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Cryptic Wonder- the Awakening

Page 9

by Wylder Willis

  Naomi looked at them with a smile, they had won the war. Rue had woken up unnoticed and was now silently skulking towards where Naomi sat on the ground, a large knife in hand. Esme was grasping at the wounds inflicted by Naomi’s swords, and crying out in pain and in surrender. Denzel had transformed back and was now looking to Naomi when he saw a familiar yet sinister face behind Naomi.

  Naomi saw his face suddenly change from one of joy to one of fear, causing her to look behind her. She saw Rue’s wicked grin before she felt the blade. Rue’s blade sliced into Naomi’s chest just under the left shoulder blade. Denzel cried out, “Naomi!”

  Esme watched as Naomi collapsed gasping, the blade had gone in at a dangerous angle, piercing one of her lungs. Denzel rushed to Naomi’s side holding her in his lap.

  “The Cryptic witch has fallen! Long live the Human race! Long live the human Droga,” Rue yelled raising the bloodied dagger in the air. The human’s cheered as the Cryptics looked on in horror. Denzel roared out with rage as he transformed into his wild form. Rue watched in surprise and fear. He snarled and everyone took several steps back leaving Rue and Denzel in a visible ring. Denzel rushed his mother in a blind rage as she tried to run away. He swiped a paw at her and caught her legs sending her to the ground. Rue hit the ground hard before she rolled to avoid another two paws slamming down on her head and chest, like a polar bear trying to crush through the ice.

  Denzel managed to catch her by the shoulder with his jaws as she was rolling. Rue cried out in pain as his canines dug into her flesh, Denzel didn’t release his grip though; instead, he bit harder. Acacia was watching from the other side of the fighting circle before she decided to rush to Naomi. She slid on her knees stopping next to Naomi’s body. Denzel was shifting his jaws to bite down in a different location as Acacia swiftly assessed the wound left in Naomi’s back. Topaz, Gwythyr, and Leander finally made it past all the people either watching or trying not to get attacked by Denzel.

  Acacia looked towards them and then Denzel, “Someone want to deal with him?” Leander nodded to Gwythyr before they leaped into the fray. Topaz joined Acacia in tending to Naomi, who was still gasping for air.

  “Her lungs must be damaged...we need to fix it before she blacks out,” Topaz said looking at the injury.

  Acacia thought hard trying to figure out what to do, then she looked at Topaz. “Siren song… there is a song of healing right?”

  “Yeah but I don’t know if it will work. Usually, it is only for self-healing,” Topaz answered with worry.

  “We have to try,” Acacia said looking at Naomi. Topaz nodded and started to sing in a strange language.

  Chapter 16

  Leander and Gwythyr grabbed Denzel’s wild form by the neck and shoulders as they started pulling him away. Denzel tightened his grip on Rue’s arm dragging her along, crying in pain and covered in her own blood. Leander changed tactics and left Gwythyr to hold Denzel back while Leander worked on prying open the Droga’s jaws. Leander eventually managed to get Rue free from Denzel’s jaws before carrying her out of Denzel’s sight.

  Topaz was singing the Siren song of healing in the background. At first, it didn’t seem to work. They only knew it was starting to work when Naomi’s blood started to flow in reverse back through the wound. Acacia watched in wonder as Naomi started to heal.

  Leander returned and held Denzel while Gwythyr worked on calming Denzel down. Eventually, Denzel did calm down and transformed back into his humanoid form. Denzel looked to Leander, who smiled at him, “You did good, Denzel. The war is over we won.”

  “I just wish I could share this victory with Naomi,” Denzel said as he hugged Leander and cried. Leander hugged him back, as he looked over to Acacia for any news. Acacia didn’t look up from Naomi though, so Leander figured it was too soon to tell.

  Leander spoke reassuringly, “I’m sure Naomi will be fine, and you’ll be able to celebrate this victory before you know it.”

  Several of the humans took this as a chance to escape into the forest and slip into the shadows to wait and most likely fight another day. Gwythyr saw a few of the humans as they fled, and looked to Celeste, saying, “Have the archers round up the humans. We don’t need a second battle for survival today.” Celeste nodded and signaled the other archers to round up the humans. The archers set about their task in silence.

  Acacia watched as Naomi’s wound sealed itself back together, leaving only a star-shaped scar. Naomi breathed easily once more and calmed down once she realized she was safe. Topaz stopped singing and smiled at Naomi, who was looking at Acacia and Topaz in surprise.

  Naomi inquired looking around, “Did I miss something? Where are Rue and Denzel?”

  Topaz rested a calming hand on Naomi’s shoulder, “Don’t worry about that now. Just rest. The song healed you but it took a lot of energy to do it.”

  Naomi nodded and laid back as she saw two Shadow Beasts walking over with a gurney. They gently placed Naomi on the gurney and carried her back to camp.

  Once Denzel was ready Leander and the other leaders headed back to camp with him. He sat curled up on his bed waiting and watching the tent entrance. Leander sat next to him while Gwythyr stood near the tent entrance, a hand on his steel blowpipe. Zeke walked in and nodded to Leander. Gwythyr and Leander headed out of the tent heading to speak with Acacia and Topaz.

  Zeke sat beside Denzel not wanting to leave him alone. “When will I know if she is okay?” Denzel asked.

  “I’m sure she is fine, you and I both know she is too stubborn and feisty to die.” Zeke smiled as he rested his head on his knees.

  “True, she is feisty. I’m glad to have someone like her as my life partner.” They sat waiting and watching, occasionally Zeke would tell a story about Naomi.

  “Zeke, do you mind if I ask how you and Naomi met?” Denzel said looking at him with a smile.

  “Oh right! Naomi doesn’t really talk about the past. Anyway, we were both small cubs and, well, Cryptics are in weapons practice at a young age. I was the runt of the group, but Naomi she… she was the star of the class but had no friends. Everyone was scared of her because they kept getting beat when we would practice spar with different weapons. She tried every weapon; the only thing I remember her being bad with is archery. I always hung towards the back and tried not to get in her way, but one day I had been given a spear and set against her to spar, and she had her double-bladed swords. Of course, the weapons were small and blunt so we could use them and not go home bleeding. Granted I didn’t do well in the sparring match, but I managed to last longer than everyone else in the class, and that was how we became friends. It was also how I found my preferred weapon. She never found her preferred weapon though because she was good with every weapon, so she was the first to just choose a weapon. Anyway, after that sparring match, we became friends and have been so ever since.”

  “Wow, so you guys became friends after she wiped the floor with you? That is the strangest way to make a friend I've ever heard of,” Denzel smiled, pretty well distracted from waiting for news on Naomi.

  “Yeah, well, Naomi is one of a kind. She always was, and she didn’t even care when I finally told her I was gay, and that took ages to finally do. I was so worried she would hate me and then I wouldn't have a friend anymore…. Anyway, I think they probably have news on Naomi by now. Let’s go check on her.” Zeke got to his feet and waved Denzel to follow.

  Denzel followed him to the medical tent, they passed the large tent where the human war prisoners were kept. The medical tent was quiet and very white. The beds and cloth quarantine dividers were all a bright white. They walked to the end of the tent where they saw Acacia and Topaz, who smiled at the boys as Denzel and Zeke approached.

  “How is she doing Acacia?” Denzel looked so hopeful, with a gleam in his eyes. Acacia smiled and looked at the white bed next to her. Denzel walked over to see past the white cloth divider until he saw her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed glaring unhappy at the doctor, who was checkin
g out her back. The doctor was a Shadow Beast, his violet aura of a macaw sat on his shoulder.

  “Can I lower my shirt yet, Pervert?” Naomi growled as she lowered her shirt leaving him no choice.

  “I would prefer you have bed rest for a week, Miss. We don’t know the effects of the Siren song on Anansis, or most other Cryptics.” The doctor grabbed her arm trying to get her to stay in bed.

  “Well, I would prefer to do my job as an army commander. Now please remember touching me like that is an insult to my life bond with Denzel,” Naomi stood up pulling her arm out of the doctor's grip. The doctor shrunk at her words as if they were poison. Denzel cleared his throat at the awkwardness of the mention of the life bond. Naomi smiled and walked over and hugged him.

  “Sorry if I worried you, Denzel. Acacia told me what happened after I was stabbed. You moron, you let the wild side take control. You are an insult to my training!” Naomi looked up to his face, her eyes seemed as fiery as her voice was harsh. Denzel looked at Acacia for help but she just snuck away with Topaz.

  Zeke was talking to the doctor hoping to ease his mind. The doctor’s aura had its feathers in a ruffle and gaze locked on Naomi until Zeke allowed his aura to reveal itself. The macaw aura watched Zeke’s lynx aura before taking off from the doctor’s shoulder and playing with the lynx aura.

  Naomi held a startled Denzel at arm’s length as she spoke. “I take it everyone is waiting for me? We better finalize this victory before any more trouble arises.”

  Denzel nodded after glancing at the doctor who had already lost one battle with Naomi. Naomi changed into some simple grey clothes with a black cloak, which clipped on right in the middle of her collarbone. Denzel walked Naomi out, leaving Zeke to chat with the doctor or watch the two auras play.

  Naomi led the way to the large central tent where they had seen the battlefield map. Naomi saw Leander growling at Esme, who seemed to have been bandaged up. Esme was tied to a chair, her hands bound tightly behind her. Gwythyr sat on the map table silently watching, his gaze was glazed as if he planned to sleep where he sat. Leander shouted having lost patience a while ago, “Answer me, Esme! Why did you betray the Cryptic people? Tell us and we may show leniency.”

  Naomi teased as she walked over, “Maybe she’s tired of listening to you growl. How about I give it a try?” Denzel stood over by Gwythyr. Gwythyr backed away as he rubbed his neck. Naomi walked up to Esme with a smile.

  Naomi unsheathed her double-bladed sword. “What are you doing Naomi?” Denzel asked as Naomi walked behind Esme and swung her sword downwards, slicing the rope that bound Esme’s hands. Esme was still tied to the chair by the rope around her ankles and the chair legs.

  Naomi explained, “She speaks with her hands; with them bound she couldn’t answer you even if she wanted to.”

  Leander looked at Esme and Naomi in surprise, “How will you be able to understand her then?”

  “I met her when I met Celeste; Celeste acts as an interpreter sometimes--though I made it a point to learn as well so that way Esme and I could talk more easily.” Naomi then turned to Esme and gestured for Esme to cooperate.

  Naomi signed as she asked with a growl, “Why did you betray us?”

  Esme signed in a silent answer. Naomi walked over to where Leander and the other boys sat waiting. Leander looked at her, curious.

  “Esme said that she betrayed us because she didn’t want a humie as her leader. She hates them for what they did long ago resulting in her vow of silence,” Naomi explained.

  Leander looked at her puzzled, “Wait she isn’t mute, but I thought you said she couldn’t speak.”

  Naomi corrected, “I never said she was mute; I just said she speaks with her hands. A vow of silence forbids any talking until the reason for the vow has been dealt with or she dies.” Leander thinks about what she said.

  Leander inquires, “Any idea why she took a vow of silence?”

  Naomi shakes her head, “ No one knows that, not even Celeste, but I'll ask anyway.” She walked back to Esme and gestured her question to Esme, not expecting an answer.

  Esme signed back in answer. Naomi looked in surprise at the answer. Naomi nodded thanks to Esme before walking back over to Leander.

  “Apparently she took the vow of silence because she lost her family in an attack on her home. The attackers struck on a night of a new moon, so she couldn’t see the attackers’ faces. One thing she does know is that one had red markings that looked like a tiger’s stripes.”

  “That sounds like the old Droga, he had red markings instead of green like me,” Denzel thought aloud, thinking of the photo Zeke had shown him of the former Droga. Naomi agreed as she wondered why the old Droga would attack Esme’s family.

  “Whatever the reason the old Droga had for attacking Esme’s family, assuming he did play a part in the attack, that mystery will have to be solved some other time. For now, we need to sign this peace agreement. We managed to get Rue to sign it already, in between her yelling at us about how we put a curse on the human Droga,” Leander informed holding up a scroll.

  Denzel and Naomi looked at him in surprise. “Wait, why are we signing it? You are the Cryptic leaders,” Denzel inquired.

  “You two led us into battle, so you are the leaders,” Gwythyr explained, still sitting on the map table. Naomi and Denzel looked at each other and shrugged, as Leander set the scroll flat on the table using two stones. Gwythyr handed him a bottle of ink and two goose feathers. Denzel and Naomi grabbed a feather and dipped the tips in the ink. They signed the paper after reading the scroll. In general terms, the scroll stated that the Cryptics were the victors, and humans were now forbidden from any acts of war, either on Cryptics or other humans.

  The demands seemed reasonable enough in the eyes of Denzel and Naomi. Leander and Gwythyr then headed out to where Naomi and Denzel were to address the people, both human and Cryptic alike. Denzel followed, but Naomi walked over to Esme and sliced the remaining ropes to let Esme join her and the others.

  Esme followed Naomi until Naomi joined Denzel and Leander on a small makeshift stage. The stage was only a foot tall and made of oak plywood. Naomi stepped up to where the microphone stand stood. Denzel stood next to her, while Gwythyr and the other leaders stood back. Esme stood off to the side of the leaders.

  Naomi looked out over those gathered. There were the Cryptics that were still able and the humans that were seen as leaders aside from Rue. “The war is over, finished with one decisive battle. Honestly, I’m not sure if it would fall under the category of war with only one battle, but that is beside the point. Now, for the reason we are here. I hold in my hands the surrender document and terms signed by leaders on both sides of the battle. For the humans, Rue; and for Cryptics, Denzel and myself.

  The terms are that Humans are now forbidden from any acts of war either on other humans or Cryptics. Should any human act against these demands they will be seen as an enemy and dealt with as such,” Naomi announced, looking out at the people gathered, her words loud and clear yet strong.

  Naomi saw a few of the Cryptics smile with joy at the end of the conflict. She also noticed that many humans looked at her in surprise that the terms weren’t more in the Cryptics’ favor.

  Naomi signaled for Esme to stand next to her, and she did as Naomi wished. “Now, one final thing to discuss. I think by now we all know that there was attempted treason by Esme. Luckily she didn’t hurt anyone too badly and no one was killed, but she still has to be punished… I think her punishment should be community service for the next fifteen years. Welcome to new times everyone and may peace reign,” Naomi finished announcing as she looked over to Esme.

  Esme smiled, thankful for the light sentencing. The Cryptics cheered for their victory, while the humans stood in silence. Leander stepped forward and rested a hand on Naomi’s shoulder. He grabbed the microphone and spoke to her, but not directly into the microphone.

  “You did well Naomi, and now I have favors for both of you. Denzel, will you pl
ease kneel? Also, does anyone have a sword I can borrow?”

  Naomi giggled, hearing Leander have to ask for a sword from her.

  “Thank you, Naomi.” Then, looking at Denzel, Leander went on. “We stand here today, Denzel, because of your bravery and fortitude. We are also here because you took charge and helped us find peace, and you lived up to the prophecy. You changed the Cryptic world, but for the better, and I thank you for that. We all thank you for that, and so without further ado, I knight the Droga Denzel, a leader of the Cryptic people.” Leander tapped Denzel’s shoulders with the flat of the blade, then on the final word the flat of the blade tapped Denzel’s head signaling him to stand.

  He stood proudly, looking at Leander and Naomi, with a sense of belonging. The other three leaders clapped in cheer for him, as Leander turned to Naomi and returned her sword, which she quickly sheathed it again.

  “Now, for my favor to Naomi. I had a hard time figuring out what I should gift you, Naomi, as you have so much already. You are a caracal, you have a loving family and friends, and are a courageous soul far braver than even me. But during the battle, I finally figured out the gift for you. As you rode it was as if you were flying, you seemed as strong as the dragon you summoned, yet as fierce as the steed you rode , and that's saying something since you rode a flesh-eater,” Leander spoke as he fiddled with a canister he pulled from behind his back.

  He opened the canister, and Naomi peered inside curious. Inside the canister was a flower that looked similar to the moonflower but was shades of fire except for the pointed tips which were a deep grey. Leander gently pulled it out of the canister and the crowd looked at it in palpable confusion. He smiled seeing even Naomi was a bit confused, but then he blew the pollen of the flower out onto her. Naomi watched the pollen land on her skin, causing a tingling sensation. It wasn’t like the moonflower pollen, as the pollen--after landing--started to make sounds similar to a firecracker. Naomi felt the change this time, and she looked behind her to see two feathered black wings rip through her shirt. They were black just like her ears and the tip of her tail, with a speckling of rusty brownish-red just like her hair and tail. Her wings stretched back towards the sky then folded in against her back.


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