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Page 15

by Sabrina Paige

  “Please. Please. Please. Caulter. ”

  He growls, slamming into me with one deep thrust. “Come for me, Princess. ”

  I finally let go, muffling my cries with the pillow as he buries himself deep in me, filling me with his cum. The orgasm washes over my entire body like a tidal wave, the intensity so powerful I might be swept away. I don’t know how long it is after that, that I finally start to come down, and tear my face away from the pillow to look at him.

  Caulter rubs his hands on my back and down my hips. “I told you’d need the pillow. ”

  “I don’t have words. ”

  He grins. “Speechless,” he says. “That’s what I’m talking about. ”

  I laugh. “You wouldn’t want me if I were speechless. You’d be bored. ”

  “I’d be in heaven. ”

  “Screw you. ”

  “Again?” He slaps my ass. “I’ll need another minute, but if you insist. ”

  “Do you think anyone noticed we’re gone?”

  “I think we probably have an audience outside the door,” he says, sliding out of me and slapping my ass a second time for good measure.

  “What?” I squeal.

  “Calm your tits,” he says. “It was a joke. Your face was in the pillow. If it wasn’t, well. . . then we’d be on the front page of whatever the hell little newspaper they have up here at Lake Winnipesauke. I'll go ahead and assume it's something with the word gazette in it. ”

  “How am I going to sneak out to take a shower in the middle of the party?” I ask.

  “You’re not,” Caulter says, throwing me my dress.

  “What?” I ask, my voice high-pitched. “I’m not going down there smelling like --”

  He interrupts me, looking at me with his eyebrows raised. “Like you just had filthy sex on the floor of your room with your step-brother?”

  I grab the pillow from the floor and throw it at him. “Please stop saying that. ”

  “Step-brother?” he asks, grinning. “Does it bother you? I mean, you are keeping it in the family. ”

  I cover my ears. “La la la la,” I say. “I don’t hear you. ”

  He crosses the room to me, takes my hands off my ears, and kisses me on the lips, his kiss at once changing the tone of the moment from jovial to sensual. “Put on clothes and slip into the bathroom to clean up, and then I will,” he says. “I’ll meet you downstairs. If you say one word to that guy from school, I'll beat his fucking ass in the middle of the party, then bend you over my knee and tan your hide. ”

  My eyes go wide. “The sad thing is, I think you might be insane enough to do just that. ”

  Caulter grins. “Good. I think you’re starting to get to know me after all, Princess. "

  "Shit, you scared me. " She's standing by the open balcony door wearing a cotton t-shirt that barely covers her ass. And panties, I'd guess, even though I can't see them. It has to be a thong, since I burned her granny panties, which makes me smile. "What are you smiling at?"

  "Nothing," I say. "Are you going to let me in here, or what?"

  "Do I have a choice, or are you going to just barge in anyhow?" she asks.

  I grin, slipping my hand around her and pulling her against me. I kiss her slowly, letting her melt into me, but pause when I see the sketchpad on the bed. "Drawing again?" I ask, picking it up.

  Katherine reaches for it, but I hold it up high above her head. "Shit, you just can't keep me off your mind, can you?"

  "Give it back to me, you shithead," she says, her teeth clenched. "Or I'll scream. "

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  "The hell you'll scream. " The thought makes me laugh. "I'm sure our parents would love to walk into the room to see you wearing nothing but that t-shirt and holding a pad full of drawings of my cock. "

  She glares at me, and crosses her arms over her chest, throwing herself heavily on the bed. "Fine. Whatever. You already looked at them anyway, so I don't care. "

  "That's very sensible of you. " I walk to the other side of the room, finally looking at the picture she was drawing. I expect to see me, but it isn't. "Is this your mother?"

  She nods, and the look she gives me makes me feel ashamed for grabbing the pad from her. "I draw her the way I remember her, not, you know, how she was near the end. "

  "It's nice, Kate. " Nice is such a stupid word, I think, as soon as it comes out of my mouth. Katherine's drawings are beautiful -- that was my first thought when I picked up her sketchpad, before I realized they were all of me.

  "I wasn't drawing you before because I'm obsessed with you or something," she says. I hand her the sketchpad and she closes it, and I can tell by the way she looks at me that she's embarrassed.

  "No?" I ask, my eyebrows raised. "I'm disappointed. I've always wanted a stalker. "

  She doesn't say anything for a minute, and I think I picked the wrong way to lighten the mood, but then she looks up and shrugs. "Well, I did take a lock of your hair for the shrine I made to you. "

  I sit down on the bed. Katherine is leaning up against the pillows on the headboard, her knees pulled up to her chest. She looks so vulnerable that I want to reach out and hug her, but that seems too corny, so I just pull her feet into my lap and cover them with my hands. There's something about being with her right now that feels comfortable. "That's good," I say. "Hair is okay. If you would have cast a mold of my cock, that would have been weird. "

  "Damn it. There goes my plan for the evening," she says. "I'll have to take the plaster I bought back to the store. "

  "Plaster would have been uncomfortable anyway. I prefer chocolate. "

  She laughs, but the sound fades quickly and we sit in silence, with me rubbing her feet. Isn't this something -- Caulter Sterling, two months of monogamy under his belt, rubbing a chick's feet and talking. "Do you think about her a lot?"


  "Your mother," I say, nodding toward the sketchpad.

  Katherine shrugs. "She's been gone a long time now, you know?"

  "Not that long," I say. "A few years, right?"

  "Yeah," she says. "At the end of my eight grade year. She was sick for a year before it happened. Breast cancer. It was too late when they caught it. "

  I'm sorry. " I don't really know what to say.

  Kate shrugs. "It is what it is, you know? I mean, there's nothing you can do about it. "

  "You've been at Brighton since then," I say.

  "As soon as my dad could get rid of me, he did," she says, her voice bitter.

  Being gotten rid of is definitely something I can understand. "He and Ella are made for each other, then. "

  She looks at me. "What do you mean?" she asks. "Is your father around?"

  "Ella has been jonesing to get rid of me as soon as I came out of her," I say. "Who knows who the hell my father is?"

  Katherine's brow wrinkles. "You really don't know?"

  "She told me that he was some loser, lived out in Georgia somewhere," I say. "When I was fifteen, I hired a private investigator and tracked the guy down. He copped to her paying him to say he was my father and stay out of my life. Apparently she partied a lot back then. She doesn't know who it is. "

  "Aren't there DNA tests for that?"

  "Not if you can't even narrow it down," I say.

  "Shit. That sucks. "

  I move up to her calf, grateful for the distraction as I rub her leg. "Whatever. It's no big deal, right? That's life. At least your father is her fucking age, not like some of the guys she was dating, barely a day over eighteen. "

  "Sometimes I think I'm not supposed to be happy, you know?" she asks. "Like, other people are supposed to be happy, but I'm not. "

  That I can understand. Chasing happiness is like a fucking curse. "If you told your father to fuck off, I bet you'd feel happy. "

  She chokes on her laugh. "Yeah," she says. "You're probably right. I bet I would. "

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  "So no more H
arvard in the fall, then?" I ask.

  "You're assuming that won't make me happy," she says. "Maybe that's my dream. "

  "Yeah, that's a ridiculous assumption," I say.

  "Maybe I want to go to Harvard. "

  "No you don't. " I speak the words with certainty, even though I shouldn't. I shouldn't know what she wants or doesn't want, but I do. I know with certainty she doesn't want to go to Harvard, and that she doesn't want to go to law school. It's not who she really is.

  "Can I show you something?" she asks. "But you have to swear you won't say anything to anyone. "

  "Show me. " I watch as she jumps up and races to her desk, pulling a folded piece of paper from underneath a stack of papers in the top drawer, then hands it to me. "What is it?"

  "Look. "

  I read the letter, an acceptance letter from UCLA. "Is this where you want to go?"

  "I mean, it would never happen, you know what I mean?" she says. "It's not an Ivy League school. But they have a really good art program. My father would shit a brick if I went to art school. He would say it's a useless degree. "

  "But you applied," I point out. "And you got in, right? You should do it, if it's what you want to do. "

  She grabs the paper from my hand and puts it back in the drawer. "I think it's past the deadline anyway. And it's in California. My father would have a heart attack. Miss summer internships at the Capitol for art? I mean, what am I going to do with my life -- sketch? It's not practical. " She shrugs. "I just wanted to know if I was any good, you know?"

  "You should do what makes you happy. "

  She rolls her eyes at me, returning to where she was sitting before on the bed. "I'm not taking the advice of Mr. Life-Is-One-Giant-Party," she says. "Your mom has, like, mega money. You don't even have to do anything with your life. "

  "Fuck if I don't already know that," I say, my voice hard.

  "I didn't mean that the way it sounded," she says. "Just that, you're completely set for life, aren't you? You can have fun all the time. "

  "Well, that's not all it's cracked up to be. " I sound ungrateful and spoiled. "It gets old after a while. "

  "See?" she says. "Being irresponsible all the time isn't even fun. "

  "First you say I don't have to do anything with my life, and now you're calling me irresponsible?" I ask. "I thought were getting along, and now you're back to insulting me. "

  Katherine sighs. "It came out wrong," she says. "I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that you're obviously smart, you know? And you're set for life. You can do anything you want. "

  "Says you. " I feel like my path is laid out pretty clearly - I'm the bad boy son of a celebrity. People already know everything they want to know about me.

  "So what would you want to do, if you just said, fuck it, and didn't give a shit about anyone watching?" She rubs her lower lip absently with her finger, her knees tucked up to her chest. I think about how my tongue was on that lip earlier, how that lip felt as I pulled it between my teeth.

  I fucked her less than two hours ago; I should be worn out. But I'm not. I'm showered and reinvigorated as I sit here looking at her. And, I can see the fabric of her panties that barely covers her pussy, peeking out from between her thighs.

  "You," I say, reaching for her ankle and pulling it toward me on the bed.

  She laughs, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Yes, obviously," she says. "But you know what I mean. "

  "I do know what you mean," I say, crawling up the length of her body, rubbing my cock against her the whole way. She giggles and puts her hands on my chest.

  "Not so fast," she says. "Not until you tell me. "

  I kiss her, drawing her bottom lip between my teeth again, my hands on either side of her shoulders. "Tell you what?" I ask. "There is nothing to tell. I'd do you. I'd never stop fucking you. That's what I'd do. "

  "I was being serious. "

  "So am I. " I reach under her shirt, slide my hand up her abdomen until I can feel her breast. No bra. Her nipple is hard, and I groan as I squeeze her flesh in my hand, watching the expression on her face change as her eyes lightly flutter closed. "You wouldn't spend your time fucking me if no one was watching?"

  "No," she murmurs.

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  "No?" I ask. "That's rude. You should at least lie to the guy who's cock is pressed right up against your pussy. "

  "Okay, then. Yes," she whispers.

  I stroke her nipple with my thumb until she's moaning, her voice soft. "Yes, because I told you to lie or yes because you'd want to do nothing but fuck me?"

  She whimpers. "Fuck me now," she says.

  "That was fast. " But I pull myself away from her, slip her shirt over her head, and she pulls mine off before falling back against the pillows. I'm still wearing my pajama pants, the thin cotton fabric barrier between us minimal, and I can feel the pre-cum wet on the fabric. Leaning down, I take her breast in my mouth, swirling my tongue around her nipple. "You're ready for me so soon?"

  Katherine puts her palms on my face and pulls me up to her, her tongue thrusting insistently in my mouth as she kisses me. When I slide my fingers between her legs, she groans. The fabric of her panties is soaked. "See?" she asks. "I'm so wet already. "

  "You are," I say. "Hang on a second. Let me grab a condom. " I move away from her, but she latches onto my arm.

  "No. "

  "No, what?"

  "No condom," she whispers.

  "It'll take me two seconds," I say. "They're right over there. "

  "Do we have to?"

  "Use a condom?" I ask. "You're the one who was concerned about me fucking a redhead, but now you want to go bareback?"

  "You didn't fuck the redhead," she says.

  "Is that a question or a statement?" I ask. "Because you didn't seem sure before. "

  "It's a statement," she says. "I'm sure. "

  "Mhmm. " I stand up anyway, sliding her panties over her hips and down her legs, unable to resist running my tongue down her pussy as I do. The taste makes me rock hard. The thought of being inside her, with no protection, makes me want to come right now. But that's definitely against my rules. "That's not something I do, Katherine. "

  "What do you mean?" She watches me strip out of my pants, and her mouth parts when she sees my cock, which makes me feel smug as hell. I grab a condom from the bottom drawer in her desk. "Did you stash those in there?" she asks.

  "Yeah. " I join her back on the bed.


  "A while ago. "

  "Before we started screwing?" she asks. I climb over her, back where I was before, and she wraps her warm hand around my cock.

  "Are you going to break my dick if I answer you honestly?" I'm slightly concerned that it's something she's capable of. But she just laughs as she slides her thumb over the tip, the pre-cum wet on my skin.

  "You did, didn't you?" she asks.

  "I did. "

  "You're a cocky asshole. "

  "You're not a frigid bitch," I say.

  "Thanks," she says, laughing. "I think that's the best compliment you've given me, Caulter Sterling. "

  "Don't ever say I didn't say nice things about you," I say. She's running her hand up and down the length of my cock, and I groan. When she guides me to her pussy, I tense as I feel her warm wetness against my bare cock, even though it's the best thing I've ever felt. "Wait. "

  "I'm on birth control," she says. "I have been for years. Are you clean?"

  "I was tested right before. . . you, actually. " I don't tell her why, that a month before her I'd slept with this psychotic chick from an all-girls school half an hour away who'd also, as it turned out, had slept with half of the lacrosse team.

  She arches her hips up slightly so that the tip of my cock is just inside her. "So do it. Fuck me. I want to feel you come inside me. "

  "Shit, Kate," I groan, not moving. I don't screw chicks without using rubbers. I may not be
a stand-up guy, but at least I'm safe. "You're killing me. You're supposed to be the responsible one. "

  "You're rubbing off on me," she whispers, her hands sliding around to my ass cheeks. "What can I say? I want to do something crazy. "

  She pulls at me, but I brace, only allowing myself to go inside her another inch. Another agonizing inch inside her warm, wet cunt. I can't be expected to make a responsible decision, not with my cock inside her pussy. She squeezes her muscles tight around me and that's it. I ram my cock inside her, up to the hilt, in one deep thrust, feeling the exquisite bliss of her muscles stretch to fit me.

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  Katherine arches as I slip inside her, her head falling back, hair falling down on the pillowcase and around her shoulders. One hand under her back, I pull her against me as I fuck her, my rhythm slow, even though she's wet and willing.

  She urges me on, little moans under her breath and then whispers, over and over, "Yes, yes. "

  "Look at me, Kate. " She jerks her head up, and her eyes meet mine before she kissed me hungrily. Every part of her is hungry; her pussy is practically milking me now, even before she comes. I know she's ready, on the verge so quickly, but I tell myself to slow down and wait.

  "No, no, don't stop," she whispers, her voice almost a whine. She wraps her legs around me, pinning me with my cock deep inside her, but I stop moving. I grab her wrists, and push them above her head, then lower my mouth close to hers again. "Please don't stop. "

  "Don't try to take control, Kate," I whisper. "It doesn't suit you. " She whimpers, but lies still, and I kiss her, my cock throbbing inside her. When she tightens her muscles around me again, I laugh. "You are always trying to take control. "

  "Fuck. . . " she whispers, and I wait for her to say you, but she doesn't. She says, " Fuck me. "

  I can't wait any longer. I thrust deeply inside her, feeling the gush of wetness from her pussy. "Is that what you wanted?" I ask.

  "Yes," she whispers, her fingers lacing tightly with mine, palms pressed against my palms as I drive into her over and over. "Yes. "

  "You want my bare cock inside you. . . "

  "Yes," she says. "Oh God, yes. "

  "You want to feel me come inside your bare pussy. " Her muscles are tensing around my cock, squeezing it. It's all I can do not to come inside her right this second, with how tight she is, how warm she feels.


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