Book Read Free

Hard Drive Boxed Set

Page 44

by Tricia Andersen

  “I know you weren’t.”

  “You are mine.”

  “I haven’t belonged to you since our divorce.”

  “I didn’t file for divorce. You did. The second I got thrown in jail you ran to a lawyer to cut me loose.”

  Lexi swallowed back a sob. “You almost killed me.”

  Derek grabbed her arm in a vice grip, burying his fingers deep into her flesh. Lexi gasped in pain. “Keep it up. Keep running to other men. Be the slut you are. I’ll kill them then I’ll take Logan from you. That I promise.” He let her go violently and stood. After one last stare he stormed off.

  Lexi hopped to her feet and moved quickly across the playground to Logan, wincing as her arm throbbed. She took her son’s hand in hers.

  “What did Daddy want?” Logan asked softly.

  “Nothing, sweetheart. But we need to go.”

  Logan nodded and obediently followed. Lexi sighed heavily. Any other child would kick and scream to be pulled away from their play. Not Logan. From the moment he was born he was witness to Derek’s violence. Even being so little, all he wanted to do was keep his Mommy safe.

  Lexi strapped Logan in his car seat then hopped into the driver’s seat of the SUV. Locking all the doors, she dialed the police before she threw the vehicle into reverse and backed from the parking spot. Before she shifted into drive, she caught sight of her already bruising arm.

  Lexi screamed as a sharp, loud bang echoed through the SUV. Logan started to cry. Her eyes shot out the windshield to find the source of the noise. Derek’s scowl met her, his fists braced on the hood of the vehicle. He repeatedly pounded on the hood Each time he did, Logan’s sobs grew louder. A voice popped on the phone. “9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”

  “My ex-husband is trying to hurt me. I have a restraining order on him.”

  “Where are you, miss?”

  As Derek reached for the driver’s side door, Lexi threw the SUV in reverse again and maneuvered backward through the lot. Her heart raced out of control. She popped it back into drive as she reached the exit and sped away. She spoke into the phone. “Heading toward I-35 West. I was able to get away.”

  “I can send some officers to have a talk with him.”

  “He won’t be at the park we just left, but I can give you his address.” Lexi recited Derek’s information to the dispatcher. She knew it wouldn’t help. Ever since he had been released from prison, Derek had an uncanny way of eluding authorities. His family helped hide him. She called every time he showed up but they never found him.

  Driving aimlessly around Minneapolis, Lexi couldn’t settle her nerves. Logan’s tears turned to whimpers. No place was safe, not even home. They needed someplace safe. They needed someone who cared about them. She looked at the scenery around her. It was Mark’s neighborhood. She shook her head. Putting him in danger would be selfish. She couldn’t involve him in this mess with Derek.

  But at the moment she needed his calming, gentle presence more than anything. She needed to feel normal for just a little bit.

  Lexi pulled up to the curb outside Mark’s townhouse and turned off the SUV. Thoughts swirled in her head, most of them the worst case scenarios of her actions. She rushed from the driver’s seat, scooped Logan from his car seat, and then rushed up the steps. The knock on the door was met with barking.

  Mark tugged open the door. He didn’t say a word as he stared at her. Tears filled her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry I ran. I’m sorry about your truck. I’m sorry about everything.”

  His blue eyes wandered down to her arm and softened. “He hurt you again, didn’t he?”

  Lexi couldn’t answer. She choked on her sob. Logan wrapped his little arms around her to comfort her. Moments later a pair of large strong arms embraced her also. “It’s all right. I won’t let him do it again.”

  Mark nudged them inside and took Logan from her. He set the little boy down on the floor to play with Kinnick. Logan squealed in delight as the dog licked his face affectionately. Tugging her onto the couch with him, Mark hugged her tight and gently smoothed her hair from her face. Lexi snuggled against him as she cried. In his arms, for the first time in a long time she felt safe.

  “Mark, I am sorry about your truck,” Lexi whispered.

  “It’s just a truck, Lexi. It can be replaced. You and Logan can’t.” Mark sighed. “I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed you took off. It wasn’t because you left me there without a way home. I had no way to get in touch with you. I didn’t know if you were all right. I don’t want to find out the next time you end up in my ER.”

  Lexi looked up at him skeptically. He really cared that much about her? She trembled as he gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. He was so gentle, so strong and so hot. Was he really that attracted to her?

  All doubt was wiped from Lexi’s mind as Mark cupped her cheek and drew her to him, parting her lips with his. She sunk into his kiss as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His sweet, soft embrace grew deeper as his tongue knotted with hers. She moaned as they parted.

  “Sorry. I’ve been dying to do that since I saw you,” Mark apologized.

  Lexi let go a laugh. “It’s all right. I liked it. A lot.”

  “Me too.” His face grew serious. “Have you talked to anyone about what your ex has done to you?’

  Lexi sighed. “Not really. Every time I’ve tried, I’ve been told to stop. My parents are the only ones who have listened and tried to help. My friends, other members of my family. No one else wants to hear about it. So I’ve kept it to myself.”

  “For how long? Ever since he started hurting you?”

  Lexi nodded. “Yes.”

  “That’s not right. You need to talk to someone. I will listen to anything you want to tell me but I’m not trained in domestic violence. I’m only trained to detect it. If I can find someone, would you go?”

  “I don’t know. Derek has family in the Cities. They report back to him. I don’t know what he’ll do if he sees me at a therapist.”

  “What if I find someone out of the Cities?”

  Lexi’s heart raced as she studied him for several moments. He was so incredible and his kiss was heavenly. “Why would you do this for me?”

  “Because I care about you. I don’t want to see anything else happen to you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t find her voice. Finally she spoke. “Sure. I will. It’s very sweet of you. But this isn’t good. We need to stop hanging around together. Derek threatened to hurt you again.”

  “Derek Mills? Is that the name of your ex?”

  “Derek Falts. I changed back to my maiden name after the divorce.”

  “Good to know. Don’t worry about it. I’ll keep an eye out for him. I promise. And I have some pretty good friends who will back me up.”

  “He’s dangerous, Mark. I don’t want you hurt.”

  “I promise you I will be careful.” He smiled gently at her. “So if I find someone for you to talk to, how am I going to let you know?”

  Lexi frowned at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t have your phone number, your address. I can’t even send you an email.”

  Lexi smiled and glanced at the coffee table. His cell phone sat in the middle of it on top of a stack of MMA magazines. Snatching it in her hand, she tapped his contacts app and typed her information in. Once all her information was secure, she handed the phone to him. “My phone number, my address and my email. Now you’ll have to text me yours now that we’re sort of dating.”

  Mark winked at her. “Sort of, huh? Maybe I better wait until we are actually dating.”

  Lexi paused. “Do you want to date me? I have an ex-husband that won’t let me be. And I also have a child. I’m not an easy woman to be with.”

  Mark took her hands in his. “Yes, I do want to be with you. I will deal with your ex if he bothers us. I adore Logan. I want you both in my life. I want to take care of you both.”

s heart fluttered at his words. She felt her cheeks grow hot. By the smirk on Mark’s face they had to be pink. “Okay, then. We’re dating.”

  “That’s good to know. By the way, I gave you my number on my business card the night you were in the ER.” He motioned around himself and winked at her. “And you know where I live. I could have told you that, but you wouldn’t have admitted to being my girlfriend if I had.”

  Lexi gaped at him and slugged him in the arm. “You’re a brat!”

  Mark laughed. “Yes. But I’m a lovable brat.”

  Lexi giggled then hugged him. “That you are.”

  Mark cuddled her to him as he turned his attention to the program on the television. Lexi watched Logan and Kinnick play together. It had been years since she had felt truly happy. For the first time in a long time she felt love and peace. It wouldn’t last long. She was going to revel in it as long as she could.


  Lexi tried to avoid the handsome doctor. She really did. But during the day he would send her texts that would make her smile. She knew he worked nights so he had to be waking himself up just to send it. It touched her and set the butterflies off in her stomach.

  That Friday morning, she got a call instead of a text. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Mark responded.

  “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” she chided.

  “I have a rare Friday night off. Want to go to the movies with me?”

  Lexi paused. “It’s not a good idea.”

  “Okay. Why not?”

  “Derek will hurt you.”

  “I’m not going to live in fear of Derek.”

  “But I do.”

  “Okay. I understand. I won’t push you.”

  There was a long pause. “I’m sorry, Mark.”

  “It’s all right. You’ve been hurt. I understand. I just wish you’d give us a chance.”

  “I know.” She stopped for a moment. “All right. Let’s go. I’ll ask my parents to watch Logan.”

  “Great! Pick you up at six thirty?”


  “See you then.” The call ended. Lexi set the phone down and sighed. She was so excited to see Mark again. But the thought that Derek could hurt him was tearing her apart.

  The day dragged on. It felt like an eternity for six-thirty to arrive. When then moment arrived, there was a knock at the door. Before Meg could get there, her father and Logan did. She braced herself for the response. After Derek, her father was extremely judgmental of the guys she dated. None of them ever measured up to his standard.

  She cringed at the sound of the door opening and her father’s stern voice. “May I help you?”

  “Hi, Mark!” Logan greeted.

  “Hello, sir. Hi, Logan. My name is Mark Jacobsen. How are you this evening?”

  There was a pause. “I’m fine. Thank you. And you?”

  “Fantastic. I was wondering if Lexi was ready?”

  “You’re that doctor she’s been talking about, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir. I am.”

  “And she says you fight competitively.”

  “Yes, sir. MMA. But you can ask anyone who knows me. I’m a teddy bear outside the cage. They actually call me teddy bear.”


  Lexi hurried to the door. “Dad, please stop interrogating Mark.”

  Mark smiled. “Lexi, it’s all right. If I have a daughter, I would want to know the guy she was with would treat her right.”

  Lexi noticed her father’s face soften. Logan grabbed Mark’s hand and tugged on it. “Mark, can I come?”

  Mark glanced at Lexi. “I’m okay with it if your mom is.”

  Lexi shrugged in response. Her father cleared his throat. “Hey, champ. Let’s let Mom and Doctor Jacobsen have a night to themselves. You and I can hang out together and watch your favorite movie. I’ll even take you for ice cream. Sound good?”

  “Okay.” Logan wandered to Lexi. She kneeled down so he could kiss her on the cheek. Then he pattered to Mark. “Good-bye, Doctor Jacobsen.”

  “Mark works for me, Logan. Have fun with your grandpa.”

  There was an awkward moment of silence among them. Finally Logan sighed. “I can’t reach up there to kiss you Good-bye.”

  Lexi laughed as Mark blushed. “Sorry. My mistake.” He kneeled on one knee so the little boy could press a kiss to his cheek. Logan ran down the hallway to the other room. Lexi’s father looked to her then Mark. “You two have a good night.”

  “Thank you, sir. Nice to meet you,” Mark replied.

  “You too.” Her father disappeared after Logan. Lexi stepped outside, shutting the door behind her. She smiled at Mark. “So, what movie would you like to go to?”

  “I thought we’d go there and decide together.”

  “Sounds great.”

  Mark reached out and touched her elbow to escort her to his vehicle. Instinctively she flinched at his touch. He frowned. “You do that a lot when I touch you.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to.”

  “It’s all right. Just believe me. I couldn’t hurt you and I would never want to.”

  “I know.”

  They walked to his rental and he helped her in. She felt the butterflies let loose again. Was this date going to be a disaster? It wasn’t starting out well.

  Before they reached the end of the street, he started asking questions. By the time they got to the theater the ice was broken and they were chatting and laughing. They debated the movies choices until they could agree on one. Once Mark bought the tickets and then the popcorn and pop, they settled into their seats.

  Lexi fought to stop herself from pulling away when Mark touched her. He wasn’t Derek. It was hard for her to remember that. She finally forced herself to relax enough to take his hand and hold it. It was warm and strong, and it felt safe.

  “You don’t have to do that,” he whispered.

  “I want to.”

  His big smile in the dimly lit room made her heart swell.

  The conversation started back up the moment they left the theater and didn’t end until they reached the front step of her door. “Thanks for the date,” Mark said with a grin.

  “I had a good time,” Lexi replied.

  The door flew open. Logan stood there in a pair of footed pajamas staring at them. “You’re back.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed, young man?” Lexi chided.

  “He’s heading there, Mama,” her father called out from inside.

  Logan looked up at Mark. “I need a kiss goodnight.”

  “Of course.” Mark pressed one on top of his head.

  Logan pointed to Lexi. “Now Mommy needs one.”

  “I’m not sure Mom wants one, big guy.”

  Lexi took a deep breath to steel her nerves. “Of course I do. We’ve already kissed before, remember?”

  “That’s true.” He gently pulled her close. His kiss was soft, tender. It melted away all her apprehension. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Come on, Logan,” her father remarked with a chuckle. “Mom will be up in a bit.”

  The last thing Lexi noticed was the door closing before she was lost in another one of Mark’s kisses.

  Chapter Five

  Mark strode up the hospital parking ramp with a grin so wide it could be seen a mile away. He had spent nearly every day during the last couple of months with Lexi and Logan. They cooked out with his friends. Having the two of them finally meet Max, Chloe, Dan, Rico and Avery made his world feel complete. Another night they had gone out for ice cream, with Mark watching as Lexi and Logan enjoyed their treat. He had never wanted fight camp to end so much.

  When his fight finally did come, Lexi politely declined going to watch. She did, however, cook him a gigantic victory meal to celebrate his win by submission. When he locked his opponent, he never would have imagined the delicious pot roast she had planned for him. It was a great way to end fight camp.

  The ni
ght previous he took them to a baseball game and ended up on the Kiss Cam. His heart still thundered in his chest as he thought of her sweet lips pressed against his. Of course Logan couldn’t be left out of the fun but instead of kissing his mother he kissed Mark squarely on the cheek.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about the new little makeshift family he was part of. There were still times that Lexi shied away from him. Deep down inside he knew that wouldn’t change for a long time. She had been hurt. The torture she endured was more than one person should take. The fighter inside him wanted to get even with her son of a bitch ex for hurting her. The lover in him just wanted to protect her and Logan from the rest of the world and never let them go. Hopefully my mom gets back to me soon with her friend’s phone number. I know Cindy is really busy but hopefully she can squeeze Lexi in. It’d be a great place to start helping her heal.

  Mark felt a blow to his back steal the air from his lungs. He stumbled forward as he was struck again in the back of his knee. He was suddenly aware of two sets of feet behind him, and he hunched his shoulders forward to protect himself. Turning around would just give his attackers ample opportunity to more sensitive areas of his anatomy like his ribs. But he couldn’t just stand here and let them beat him. He took a deep breath and held it as he dropped to a knee. A split second later he pivoted on his knee and then lurched toward one attacker. He dropped the man on his back as the one with the baseball bat dropped it and ran. The thug on the ground was thin and slippery. Mark tried everything he could to get a better grip on his attacker but it useless. He kneeled as he watched the thug run off into the shadows after his friend.

  The areas of impact all over Mark’s body began to throb before he could get on his feet. He slowly, carefully, shuffled his way back through the parking structure into the emergency room.

  Joan was on her feet and around the nurses’ desk before he could utter a word. “Mark, what happened?”

  Mark huffed. “I was attacked in the garage.”

  “Oh, big guy. Let’s get you checked over.” She hustled him into an exam room and shut the door behind them. “Where’d they hit you?”


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