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Hard Drive Boxed Set

Page 12

by Tricia Andersen

  There was silence on the other line for a beat. “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?” Max demanded.

  “Because you left Roadies and went to Hard Drive. And why? For her. I wish I knew what you see in that girl. You know, there are a million out there like her who aren’t lazy freeloaders who don’t want to work.”

  “Do not call Chloe a freeloader. You have no idea what she has to go through. I do. And I did it because I love her. If you can’t accept it, that’s your problem.”

  “No, Max. It’s yours. Trust me. I could care less.”

  “Fantastic. See ya around, pal.” Max poked the face of his phone violently. The shuffle around him snapped him to attention. He had been so consumed by his call he had missed that he was no longer alone. Rico, Mark, and Dan stared at him, making him uncomfortable.

  “Got a problem, man?” Rico asked.

  “It’s nothing,” Max grumbled.

  “From what I heard, you need a ramp built.” Rico looked past Max to Mark and Dan. “What are you boys doing in the morning?”

  “I was going to sleep,” Mark answered. “But it sounds like I’m going to help build a wheelchair ramp.”

  “My video games can wait,” Dan added as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

  “Dang right they can, Dan,” Mark snapped. “All you ever do is play video games.”

  “At least I do more than eat, sleep, whine, and watch SportsCenter,” Dan retorted.

  “All right, gentlemen,” Rico interrupted. “Save the sparring for the mats. Lumberyard at eight o’clock work for you, Max?”

  Max slowly glanced from Rico to Mark to Dan. An appreciative grin spread across his face. “Yeah. Eight o’clock works great. Thanks, guys.”

  The next day, Max woke as dawn streaked across the sky. It was going to be a long one working in the hot sun. He just prayed he wasn’t doing it alone.

  He hadn’t told Chloe of his plans. He wanted to surprise both her and Liz. And I don’t want to disappoint her if something falls through. By the confusion etched in her face, he could tell she wondered what he had up his sleeve. He met her confusion with a smile as he tugged on his tennis shoes and pecked a kiss on her cheek. He didn’t say a word as he climbed into his car and drove away in the direction of the lumberyard.

  Pulling into the first spot in the row outside the store, he turned off the ignition. He stepped out, glancing around. A smile spread across his face. There, on the opposite side of the parking lot, stood the three muscle-bound men leaning against Mark’s truck. Each man cradled a paper cup of coffee in his hand. Max locked his vehicle and jogged over to meet them.

  Dan handed him the fourth cup sitting on the hood of the truck. “Ready to go shopping?” the blond greeted.

  “Absolutely,” Max responded as he took a sip of the hot, dark, thick liquid. “Let’s do this.”

  The men wandered around the near empty store, carefully selecting the items they needed. Max was grateful to have them there. With four minds in the hunt, they remembered things he would have certainly missed. And the banter between them all was lighthearted and fun, especially between Dan and Mark. Being best friends since they were toddlers they knew how to push each other’s buttons. If it wasn’t for their extreme difference in appearance they could easily pass for brothers.

  It took less than an hour to find everything, for Max to purchase it, to load it all in Mark’s truck and for them to drive back to the house. Max peeked into the house then smiled. Chloe was long gone, already at the hospital to get final instructions on Liz’s care. He dashed to his room to get his tools and, with Rico, Mark and Dan, started to work.

  They lost track of time and their shirts as they sawed, hammered, stained and assembled in the heat of the summer sun. They talked and joked non-stop. They only took a break when their stomachs growled. They jumped into the nearest cars and raced to a little diner down the street for burgers and more conversation.

  Max couldn’t remember the last time he had so much fun with a bunch of guys. He certainly didn’t have fun like this with Tyler and the guys at Roadies. Getting plastered wasn’t his idea of fun. Partying every night was overrated. Talking, working out, watching movies, reading—that was a good time. And after talking with these three men he discovered they felt the same.

  Max and Rico chuckled as Mark playfully criticized Dan on his placement of the abrasive strips. Dan shot a death glare over his shoulder as he tore the backing off another strip and very carefully laid it on the completed ramp. It was beautiful. They all had done an incredible job.

  The sound of a motor turned all four of the men’s attention. Chloe turned off the car as she stared out the passenger window. Both she and Liz had the same reaction on their faces. Complete and utter shock.

  Rico and Mark dropped their tools as they jogged to the car. Liz glanced uneasily from one heavily tattooed man to the other as Mark opened her door. Rico tapped gently on the trunk for Chloe to pop it. He retrieved the wheelchair from inside, unfolded it and pushed it to the passenger side door. He and Mark gently scooped Liz into their arms and set her in the seat. Mark carefully pushed the chair up the walk so Liz could get a closer look at the ramp.

  Chloe stepped out of the driver’s side, leaning one arm against the roof and the other on the edge of the door. Her wide, brown eyes slowly scanned their work. Max smiled as he approached. “What do you think?” he asked.

  “It…it’s all so much, Max,” she stumbled. “You took care of everything.”

  “I told you I would.” He watched her for a moment then frowned. “You don’t seem happy about it.”

  She looked at him, clearly astounded. “No, I am. It’s beautiful. It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “It’s all so much.”

  “You and your mom are worth it. She wanted to come home. You want her home. I did what I could to make it happen.”

  Chloe’s eyes brimmed with tears. “It’s too much.”

  “Why is it too much? Chloe, I don’t understand what I did wrong.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. Not yet.” She slammed her car door shut then ran around the house to slip in the back door. Max slowly exhaled then stalked across the lawn to Liz and the three men surrounding her.

  “Max, this is incredible!” Liz gushed. “I can’t believe you did this! You’re an angel. You all are. You need to let me buy you dinner. Let’s order pizza.”

  Max glanced at the uncomfortable faces of his friends. They trained hard for hours every day. They ate healthy, high protein, and low-fat diets so as not to sabotage that training. Pizza was not in any of their diets. “Liz, you’re very welcome. Thank you for the dinner invite. How about I go to the store for some chicken breasts and vegetables. Then, we can grill out. Sound good?”

  “Sure, if that’s what you fellas want.”

  “Yeah, we do. I’ll run out and be back in just a minute.”

  “All right.”

  Max grabbed his car keys and motioned the other three to come with him. He wouldn’t mind a little more time away with the guys. Maybe while we’re gone I can make sense of Chloe and her crazy outburst.

  The four men were back within a half hour with all the ingredients for a delicious, low-carb feast. They stumbled into the house laughing and joking as they made their way to the kitchen to deposit the grocery sacks. Chloe had helped her mother up the ramp and into the house. The two women sat in the living room talking. She stared at the wall as Max stepped in, refusing to look at him. Max huffed.

  Max happily fired up the grill then cooked the chicken. Being outside kept him away from Chloe. Rico sat on the picnic bench in the back yard, watching him silently. Max didn’t have to ask what he was thinking. He could sense the fighter knew Chloe had wounded his heart.

  Everyone ate in the living room, laughing and talking as the plates full of food were passed around the coffee table. Max did his best to focus his attention on his friends and Liz. But no matter w
hat he did, he came back to Chloe. She sat quietly over her plate, picking at her chicken and not eating. Finally, she stood and stepped around the large, muscular men as she made her way to the kitchen.

  Max near snarled. He’d had enough. He rose to his feet, set his plate on the coffee table, and followed. When he was out of earshot and fully blocked the door, he crossed his arms over his broad chest and stood his ground. “Talk, Chloe,” he snarled. “I tried to do something for you. For your mom. How am I repaid? You won’t talk to me.”

  “I didn’t realize you needed to be paid back,” Chloe murmured, her eyes trained to the floor. She leaned against the counter beside the sink. “I’ll pay you back whatever you spent.”

  “I don’t want your money. I want to know what I did to you that was so wrong?”

  Chloe looked away as tears pooled in her eyes. “My dad left when I was eight. Because of me. Because of this stupid thing I have. It broke Mom’s heart. She loved him so much. She has spent every day since loving him and hating him all at the same time. I don’t want to be like her. I don’t want to love and hate…” Her voice trailed off.

  Max’s face softened. He took the few steps to her then tilted her chin so her eyes met his. “Don’t want to love and hate what, Chloe?”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t want to love and hate you at the same time for the rest of my life. So, I’m trying to not fall in love in the first place. But when you do such incredible things like you did today…”

  A sweet smile spread across his face. “Hey, you can’t blame me for being charming.”


  “Chloe. I would never hurt you. I promise you. Never.”

  “You say that now.”

  “I’ll say that forever.”

  “Chloe! Max! What are you two doing in there?” Liz called from the other room.

  “Just talking, Mom.” Chloe offered him a small smile as she slipped past him. Max turned and watched her go. She doesn’t want to love and hate me at the same time when I leave. The solution to that is simple. I’ll never leave.


  Chloe yawned to herself as she slipped her phone into her purse and set the purse in her locker. Morning came to early and her eight o’clock fitness kickboxing class was waiting for her. She was still jittery, having Max in the house all the time. Especially after I pretty much confessed that I love him last night.

  But having the two people she cared most about at home every night to share supper and talk with made her the happiest she had ever been in her entire life. Max quickly became the son Liz had never had.

  It didn’t take them long to figure out that, despite being lifelong residents of Minnesota, they were both diehard Cubs fans. Every chance they got, they turned on a game and watched it together. They would yell at the sportscasters on the television. They would console each other when the team lost. They would hoot and holler when the Cubs won. They even considered buying one of the huge white and blue “W” flags for the porch.

  Even though Chloe didn’t watch baseball, she loved watching them watch baseball. She would curl up on the opposite side of the sofa from Max with a book, glancing up occasionally to giggle at them. They always glared back at her in annoyance, but she knew they didn’t mean it. They loved having her there with them just as much as she loved being there.

  Chloe toed off her shoes, tucked them in her locker, and closed the door. She spun the lock to secure it then wandered out toward the main gym. She stopped short at the three large fighters blocking the hallway, their eyes locked on her. She could read the message they were sending. They were hunters. She was prey. I need to get out of here. Now.

  “Hey, Chloe girl. Where are you going?” the largest addressed.

  “I’m heading to my workout. If you’ll excuse me…”

  He grinned. “Workout with us. We’ll give you a good one.”

  Chloe glanced around her. There was nowhere to go except the emergency fire exit. If she turned and retreated for the locker room, she would be a sitting duck. She started to tremble. Her stomach churned violently. She hardly noticed the three men approach until one grabbed her chin and pulled her to him.

  “What’s going on here?” Rico demanded.

  The largest fighter didn’t turn. “None of your business, Rico. We’re going to work out with Chloe. So get lost.”

  “It’s my business.”

  All three men turned at the voice. Chloe fought to see between their large, sculpted shoulders. Max stood beside Rico, his fists balled at his side as if he was preparing to fight. Rage rolled off him in torrents. She had never seen him this furious.

  “Chloe,” Max warned. “Go into the locker room and get your things. We’re done. We’re leaving.” He glared at Rico. “Tell Jack he can find new trainers. Chloe and I are through with Hard Drive.”

  “Max, man. Just hang on.” Rico growled at the three men. “Get your hands off Chloe and get out. Don’t come back. Do you get me?”

  “You don’t have the power to throw us out,” one of the three snarled.

  “I do.” The entire group turned to find Jack standing in the mouth of the hallway. “I’m not about to lose the best trainer in Minnesota to three punks who can’t keep it in their pants. That is not the way my gym works. We treat the women in this gym with respect. They’re not our toys. Get your stuff and get out. Your contracts are terminated.”

  The three fighters stormed off, grumbling under their breath. Max crossed over to Chloe. “Are you all right?”

  “Been better,” she whimpered. “But I’ll be all right.”

  Max smiled at her softly as he caressed her cheek. Then, he turned and stalked off to the gym. Chloe followed behind. “Where is Mark?” he demanded.

  “He stayed at work to research something,” Dan answered. “He didn’t say what.”

  “Fantastic. Dan, get on the mat. Spar with Rico.”

  Chloe noticed the petrified look on the blond’s face as he slipped his glasses off and set them in his bag. She reached out and gently touched Max’s arm. He didn’t turn. He didn’t even act like she was there. His face was still enraged as he scowled at the fighters. Rico shot Dan a halfhearted smile as they faced off and practice began.

  Chapter Five

  Max was still in a blind fury as he drove home. He noticed out of the corner of his eye as Chloe clung to her seat in fear. Slowly exhaling, he shook himself free of his temper. He wouldn’t stress her out. He couldn’t deal with the consequences. Not today.

  Parking the Mustang at the curb, he threw open the door. He stomped around the house to the backyard shed. After freeing the lock, he yanked the mower free, filled it with gas, and ripped at the cord to bring it to life. He peeled his T-shirt from his body and tossed it on the picnic table. Silently, he stalked off to mow.

  He paced the yard immersed in his thoughts, never noticing anyone watching him. As he rounded the house to the front yard, he found Chloe standing on the porch. She leaned against the post, her eyes glazed over as they raked over his tan, sculpted arms and chest.

  “I didn’t know you had tattoos,” she breathed.

  Max’s heart clenched in his chest. Oh, lord. She hates guys with tattoos. And I have quite a few. “Yeah, a couple,” he joked. “I guess I never asked what you thought of them.”

  “I think they’re beautiful. Sexy.”

  Max felt his cheeks warm. “Really?”

  “Uh-huh. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “A sports drink would be great, thanks.”

  “Be right back.” She dashed into the house with the slam of the door. He felt the butterflies let loose in his stomach as he waited. Chloe re-emerged from the house with a sports drink in her hand. She trotted down the stairs and didn’t stop until she reached him.

  He reached out, his fingers brushing hers as he took the bottle. He chuckled as she scampered back up the steps to watch him from a distance, her eyes transfixed on his body art. He continued mowing as her eyes followe
d him. Max fought back his grin, but it was no use. His smile covered nearly his entire face.

  The next morning marked another day at Hard Drive. Max winked as he held the door open for Chloe to walk through. He made a mental note to apologize to Dan for his actions the day before. He had let his temper get the better of him. Dan was good fighter, but not near the caliber of Rico. Fortunately, Rico had assessed the situation and had taken it easy on him.

  He stopped short as he heard his named called.

  “Max!” Mark shouted from the walkway overhead. The door of Jack’s office was open behind him. Max frowned. Jack wasn’t expected until after noon.

  “What?” he replied.

  “I did the research you asked about. I think I figured something out.”

  Max’s breath caught in his throat. Mark had volunteered to research whatever plagued Chloe. Could it be possible that he had found something? Max dropped his bag and sprinted up the stairs.

  Mark powered on the computer and waited for it to boot up. Max stood behind him, anxiously waiting as the desktop appeared. Both men exhaled slowly in unison as the password screen popped on.

  “Great,” Mark grumbled as he stood from the desk chair. He stalked to the railing. “Dan, get up here.”

  “Not your trained Chihuahua, dude,” Dan’s voice floated from below.

  “Nope. A Chihuahua has more talent,” Mark retorted.

  A few moments later Dan appeared in the doorway, looking rather annoyed by Mark’s comment. Mark motioned toward the screen. “Can you get us to the Internet?”

  “Of course I can. You doubt me?”

  “No, I don’t. I’m wondering how close you are to building that robot girlfriend of yours.”

  Max couldn’t help but chuckle as Mark grinned at Dan impishly. Dan scowled at him. “I’m seeing a girl right now.”

  “Really? That was fast. Are you running her on Wi-Fi or is she hard-wired? Do you run her on remote control?”

  Dan glowered at him as he spun on his toe for the staircase. Mark grabbed his arm. “Sorry, Dan,” he apologized, his jovial mood suddenly serious. “This is actually important. Can you help?”


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