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Hard Drive Boxed Set

Page 15

by Tricia Andersen

  Chapter Seven

  It took three full days for Chloe to regain her strength. Max stayed by her side, only leaving to run home, take a shower, and change clothes. He hated the look in her eyes every time he left. He knew she was terrified that he would abandon her.

  If he didn’t know how great his friends were before this, he knew now. Rico, Mark, and Dan took turns staying with Liz. They got her to her physical therapy sessions. They got her to and from the hospital. Jack even took a turn or two with Liz. Max couldn’t believe how lucky he was to call these men friends.

  When Liz was home, she cooked just so she could bring food up for Max. It was the best peace treaty he had ever heard of. How could he possibly be angry with her anymore? He knew Chloe noticed their reconciliation by the small smiles that escaped her lips.

  By day four, Chloe was strong enough for her first test. Max accompanied her as they wheeled her to the procedure room. While they examined her, he waited outside, leaning against the wall, counting the porous, white ceiling tiles above him. By the lack of color in her face as they emerged, he could tell they had taken one step forward in her recovery…and two steps back.

  The technicians took Chloe back to her room and helped her into her bed. She was shaking. “Max.”

  He stood beside her. “Yeah, Chloe? What do you need?”

  She wrapped her trembling arms around his waist as she buried her face against him. He untangled her from around him, sat on the mattress, and pulled her onto his lap. He gently whispered to her, soothing her as he prayed that he could take away her pain.

  Max was overjoyed to see Chloe’s strength back the next morning. The joy was short lived, as the same technicians arrived to perform another battery of tests. Max growled softly as he stalked after them to another part of the hospital. Once again, he counted ceiling tiles as he anxiously waited. And once again, Chloe came out of the procedure worse than when she went in.

  Max spent the rest of the day holding her tight, fighting himself from cursing the medical professionals hurting her. They were just trying to get the answers they desperately needed. Not to mention one of them was one of his best friends.

  He lost his temper when the techs, along with Mark, strolled in the next day. “Seriously, aren’t you trying to get her better?” Max noticed Chloe start to tremble at their appearance. “These tests are making her worse.”

  “Hang on, Max,” Mark stopped him. “All that is left is a simple scan. No injections, no poking, no prodding. A couple quick pictures. I know the last two tests were hell. I promise this one is easy. And even better, it’s the last one. You can even go in for the scan and keep Chloe company. I am.”

  Chloe’s eyes pleaded with Max. “Would you please go with me?”

  Max gave her a comforting smile. “Of course, baby. I’ll come along.”

  Max walked along with Mark behind the technicians pushing Chloe on the gurney. He stayed silent as the big man chattered along. He still didn’t trust Chloe was going to come out of this well. And the next time someone hurt her, they were going to have to deal with him.

  Fortunately, Mark was right. The scan was quick and painless. Mark cracked jokes with everyone in the room, including Chloe. A few pictures even had to be re-taken due to her giggling. Everyone, including Max, was in a lighthearted mood. No one minded the extra time it took to take the new shots.

  Mark and one of the technicians helped Chloe back into her bed. After a couple quick goodbyes, they left. Max sat in the chair, content for the first time since they had arrived at the hospital. But Chloe slumped against her pillow. Her face was sullen as she stared at the television mounted against the wall.

  “Is something wrong?” Max asked, concerned.

  “There was one good thing about those awful tests,” Chloe grumbled.

  “What was that?”

  She stared at him then turned her gaze back to the screen. “Nothing. Never mind.”

  Max lifted himself up. “Chloe, what is it?”

  She sighed. “It’s just, when I was shaking, you would hold me.”

  The grin that spread across Max’s face couldn’t have gotten bigger. He stood then settled on Chloe’s bed. Tugging her into his lap, he buried his face into her hair as he coiled his strong, sculpted arms around her. “Oh, baby. I don’t need an excuse to hold you. I’ll do that anytime you want.”

  She cuddled against him, her head pillowed against his chest. He sighed into her hair. Was the ice finally breaking? He sure hoped so.

  The next day, Chloe was out of bed and walking on her own. Max stayed nearby just in case she needed him. They barely got back to her room before Mark and Chad strode in.

  “Well, Chloe,” Mark addressed. “We’re here with information. Do you want the good news first…or the good news?”

  Chloe giggled. Max rolled his eyes as he chuckled.

  Chad elbowed Mark. “The results from the tests are back. It’s confirmed. You have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. I’m writing a prescription for you for a medication that should get your episodes under control and an anti-anxiety medication in case one gets away from you.”

  “Get my episodes under control?” Chloe questioned.

  “They should stop. You should start feeling normal, be able to live a normal life.”

  Chloe’s eyes filled with tears. Max sprung out of his seat and wrapped his arms around her. “Chloe?”

  “I don’t know what normal is,” she whimpered. “I’ve been doing this since I can remember.”

  Chad rubbed her shoulder as Max hugged her tight. “I want to see you in three months to make sure the medications are working. And you need to get anything that gives you anxiety out of your life. There’s no reason to invite an episode to start.”

  “As normal, I’m forgotten,” Mark pouted. “I had good news, too.” Chad gave him a dirty look. Mark continued with his usual grin, “You can go home, Chloe. I have your discharge papers.”

  Chloe’s glistening eyes grew wide with excitement. Max breathed a relieved sigh. Mark set the papers on the bedside table. “We’ll get out of your hair so you can change.”

  “Wait. Can I talk to you, Chad?” Chloe looked at Max. “Could you go call my Mom and let her know we’re coming home?”

  Max glanced from her to Chad as his brow wrinkled in a frown. The thought of leaving her unsettled him. There was nothing she could tell the doctor that he couldn’t hear. “Of course, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.”

  The ride home was quiet. Max knew Chloe still wasn’t feeling her best. She was pale. Every once in a while, a small groan escaped her lips.

  “What did you talk to Chad about?” he queried quietly.

  Chloe took a labored breath. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “Not this.”

  He scowled silently as he finished the drive home. Once he parked, he helped her from his car. Liz was elated when they stepped into the house. She had supper warming in the oven. They were directed to the kitchen table to be served.

  As they were enjoying forkfuls of homemade chicken pot-pie with a flaky golden crust, there was a knock at the door. Max excused himself to answer it. He frowned at the older gentleman standing on the mat. He was tall and well-built with thinning blond hair. “Can I help you?”

  “Is Liz home?” the man asked.

  “Yes. Follow me.” Max led him to the dining room.

  Liz stared at the man, clearly astounded. “Albert? What are you doing here?”

  “It’s Al. Remember?” A not so subtle blush colored her cheeks. Al continued, “I just finished meeting with the lawyer for the trucking company whose driver hit you. They offered a settlement. I have a check for a million dollars in my pocket. I can either give it to you, or tear it up and go back to negotiations.”

  Liz and Chloe’s eyes flew open wide with shock at the news. Max knew his had to mirror theirs. “Mom, you can pay off your medical bills,” Chloe breathed. “You don’t ha
ve to sell the house.”

  “I can pay off the mortgages. And your car, Chloe. I can give Max his money back.” Liz shook herself back to her senses. “I’ll take it. Of course, I’ll take it.”

  Al smiled. “Great. I have some papers for you to sign. I’ll go get them out of the car.”

  Liz wheeled herself after Al as he strode into the living room. Chloe stood as she picked up her empty plate. She wandered to the sink as she smiled. Max rose and followed her. He wrapped his arms around her as he watched her. She looked exhausted. Her face was a ghostly pale. But for the first time in a long time, she seemed peaceful.

  When she glanced up to him, Max dipped his head, softly enveloping her lips with his. He expected her to pull away, to cringe like a frightened rabbit. He didn’t expect her fingers to brush the stubble of his chin, to feel her lips part to allow him to dive deeper. He tugged her closer as he tasted her. He wasn’t sure how soon he would get to kiss her like this again.

  She stared at him with amazement as they parted. “Surprise,” he whispered. Then, he frowned. “Are you all right?”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured as she grazed her fingertips over her lips.

  He kissed her forehead. “I’m going to shower and get ready for bed. I’ll get the dishes when I’m done. You should go sit and relax. All right?


  He led her to the living room, holding her hand until she sat on the sofa. He met her awestruck gaze as he ascended the steps to his room.

  Chloe started on her medication just as Chad had ordered. The process was an adjustment for sure. She nearly forgot to take her medication every day for the first week. Between Max and Liz, however, she managed to get it down.

  Max noticed the changes in her. As each day passed, her energy level increased. She had a little more life every morning. She grew more mischievous. She was genuinely happy to be alive, and Max loved every second of it. She no longer ate like a bird, terrified she would lose what she ate as quickly as she ate it. She ate well. Her stick-like figure developed a curve or two.

  He watched her scrutinize herself in the mirror, noticing the subtle weight gain. He groaned as his eyes raked over her. He loved her. Nothing would change that. But those curves set his blood on fire.

  When she turned and found him standing there, he grew hot in embarrassment. She smiled as she sashayed by, then winked at him over her shoulder. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. He could only stare. This new Chloe was learning how to flirt. But she had no idea he was putty in her hands.

  Max and Chloe took turns driving Liz to physical therapy. Soon, she was able to stand on her own two feet and take a step or two. Liz was proud of her accomplishment. She should have been. The fact that she had survived the accident was a miracle. Being able to return to normal was an epic feat.

  Days of working at Hard Drive and nights at home watching television drove them closer to Chloe’s typical sick day. Max tugged on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt as the day of reckoning arrived. Would the medication work? Or would he be holding Chloe in his arms, comforting her as she vomited?

  He jogged down the steps to find Liz and Chloe sitting in the living room. Liz was watching the morning news as she popped bits of blueberry muffin in her mouth. Chloe had a scowl plastered on her face.

  Max kissed her cheek. “Good morning. What’s up?”

  Liz frowned. “Chloe is doubting the meds.”

  “Are you feeling all right?” Max asked, concerned.

  “I feel fine,” Chloe huffed. “I just don’t think it will work. Nothing else has.”

  “You need to have faith. I’m going to get a bowl of cereal. Can I get you one?

  “So I can throw it back up?”

  Max shook his head as he straightened himself and walked into the kitchen. He came back out with his bowl, settled into the couch, and began to eat.

  The day wore on. The passage of time was marked by the next program on the television. Max worked new training schedules on his laptop in the morning then made sandwiches for the afternoon Cubs game. Liz did crossword puzzles from one of the many books she had received while in the hospital. Chloe still wanted nothing to do with food. She sat perched in her chair, a frown firmly etched on her face.

  Max stood as the game ended. He stretched his cramped muscles then tugged his shoes on for a run. “Chloe, do you want to come with me?”

  “No,” she grumbled.

  He sighed as he stepped outside. He felt a knot in his stomach. If luck served them as it normally did, he would find Chloe retching when he got back. He stared at the front door and exhaled. The first step of freeing Chloe from the grasp of this disease was not allowing it to have a hold on him. Teach her by example not to let it take control of her. He slipped his ear buds in and started his run.

  Afterward, he held his breath as he reached for the knob on the front door and pushed it open. He smiled as he found Chloe still in her chair. However, her demeanor had changed. She was no longer mad. She seemed confused.

  “If you ladies let me take a shower, I’ll grill up some chicken,” he volunteered.

  “I don’t—” Chloe began.

  “Oh, come off it,” Liz interrupted.

  Max kneeled before Chloe then took her hands in his. “Have you ever gone this long before an episode started?”

  “No. It should have started by now.”

  “Do you have any stomach pain? Any headaches? Do you feel bad at all?”

  “No. I feel fine.”

  Max smiled. “The meds are working. I’ve noticed you feeling better. I know you’ve gone your whole life being sick. Being well will take some adjusting. Enjoy it. I know I am. And I haven’t been doing this near as long.”

  Chloe carefully smiled. She flung her arms around his shoulders, burying her face in the curve of his neck. He returned the embrace. “Thank you, Max. Thank you so much,” she breathed.

  “What for, baby?”

  “For talking to Mark. For hunting for an answer. For not giving up on me.”

  Max looked deep in her eyes. “I would never give up on you. Now, I’m starving. I know you have to be. I’m going to go take my shower so I can start the chicken. All right?”


  Max rose to his feet and jogged up the steps. He smiled to himself as he heard Chloe say to her mother, “He’s my hero.”


  Max kneeled next to the mat as he analyzed Rico and Mark sparring. He squinted his eyes as he studied them. “Mark, you’re still not keeping your hands up to defend yourself. You’re leaving your face wide open,” he critiqued.

  “Rico wouldn’t hit such a work of art.” Mark preened as he proudly propped his chin on his gloved hand. Rico playfully shot his fist across Mark’s cheek. “Hey, man. Would you punch a Michelangelo?” Mark protested.

  Rico laughed. “Dude, you’re not a Michelangelo.”

  Max laughed at them. “Guys, seriously. Can we get back to work?”

  “Max!” He looked up to the walkway above. Jack motioned to him. “A word, please?”

  Max slowly climbed the steps to Jack’s office. He shut the door behind him.

  “You need to speed up Mark’s training. Turn it up a few notches. I need him at Rico’s level now,” Jack ordered.

  “I can spend some more time with him. But to improve him that much that fast will injure him. I won’t risk that.”

  Jack rubbed his fist with his other hand. “I brought Rico in to win us a championship. He can’t do that without the proper training.”

  “Then recruit someone of his caliber.”

  “Train me one. That’s why I hired you. Maybe I made a mistake when I did that.”

  Max snarled as he threw open the door. He stormed back down the steps. “Mark, off the mat.”

  “What? Why?” Mark protested.

  Max grabbed a spare pair of gloves off the rack and tugged them on. He faced off with Rico, crouching into attack stance.

  “Max, what ar
e you doing?” Rico demanded.

  Max’s voice was low and dangerous. “Jack wants someone of your level to work with you. Welcome to your new sparring partner.”

  “Max, what about…?”

  “Just attack me.”

  Rico answered him with a series of punches followed by a low kick. Max avoided it all, responding with a volley of his own. The gym faded away. All Max felt, saw, breathed was this fight. Nothing else came into focus until he stood over Rico, who groaned from the final kick Max had delivered to his head.

  “Holy crap,” he heard Mark mutter.

  Max scanned the room. Every set of eyes in the gym were locked tight on him in disbelief. He noticed one pair of eyes missing. Chloe’s. Where is she? He reached his gloved hand down to help Rico to his feet. “You all right, man?”

  “Yeah,” Rico answered. “Not the first kick I’ve taken to the head. How are you going to explain this to Chloe?”

  Max clenched his hands to his hips. “I don’t have to worry about it. She asked for the afternoon off but wouldn’t tell me what she was doing. We drove separately. She asked to have all Tuesday afternoons off from here on. Right after Jack promoted her to a full time trainer.”

  Both men turned as Jack clapped them on the shoulders. “That, gentlemen, was impressive. Now show me more.”

  Max snorted as he followed Rico to the mat. He didn’t need to worry about his secret being blown. Chloe wasn’t here to see it. However, he was going to find out where she went on Tuesday afternoons.

  That night, Max watched Chloe bustle around the kitchen as she cooked. Liz was gone with Al, testing her new freedom now that Chloe’s episodes were under control. It was Liz’s first date since her divorce. She had been nearly a nervous wreck when she had left.

  His eyes drew to slits as he studied Chloe. “So, where did you go this afternoon?”

  Chloe stopped and looked at him, startled. “Oh. I just had an appointment.”

  “Two weeks in a row?”


  “With who?”

  “The doctor.”

  “Two weeks in a row? Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Of course.”


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