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Destiny (Experimental Heart Book 1)

Page 52

by Shannon Pemrick

  Raikidan jerked his head back, now more confused than ever, and I couldn’t stop the laughter. Ryoko was even laid out on the bar, losing it.

  When I got myself calmed, I leaned closer to Raikidan. “He’s flirting with you, dummy.”

  His brow remained creased. “Why?”

  Ryoko’s laughter got louder. “I can’t take this! He’s too adorable.”

  “I’m not adorable,” Raikidan muttered.

  Azriel grinned. “I think you are.”

  Raikidan gave him another confused look and Azriel sighed. “I give up. I can see my charm isn’t going to work on you.”

  I snickered. “You’ll find a replacement by the end of the night.”

  He smirked. “True. But this just means he’s all yours.”

  I snorted and sipped my drink. “Pass, thank you.”

  “Careful now, he might take offense to that.”

  Raikidan snorted. “I know her enough to not find it offensive in the least.”

  “Smart.” Azriel grinned, an unusual look in his eyes I couldn’t interpret. “Well, as I asked before, are you sure you don’t want a drink?”

  Raikidan looked unsure what to say and this time I swooped in to rescue him. “He’s not accustomed to our drink consumption yet.”

  Azriel nodded. “Fair. Is there anything you have had outside the city? I’m sure I’ve got it. I stock my bar with some uncommon product for those adventurous types.”

  “Dwarven ales from the cask,” Raikidan said. “They’re all that I’ve had.”

  My brow rose. “Explains why you thought Ryoko’s beer smelled so bad the other day.”

  Ryoko stuck up her nose. “There’s nothing wrong with what I drink.”

  Azriel chuckled. “Except your beer smells like metal and mine doesn’t. So lucky for him, I’ve got just the thing.”

  He reached out and flicked a switch under the back bar. The mirror behind him lit up, several colored lights turning on either side, revealing a large cask behind it. A two-way mirror? Azriel moved an out-of-place bottle of colored liqueur, something I always found peculiar, as he had a particular placement for all his bottles based on color, revealing a tap connected to the cask.

  “Well, aren’t you snazzy,” Ryoko said.

  Azriel bowed. “I aim to please.”

  He then pulled out a ceramic stein and went to pour from this fancy hidden cask, but I stopped him. “Hey, whoa, what are you doing?”

  He turned back with a raised brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You know not to skimp on the good stuff with us, Az. Raikidan is no exception.”

  “Whatever do you mean, my dear?”

  “I know you hide the good stuff for those who are in the know.” I grinned. “Don’t try to deny it. You do, and I’ll ruin your streak. And I know it’s not as good as you’d like me to believe.”

  Azriel shot a dark look at Rylan, who shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I didn’t say anything to her. She just knows you.”

  “While I’m not doubting she does, I know you’d tell her that,” Azriel said.

  I leaned on the bar. “And if you retaliate in any way, I’ll ensure you won’t have a streak for the next three months.”

  Azriel’s eyes narrowed and then he started laughing. “You never change!”

  I leaned back, smiling. “I can’t go changing on you. You’d be unhappy if you couldn’t take the credit.”

  He winked. “I’ll always take credit.”

  Azriel then ducked under the bar and rummaged around. When a minute or two passed and he continued to search, the four of us looked at each other. I leaned over the bar. “Everything okay, Az?”

  “Everything is fine. Just have to figure out where I stored it. I could have sworn—ah, here it is!”

  He popped back up, a tiny wooden keg in his hands. We watched Azriel pop the cork and pour all the dark liquid into the stein he’d pulled out earlier.

  He pushed it to Raikidan. “Try that. I imported this brew from Azrok.”

  My brow lifted. “And how did you manage that? Not only are the import laws with them complex, but getting a dwarf from up there to talk to you for business is next to impossible.”

  Azriel grinned. “Threw your name around enough with the right individuals.”

  I shook my head. While rare in numbers, I’d met a few dwarves in my years, but there was one family I’d gotten along with well. I had a suspicion it was the same family that hooked him up. “I’m surprised you got such a small keg of it.”

  “Oh, I didn’t. I had to buy fifteen casks. I kept one, filling these kegs for easy dispensing, and resold the rest to other vendors in town. I didn’t expect it to be such a hit with some of the restaurants, otherwise I would have ordered in more to capitalize on the investment.”

  I grinned. “No one says you couldn’t now.”

  Azriel chuckled and went to cleaning up. I focused on Raikidan, who was now inspecting his drink. He smelled it, his eyebrow ticking up for some reason, and then he took a small taste test. I guessed he approved, as it didn’t take him long to take a big gulp of the ale after.

  I looked around when I realized we were missing a person. “Where did Blaze run off to?”

  Rylan shrugged and pressed his glass to his lips. “I think he said something about a hot chick and then ran off.”

  I snorted. “Typical.”

  Azriel leaned against the bar. “If he ran off, then it’s safe to guess you’re all here on leisure and not because Genesis has something crazy cooked up?”

  Ryoko smiled wide at him. “You got it!”

  Azriel looked at me. “And you came willingly?”

  I shrugged. “I wanted to see you, and I get a few free drinks in the process. Win-win.”

  “I see how it is. Take advantage of my hospitality.”

  “More like cashing in on all the favors you’ve asked of me.”

  He chuckled. “Careful, I’ll add to that list if I know you like it.” He looked at Ryoko when he noticed her staring. “What is it, Ryoko?”

  Ryoko shook her head. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

  “C’mon, just say it.”

  Ryoko rested her cheek on her hand and played with the umbrella in her martini. “It’s just, looking at your dog tags around your neck makes me miss mine.”

  I snorted. “What, having your number engraved in your skull isn’t enough?”

  Ryoko sighed. “I don’t want them because of the number. I just have some fond memories mixed in with the bad. Those tags would remind me of them.” She smiled in some weird way I couldn’t interpret. “Plus, I think they look cool.”

  “Tell you what. I’ll talk to Jaybird and see if he can scrounge around to see if he can find yours. How does that sound?”

  Ryoko’s eyes lit up. “That would be amazing! Thanks, Azriel.” She placed her empty martini glass down and grabbed my arm. “Okay, now it’s time to dance.”

  “Screw that,” I said as I grabbed onto the bar. “I’m staying right here.”

  “Oh, c’mon, Laz! Lighten up and have some fun.”

  “I don’t dance.” I looked to Azriel. “I do, however, like to drink, and would like another.”

  Azriel chuckled. “Coming right up.”

  Ryoko sighed and slipped off her seat. “Fine, I’ll go dance by myself. Maybe I’ll be able to convince you to join me when you’ve had enough to drink.”

  I shook my head and consumed my drink, ordering some food for those of us who preferred to sit this out. Of course, Rylan’s wandering gaze as Ryoko sauntered away didn’t escape my eye. “You could go dance with her.”

  “I’m fine,” he said before sipping his drink.

  I shook my head. “Whatever.”

  I didn’t understand those two at all. I didn’t understand those feelings. What’s the point figuring it out? If those two wanted to play stupid games, it wasn’t my job to get in the way. It’s not like I could ever feel them. Not that I wanted to. Stupid lies…

I munched down on the fries I ordered and had to verbally give Raikidan permission to try some of the food. I didn’t get him.

  Azriel engaged in light conversation when he wasn’t called away, catching up with me. It sent a bubbling sensation into my chest. I’d missed him.

  Ryoko eventually returned, beads of sweat building up on her skin. “You all should really think about hitting up the dance floor. Azriel has some good DJs on tonight.”

  I grumbled about passing on the offer, and Raikidan didn’t respond. Rylan looked at her, and his eyes showed he wanted to, but in the end, he said, “I might in a bit.”

  Ryoko held his gaze for a moment and then shrugged. “Okay. I’m going back now.”

  She then disappeared into the crowd. I clamped my mouth shut. It wasn’t my place to get involved. I set up the bait for him, but if he wasn’t going to bite, then there wasn’t anything for me to do. Of course, there’s Ryoko in all this… I suspected she thought I was pulling her leg at this point about Rylan, and I felt a bit guilty. I was getting her hopes up without following through with the promise to help.

  “You should have taken up her offer,” I finally said to Rylan. “I know it’s what you want.”

  He pressed his lips to his recently refilled glass. “I’d like to not talk about it, thanks.”

  I shrugged. “Your choice, but for your information, she got all dolled up so you’d notice her.”

  He remained silent, his eyes falling on his glass. The bond tugged, the idea of her dressing up for him flaring up bits of desire in him, but died soon after. So quickly in fact, it was if he smothered it on purpose. What’s up with him?

  My attention pulled to my left when a woman appearing in her mid-twenties came up to the bar and not-so-subtly put herself between Raikidan and me. She had a horribly done fake suntan, bleached blonde hair, so much makeup she could give a clown a run for his money, and tight clothes that clung to her tall, slim form. She also smelled of heavy perfume. Woman, did you bathe in it or something?

  She ordered two drinks, and her eyes darted to Raikidan several times as she waited. He paid her no mind and reached in front of her to snatch up a few fries from the plate of food I’d forgotten to push to him earlier. Her eyes darkened when they darted over to me, and my brow rose as I lifted my drink to my lips. What issue did she have? It wasn’t like I was getting in her way. Raikidan was more than capable of rejecting her all on his own out of sheer cluelessness.

  Azriel finished her drink requests and she left, but not before purposely brushing against Raikidan’s arm. He stopped mid bite for a moment, but only a moment, and went back to eating, not passing her a glance. I stop myself from sputtering out a laugh, and even Rylan found the exchange amusing.

  “You think that’s funny?” Azriel said. “I’ve been watching her and her table mates. They’ve all been giggling and eyeing him from afar. That one was the only one brave enough to test the waters, and I don’t doubt she’ll be back.”

  “I hope not.” We all looked at Raikidan as he stuffed his face some more. “She smells funny.”

  I threw my head back as I laughed. “That’s the only reason? You are something else.”

  “Well, I didn’t like how she looked at you.”

  He noticed that?

  “None of them like her,” Azriel said, grabbing a glass to clean. “They’re under the impression she’s going to get in their way of impressing you.”

  “You got that from watching them?” I said.

  “I’ve been doing this a long time. I know a lot more than I probably want to.”

  I shrugged and ate a chicken finger. “Rai, if you need any help getting rid of her if she comes back, shoot me a look. I don’t mind helping.”

  “Thanks, I guess.”

  I didn’t get halfway through my chicken finger before the woman returned, this time on Raikidan’s other side.

  She leaned on the bar, being extra sure to tuck her arms under her chest as if that’d grab his attention. Desperate much?


  Raikidan stopped mid-bite into a breaded cheese stick and glanced at her. “Uh, hey.”

  “Name’s Malia.”

  “Uh, Ray.”

  A coy smile spread across her painted lips as she tilted her head and leaned a bit closer. “I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been sitting here a while. My friends and I wouldn’t mind if you joined us for a bit. We’re a lot of fun.”

  Lady, he’s got no idea what kind of fun you’re trying to allude to.

  Raikidan looked at his food, her, me, and then her again. “I’m here with my friends, so I’m going to pass. Sorry.”

  Unsurprisingly, she wasn’t deterred. She continued to smile and readjusted herself, so her cleavage was easier to see. “Well, then maybe I could stay here and keep you company.”

  Raikidan lifted his stein and then darted his eyes over to me. “I already have good company.”

  Malia’s eyes darkened when she glanced my way, but wasn’t ready to give up on what she wanted. She reached out and lightly caressed his bicep. The sight of this action stirred up a negative, possessive feeling in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy. There it was again, just like when Ryoko had dragged Raikidan away that day we had all been working at the shop. It didn’t make sense for me to be jealous. It wasn’t logical, but it was there nonetheless. Why was I feeling this way?

  “Are you sure—”

  I let out a loud groan, tired of all this. “Geez, bimbo, take the hint already and get lost.”

  Raikidan looked at me, his eyes wide, while Rylan and Azriel lost it. Rylan hid his face in the palm of his hand as he rested his elbow on the bar and laughed, while Azriel kept his back to the club as he cleaned glassware to help conceal his bias in this situation.

  Malia sucked in a tight breath. “No one was talking to you. So why don’t you mind your own business?”

  I put my drink down and let my hand fall onto the bar harder than needed. “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. Or maybe your bleach job also got to your brain.” Rylan and Azriel snickered more, Raikidan continuing to stare as if unsure what to do. “Either way, I’ll repeat myself one more time. He’s not interested and has made that clear. So, go march your tiny little ass back to your friends and look for another guy to bring you home tonight and treat you like a temporary toy.”

  She gave a smug smile. “Your jealousy is amusing. It’s not my fault your average looks can’t land you a man.”

  I grinned and leaned back in my chair. “At least I don’t have to stuff my bra.”

  Malia stood up straight and sucked in a tight breath as she looked between Raikidan and me. He showed no signs of defending her and she took great offense to it, storming off in a huff.

  Rylan rested his forehead in his arms as he laughed into the bar. Azriel allowed himself to laugh louder with the patron gone, and Raikidan remained confused. Based on what he told me about dragons and females fighting, that small altercation put him in an uncomfortable position.

  Azriel set a new drink down for me. “This is for you, because you were so wonderfully catty just now. It was refreshing to see from you.”

  I chuckled and accepted the drink. “Don’t worry. You’ll remain the queen of catty for some time to come.”

  He gave a flourished bow. “Thank you.”

  His brow furrowed when something caught his eyes behind me. My brow creased as well. “What’s wrong?”

  “Ryoko appears to be having some trouble.”

  I whirled around and scanned the dance floor. I found her trying to refuse the attention of two men who didn’t want to listen to her protests. My eyes narrowed. Not on my watch!

  “Make them pay for their insolence.”

  Rylan also noticed and went to go help her, but I threw my arm out and stopped him. “Don’t even think about it. You didn’t have the balls to go dance with her, so you don’t get to play white knight.”

  Irritation bubbled in the bond from Rylan as his eyes narrowed at
me, but I couldn’t have cared less.

  I cracked my knuckles. “That’s going to be me. I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  I pushed my way through the throng of people, the bass of the music pounding in my chest, my eyes pinned on Ryoko. She wasn’t doing well with staying polite anymore, not that I believed she should with how little these “men” were listening.

  When she was within my reach, I latched onto her arm and pulled her close. “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  Ryoko looked to me and smiled. “Sorry. I got a little caught up.”

  I noticed the two men’s growing interest in my presence and needed to defuse this ASAP. I tugged Ryoko away. “Well, let’s go. Everyone is waiting.”

  “Wait, hold on.” One of the men stepped in my way. I looked up at him through my lashes. Yellow-tan skin, dark eyes and hair, he was a good-looking man and the sly smirk he was flashing me screamed heartbreaker. Or maybe it was the dog tags. I was always suspicious about soldier’s intents when it came to the affairs of the heart. “No need to run off so quick. We were just asking your friend here if she wanted to dance with us. You’re more than welcome to join us.” The soldier stepped behind me, resting his hand on my lower back. “I’d be quite happy if you did.”

  “Don’t let him touch you!”

  I pulled away and tugged Ryoko with me. “I’m going to pass. Our friends are waiting for us.”

  He snaked his arm around me again and bent close to my ear. “You don’t have to be scared, baby. I don’t bite… too hard.”

  My eyes narrowed, and I shoved him away. “I said no. Now leave us be.”

  He scowled and I spun on my heels. I didn’t make it more than four steps before a deeper voice spoke. “Hold on, sweetie.”

  A large, strong hand grasped my wrist, but that wasn’t what my mind focused on. A crunching sound hit my ears, and I stilled. Ryoko’s ears twitched and she zoned in on me just as the pain slammed into me. I screamed as I turned to see what happened, my body locking up in various places.

  “Eira!” Ryoko shrieked. Her shout got the others around us noticing the issue and even the music stopped, the entire club going silent.


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