Veteran's Salvation

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Veteran's Salvation Page 3

by Nicky Fox

  We jog together to the firehouse and I meet with Benny, the chief, and sure enough, he relays to me that they’ve been looking for some more help. Apparently, there’s no muscle in Jefferson and he could use a strapping young lad like me. Benny is great. He’s been a staple in this town for some time. He came to our high school a couple times to recruit a few of the seniors. I always knew I wanted to go into the army, but I had this in mind as a backup. I knew he’d give me a chance to prove myself. That’s all I ask of this town, just give me the opportunity to show what I’m made of.

  “I’ll see you bright and early Monday morning for training.” Benny claps me on the back and heads back into the fire station.

  “Thank you, Benny!” I call out. Lea waits out by the curb for me and I fill her in on what happened. She can hardly contain her excitement. She’s bouncing around on the balls of her feet. It’s nice to have someone in your corner rooting for you.

  “I know you’re going to knock it out of the park.” Lea’s reassurance and Benny’s kind words have put me in a different place today. I’m riding high. I’m feeling bold and I decide to go for broke.

  “Lea, would you like to go out with me tonight to celebrate?” We’re walking away now from the town center into the neighborhoods. She doesn’t keep me waiting for long.

  “I’d love to.” Those three words make my heart skip a beat. Things are looking up for me in this town. I can’t wait to take Lea out on a date. She’s going to be mine tonight, I’m going to have this beauty on my arm.

  Now I’m faced with the dilemma of where I’m going to take her. The only place in town worth anything is more like a bar and grill. It’s where most of the town hangs out on a Saturday night. It’s where you make a statement.

  We agree to a time and then we jog our separate ways. I’m picking her up at her apartment. She obviously doesn’t live at her parent’s any longer and I’m looking forward to seeing how she lives. I still remember the pink lace comforter she had on her daybed back in high school when we got together to study. Many thoughts of ravishing her on that bedspread have kept me up at night.

  I hope this date goes well. It doesn’t allude me that she could be the one. Everything I do with Lea just feels right, like we were meant to be together. I’m getting ahead of myself. I need to go take a shower and wait around like a nervous wreck for five hours until our date.

  Chapter Five


  “What am I going to wear?” I call out from my closet. Clothes litter the floor and I have Mandy here for moral support. “I just want it to go well, you know?”

  “Sweetie, if it’s meant to be, it’ll be. Don’t worry about it. Everything has gone pretty well with you two so far, hasn’t it?” Jay’s body comes to mind when he called out behind me when I went for my morning jog. His body was insane when I saw him in jeans the other day but in jogging shorts and a cut-off sleeve loose tee, forget about it. Wow. He’s like all of my fantasies put together. That boy is fine. The army has only enhanced what was already there. If he even hints to having sex tonight, I’m going to get naked and be under the covers before he can say “nightcap.” Jay Hughes, mmm. “Okay, you have that look again, like your imagining him naked.” Amanda nudges me on the arm, waking me from my stupor.

  “I know. This guy, Mandy. He could be the one, I’m telling you. I have butterflies; I haven’t felt this way since high school. He’s just as sweet and caring as I remember. I can tell he’s wrestling with some things right now. The passing of his mother and what he encountered in the army, but he’s making the best of a bad situation. I really admire him, and the way he looks at me.” I swoon, falling on my bed. Mandy giggles and plops down beside me.

  “I’m really happy for you, Lea. You deserve this, heck both of you deserve to be happy. Well, I still think you should go with the little black dress over there.” She points to the little number hanging on my closet door. I nod and get up to shove all the clothes that litter my floor into my closet. The dress fits me perfectly. Plus, it makes my boobs look great. Speaking of looking great . . .

  “Did I tell you that Jay is going to try out to be a firefighter?” Mandy shakes her head as she munches on a bag of potato chips, getting crumbs all over my bed. “Gosh. Just imagine him in a firefighter uniform. Damn.” I fan myself.

  She laughs at me and lifts her wrist to check her watch. “My time is up. Your brother is going to be wondering where I am.” She winks. We say our goodbyes and then I’m alone to finish getting ready for my hot date.

  I decide to go for it and go with the black dress. It’s the nicest one I own, and I want to make a good impression on Jay, let him know I’m serious about us.

  The doorbell rings and I fluff my hair while I glance in the mirror. “He’s here,” I whisper to myself and do a little happy dance. Then, I straighten my dress and calm myself. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and there he is. Jay Hughes in a blue button-up shirt and black slacks. His stance is commanding as his gorgeous eyes take me in.

  “You look . . .” Jay pauses and motions for me to turn with the twist of his wrist. I comply and blush. Biting my lip, I make my way back to face him. “You look stunning. Maybe we should just stay in. I might have to fight off some guys tonight. You’re going to take everyone’s breath away.” Jay leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Jay. You’re so sweet.”

  He interrupts me. “Nothing sweet about it, Lea. You’re a knockout.” I’m still blushing when I invite him in for a moment. He surveys my small living room and kitchen. “This place is nice; cozy. I like it.” Jay takes a peek into my bedroom. “Huh, I kinda miss the pink lace blanket you used to have.” He chuckles.

  “I still have it. It’s stored in a closet. I might have to bring it out again.” We laugh and then I’m antsy to get this date on the road. He must sense my anxiety because Jay takes my hands in his and kisses my palms. It’s the first boyfriend move he’s pulled on me. Up until now, we’ve been just friendly. This is different; it actually feels like a date. I just want to grab his face and kiss him, but I can be patient. Heck, I’ve been patient for this man for years. I can wait until the end of our date, I think.

  He helps me into his old truck and then we’re off. Jay’s taking me to Bubba’s Bar and Grill. It’s where most of the townies go on Saturday night. There’s not much else around here. I’m a little surprised that this is the place he chose to have our first date. Usually, couples make it official there. If you want to get to know someone you take them to the Italian place on Market Street. Bubba’s is where you declare you’re a couple.

  Jay sneaks his hand over to my side and holds my hand. “So, I feel like we’ve been talking about me a lot and not really getting to you. Tell me something, Lea.” He glances in my direction and smiles. Blane loved to talk about himself and rarely asked about me. It’s nice to be around a guy that’s genuinely interested in me as a person.

  “Well, you know I’m the local photographer and I’m divorced.” I roll my eyes and move on to the next fact. “I love dogs, but I don’t have one, yet. My apartment complex doesn’t allow them.” I make a sad face and he laughs.

  “It’s funny you say that, I was thinking of getting a dog. I was actually a handler for a little while in the army. It was one of the few things I really enjoyed. His name was Major, and he was this beautiful German Shepard. Damn, I miss that dog.” I rub his leg and then get a great idea.

  “I volunteer at the dog shelter when I can. We should go there tomorrow. Maybe we can find your forever dog.” I’m so giddy in my seat, I’m practically bouncing. I love dogs. I’d love to help Jay find his pet. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the shelter, this is the perfect excuse. It looks like we have a second date planned already.

  “That sounds perfect.” We’ve parked at the restaurant and Jay leans over to give me a kiss on my cheek. He’s a perfect gentleman while he helps me out of the truck.

  Jay swings the door to the place open and
we step in together. Bubba’s is noisy with drinks clanking, loud conversation, and staff bustling around tables.

  “Order for James Dean. James Dean, your order is ready.” It’s one of the fun things I like about this place. When you place an order, they give you a celebrity name. It’s like you can be famous for one night. I wonder what our name will be. There’s a line that wraps around the register and almost to the front door. We stand and wait our turn. There seem to be many curious eyes on us tonight, but it doesn’t seem to faze Jay at all. I don’t like being the center of attention. At least things have cooled down a bit since I’ve gotten divorced; there was a time when I was the talk of the town.

  “Oprah, your order is ready. Oprah.” I giggle as a little old lady grabs her basket with her burger in it.

  “I wonder what our name will be,” Jay whispers in my ear.

  “Me too. I was just thinking about that,” I reply.

  “What can I get ya?” The teen at the register takes our order and then hands us the receipt with the name that’ll be called. Jay laughs out loud and then points to the name on the paper. I read, “Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe.”

  “Rather fitting, isn’t it?” Jay remarks. I cover my mouth to stifle my laugh and we move out of line to our table. “Gosh, this place is just as I remember it. Ryan and I used to come down here all the time. I’m glad some things don’t change.”

  “Yeah. I love this place. It’s nice to be able to come here with you.” Jay perks up at my comment and reaches for my hand. I don’t hesitate to give it to him. People pass by our table, curious. They leer and whisper, but we do our best to ignore them. I’m already enjoying my time with Jay and no one is going to ruin it for us.

  “Marilyn and Joe. Order for Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio,” the announcer calls over the PA system. Jay offers to get our food. I sit in the booth and wait patiently for him. I’m glancing around the place happy to see that Mrs. Grimm is not here. I didn’t expect her to be since she’s pushing sixty and it’s late in the evening, but just the same she’d have a gossip field day seeing Jay and me together. What I don’t expect is for my ex Blane to sit down across from me. I sigh loudly. Not now, not here.

  “Blane, what are you doing here?” I know exactly what he’s doing here. He’s picking up tail to take back to his cheap-ass apartment on the other side of town. He no longer has the body he did when we got married, but he does come off as charming and it’s slim pickings here in Jefferson. Plus, Blane still has that golden boy appeal that many women find attractive. I’m just glad I’m blind to it and see him for the snake that he is.

  “I just came over to say hi. Can’t I say hi to my ex-wife? I haven’t seen you in what has it been, two months?” Blane is leaning back in the booth like he owns the place. He’s such an arrogant prick busting in on my date with Jay. I could wring his cheating neck.

  Gritting my teeth, I answer him, “No, you can’t just come over here. I’m on a date. I want you to leave.” He doesn’t move. Blane looks around and searches for Jay, who’s at the counter talking with one of the staff. He hasn’t seen Blane yet. I kick Blane under the table and he yelps in pain.

  “Baby.” UGH! I hate it when he calls me baby. He calls all his whores baby. How do I know? Because when I walked in on him fucking that prostitute he was yelling out “Baby” the whole time. Jerk. “I noticed you sitting with that boy wonder over there. He looks like a real tool.” I blink as if I didn’t hear him correctly? Is he seriously calling Jay a tool?

  “You have some nerve to come over here and call him that. If anyone is anything, you’re an asshole.” He chuckles at my response and tries to grab my hand which I slip under the table in front of me. I don’t want him touching me.

  “You know it turns me on when you call me that.” Blane’s toying with me now. I can tell he’s not going to leave until he comes face-to-face with Jay.

  “You’re in my seat, Blane.” Jay sets our baskets of burgers down and Blane ignores him, picking up the receipt on the table.

  “Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio. You ain’t no Marilyn, baby. But if you get bored with this tool, I’ll oblige you.” He stands to get up and Jay pushes him back down.

  “Listen here, douche. I don’t care what you say about me but if you ever say anything disrespectful about Lea, I’ll fucking pummel you.” Jay’s eyes are zeroed in on Blane like a predator. He looks like anything will set him off. It’s kind of sexy that he’s standing up for my dignity. How romantic is that? If Blane is smart he’ll run out of here with his tail between his legs. Blane, of course, is not smart. He pushes Jay back, causing him to bump into the table behind us. Oh, no.

  “Fuck you, prick. You liking my sloppy seconds?” Jay rounds on him and punches Blane directly in the face. I cringe, expecting to hear a crunch or see blood, but there’s neither. Blane seems a little stunned but quickly regains his bearings and then the boys go at each other. I can’t get in the middle of them or I’ll get pummeled. Luckily, Benny is suddenly there pulling Jay off of Blane.

  “Cool it!” Benny yells. “Boy, you can’t be getting into fights like this.” He stares Jay down and his implication is clear. If he fights he can’t be a firefighter. I understand that a person who serves the community needs to be an upstanding citizen and if he’s getting into squabbles with my ex then he’s not representing the community as he should. Shaking my head, I get up and tug at Jay’s arm, letting him know I’m ready to get out of here.

  I don’t blame Jay at all. I was tempted to slap Blane across the face with that sloppy seconds comment but, it would only make me feel momentary relief. It wouldn’t change that Blane is still a dick. He’s not going to change, and I don’t even want to waste my energy on him anymore. I hope my past hasn’t messed up Jay’s future. I appreciate his chivalry, but it might have just cost him a job.

  When we exit the bar, I can tell Jay is still riled up. His muscles are stiff, and he hasn’t looked at me. Maybe he blames me for this. He should. I hang my head and think about how Blane always manages to screw up my life even though we aren’t together.

  Jay exhales and turns to me. “Don’t blame yourself over this, I can tell you are. You can’t control your ex, Lea. It was between me and him. Okay?” I nod but I don’t agree. If I hadn’t married the bastard then none of this would’ve happened. I know I’m to blame. “Hey, stop that. We’re two adult men who disagreed over something and I let him know how I felt about it with my fists. It’s not your fault.”

  He leans in for a hug and it’s everything I need right now. I clutch on to him like a leech. He feels so safe, warm, and comfortable. I could stay here forever. Our eyes meet, and we move closer, but he hesitates. “I’m sorry, Lea, I don’t want our first kiss to be in the parking lot after I punched your ex.” His hands drop away from my waist and he clasps my hand in his. Damn, I was really looking forward to a kiss even if it was in a dingy parking lot.

  The way home is quiet. We are both contemplating the evening’s events. It’s still a pretty nice first date, even if we didn’t get to eat. I hope he kisses me at my door or maybe more. His hand never leaves mine and by the time we’re at my place they’re both sweaty. We wipe our hands off on our clothes and he opens the car door like a gentleman. Jay escorts me to my front door and I do the whole I’m trying to find my keys routine, giving him time to make his move. Except he doesn’t. Jay gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek and then after I open my door, he says good night and leaves.

  Maybe the fight with Blane made him realize that I’m not worth the trouble. Maybe he’s just not interested in me anymore. Whatever it is, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth and I toss and turn the entire night debating whether or not we’re still going to meet at the dog shelter tomorrow.

  Chapter Six


  Last night was a shit show. I can’t believe I stooped to Blane’s level and punched him. It made me look like a dick and now Benny is apprehensive about taking me on at the fire station. I was embarrass
ed by my actions. I couldn’t even look Lea in the eye. The whole drive back to her place I thought about how I should’ve handled it differently. Lea deserves a man that she can be proud of. I’m just a vet with demons in my closet and an unknown future. What could she ever see in me anyway? She needs a man with a steady job and a nice house; someone who doesn’t get shunned by the town folk. Lea should be able to hold her head high with the man she’s with. I’m just not that guy.

  I wouldn’t stand for her thinking it was her fault though. She didn’t start that fight. Blane was asking for trouble and I gave it to him. Lea’s face had guilt written all over it. I wouldn’t let her think she was to blame. If anything, I hope she took that away from last night.

  The next morning, I head on over to the dog shelter. I can’t stand another night in that house without some companionship. I’ll go crazy without someone else there. I’m damn near talking to myself. I miss handling a dog. I was pretty keen on my service dog, Major. He was something else. The dog was so well-trained, I trusted him with my life. There was a time or two, in fact, he did save my life. He sniffed something out that didn’t seem right. Sadly, he died in service. I wasn’t his handler at the time, but I heard about it. I don’t like to think about it but take solace in knowing he died serving his fellow soldiers.

  As I drive, I think about the kind of dog that I want. I look forward to taking it out on walks and playing fetch in the park. It’ll also get me out of the house and give me something to do, something to look forward to. I’ll have someone to get up for and take care of and it’ll, in turn, take care of me. I love how loyal dogs are. As I park at the shelter, I’m in a better mood. It almost feels like Christmas.


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