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The Hero Without A Cool Name

Page 16

by Stan Hendriks

  “My apologies Mr. Einar for disturbing you, but as you may already know, it seems that Toogaan has failed in fulfilling his destiny. And by doing so, your building has been changed into feathers. The media has been storming into the hotel all day already, asking if I could somehow get in contact with you, but I told them that you would comment on it later. Anyway, I… I’m worried, Mr. Einar, what if it all comes back to us? I… I don’t want to go to jail or worse, be at the mercy of Roy Tabby.”

  Mr. Einar chuckles and says, “Mary, nothing is going to happen. I have made sure that everything that could possibly trace the police or silly Roy Tabby and his team to us has disappeared. But, Mary, you must be a fool to think that this is over. In fact, it is far from over. Toogaan may have failed, yes, but his ancestors will surely not.”

  “What… what does that mean?”

  “Patience, Mary, patience. Just stay prepared because I might need you again, sooner than you might think. This world will be mine, Mary, and everyone, including you, will pick the fruits and profit greatly when that happens. And the greatest thing is that I won’t even have to get my hands dirty.”

  A week later, Roy, who is lying on a hospital bed with bandages around both of his shoulders, is surround by Julian, Henry, who has fully recovered again, Lexi, and Nathalie. “It’s taken you a week this time to wake up, but damn am I glad you did!” Henry says with a bright smile on his face.

  “Oh, trust me, I’m as well. When I fell down, I really thought that my life was going to be over. That my journey would end already while it barely hasn’t even started yet,” Roy replies.

  “But it didn’t, and most importantly, I didn’t have to see my own brother get buried. God, I’m so glad that you’re alright.”

  “Me too, what you did was great, it really was,” Lexi says.

  “Thanks, but I couldn’t have done it without you. Without any of you.”

  “What you did was truly phenomenal indeed. Changing something of that size is something I cannot even do. You have shown an enormous amount of strength and encouragement, but most importantly, you have shown that you are more than capable of being a hero the world needs and I think I speak on behalf of everyone in this room when I say that we could not be more proud of you. Not only have you saved our lives, but you have also saved that of countless of other people who might have become Toogaan’s next target.”

  A bright smile appears on Roy’s face as he replies, “I really appreciate that, thanks. Man, you’re about to make me cry.” Everyone laughs and Roy continues, “But, Mr. Herrick, I do have one question. I don’t know why, but Toogaan seemed weaker or something. Or is that just the painkillers talking?”

  Julian chuckles and says, “It may be the painkillers, but there is some truth to your observations. Toogaan was indeed less calculated which made him weaker. He made impulsive decisions based on his emotions and therefore he made some crucial mistakes. I guess his insanity finally caught up to him and his thirst for blood and his craving for rest in his paradise must have made him lose it. And on top of that, we also got lucky because let’s be honest, had Toogaan been calm and collective like he normally is, then things could have turned out very differently. But let’s not ruin the great moment that we have by reminiscing about how things could have turned out badly. Anyway, like you, I also have a question. Before you were caught by the softest pillow the world has ever seen, which I created, you seemed to have an incredibly bright smile or your face, how come?”

  “I… I’m not really sure why. I guess the feeling of me finally having done something good and meaningful for others just made me happy, I guess. And on top of that, me having these powers and being able to be a hero is something that I just really enjoy and actually always wanted, although I never even knew it. And even if that would have been the end, it would have been a happy one, if you know what I mean. I know it sounds kind of vague but I’m not really good at explaining this kind of stuff.”

  “It sounds vague indeed, but what matters is that you’re still alive and that you’re still a hero, man! You defeated Toogaan and we’re not going to stop with defeating maniacs anytime soon!” Henry replies, as he gives Roy a fist bump.

  With a smile, Julian looks at Lexi and Nathalie and says, “And here I thought that he was becoming more of a serious hero after everything that happened.”

  “I know, but what can I say, my brother will always be my brother. And the only time he will take something seriously is when he absolutely needs to.”

  “But what about Toogaan? Is he gone for good or?” Lexi asks.

  “For now, yes, but those beams of smoke that shot up into the air have me kind of worried. But I guess that is something to worry about on another day. Now, we celebrate that Roy survived and that we were successful in getting rid of a murderous maniac.”

  Right at that moment, the doctor comes walking in but before she can say anything, Henry gives her his mobile and asks, “Could you please take a picture of us?”


  Henry then runs back to Roy and with a bright smile, he says, “Guys, get in the picture!”

  Lexi and Nathalie step closer to Roy and Henry as well but Julian replies, “Do we have to?”

  “Absolutely! We need to capture this moment after what we have accomplished! And the whole team needs to be on the picture!”

  “Yeah, come on, Mr. Herrick,” Roy says.

  With a sigh, Julian steps closer to the rest as well and Roy, Henry, and Nathalie have bright smiles on their faces while Lexi has more of a naughty smirk and Julian, well, Julian gives the camera a serious stare. But none of the less, a beautiful picture of the whole team is taken.

  “And there it is, what a crazy ride it has been so far. Oh, by the way, Roy Tabby here once again, but I guess you already figured that out by now. Anyway, it has been more than crazy, from the moment I got my powers to the moment I nearly died, which was scary, to say the least, by the way. But I can honestly say that I have no regrets at all and that I would do it all over again, well, maybe except for the part where I almost died, twice. But anyway, I’ve met some great people along the way, people that I now consider family. They literally stood by my side no matter what and I couldn’t be more thankful. My life… I… words cannot even describe how much it has changed and how much it has improved for the better. I went from a drunk whose life was slowly draining away to being a hero that fights against crime and stops criminals. Crazy, right?! And yes, I may not be the greatest hero yet, and I still don’t have a cool name, which I know is a serious issue, but I feel that one day, I might become known throughout the world and I will stop all crime. At least, that is the goal. But anyway, something in me tells me that my journey is far from over yet. In fact, I believe that it has only just begun and from now on, things are going to be a lot more hectic. I even feel like this was just a test to see if I was ready to be a true hero. Well, let’s hope that, that isn’t the case since I wouldn’t want to fight someone even stronger than Toogaan. I mean, let’s be honest, that dude was strong. Anyway, as I said, it’s only just beginning and no matter how crazy it’s going to get, I’m ready for it all. Of that I’m certain. But are you ready as well? If so, can I get a hashtag I’m ready? No? Yeah… way too corny, right? I thought so already. But again, I’m ready for whatever this new life is going to throw onto my path, and I hope you are too! Because once again, it’s going to be crazy! Roy Tabby, out. Damn, that felt so cool. I mean, saying it like that. Anyway, see you next time. I hope. Bye! No… wait, I should say, see you soon. Yes, alright. Let me give this one more try. See you soon!”

  -The End-



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