It was longer than five minutes,” I say darkly.

  “Regardless,” Michelle says, “he came around. And I think it would be wise of you to be the bigger man and support your brother now.” She zips up the baby bag and raises her eyes at me. “Your father seems to think he’s taking a human as a mate. Which...I do not understand this stuff at all, Aaron. If her father is a shifter, how is she human?”

  “She can’t shift,” I say, shrugging.

  “Yeah, well, neither can I.”

  “That’s different.”

  “It really isn’t,” I mutter. “You all are basing these silly rules on some complicated genetics that you don’t even understand, if you want to know my opinion. Anyway...I think you should support Xander. Because if this human woman is his mate...there’s gonna be a lot of trouble. He’s going to need you. And being petty about it isn’t doing you any favors.” She twists her mouth as she looks at me. It’s that look she gets when I’m driving her to distraction. “Trust me, babe. It is not doing you any favors.”

  “Noted,” I grumble.”

  Michelle signals she’s not actually mad, kissing my neck as she brushes by me as I finish feeding Trevor, carefully wiping his mouth. I playfully bare my teeth and give him a little growl and he laughs, attempting to growl himself though it comes out more like a gurgle.

  It takes another half an hour just to leave the house for a few hours in the park, though I know I’m going to be looking at my phone too often. The news came in last night via our shared text chat with Xander. There was a huge breakout at the shifter prison, Mulligan. We don’t know what it means yet but it does make me sympathize with Xander a little. I know he has a lot on his plate right now. We’re set to meet at the estate tonight too and discuss what comes next. I imagine that’s going to be pretty awkward with everyone wondering what the state of Xander’s relationship with this human witch person who is also, apparently, Jack Didion’s daughter.

  A tiny bit of paranoia in me wondered if this woman is still actually on Didion’s side and if she has been preying on Xander from the beginning...but then why tell him she’s his daughter… It didn’t make any sense to me. But like I said, paranoid. Comes with being a wolf sometimes.

  The drive to the park is short. Trevor’s in a cheerful mood. He loves the park even though he’s only old enough to go on the little toddler swings and we help him with the little kid house and some of the smaller jungle gym stuff, carefully helping him along. His favorite is the merry-go-round when one of us holds him and sit on it as the other gives it a gentle push. He seems to like the spin.

  It’s a beautiful day in the park. Trevor is impatient to try walking a lot now and we let him walk between us now and then, each of us holding a chubby little hand until he inevitably changes his mind and climbs back in the stroller.

  When Michelle finally puts Trevor back in his stroller, she rolls him over to look at the chickens, so I decide to take a minute and talk to Xander. I hate fighting with any of my brothers and for the most part, I feel that Xander and I have actually become much closer since I met Michelle. I don’t want to stew about this when deep down, I know that Michelle is right in everything she said. Xander doesn’t pick up. I imagine he’s probably very busy, even on a Saturday. Instead of leaving a voicemail, I opt to text.

  Hey X,

  I’m a dick. Past is past. I know you’ll always stand by me and I’ll always stand by you. I’m sorry for being an asshole. Stay tuned for pics of Trevor + baby goats.

  That should do it. But I still feel just a little bit tense even as I strode over to the chickens and see Trevor’s eyes lighting up at all the strange new creatures he’s seeing. But a minute later, my phone vibrates and it’s Xander.

  Nothing but love, bro. We’re cool.

  I know that’s all I need to hear. If Xander were still pissed, he’d say so. I’ve been stewing on and off since I called him to yell at him, and now I feel much lighter, as if a few rough edges have been smoothed. I head over to Trevor and Michelle and we all lose track of time as we introduce him to baby goats and fluffy little lambs. The ice cream truck comes and we let him have some strawberry push pop before pushing him on the toddler swing. My phone is about dead but we don’t feel like going home just yet so I kiss M
ichelle on the forehead and tell her I’m going to charge up in the car for a minute. We parked a couple blocks away, in sight of the park, and I set off at a trot. It’s a little bit silly how desperate I love my mate and my pup. I don’t want to miss a second of such a pleasant day out with them.

  A block away from my SUV, I see a dark figure trotting away. It’s a man wearing a hoodie and I wouldn’t think much of it except that he smells like a wolf and that doesn’t happen very often. He turns a corner and is gone quickly. Something about that bothers me but then again...paranoid. I sit in the driver’s seat, intending to listen to the radio and charge up just enough to get me through a couple of hours until we go home. Michelle thinks I can be too addicted to my phone (that’s a laugh considering her Instagram habits) but with everything going on, I like to be in contact.

  When I turn the key in the ignition, I hear a funny noise. It’s like an extra whirr and a click. It’s pure instinct and nothing else that makes me grab my phone, jump out of the car, and run as my heart pounds.

  A block away the explosion throws me forward and I hit the ground, falling into a crouch. When I roll over and sit up, I see my car has become a ball of flame as screams echo from the park just across the street. Whatever that was, it was considerable. The flames shoot up high as a couple people from the park run to help me to my feet and I’m stunned, my ears ringing, before I thank them but push them away and run for Michelle.

  This is Jack Didion’s work. I have no doubt.

  This is a declaration of war.

  Chapter Twelve: Xander

  I’m at my place, having drinks with Olivia on my overpriced mid-century modern sofa in my too big, too fancy empty house when the news comes in. We were having a lovely day, despite everything including my father who I haven’t spoken to since our fight. But my brother had just texted to smooth things over and I felt a lot better about that. Olivia had heard back personally from some shareholders who actually seem to like that we’re heading in a distinctly more ethical direction. I hadn’t heard anything good about finding our escaped convict shifters, but I wasn’t too worried. But when my phone buzzes just as I’m pulling away from Olivia and smiling slyly as I reach for my wine, I realize that I should not have underestimated my enemies.

  On the other hand, they should not be underestimating me either.

  The text is from Michelle’s phone and it says: Go to estate NOW 911 - X.

  “I gotta go,” I say immediately, practically shoving Olivia off my lap as I get to my feet. “Something happened and I don’t know what, but it’s gotta be bad. I have to go to my folks’ house.”

  “Do you know what it is?” Olivia says, standing up, and I love how she just seems to know the score. That when something goes down, I’m the first phone call.

  “No but we only use 911 if it’s something big.” I almost feel a rise of panic and Olivia turns me to face her and cups my cheeks in her palms. “You got this. Whatever it is. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” I mutter. “I know.”

  “Should I come with?”

  I wince at that. It’s not the right time. “Not yet,” I say softly. “It’s going to be a whole discussion. It’ll be a distraction from whatever’s happening. Stay here, would you? I have a good security system. I’d feel better about it. Place even came with a panic room, there’s instructions-”

  “I’m not going to use your panic room,” Olivia says with a snort.

  “The instructions,” I say firmly, “are in the drawer by the phone in the kitchen. Just in case. Just give em’ a look and humor me. I’ll set the alarm on my way out. Eat whatever you want, place is fully stocked. Don’t answer the door unless you know it’s me.”

  “Well, I’m not a dumbass, Xander,” she says, and kisses me once, sweetly. “It’ll be okay.”

  “I’m...glad you believe that,” I say, sighing.

  When I get to the estate, everyone’s car is already parked out front in the circular drive. I feel a chill in my bones. Something serious has happened. Everyone must have rushed right over, except that I don’t see Aaron’s SUV which immediately concerns me since I got the text from Michelle’s phone. I feel a weird cold feeling in the tips of my fingers. I take a deep breath and manage to park without ramming anyone but I’m a little short of breath as I grab my keys and run to the door which my parent’s butler opens before I even knock.

  “In the parlor,” he says, not quite looking at me. He looks pale as a ghost.

  “What the hell happened?” I say, right on the verge of panic.

  “Um...in the parlor, sir,” he says uncertainly. “It’s not my place-

  “Xander!” My mother looks tearful and she runs to me even as I make my way to the parlor where everyone is gathered. “Somebody blew up Aaron’s car! Oh my God!”

  Aaron is dead.

  I can’t breath. My heart is in my throat. I feel panic rising inside me. I’m going to die, my heart is pounding so hard, my brother is dead…

  “Aaron,” I say, my voice cracking all over the place.

  Tears rush to my eyes and I think my legs are about to give out beneath me. It’s only my mother’s weight on me, forcing me to support her that keeps me standing. When she pulls away, I think I will fall down. But then my brother walks out of the parlor to meet me. There is Aaron, looking mostly pissed. I feel as if all the blood is rushing down to my feet.

  “Oh Jesus,” I say tearfully. “I thought she meant… Jesus…” I rush to my brother and throw my arms around him, squeezing him as hard as I can. I’ve never felt a relief like this in my life. “Thought she meant you were dead, Aaron. Jesus Christ.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry!” My mother says, clapping a hand to her mouth. She waves a hand, making her way to the parlor. “I’m sorry, Xander. Aaron, I’ll give you two a minute.”

  “I’m okay,” Aaron whispers, embracing me. We let go and he pats my shoulder. He looks fierce more than anything. I have to think nothing’s happened to Michelle or Trevor or he wouldn’t be this calm.

  “Michelle and the pup?” I say, double-checking.

  “Yeah, they’re okay,” he says firmly. “Everyone is here. Everyone is safe. I figured I should bring them here.”

  “What the hell is she talking about?” I say. I have to lean against the wall a little and catch my breath. “What’s mom mean?”

  “Went to the park with Michelle and Trev,” Aaron says slowly. He looks exhausted. “We were there for a while. My phone was dead so I went to the car to charge it. I saw somebody running from near the car, wearing a hoodie, smelled like wolf but I didn’t know the scent. Turned on the car and I heard a weird sound and...and I just had a feeling you know? So I took off running and just...boom.” He shakes his head, his eyes as wide as saucers. “Car just went up like a goddamn… It was a big explosion, Xan. If Michelle and Trev had been in the car…”

  I’ve been angry before. I’ve been very angry before. The only thing I have to compare this anger too is when Dax’s men kidnapped Micah.

  I’ll kill them all.

  I see red. That’s the only way I can describe it. I’m so angry I feel dizzy.

  “Didion,” I whisper.

  “That’s what we all think.” Aaron nods to the parlor and I follow him in where everyone is sitting around, drinking coffee and looking serious as they talk quietly. I know everyone is here before me only because Aaron and his family rushed here and I live the farthest away, but walking in like this while such an emergency is going on, I feel as if I’ve fucked up as alpha somehow.

  But that’s only a minor thought compared to the white hot heat of rage coursing through me.

  All my brothers and their mates are here and my mother has a sleepy Trevor on her knee now, holding him tight.

  I rub my eyes. “Didion must have teamed up with Dax’s men from Hardwidge,” I say. I pace around but everyone looks a little jittery so I sit in the big chair nearest Mason who’s looking at me steadily. “They’ve declared war.”

  “That’s w
hat we’re all assuming yeah,” Mason says quietly.

  “I’m gonna murder them.” I almost laugh as I say it. “Just a second. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  I spring up from my chair again and walk out of the room. I have too much enraged energy inside me and I don’t have time to shift and I don’t want to start screaming in that room with my mom holding Trevor on her knee, considering he saw a fucking explosion today. I can’t imagine how that effected even a toddler. I go to the study and slam the door behind me and just stand there, breathing for a second.

  “Xander.” My father is sitting at his desk. He looks at me with those sympathetic eyes. I don’t want to know what he wants to say. It was the same look he wore when he told me I was doing a shitty job with, well, everything.

  “Just...not right now, dad.” I pace around, he just watches and I end up facing the wall next to the big bookcase. I shut my eyes and all I see is red. I see myself tearing out Jack Didion’s throat for very nearly murdering my brother and his mate and his child and for torturing my mate and for kidnapping Micah and his mate and I want to kill everyone who’s helping him declare war on me and mine… I want it so badly I think I’ll explode from the desire.

  I scream right there. I scream out loud in my father’s study like I’m a pissed off teenager again and after this I can pull it together but right now I have to scream. When I’m finally done I pull my fist back and the punch the wall.


  “Don’t,” I say, sounding too young to my own ears. I don’t sound like the strong alpha as much, I am not the strong alpha. I sound like the scared kid. I hate that. “Just don’t right now,” I say, my voice a bit steadier. “Okay?”

  I feel better even though my knuckles are fucking killing me now. I take a breath and turn to face my father, massaging the back of my hand. There’s no time for this bullshit. I know that. God knows what Didion and those Hardwidge bastards are planning and I know that Didion has allies who could help him. I have to move, I have to plan, I have to-


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