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Knocked Up By Space Aliens

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by Fiona Thompson

  2014, Fiona Thompson.

  Copyright. All rights Reserved.

  Knocked Up by Space Aliens

  Maggie has always had night visitors. Something wrestling between the sheets. Coming between her thighs. But it was never something she believed. It was something that was a dream. A dirty, raunchy dream that left her sheets dripping in fluids.

  But somehow it was just a dream.

  That all changed one college night when she wasn’t the only one who saw them. And now her body is swelling with a child that not human and is changing her in more way than one.

  Meanwhile her desires are growing and no man can meet her needs. Just when things seem at their worst, her visitor returns and he doesn’t have just sex on his mind. He’s there to take her home.

  To the mothership. Where she’ll be cocooned tight, fall in love with a mind reading ship, and give birth.

  Chapter One: Night Visitors

  Maggie had always had nightly visitors. Ever since she was a child. They had talked and played games but when she reached maturity the visits changed. It rustled beneath her sheets and while Maggie couldn’t see them any longer, she could feel them. She had known it was dirty and wrong but she had spread her legs for the unseen visitor and cried in ecstasy as it rocked her hard.

  Over time the visits stopped around her fifteenth birthday. Slowly over time, Maggie told herself she had imagined it or dreamt it up. Things like that weren’t real and she knew invisible ghosts or people couldn’t have sex with you. All that believe changed when she had been away at college and staying at a college dorm.

  That’s where this story picks up. That’s where the story gets hot.

  She was a hot little thing in a skin tight spandex dress. She wore no panties because she was classless. Maggie loved attention and it always found her. Sitting at the bar with her friends, she slammed on more shot back (it was spicy and a little sweet, but for the life of you, Maggy wouldn’t be able to tell you the name of it in the morning.)


  Because she was about to get knocked up by space aliens.

  “I guess I’ll see you ladies in class tomorrow.” Her brow furrowed as she tore through her purse, looking for money.

  Laughter ripped through the bar. “If you can find it. You’re so hammered, Maggie.”

  “Why should today be any different than any other day?”

  Maggie snorted and threw some crumbled old bills on the counter. She slid off the barstool, but it seemed her friends were right. Her feet slipped right out of her five inch heels and she went crashing down to the floor. If Sandra hadn’t caught her, Maggie would have landed right on her ass.

  “Thanks, Sandra.” Maggie purred and kissed Sandra’s cheek. She always thought she was a cute little blond. With a little more cleavage, she’d be a real looker.

  Maggie sauntered out of the bar the best she could. Her dress was so short, in the back it rod just beneath her ass. It was a good ass. She spent a lot of time working on it at the gym when she wasn’t pounding drinks back and picking up men.

  She was a busy girl. That’s probably why soon she’d flunk out of school. Maggie should have cared, but she didn’t really. Seeing the look of horror on her parents faces made it worth screwing up her life.

  “Taxi!” Maggie screamed. She flagged one down just as the sky opened up and began to rain. When the door was thrown open Maggie slipped inside. She never even wondered how the door opened. Because she hadn’t done it and a glass partition separated her from the driver.

  Maggie gave him her address. He turned and smiled at her. Something was familiar. Too familiar….and then a scent she smelled before leaked into the cab. She couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. But she remembered.

  Felt it.

  Her visitor? No. It had just been a dream. A series of wonderful dreams.

  Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. Maggie moaned and she slipped asleep before another shallow thought entered her mind.


  Maggie didn’t remember arriving home at her dorm. She didn’t remember slipping off her shoes or falling onto her bed. But somehow she did. Slowly she opened her eyes.

  There was nothing there, but her dress was edging up. Maggie moaned and pulled the hem back down, but the invisible hand on her thigh didn’t let it rest. It pushed it up further and a finger snagged onto her lace panties.

  She laughed dreamily and opened her legs. “I missed you.” She murmured. “It’s been too long since you visited me.”

  There were no words, but there was heat against her flesh, like a mouth was pressed up against her thigh. Maggie rested her legs wide open and the thin sheet moved as if on it’s on, covering her body.

  Stretching up, Maggie saw the sheet wasn’t flat against her body, but it appeared a head was between her legs. She reached down and could feel it.

  So he was real. And he was here.

  He inched up her body and Maggie moaned, feeling lips kiss her breasts through the fabric of her tight shirt. Her hands ran down his back, caressing his shiny skin through her fingers. It was slippery, almost wet. Except it was dry.

  Maggie couldn’t even think straight as his long, shiny cock danced across her pussy. She pointed her toes and bent her knees up in the air. It was such a wonderful sensation.

  Here to think she didn’t think she was going to get lucky at all tonight. Turns out her lover was with her all alone.

  Maggie’s head rocked back as he entered her. She gasped for breath, her mouth hovering open the further it pushed.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered and their mouths greeted each other. Kissing. And groping one another. She hoisted her legs up as high as she could and they were pumping into each other so fast, the headboard rattled against the wall.

  Maggie gripped the mattress and her head rolled back and forth as she struggled for breath. “I’m coming. I’m coming. Don’t stop baby, here it comes.”

  Her neck strained and she screamed of sweet pleasure, but her visitor never stopped. He kept going. And going. Until she was weak and her legs fell flat to the mattress.

  Moaning with exhaustion and with a forehead covered in sweat, Maggie felt a kiss planted on her cheek.

  The job is done.

  She didn’t know what he meant. She didn’t know who he was talking to, but she was too tired to care anyway.

  Maggie drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Two: The next morning

  Things were different the next morning, but Maggie didn’t know what. She was queasy, bloated, and something about her was just…different. Her breasts ached and the smell of breakfast nuking in the bathroom made her want to puke her guts out.

  Still she had classes and she had to get ready. Maggie combed her blond hair back and was surprised at how her roommate was smiling at her. “What are you grinning at?”

  “Nothing. That was just—something.”

  Maggie stared at her with a quizzical look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Her roommate rolled her eyes. “I saw everything. I mean, I didn’t see him because he was under the sheet but I saw what he was doing for you. Think you can lend him out to me?”

  Maggie only laughed as she pulled up her jeans but her heart quickly stopped as she realized her jeans wouldn’t button across her middle. Maggie felt at her stomach which was still flat but thicker around the middle. Oh my God, what was happening to her?

  “What’s the matter?”

  Maggie shook her head. “N—nothing. I just—gotta go pee.” She flew into the bathroom as fast as she could and locked it.

  She sat down on the toilet and let it all out. A long trinkle of pee out of her. Maggie was just hung over. Bloated. Everythin
g was fine.

  Nothing was the matter. Everything was fine.

  Until the clenching in her belly started. The most painful cramps she had ever had in her life made Maggie scream out in pain. She doubled over and grabbed at her pelvis.

  Mouth hanging open half in pain and half in shock, Maggie couldn’t believe what was happening to her. Her belly was stretching.

  It was frigging growing out right under her hand.

  This couldn’t be real. It wasn’t possible.

  It just wasn’t.

  But her skin was stretching, growing. And Maggie couldn’t control her body. She fell over onto the floor and knocked a candle off the basin on her way down.

  A knock came at the door. “Maggie, are you all right?”

  She opened her mouth in a silent grown and leaned her head up. Her belly was rounded and something in her was pushing the skin up and out. It wasn’t done yet. The pain radiated all around her. Tears streaked down her cheeks and Maggie held her growing belly unable to move.

  “Maggie?” The door handle jingled.

  “I’m fine.” Maggie swallowed hard and steadied her voice. She closed her eyes, feeling something deep inside her moving. “Go to class, okay?” It came out sing song. She just hoped that her roommate believed her. She didn’t want anyone to find her like this.

  “Okay. If you’re sure.”

  Maggie nodded. “I’m sure.” When everything was quiet for a few minutes. Maggie allowed herself to cry, cradling what she suspected was a baby belly. A growing baby belly. She was knocked up with something, she just didn’t know what.

  She didn’t want to know.

  Maggie needed an abortion and she needed one right then.

  Struggling to her feet, Maggie used the sink to pull herself up. Every step burned deep inside of her, but she had no choice but to keep going.

  She pulled her school sweatshirt on and bolted for her car.


  On the drive over to the abortion clinic, Maggie nearly doubled over in pain and twice nearly got into an accident. She could feel something pushing inside of her body and the skin in her abdomen was pushing out with a great force. It felt like it was tearing slightly and her entire body was on fire. Once she managed to park the car, Maggie screamed in pain with tears running down her cheeks.

  Maggie looked down at her abdomen that was now clearly pushing against the fabric of her sweatshirt. She was afraid to touch it but as another wave of pain coursed through her body, she did so out of reflex and noticed how hard her stomach clearly was. She was definitely pregnant and it was moving much too quickly. Maggie knew she had to get rid of it and soon.

  “I need to see a doctor! I need to see a doctor now!” Maggie screamed as she ran into the clinic. Other patients were looking at her but she didn’t care.

  The nurse looked at her with a holier than thou look that was common for those in the health care profession. “You need to fill out some forms and wait like everyone else.”

  “There’s no time--.” Maggie let out a scream as for the first time she could feel the baby inside her kicking—and growing. She gripped at her stomach and screamed, nearly squatting down from the pain. It was only a moment later that nurses were at her side and helping her into an observation room.

  Maggie had laid on the bed with her belly exposed for what felt like the longest time. Her belly it seemed had stopped growing for the time being but it still looked like she had swallowed a volley ball—inflated past it’s safe point. Maggie closed her eyes as she felt the unnatural child moving inside of her again. When she opened them again, she was surprised to see the doctor was there and getting ready to examine her.

  “Can’t you just—get rid of it now?” Maggie asked.

  The doctor looked at her. “You certainly waited long enough, didn’t you?” He rubbed some cold jelly along her belly and Maggie watched as her baby showed up on the ultrasound monitor.

  “I just—conceived last night. Something’s wrong!”

  “That’s impossible. Looks to be you’re about seven months ago. A month past the cut off. I’m sorry but I can’t abort this baby. You’ll need to see it through. Adoption of course is always an option.”

  “No—please! I can’t carry this THING!” Maggie cried but it seemed there was no one that could help her.

  The doctor scowled. “It’s not a thing, Maggie. It’s your baby. Actually—triplets.”

  “Triplets?” Maggie felt like she was going to puke. There was no way she was going to be a mother to triplets. No stinking way. “I need to talk to an adoption agency.”

  The doctor just stared at her.

  “Now!” Maggie screamed, leaning up as far as she could.

  He ran from the room and as he did, Maggie laid there unable to ignore the moving forms against the flesh in her baby bump.

  The night visitors had always seemed so nice. Like he really cared about her. Why would they do this?


  Everyone whispered about Maggie as she was seen into a private room and given privacy. She saw their faces and how they leaned in to each other, but she just didn’t care.

  Whatever she was pregnant with, she didn’t want. It was like her body wasn’t even her own. A parasite was growing in her and she wanted to get rid of it as fast as she could.

  With that in mind, she sat in the office, her growing baby belly pushing her sweatshirt taught. When the door opened, Maggie barely looked up. She didn’t feel like being nice anymore. She was have a friggin monster as far as she was concerned and didn’t want to play by someone else’s set of rules.

  “Maggie?” The woman asked. “It’s nice to meet you. You can call me Lucy. I see here you’re having triplets?”

  “Can we just get on with this? Please?” Maggie sneered.

  The woman raised an eyebrow. Well, this one is certainly a bitchy whore.

  Maggie’s mouth fell open. “What did you call me?”

  “I didn’t say anything dear.” Lucy smiled. Ungrateful little bitch too. “Your doctors say you haven’t been to an OB yet so we’ll need to get that done as soon as possible. They’re dating you as having triplets in about 3 months time, given their size.”

  Oh my God, Maggie thought. I can read this woman’s mind. “If that what he says he’s probably right.”

  “All right then. It might be a little hard to find an adoptive couple willing to take three babies, but it’s not impossible.”

  “I don’t care.” Maggie sneered. “Split them up if you have to, but I’m not going to take them. I don’t even want to see them. Understand?”

  Lucy stared at her. I’ve never seen a mother so disconnected. I wonder what her problem is?

  “The problem is I can read your fucking mind and it’s driving me crazy. So how about you shut up and give me some forms to fill out?”

  And Lucy did.

  Chapter Three: Last Days on Earth

  The next week, Maggie had spent adjusting to life as a suddenly pregnant student at college. Everyone assumed she had just been hiding it well. Maggie was too afraid to tell them the truth and was trying to adjust to her bodies changes. Her breasts were beginning to swell past her bras holding point. Already they were spilling out of the tops of the cups and she was lactating a green liquid for her baby which was certainly not human.

  Her belly got larger nearly every day. If others didn’t notice, she certainly did. Her t-shirts barely covered it anymore and the bottom was always sticking out of her shirt and her jeans. Spandex was the only thing that would cover her belly anymore and even that was stretched so tight you could see her belly button protruding underneath.

  Those weren’t the only changes though. Maggie’s children—she was certain now she was carrying at least two—were giving her powers beyond her control. She could hear others thoughts and even influence their decisions. Maggie’s appetite increased tenfold since her pregnancy and spent most of her time eating. Since discovering her pregnancy, Maggie had gained fifteen pound
s and it had only been one week. She was certain by the time she was at full term, whenever that would be, she would be tipping the scale.

  Maggie laid back on her pillow wearing an open blouse over her bra and panties. She opened up a candy bar and munched on it like a hungry pig as her roommate stood there watching her with disgust. Maggie’s belly was so large now that when sitting with her legs open, the bottom half of her belly rested on the mattress. She was beginning to have trouble breathing and her stomach was nearly translucent as the skin was stretched so tight.

  “Are you sure you won’t change your mind?” The roommate couldn’t help but watch as Maggie’s belly pulsated with the movements of the babies inside her stomach.

  “I’m sure. Have a good time though?” Maggie smiled as she searched for another candy bar. When she looked back up, her roommate was gone. Maggie ate that candy bar without another thought and absently began to stroke her large belly as the inhuman forms inside of her body began to kick her at such a rate, Maggie nearly screamed.

  She threw her head back and let out a big sigh as she continued to rub her majestic stomach. It was growing again as were her spawn. Maggie wanted to scream as her breasts began to expand but there was no air in her lungs. Finally the growth was over for that night and while Maggie wanted nothing but to eat she instead fell into a deep sleep with one hand cradling underneath the girth of her stomach and the other thrown across the top. Meanwhile it continued to pulsate as it grew a slight purple, with the movement of her babies inside.


  Gigantic or not, Maggie got a clean bill of health from her doctors and they suggested she might be on bed rest soon. They expected she would give birth in three or four weeks’ time. Maggie didn’t know how she’d make it that long. Every day she was changing.

  Things were growing.

  She spent as little time on her feet as possible. In bed she was able to study, her books left open on her belly while she read. It was good for something at least! Soon, this period of weirdness in her life would be over and things would go back to normal. Maybe she could even make it up to her parents, who were beside them self with grieve that she didn’t want her ‘babies’.


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