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Hard Drive Boxed Set

Page 32

by Tricia Andersen

  Lindsay filled the doorway to the kitchen. Avery couldn’t tell what he was shouting, but it angered Rico. He shouted back, his face twisting and his fists clenching at his side. She clapped her hands together and pointed at her brother to get his attention. You need to stop. Right now.

  Avery… Even Lindsay’s hand motions were furious.

  I said stop. She turned to Rico again. You better go. I am going to have another talk with my brother.

  “Sure. That works for me.”

  She pulled Rico to her for one last kiss, not caring if it angered her brother or not. She felt the tension in him dissipate a little. As they parted, she signed. Bye. I love you.

  “I love you, too. Bye.” Rico grabbed the handles of the cloth grocery sack and retreated out the back door.

  Avery spun at Lindsay. I cannot believe you!

  Me? I come home to find you with… Lindsay waved his hand toward the back door. That!

  Rico is not a that. He is my boyfriend.

  What were you and your boyfriend doing in my house? Why was he here first thing in the morning? Were you sleeping together?

  No! We fell asleep watching a movie then he stayed with me when I had a nightmare. Besides, what does it matter to you? I am a grown woman, if you remember. Are you going to hover over me like Mom and Dad did?

  Lindsay recoiled at Avery’s words. You are my baby sister. I do not want some low life hurting you.

  How can you say that? You do not even know Rico.

  Do you, little sister?

  Avery felt her blood boil as she stormed past Lindsay. He caught her by the arm and stared her in the eyes, shifting his body weight so she couldn’t get by. When he says he is going to the gym with his friends, is that where he really is? He spends a whole lot of time working out…more than most people I know. Can you really trust what he says?

  She shoved past him and fled to her bedroom, locking the door to end the argument. Lindsay had no idea what he was talking about. Yet, a nagging voice in the back of her mind echoed his words. Rico went to the gym every day for hours. He was sometimes bruised and cut. For someone just taking classes at Hard Drive to stay fit, he was really beat up. Why would Max allow that to happen?

  Not to mention that when they were out in public, people flocked to him. She couldn’t deny it. He was the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on. But both men and women stopped him to talk. Some even asked for a picture with him, and he agreed. He acted like he could be a celebrity. He just brushed it off as a resemblance to someone famous. He seemed comfortable with strangers approaching him. She didn’t think he knew she noticed, but she did. And it was very peculiar.

  Avery smiled as she changed her clothes. Things didn’t make sense, but she knew someone who could shed light on her questions. Chloe. And she wasn’t about to wait. She sent a quick text to Chloe, picked up her purse, and stormed out the door without saying a word to Lindsay. It was only a few minutes before Chloe pulled up in front of the house.

  Avery slid into the passenger seat with a scowl. Chloe looked at her with concern. “Are you all right?”

  Avery sighed. I got in a fight with my brother. It’s nothing. I am sorry I rushed you.

  “No worries. Max had already headed for the gym.”

  Good. I cannot wait to get our girls’ day started.

  Chloe winked at her. “Then let’s get started.”

  Chloe drove to the mall and parked. The two women giggled as they hurried inside to start shopping. This was just what Avery needed—girl time.

  They hopped in and out of each store, looking for and trying on clothes, shoes, and jewelry. They chatted as they shopped. Avery loved talking with Chloe. She never had so much in common with another woman before. Before long, they made plans to run again after Avery got out of school.

  Avery didn’t realize how much time had passed until her stomach growled. She checked her watch then signed to Chloe. Wow. Five o’clock.

  Chloe checked her watch too. “No wonder I’m starving. Should we go eat?”


  They wandered back to Chloe’s car with their packages in tow. It didn’t take long for Chloe to drive to the pizza place she recommended. Collapsing onto the booth seat, Avery ordered a glass of water. She looked over the menu. The waiter returned with their drinks then took their food order.

  As the young man scuttled back to the kitchen, Avery took a deep breath. Here, it goes, she thought. I noticed Rico works out a lot.

  Chloe smiled. “That he does. It helps that his best friends are there to workout with him.”

  Have Max and Rico been friends long?

  “Not really. Rico moved to Minneapolis a little over a year ago.”

  Where was he before?

  Chloe shook her head. “I believe these are things that Rico should share with you. Not me.”

  He’s never told me about his family or the gym.

  “Again, it would be better if it came from him.”

  Avery sighed. True. I’ll ask him.

  “Good. Now, should we call the waiter back and get those mozzarella sticks?”

  Most definitely.

  The two women continued to talk. One thing became clear to Avery. Lindsay was right. There was quite a bit she didn’t know about Rico. But by the end of the week, she would.


  The diner was busier than usual on a Sunday night. Rico slumped into the seat of his favorite booth. Max said he was right behind, that he would be no more than five minutes. Yeah, right.

  He dug into the pocket of his shorts for his phone and set it on the tabletop. He was tempted to text Avery. This been the longest they gone without talking since they started dating. It was driving him insane. His heart told him that one text wouldn’t hurt. Yet, she was out with Chloe, and he didn’t want to be one of those boyfriends that hovered over the woman he loved. Sometimes, this dating thing sucks.

  He felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He looked up to find Kimmy, their favorite waitress, smiling down at him. She tossed her platinum blonde curls over her shoulder. “How are you, handsome?”

  Rico cringed at the pet name. Not that he used to. He used to brag to the other guys about it. Kimmy didn’t give them nicknames. But then, she hadn’t slept with the other guys, either.

  She nodded down to his cell. “Waiting on a call? Not from your girlfriend, I hope?”

  Rico spoke without thinking. “My girlfriend is deaf. She doesn’t call—she texts.”


  Rico glanced at Kimmy, seeing the sweet affection she had for him suddenly melt into hate. Not that she had the right. They weren’t a couple. They’d had a one night stand once or twice. Had she thought they would eventually become a couple? Had he led her to believe that? Was he really that much of a schmuck?

  Max dropped into the seat across from him with a wad of documents in his hand. “Sorry I’m late. Had to take a call.”

  “No worries,” Rico muttered.

  “Can I get you boys something to drink?” Kimmy near barked.

  “Water for us both. Fight camp,” Max answered.

  “I’ll be back.” Her eyes were murderous as she stomped off to the kitchen.

  Max gestured toward her. “What’s her problem?”

  Rico rubbed his face, frustrated. “I am that much of an ass.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “For the first time in my life, I’m realizing just how much of a slime ball I am for sleeping around.”

  “I could have told you that.”

  Rico snarled at him.

  Max continued, “See what happens when you fall in love?”

  “Aren’t we here to talk about fight week?”

  “After we order.”


  Kimmy returned with their glasses. Her attitude was still icy as she scribbled down what they wanted. Once she disappeared, Max laid his papers out on the table. He had their fight week scheduled down to the last minute. Rico always wondered wh
at would happen if he ever deviated from the plan. He chuckled to himself. He would probably find out in the next week.

  “How’s it sound?” Max questioned.

  “Where do I fit Avery in this?” Rico countered.

  “Well, if you told her about your career in mixed martial arts, she could spend time with you at Hard Drive.”

  “Not you too,” Rico growled.

  “How long do you plan on keeping such a huge part of your life from her?”

  “You guys don’t understand. I tried. She thought me taking a fight or two would be great. But when I mentioned being at the level I’m really at, she thought I was Satan.”

  “Rico, didn’t you say she loved you?”

  “She does. I think.”

  “If she loves you, she will accept this part of you.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  “You don’t have to be a smart ass.”

  “Then don’t lecture me.”

  Max leaned back in the booth seat with his arms crossed over his chest. Rico let go a long breath. He motioned to the papers. “Let’s just work on fight week.”

  “Shouldn’t you work on your relationship first, Rico?”

  “Who’s being the smart ass now, Max?”

  Max stared at him for a long, hard moment. With a smile, he returned to his notes. Rico let out a sigh. It was going to be a long week.

  Once they ate, Max and Rico went their separate ways. Rico drove home to his apartment, dropping his bag on the sofa as he stepped inside. His first destination was the shower.

  As the hot water and soap streamed over his skin, he thought about what Max had said. He wanted nothing more than to bring the two loves in his life together. To have Avery by his side as he stepped into the octagon would be a dream come true.

  His mind flashed back to their dinner in Des Moines. There was just no way she would trust him. He shut off the water and wrapped a towel around himself to find a pair of sweatpants.

  The flash of the screen on his cell phone caught his attention. He smiled as he read the message from Avery.

  How was dinner with Max?

  All right. Wish it would have been with you. How was dinner with Chloe?

  It was fun. Wish you were there. Will I see you in the morning?

  Of course. I can’t wait.

  I can’t either. See you then. Love you.

  Love you too. Sweet dreams, baby.

  Sweet dreams.

  Rico flipped on the television as he dropped onto the couch. The day may not have gone as he hoped it would. However, it had certainly ended sweeter than he had planned.

  He was up before the sun and out the door to get Avery. Even that early in the morning, he loved to have her by his side. He watched her in the pale light of sunrise. She was so beautiful. Could he live life without her? He just couldn’t imagine it.

  Avery didn’t bounce out of the Jeep as she did every morning. She looked at him for several long moments before she signed. My friend, Ashley, asked me to come listen to her band on Saturday night.

  “Avery, baby, listening might be a problem for you.”

  She slugged him in the shoulder. I know that, silly. I want to go and be supportive. Would you go with me?

  “Absolutely, sweetheart. Just curious. What does she play?”

  Avery kissed him on the cheek. I know what you listen to. Trust me. You will like Ashley and her band.


  Will I see you later?

  “Of course. But I need to put a little extra time in at the gym this week. I’m sorry.”

  Rico could see Avery fight the disappointment from her face. Of course. I understand. Maybe I could go with you?

  He hated himself for what he was about to say. He was about to break her heart. “Maybe one of these days. Just not this week.”

  She paused before she signed. All right. I will see you later. She kissed him on the cheek again. Then, without another word, she rushed to the café.


  Avery brushed her long, blonde hair then tied it up in a ponytail. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. It was Saturday night. She had been waiting for this all week. Normally, she hated to go out, but this was different. Tonight, she was going out with Rico.

  The week had gone far better than she had thought it would. She had spent Monday in a funk when Rico told her he wouldn’t be around as much. She had obsessed about where he was or whom he was with. She thought she would go insane thinking about it.

  Then, as Avery had walked out to catch the bus, she had found Rico waiting for her. The surprise had lightened her day. She had held his hand as he drove through the streets to take her to school. Once there, he had told her he would be back to pick her up and take her home.

  When Rico had picked her up again, they stopped at the lake instead of going straight to the house. They had sat at the water’s edge for over an hour, talking and holding each other. She had felt the frequent vibration of his phone. When she had questioned it, he had simply answered that Max was having a meltdown. Things had remained pretty much the same the rest of the week.

  She dotted her lips with stain then pressed them together to blend it. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the hulking image of her brother appear at the doorway. She glanced at him with impatience as she waited for him to tell her what he wanted.

  Lindsay snarled as he signed. It’s here.

  Please stop calling Rico “it.”

  I call them as I see them.

  It’s not funny, Lindsay.

  I don’t believe I was joking.

  Avery stormed past him into her bedroom. She snatched her purse from her dresser then jogged down the stairs to the front door. Stunned, she froze when she found Rico standing on the porch dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a tight fitting T-shirt that accented all his muscles. His thick, dark hair was damp and neatly combed.

  His blue eyes sparkled as they met hers. You are beautiful, he signed.

  Her gaze raked him from head to toe once more. You are not bad yourself.

  He grinned at her as he held out his hand. “Are you ready to go?”

  Yes. Absolutely. She threaded her fingers between his, hugging his arm to her. He led her to his Jeep and helped her in.

  The bar was packed with people drinking and dancing. Avery held tight to Rico as they weaved through the crowd. He stopped and turned to her. “Where is your friend?”

  Avery pointed to the stage. They pushed their way through the bodies to get there.

  Ashley was overjoyed to see them. She wrapped Avery in a tight hug. Avery watched Ashley’s gaze work past her and land on Rico. It went from showing excitement to containing thinly veiled lust. “Who is your friend?” Ashley asked.

  Avery’s glanced behind her. Rico stood behind her with his hands jammed in his jeans pockets. Even like that, he was incredibly sexy. She turned back to Ashley, glaring coldly. She typed on her cell and held it up to Ashley. This is Rico. I told you about him. Remember?

  “Really? Wow.” Ashley offered her hand to Rico.

  He smiled as he shook hers. Then, he looked at Avery. “Should we find a place to sit?”

  Sure. Avery hugged her friend one last time. See you after the set.

  “Sounds great.” Ashley gave them a thumbs up before she scampered up the stage to set up.

  Rico wrapped his arm around Avery as they made their way to the bar and found a couple of stools to sit on.

  Avery watched the crowd as the band started. When she did come to these events, she watched the people. It was amazing what happened when alcohol mixed with the patrons. However, tonight the people were watching them. The women were especially interested in Rico.

  Avery didn’t like the smoldering desire they held as they silently flirted with him. Suddenly she felt herself being pulled backward. She smiled as Rico tugged her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t seem very happy about the attention he was getting either.

nbsp; She closed her eyes as she immersed herself in his strength and warmth. How did I get so lucky? She wondered. She didn’t think she would ever fall in love. Now, she couldn’t imagine life without Rico.

  She opened her eyes to see the bartender set their drinks before them. She had ordered just cranberry juice. His was dark, fizzing cola. Rum and Coke? She questioned.

  “No. Just Coke,” he answered. “I don’t drink. I’m not a big fan of alcohol. It makes people do stupid things.”

  She looked up at his face and saw an unfamiliar pain etch its way into his features. Something involving liquor had hurt him deeply, and she wasn’t about to ask him what it was. She just pulled him tighter into her arms. She held him close as the band played.

  Halfway through the set, Rico nudged her off his lap. She turned to him, puzzled. He smiled and signed. I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.

  Hurry. Avery let him up then sank back onto his stool. Staring at her glass, she felt the vibration of the music rumble through her. Thoughts of Ashley ran through her brain. With her black dyed hair and her heavily shadowed eyes, did Rico find her attractive? That dramatic look had to be some kind of a turn-on. And he loved heavy metal.

  Avery didn’t care if he was obsessed with the gym. She didn’t care if he had a secret or two. She wasn’t about to let him go.

  Avery cried out as she was ripped off her seat. Her eyes grew wide as she found herself surrounded by five men, each dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. She thought she recognized a couple of them from her classes. She just couldn’t be sure.

  The supposed leader, a short, stocky, well-built guy with black hair, strode up to her. He was talking, but the lack of light in the nightclub made it impossible for her to understand what he was saying. His lips kept moving. He kept turning toward his friends in the dim club as he talked. Avery shook her head to indicate that she couldn’t comprehend.

  He started laughing at her. He glanced to his buddies as he pointed at her. It was obvious that he was making fun of her and his friends were joining in. Avery glared at them, confused, as her mind flashed back to Germany. Her heart twisted at the memory of the basketball player. A sudden rage filled her. She swung, her fist connecting with Polo Boy’s chin.

  He clenched it in pain for a long moment. Then, he dropped his hand and grabbed her, pulling her against him. She trembled in terror as he glared down at her. She could read his lips. “Wait until I’m done with you.”


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