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Veteran's Salvation

Page 4

by Nicky Fox

  Not paying attention to the door, I almost run into Lea. “Hi,” she says bashfully. “I wasn’t sure if you still wanted me to come or not.” Oh, no. This will not do. She thinks I’m avoiding her. Which I guess in a way I am but not in the way she thinks. I’m surprised she came. Last night didn’t go well. I figured she’d wash her hands of me and rightly so. The sight of her takes my breath away, I could look at her all day. A smile spreads across my face.

  “Lea, I’m glad you came. This was something I was looking forward to and I’m glad you’re here with me. Let’s go.” I hold out my hand for her to take. Lea seems uncertain but then her hand slips into mine. Everything is right in the world.

  We’re directed to the dog kennel side and soon we’re inundated with barks and growls. A hopping dog almost jumps at eye level to me and another is cowered in the corner. Some cages are empty, but it looks like a well-run facility. Lea seems like she’s in heaven. She stops at every cage and tries to give each dog some attention. There are buckets of dog biscuits available to hand out at our leisure. I take one and scan all the dogs, waiting for that feeling. I know I’ll know when I see the dog that’s meant to be mine. With each step, I’m coming closer to the end of the kennel when I see two crystal blue eyes staring up at me.

  “Oh, she’s so pretty.” Lea comes up behind me.

  “She?” I guess I never thought my dog would be a girl but here she sits. A gorgeous husky with her tail swishing back and forth. Her patient demeanor doesn’t fool me. I know the moment I open this cage, she’s going to come barreling out. This dog is perfect for me. “Hey, girl. You wanna go for a walk?” Her butt pops up like it’s on fire. I knew it. She’s dying to get to work, to do something. She’s as restless as I am. Grabbing a leash next to the cage, I pull it open and sure enough, she barrels through before I can clip the leash on.

  “Oh my goodness.” Lea laughs. She’s able to grab the dog’s collar and hold her still while I clip the leash on. We take her out back in a small courtyard. It’s fenced in and there are no other dogs out, so I let her run free. You’d think she had been cooped up in that place for years. “What are you going to name her?” Lea sidles up next to me and distracts me from my other girl. I guess Lea can tell I’m smitten.

  “I don’t know. What do you think?” Nothing is coming to mind. I’m not really good at naming things. I had a turtle once named Goo. Maybe Lea will do a better job.

  “Hmm.” She kneels down and looks into the husky’s eyes. “She looks like . . . Honor.” It suits her. I knew Lea would be able to name her better than me.

  “Perfect.” I almost tear up but reel it back in. I finally have a dog. While I fill out the paperwork Lea takes Honor for a walk around the shelter and by the time I’m finished, it is lunchtime. “You wanna go eat. Maybe this time we can actually eat the food we order?” I ask Lea.

  “Sure.” She says yes, but I can tell Lea’s keeping her distance. She’s not as flirty as she was last night. I’m sure she’s getting mixed signals from me. Heck, I don’t even know what I’m doing. One thing I do know is that I’ve always wanted her, even if she is too good for me. It doesn’t seem like she’s giving up on me, so maybe I still have a chance with her. I’m going to make this lunch good. I have an idea.

  We grab some subs to go and I take her to the prettiest spot in all of Jefferson, Lake Point Park. It’s a small park that has a pond in the center. I’m not sure why they call it a lake, but it’s shrouded in wildflowers and there’s one hill that has the best views. Luckily, I have a blanket in the truck. Lea holds our subs while I wrangle Honor. She’s acting like she just got freed from prison and she doesn’t know what to do with herself. Honor is following her nose every which way. She’ll be a good tracker.

  “Is this good?” I ask Lea.

  “It’s perfect.” She shields her eyes as she surveys the park. I’ve really missed this view and now it’s even better with my trusty dog and my dream girl. After laying down the blanket, Lea sits down and begins to unpack our lunch. “I used to come up here all the time, but now it’s like I don’t have time anymore. I’m really glad you took me here, Jay.” Her smile makes me feel ten feet tall. This should’ve been our first date. Although, I’ll never forget her in that little black dress. I wanted to touch her all night, it took everything in me to be a gentleman.

  “I’m glad too.” I smile, hesitating before saying what I really want to say. “I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “It’s not your fault, Jay. I couldn’t blame you for how you reacted. Blane was asking for it. He thinks he can just prance around and take what he wants without consequence. He’s like a little boy. I’m not his toy anymore. I’m glad you stood up to him, not many do.” Well, fuck me. She wasn’t appalled at my behavior or having second thoughts. Everything feels like a one-eighty from last night.

  Lea throws a piece of turkey to Honor and she gobbles it up before she can even chew it. “I’ll need to get her some dog toys, a bed, food and such. Would you want to go with me to the pet store?” I’m trying to prolong this date. It’s going so well, I don’t want it to end.

  “Oh. I thought you’d never ask. I love going to the pet store. Sometimes on the weekends, I’d go in and look at the hamsters, rabbits, and cats they have for adoption. I guess that sounds pretty lame.” I shake my head since my mouth is full of food. I finish chewing and answer her.

  “I don’t think so at all. I feel like animals have healing abilities. Just being around them can make you feel better, don’t you think?” Her eyes light up and she takes my hand.

  “Yes. I don’t know if you remember I had a dog named Maddie?” Shaking my head, she continues. “Well, she was at my parents’ house. We had her since I can remember. She made it feel like home. She died my first year in college. Now, when I visit my mom, it just isn’t the same. It doesn’t feel like home.” Lea lies down on the blanket. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring down everything. I’m glad you got Honor. I think you need each other.” She rubs Honor on the back of the ear and Honor’s leg rises like she’s doing the scratching. It makes Lea and I laugh.

  The pet shop just adds more fun to our day. We fill a basket full of toys, food, and treats. I have to get an extra cart for the dog bed. I’ll have to come back for a dog house. It’s getting dark out by the time we all pile into the truck. Lea has work the next morning, so she asks me to take her home. This time, when I walk her to her door I don’t hold back.

  “Good night, Jay. I had a wonderful day with you and Honor.” She glances over at the truck where the Husky is wagging her tail and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth. We both laugh at her.

  “Yeah. We’ll have to do it again soon.” I lean in so that Lea is backed against her door. I incline on one hand and move in to kiss her lips. She stays still, waiting for me to go all the way. I wait for a breath and then my lips connect with hers. Softness envelops my mouth and the scent of Twizzlers reaches my nose. I breathe her in. Our lips move in tandem and soon she’s gripping me by the back of my neck. Slowly, I open my mouth and run my tongue along the seam of her lips. Lea moans in response and opens for me. Our mouths clash and become a symphony of breath, lips, and tongues.

  She moans, and I have to get closer. My pelvis pushes forward and connects with her stomach. I’m sure she can feel how hard I am for her now. Gripping her waist, I pull her even closer to me. Her breasts crush against my chest and our lips haven’t lost connection for a moment. Eventually, I have to pull away to breathe. We’re both panting, and our hands are still clinging to each other.

  “If I don’t leave now, Lea, I don’t think I’ll be able to if we keep this up.” She bites her lip and then reaches up for one big kiss. Then she’s opening her door and telling me good night. Best date ever.

  Chapter Seven


  “You still dating that boy, Jay?” My mom is washing dishes in her kitchen. I came here straight after work. It’s routine for me to come over and vis
it my mom on Monday evenings. After my dad died two years ago, I’ve made it a priority to see her at least once a week.

  “Yes, Mom. I am. In fact, we had a wonderful day date yesterday, complete with a picnic.” I smile like the Cheshire cat. That man does all sorts of things to me. And that kiss? Get out of here. He has the best lips that have ever touched mine. I just wanted to stay connected like that all night. It took everything in me not to pull him inside my apartment.

  I was a little taken aback the previous night, so I wanted to slow down a bit and make sure he won’t just up and disappear after we do anything. I think after I’ve had one taste of that man it will be over. Let me tell you, the bar has already been raised. I’m falling for him hard. Before he was attractive and a bit mysterious. But the way he looked at that dog, and the way he took me out for a picnic, I can tell he has a big heart. He was pulling weeds in his mom’s yard for God’s sake when I first met him. He’s so caring. The situation he had with Blane also made me swoon. I’m not a proponent of violence, but he defended my honor and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to punch Blane in the face.

  “Well, he got in some trouble this weekend. He got in a fight with Blane, sweetie.” She pauses drying a dish to look at me.

  “I know, Mom. I was there,” I reply, looking down drawing lazy circles with my finger on the counter.

  “I don’t think so, Lea. Blane was beaten in the back of an alley last night. He’s in the hospital.”

  “WHAT!?” I stand up from my stool, almost sending it crashing to the floor. “That can’t be right. I mean, he was with me in the afternoon. I don’t think he would do that.” Tears threaten to fall but I hold them in. This doesn’t make any sense. Jay was fine afterward. He was almost distraught that he sunk to Blane’s level and punched him. I can’t see him beating him. He was in a good mood when he left my place too.

  “Well, Jay is the only one being questioned about Blane’s condition since they fought just a few nights ago.” I know my mom is on the fence about him. She liked Jay when we were in high school. She doesn’t know him as the man he is today. I think she would like him even more if she met him now. It doesn’t surprise me that she’s heard about the fight. It’s a small town and word gets out pretty fast. I know what I need to do.

  “I gotta go, Mom. I’ll call you later, okay?” I grab my purse and head out the door before I get an answer. I need to see Jay and find out what’s going on. He wouldn’t throw everything away on Blane. He’s got a solid head on his shoulders. There’s something special happening between us; I don’t see him letting Blane get to him again. And now the cops are involved. What about the firefighting job he’s trying out for? Gosh, all this because of Blane.

  I’m parked out in front of his house before I know it. Then, I’m marching to his door and knocking loudly. His door swings open and his big husky bounds forward almost knocking me over. Honor is there to greet me. My eyes trail from the sweet dog to the shirtless man in the doorway. Jay always seems to take my breath away. I forgot what I was going to say.

  Before I can come to my senses, he blurts out, “I didn’t do it.” I rush Jay and embrace him around the neck. His hands grab my waist and then I’m wrapping my legs around him. He closes the door and brings me into his house. Our lips crash together, and our teeth hit. It doesn’t stop us from caressing our tongues together. His hand snakes up and grabs my hair in the back as he takes control of our kiss.

  “I knew you didn’t do it. I couldn’t believe it. I was so worried for you,” I whisper between our kisses. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine, gazing into my eyes.

  “You don’t know what that means to me to hear you say that.” He kisses me again. Jay sits down on the couch with me as I straddle his hips. We grind and bump for a while, making out on his sofa like a couple of teenagers. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do with him.

  “Jay,” I moan in his mouth. His hips buck up and I feel his hard shaft hit my clit through my jeans. Then his hands slide down to my ass as he cups me there, squeezing my globes.

  “Fuck, Lea,” Jay groans. I take full advantage of being on top of him and run my hands all over his chest and abs. His hands roam as well, to my breasts where he cups them with his large hands. I push my chest farther into his grasp and then return his all-consuming kiss.

  It’s then I notice hot breath puffing against my backside. Turning my head, I see Honor right behind me, close enough I could bump her with my butt. It turns the mood and makes me laugh. “Honor, you silly puppy.” I slide off Jay’s lap and snuggle in next to him. I wonder how long that dog was there.

  “Way to go, pup. Come on, get over here you big lap dog.” Jay helps pull Honor on to the couch. He’s such a big softy. Jay’s surrounded by panting girls. I giggle at the idea. “What?”

  “Nothing,” I reply. “How’s Honor been doing? She seems happy.” I scratch her ear and sure enough that foot comes up and kicks Jay in the balls. He groans and falls to the side of the couch and cups himself. “Oh my gosh. Are you okay?” I lean over him as Honor jumps off the couch like nothing has happened.

  “Oh, my balls.” I can’t help but laugh at him. Jay grabs me and pulls me down to him. “Gotcha.”

  I giggle. Jay begins kissing me again. This time he moves above me. I spread my legs to allow him to sink into me.

  “You’re still hard,” I gasp, astonished.

  “It’s cuz you’re around. I’m hard every time I see your sweet body and the way you look at me makes me want to throw you down on the closest surface and take you. I want to make you come so bad. Can I touch you?” He’s not asking to fondle my breasts like he did earlier. Jay’s asking if he can touch me there.

  “Yes,” I whisper. Our heads both swing to the sound of Honor digging in her food bowl.

  “Good, she’ll be busy while we are . . . busy.” Jay smirks and then slides his hand down my stomach until he gets to the edge of my jeans. He expertly pops open the button and pulls down the zipper. I hold my breath until I feel his fingers graze my panties and then cup my mound. Jay’s mouth blocks my gasp as his hand slides under, touching my bare skin. He breaks the kiss. “So soft,” he mumbles against my neck.

  Then his fingertips graze my clit and spread my wetness around. “So wet.” Jay plunges one finger inside me. “So hot.” Wet sounds emit from my body as his finger thrusts in and out. I shiver at his touch. It feels so good. “So tight, baby.” Mmm. I like the way he calls me baby. Jay’s braced on one arm watching my reactions. His eyes don’t leave mine. Occasionally, he lowers down to kiss me. Then, his thumb begins rolling my clit.

  “Oh, yes. Yes.” My orgasm slams into me out of nowhere. I clutch on to his back and arms as I ride out the crest. My mouth is formed in an O, making a silent scream. I finally gasp and am able to breathe. My chest pumps up and down. That was intense. And that was just his finger. I wonder what it’d be like with his cock.

  “You look so beautiful when you come, baby.” Jay covers my lips with his. My hands slowly trail down to his belt. “No, Lea. That was just for you. Seeing your pleasure was enough for me.” Yet another reason Jay is a better man than Blane. Blane would never have just pleasured me. Honestly, I rarely ever orgasmed with him. He was too quick. “Here, let me clean you up.” Jay comes back with a wet washcloth and wipes me. Blane never tended to me. It’s the small things that Jay does that let me know what a good guy he is. Not that I needed reminding.

  “Thank you,” I say blushing.

  “For the orgasm or the washcloth?” He chuckles.

  “Both.” I laugh. I love how we can laugh about it afterward and it’s not weird. This all feels natural.

  Finally sitting up on his couch, I notice that it’s dark outside. “Oh my goodness. I didn’t realize how late it is. I need to head home. I have a wedding to photograph tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Jay helps me up and escorts me to his door. Honor even comes out of the kitchen to say goodbye. “Thanks for coming to
check on me. It really means a lot to me, Lea.”

  I rock on my heels and say what I’ve been wanting to since the moment I walked in.

  “You mean a lot to me, Jay.” He pulls me close and kisses me deeply. I leave his house feeling high and giddy. I’m falling really hard.

  Chapter Eight


  I wasn’t worried when I saw those cops at my door because I haven’t done anything to warrant a visit from them. But I knew it wasn’t good. Honestly, I figured Blane put out a restraining order against me. That would’ve actually made my day. I hated seeing Lea worried for me, she shouldn’t have to worry about anything. My life shouldn’t make it difficult for her. Although, now I know how she feels.

  Damn. And the feel of her pussy in my hand. How wet she got for me. The whispered words between us. I’ve never been that revved up in my life. I was ready to fuck her through the floor. My cock was hard as steel. I stopped her though when she went to pleasure me. I have a feeling Blane didn’t please her and she had to please him all the time. I wanted to show her that I’m different, that I don’t expect anything in return. It was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I almost came in my pants a couple of times, feeling her hot heat against my cock.

  I adjust myself as I walk over to the fire station. I don’t need to be sporting a woody while interviewing for my new job. I need my head in the game and not on Lea’s lush breasts and her hypnotic smell. I shake my head to get the lustful thoughts out of my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I jerked off the second she left, but it didn’t ease any pressure. If anything, it gave me a small reprieve. I imagined her small hands rubbing my shaft and it wasn’t long before I came all over myself right there on the floor of my living room. I didn’t even make it to my room.


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