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Jock Blocked: An Enemies to Lovers Sports Romance

Page 10

by Shae Sullivan

  We kiss one more before I gather my clothes and head to my apartment. I’m expecting it to be empty since Jamie usually has a morning class on Fridays. She sometimes leaves early on Fridays to go home, so it’s easier for her to have the afternoon free. Besides, it’s not like she parties Thursday nights. Jamie is a morning person who doesn’t mind the early class. Basically, she’s an anomaly.

  “Where have you been?” Jamie asks, causing me to jump.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Class got canceled.”

  I breathe heavily. “You scared the crap out of me.”

  “Sorry for ruining your walk of shame.”

  “I’m not ashamed.”

  “Then tell me where you were. I was getting kind of worried. I was about to text you.”

  I hesitate. Just a few weeks ago, Jamie was predicting exactly what happened last night. I haven’t told her about anything related to Carter since I kissed him Friday night. As far as Jamie knows, he walked me home, and I went right on hating him.

  I don’t like when people say they told me so. Jamie is a pro at it. In her defense, I do it to her, too. We both like to be right and hate to be wrong.

  The thing is, what’s happening with Carter makes me happy and I want to share it with Jamie. Plus, I don’t want to only ever go to his apartment. I expect him to want to come here sometimes, too.

  “I was with Carter.”

  I cringe when Jamie starts jumping up and down and squealing.

  “I knew it! You stopped complaining about him like two weeks ago. Has this been going on that long?”

  “No, not even close. We kind of kissed Friday when he walked me home.”

  “Holy crap, Trin! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I was drunk and thought it was a mistake. Then at our tutoring session, Carter kept pressing and trying to convince me to have lunch with him.”

  Jamie frowns. “That’s kind of gross.”

  “No, it wasn’t. He didn’t force me or anything. He just asked a couple times. I agreed to have lunch with him and ended up telling him about freshman year.”

  “Wow, seriously?”

  “Yeah. I told him that the comments he made about women’s clothes were uncalled for and he apologized. I realized it was silly of me to hold a grudge that long, and agreed to go on a date with him last night.”

  “It’s been less than a week and all this shit has happened?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, it’s been quite a week. The date was fun. We went to this place with really good pizza that I want to take you to. Carter said we should invite you along next time.”

  “I like him even better now.”

  “I knew you would.”

  “You like him, too.”

  “I do.”

  “Oh, Trin, I’m so happy for you! I want it on record that I told you so, though. I called this!”

  “You did. I wish I’d listened to you then and we could’ve had more time together.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean.”


  “It’s fine, Jamie. I’m just having some fun while I can.”

  Jamie sighs. “Fine. I’m still happy for you. Carter really is a great guy. I’m actually surprised he’d make a sexist comment.”

  “He was basically a kid. I’m sure he’s grown up since then. But, I’m not afraid to call him out if he does make a stupid comment again.”

  “That’s my girl.” Jamie glances at the clock. “As much as I want to stay here and gush about Carter, my second class wasn’t canceled. I have to get going.”

  “It’s okay. Are you going home this afternoon?”

  “Yeah, and I won’t be back until late Monday. I’m skipping class because it’s Megan’s birthday.”

  “Damn, so I’ll be alone all weekend.”

  “Aren’t you going home?”

  “No, my brothers and parents are going to tour some schools in California. They left yesterday and won’t be back until Tuesday. I would have gone with them, but I had an exam yesterday and I have another on Monday.”

  “That sucks. Maybe Carter will be around?”

  “He has a game, but we’re hanging out Sunday. I’ll be fine until then. I have some stuff to catch up on, anyway.”

  Jamie hugs me. “Alright. Call if you get lonely. You can always come hang out with my family.”

  “I will. Have fun!”

  “Love you.”

  Jamie grabs her bag and leaves. I’m not far after her. I have an afternoon class before my shift at the tutoring center. Class is okay, but I struggle to pay attention. My mind is on Carter and the look on Jamie’s face when I admitted it’s temporary.

  By the time I get to the tutoring center, I’m mentally exhausted.

  “Hi, Ben,” I say.

  Ben doesn’t look up from his computer. That’s odd. I usually get a smile and a hello.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s fine. You don’t have anyone on schedule today, so I’ll alert you to any walk-ins.”

  “Ben, why won’t you look at me?”

  He finally glances up. “I’m busy.”

  “Seriously, what’s wrong? You’re being weird.”

  Ben sighs. “I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated. Why did you have to go out with Carter?”

  “Who I date is none of your business.”

  “It is when it affects the tutoring center! We can’t have our tutors hooking up with their students. You know the rules.”

  “I already told you I have it figured out. Carter talked to his coach and he’s fine with it. Why are you freaking out?”

  Ben furrows his brow. “Wait, he did?”

  “Yeah, he did.”

  Carter texted me just before class started to let me know Coach was fine with our new arrangement of me still helping him with classwork even though we’re seeing each other, as long as it’s outside of my regular tutoring hours.

  “Are you sure he didn’t just tell you he did?”

  “His coach emailed me to verify everything.”

  “Oh. Well.”

  “Ben, I would never risk my standing as a tutor. I need a good recommendation from this job and I want to proudly display it on my resume. I thought it through before I agreed to the date with Carter.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten so bent out of shape about it. I just don’t want you to hurt your career over some guy.”

  “I’d never do that. My career comes first. Carter knows that. He’s more career and school driven than you might think.”

  Ben laughs. “Actually, that doesn’t surprise me. I had to look at his grades when he signed up for tutoring and he’s doing better than I ever did as an undergrad.”


  “I am sorry, Trina. I should’ve known you had it handled. You always do.”

  I smile. “It’s okay. I appreciate you looking out for me.”

  As I walk to my office, there’s a little thrill in my stomach. I’m not buying Ben’s assertion that his concern is about my career and the tutoring center itself. It sounded to me like Ben was jealous of my date with Carter.

  Guilt replaces the excitement. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I’m with Carter now. It may be surprising, but I’m happy being his girlfriend. We’re keeping it easy and low key, but Carter and I agreed over text today that we’re exclusive.

  However, Carter could leave and go anywhere in the world. There’s only one NFL team in New England and the chances of Carter landing there are small. He mentioned last night that they’re really picky about the players they take on, and they’re not building right now. He’s more likely to end up in Florida or California or something.

  Places I’d never live. Connecticut is my home. I chose this school because I wanted to be close to my parents. I’m going to do my graduate studies here or nearby, and then become a professor in Connecticut or southern Massachusetts.

  This thing with C
arter is going to be temporary. No matter how much I wish that wasn’t true, it is. I really like Carter and I wish it could work out with him, but the reality is, it can’t. We’re going in different directions with our lives.

  Ben, on the other hand, is still the solid, stationary guy I should want to be with. I liked that he was jealous, but even the thought of him doesn’t make me as excited as it used to. I guess it’s just nice to have more than one person want me.

  I should talk to Carter about all of this. He deserves to know that our relationship has an endpoint.

  He probably already knows. It would be silly if he didn’t. There’s no way Carter expects them to last beyond graduation. He’s going to the NFL, most likely, and I’m going into academics.

  I don’t want to ruin everything by bringing it up now. Carter and I deserve a shot at a relationship, even if it is temporary.

  I pull out my phone and send him an “I miss you” text. Almost immediately, I get a response. It’s a picture of him pouting at the gym. I laugh out loud.

  “That’s a cute picture.”

  “I’d rather be with you than in the weight room.”

  “We’ll see each other on Sunday,” I respond.

  “Not soon enough.”

  I send him back a message with a picture of me at my desk.

  “You’ve got that sexy teacher thing going on.”

  “I always do,” I respond. “Now get to practice. I don’t want to distract you.”

  “You’re a worthy distraction. Have fun tutoring.”

  “I’ll try.”

  I put my phone in my purse so I’m not tempted to keep texting Carter. We both need to pay attention to what we’re doing. I may not have any students right now, but I can still prepare for Monday’s appointments and get my own work done. Neither of us need distractions.

  Even though Carter is the best kind.

  Chapter 16


  I usually spend my Wednesday afternoons in the weight room or out running. Now that I can’t see Trina as my official tutor, I have to spend an hour with her every Wednesday. It’s the only time she’s not tutoring and I’m not busy.

  I don’t mind giving up my usual routine for her. I’d much rather sit next to Trina than lift weights or run. She’s the best scenery I could ask for.

  “Where’s your packet?”

  “Good to see you, too.”

  Trina laughs. “Hi.” She kisses me quickly. “Now, where’s your packet?”

  “It’s right here, boss.”

  I take the midterm study packet from my bag. I looked it over, but I haven’t done any of it yet.

  “Did you finish the practice test I gave you?”

  I hand that over to her. “Yes, and it was really helpful. Thank you.”

  Over the weekend, when I had time, I took Trina’s midterm from when she took the class. The study packet is the same format, but it’s nice to have an extra set of questions to go over.

  “Good. You start on the packet and I’ll grade this.”

  I try to focus on the packet, but my mind immediately wanders. We lost our game again on Saturday. Morale on the team is low. It’s my job to pick it back up. I just don’t know how.

  There’s a party on Friday, but I don’t think that will be enough. We need more. Maybe I should take the team out to dinner or something. We could rent out a private room at a restaurant.

  That would be ridiculous. There are way too many people on the team for that. It wouldn’t make enough of a difference. I’ll figure something out.

  Maybe we’ll win on Saturday. That would fix things.

  We have to win on Saturday. It’s the first, and probably only, game that Trina is going to attend. The only reason she’s going is because her brothers are dragging her there. I get to meet them, and Trina’s parents, for dinner on Saturday night. I’m excited and nervous. Though we’ve only been together a short time, it feels like Trina is taking this as serious as I am. We’re in this relationship together.

  This is the first time ever I’ll have a girlfriend in the stands. The guys have been giving me shit for it since I’ve been against relationships for a while. Even when I was a freshman and had a girlfriend, she never came to my games. I never invited her, and I never wanted her to be there.

  I guess it wasn’t the best, or healthiest, relationship.

  Things are different with Trina. Our future is complicated, but I care about her. We can make it work, no matter what.


  I jump and meet Trina’s eyes. “Sorry. What?”

  “I said your name three times. What’s got you so distracted?”

  “I’m thinking about football.”



  She sighs. “You need to do your work. You want to get an A on your midterm, remember?”

  “Yeah, but… this losing streak is getting to me.”

  “I know that football is important to you. I’m not saying you should stop thinking about it. I love that you care so much about the team and that the sport matters to you. But, right now, you need to focus on this midterm. It is the most important thing in your life until you take it on Friday.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Trina kisses my cheek. “It’s okay. You got almost all the answers right on your practice test.”

  “Almost? Enough to get an A?”

  “Not quite. But, I can show you where you went wrong so you can correct it before you do the practice packet.”

  Trina turns to a question I got incorrect and goes over why I didn’t do it right. Her explanation makes it make sense for me. This is why I’m glad I got a tutor. It may have seemed silly at first. I hated Coach for putting me through this. Now, though, I know it’s the best thing I could have done. I won’t tell Coach that, but he made it possible for me to ace this class.

  After we’ve gone over all my wrong answers, Trina sets me loose on the midterm practice packet. Trina takes out some work of her own.

  I watch as she nibbles on the cap of her pen. She does everything in pen, even her math homework. I wish I had that kind of confidence. An eraser is my only hope when I’m doing my work.

  “Carter! Eyes on your own paper.”

  I laugh. “Fine. Stop being so hot, though.”

  “You think I’m hot right now?”

  Trina looks down at the sweatpants and t-shirt she’s wearing. Wednesdays, Trina only has one class and no tutoring. She told me it’s her only casual day of the week. I find the sweats sexy.

  “I always think you’re hot, but yes, I do.”

  “Well, too bad. Do your work, Carter.”

  “Fine, bossy.”

  “If you’re good, I’ll give you a treat.”

  There’s a devious look in Trina’s eyes. I don’t ask what kind of treat it is, because I can only hope to already know.

  The first page of my math packet is easy. It’s mostly simple problems that build the foundations of the more difficult stuff. All math exams are structured this way. Going out of order isn’t recommended. If I start with the easy stuff, it’ll help me when I get to the harder questions. It’s like a primer for your brain.

  At least, that’s how Trina explained it. She really is a great teacher.

  I finish the first page and look up again. Trina is doing the adorable focus thing that I love so much.

  “What? There’s no way you’re done.”

  “With the first page.”

  Trina rolls her eyes. “There are six pages.”

  “Yeah, but I want to take a quick break.”

  I close the distance between us and kiss Trina softly on the lips. I’ll never get used to tasting her. She wears this peppermint lip balm that drives me crazy.

  “Carter, come on, we’re in the library.”

  Technically, we’re in a private study room in the library. Trina booked it for two hours so we’d have privacy during our session. She knew I wouldn’t be able to f
ocus if we were in the student union or something. If we were in my apartment or hers, we’d be naked by now.

  I kiss Trina again. While make out sessions have been aplenty since we started dating less than a week ago, I haven’t gotten to feel Trina’s body since last Thursday. The one time we slept together was fantastic, but I want more. I need more.

  This time, Trina melts into my kiss. She doesn’t pull away. Instead, her tongue dips between my lips. I moan and tangle my tongue with hers.

  My hand finds her breast and squeezes lightly.

  Trina giggles. “Carter.”

  “I can’t help myself.”

  “I know it’s hard, but you really do need to study for your midterm.”

  “I’d rather fail.”

  I try to kiss her again, but Trina puts a hand between us. “We’ll have plenty of time for this later, remember?”

  I grin. Trina and I are spending the night at my apartment tonight. Since last Thursday, we’ve both been busy with various things. We had lunch on Sunday, but I had to go to an emergency practice right after. Monday, we got breakfast, but Trina had an exam and tutoring, and I had more practice. Tuesday, it was more of the same. One of us is always busy.

  Not tonight, though. We have the day off of practicing so we don’t get burnt out before the game on Saturday. Trina has the evening free, too. We’re going to get Chinese food delivered to my apartment and pretend to watch a movie or two while we hook up on my couch.

  “I can’t wait until later,” I say.

  Trina laughs again. “You’re going to have to.”

  I capture her lips with mine. “Come on, Trina, you know you’d rather kiss me than do your homework.”

  “I would, but that doesn’t mean I should. We both need to do our work.”

  “I understand why we had to meet outside of your usual tutoring hours. It wouldn’t be appropriate to kiss in the tutoring center.”

  Trina grins. “No, but it would be scandalous and fun.”

  I meet Trina’s eyes. “What do you mean?”

  She bites her lip. “I don’t know, I guess I’ve always had that naughty teacher fantasy.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never had a chance to play it out, though. I just watch videos to live vicariously.”

  Fuck. I’ve had a boner since we started making out, but this makes it even worse. My hard-on is pushing against the front of my jeans.


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