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Ethria 3: The Liberator

Page 30

by Holloway, Aaron

  After a third time where we practically ran into each other, Pina glared at me. “Burn us a way out of here. Now, wizard, before the sorcerer comes and you are less useful!”

  At this point I was annoyed, but she had a good point. I didn’t know what her abilities were, but clearly she had the support side of things covered. I opened my mouth to say something that would sooth my wounded pride, but Dale gripped my arm and dragged me away from the fighting.

  “Come on, you need to look at the battle.” I complied, mumbling about rude druids the whole way. We rounded the forest side of the tower, clinging to the base as closely as we could, and found that the two small armies had disengaged from each other. Dozens of human bodies littered the field between my grand ‘army of vengeance’ and the partially burned, partially ripped down, barely standing barricades. One scorpion was still active, throwing bolts over the hill, hoping to score a few lucky hits. It was maned by one of the few handfuls of hunters or slayers or whatever they were called that were left.

  The cultists in black robes each had two, or even three, undead creatures chained by magical means to their wills. A handful of the remaining experiments from Jekkel’s lab still padded around behind the lines, looking for something to kill, or trying to escape, I wasn’t sure. One man stood tall. He had partial armor over his black robes, and his magical staff was wreathed in some kind of lightning runes. It crackled a little like static electricity. He controlled the remaining experiments, and clearly it wasn’t a strain on him. As I watched, the man pointed at one of the dead corpses, and two skeletons appeared. Bones rising out of the dead man’s body before splitting in two.

  “That’s cool.” I said.

  “That’s disturbing,” Dale whispered, looking at me with concern.

  “What? I’m a dark mage too. That kind of thing is cool. It’s a two for one deal.” Dale shook his head and mumbled something about now understanding where Tegin was coming from. I smirked and went back to observing the field. I counted nearly a dozen dead experiments on the field, and another two dozen of those latex undead things.

  One of the bodies stood out to me. Six of the undead tar creatures were dead in a near perfect circle around it. They had buried it under a tide of the experimental monsters, teeth tentacles, claws and horns pierced through the platemail in several places and blood pooled on the ground. I couldn’t tell if the Dreadknight of the Dead God was actually dead, or if he was just injured so badly, he couldn’t move. Such things were not unheard of on a battlefield like that.

  “You know what’s annoying? I could summon an army from right here.” Dale looked at me in mild shock. “If I had made a deal with a creature from the dark realm to make it an Overlord. Right now? I can maaaybe summon a company of smaller creatures like that.” Dale gave me a look that said, ‘I dare you, do it.’ And I gave him a look that said equally loudly, ‘fine, stand back.’

  Chapter 27: The Dark Lords

  "The true horrors of human history are not from orcs and dark lords. They are derived from ourselves." - G.R.R. Martin

  The Sorcerer's Tower, Outskirts of the City of Sowers Vale, 9th Novos, 2989 AoR

  I cracked my knuckles and began dual casting Summon Darkling 2. When two portals appeared next to me, the Hound Master with three of his pretty obsidian Dark Dogs walked through first. Followed a heartbeat later by a dude with way too many spikes coming out of every part of his body and two eyes that glowed purple. I gave them the mental orders to wait, as I dual cast the same spell one tier lower. A Dark Dogs charged through that portal, snarling and looking for enemies. The Hound Master took control of most of them, but the largest three of the bunch required me to order them to wait as I summoned more just out of sight of the enemy.

  I could dual cast Summon Darkling’s 2 again, before getting down to half my mana reserves. This time, only a single creature exited the portal. He was spiky like the first guy, but he was nearly two feet taller than me, with massive black wings, and eyes that glowed not the purple of the other dude, but a deep threatening red.

  Congratulations! Your dual casting call was answered by a Lord of the Dark. This particular Lord is an Abyssal aligned Darkling. Curious about your strength of will, and for what exactly you have called so many from the second tier of that realm, he has come. Such events happen rarely, but they are seen as great opportunities by Dark Magi to form pacts with these greater beings from that dark realm. Be careful wizard, beings of the dark do not take kindly to being summoned on a whim.

  Hello mortal. Your rattling calls have amused me, and I have come to see what you need with so many of my servants. Where is the enemy you seek to destroy? Dale nearly ran, but I gripped his arm and sent the Lord of the Dark an image of the enemy just around the corner. He chuckled in my mind. Cute, I will aid you in this. A little. The sorcerer has disturbed powers greater than he knows. This should be amusing to watch from up close.

  I didn’t think my spells were powerful enough to attract the attention of one so great; I thought back to the Lord. He chuckled menacingly through our connection.

  Your spell? No child, yours was merely an interesting amusement that diverted me from the true call. I have never liked Jekkel overly much, nor those he serves. The Valley has long lost its luster for me, though my brother seems fascinated with it. This serves both our purposes well. Now, prepare yourself. Battle is about to be joined.

  My shoes just about jumped through my throat as tendrils of black magic erupted from the top of the tower. They cascaded down like rain and pooled together in dozens of spots just beyond the barricade. My troops I could see at the top of the hill were scouts. A handful of legionnaires and a few knights, including the remaining Dreadknight. The Orders had not yet made it to the battle.

  All that stood to support my poorly trained, poorly equipped yet highly resourceful legionnaires were a handful of elderly house knights, a few members of the city’s garrison of the Knights of the Bleeding Heart, a handful of elderly clergy and one black armored Dreadknight. I wasn’t sure it would be enough. Not to handle what was going to come through those portals.

  My hand slipped into my robes to find my trump card. The thing I would need to block pursuit of my forces. I gritted my teeth, knowing I had to save it. If I used it too early, we would have nothing to cover our retreat.

  Nearly two dozen purple glowing second tier spiky dudes called “Obsidian Berserkers’ according to my own summoned notification, emerged from the pools. Pulling themselves up out of the liquid darkness and onto solid ground. Behind them came small flying, chittering creatures with spears that seemed to leak darkness. All I could think of was the ancient movie the Wizard of Oz, and the evil witches flying monkeys. As I Analyzed one, I learned they were called ‘Shadow Imps’. They were much like my Shadow Hounds. Tier one summons from the shadow realm. Though these could fly.

  “Welp, let’s go for some AA fire then,” I said, stepping out from around the side of the tower into plain view. Dale shouted something I couldn’t hear and darted in front of me, sword drawn and shield raised, ready for a fight. I lifted my staff into the air. It was time to use some of those saved spells.

  Three fireballs shot into the sky at even intervals from one another. As they entered the small clouds of imps that had formed, they burst into molten fire. Showering dozens of the creatures in liquid, sticky tar like flame. Most of those hit were consumed instantly, their essences pulled back through the portals into their home realm. A handful of those affected were able to dive into snow piles to extinguish the flames. I left them to whatever fate might have in store, as I began picking off individual Imps with Force Bolts.

  Target seeking force magic bolts shot out of my staff like a machine gun, hitting dozens more of the spear wielding creatures. They fell by the handfuls. But the torrent allowed the clouds to continue to grow despite my work.

  Excellent form mortal. You’re a pyromancer. I knew there was something I liked about you. Is there a task you wish of us, or do you simply wis
h us to watch as you deal with the foe? The Lord asked through our connection. I sent the order immediately to all of my summoned allies. The berzerker made a beeline for one of his fellows tackling him to the ground. The two fought fiercely, stabbing at each other with spikes of hardened shadows from seemingly random places on their armor. It looked like two puffer fish made of darkness wrestling.

  The Hound Master let out a bellowing call on his horn as two dozen Dar Dogs launched themselves forward towards the cultists and undead. The hounds and the latex looking undead met in savage brawls of snapping teeth and cutting claws. The cultists themselves were far less resilient to the jaws of my summoned hunting pack. Though the robed jerks gave as good as they got, using various spells in their defense.

  The portals were still open. More and more imps were flying through by the second. Then, suddenly, the torrent of summons stopped. A massive figure nearly three times my height emerged. Clad in dark platemail and carrying a gigantic hammer whose head was the size of my torso. The figure let out a bellowing rage-filled challenge as I Analyzed him.

  NOTE: As a summoned creature, you will receive all of this beings’ available data during the use of analyze unless directly opposed by its summoner. Status: Unopposed.

  Descriptive Characteristics

  Name: Lord Cratix of the Endless Night

  Race: Darkling, Underlord

  Level: 32

  Height: 16’2

  Alignment: Chaotic, Moral

  Affiliation: Sar’drix Titan of the Shadow Tower, Jekkel the Sorcerer - Temporary Underlord

  Immaterial Characteristics









  Emotional Stability












  Material Characteristics















  Physical Attraction



  Combat Statistics

  HP: 3,750 / 5000

  Total Defense Bonus: 25

  Total Attack Bonus: 30

  Ranged Attack Bonus: 13

  Armor: 40

  Special Abilities / Effects:

  Daylight: Due to being summoned in broad daylight this summoned Darkling takes -25% penalty to its health while on this plane of existence.

  Dark Shroud: Grants nearby allied Darklings +10 to attack and defense bonuses. AOE: 25 ft.

  Armor of Sar’drix: This being has been blessed by the titan he follows with armor that is infused with an infinitesimal amount of its power and awareness. Be careful wizard, the blessings effects are unknown to any on the mortal plane.

  I felt the blood drain from my face as I absorbed the information. Fear gripped me as I watched the gigantic humanoid darkling lift his mighty hammer and crush the Dreadknight that stood opposed to him. Then, as if breaking some spell, I felt a presence beside me and words spoken in my mind.

  You see my elder brother, mortal? He is terrifying. He leads our father’s southern sect. He is strong, powerful, and imposing. What he is not, however, is subtle. Purple flame erupted in the outstretched palm of my own summoned Lord. Then again, that does seem to be a theme in our family line. Let’s see how he deals with a new spell I have cooked up. Witness now mortal, the power of the Abyssal Flower.

  The lord took off beating his powerful wings and buffeting me with waves of air. As he took to the sky, more imps emerged from the portal, though at a slower pace. Instead of a steady stream forming clouds within seconds, this felt more like the stragglers getting in before the door closed.

  I blasted several smaller clouds of imps with four more fireballs I had saved in my staff before I realized that the fighting had moved closer to me. Dale, shield raised, sword outstretched in a threatening stance, stood against three of the red armored warriors. Well, that’s not very fair, I thought as I cast Summon Golem 1. An ape like rock golem pulled itself from the stone beneath their feet. Before the trio could react, it pounced on one, dragging him to the ground and beating on the spear wielding warrior with an ape’s rage. The slayer’s armor stood no chance of holding back the thick stone arms as they broke his sternum with a sickening double fisted crunch.

  A hail of arrows and bolts whistled through the air, impacting one of the larger imp clouds as it got too close to the far side of the hill. The legion was not out of the fight yet, though it was clear they were laughably out classed. I sent a trio of force bolts into the chest of the second attacker as Dale struck at the third.

  The man I attacked raised his shield, but the acid augmentation I had attached to the force bolt ate through the simple steel metal of his shield. The second bolt landed, shattering the bones in his now unprotected arm. The third struck his skull, denting it in with a hardy thud. He wasn’t dead, but he was down and out of the fight.

  Dale’s strike landed home, cutting deep into the slayer’s shoulder and causing his left arm to go limp. As his shield dropped to the ground, Dale struck again. The point of his sword aimed like an arrow right at the slayer’s heart. Dale’s opponent jumped back, narrowly avoiding being skewered. It was at that point my golem turned its attention to him. The man broke off and ran.

  “Dale, go find out what is taking Tol’geth and the others so long. I can manage this for now.”

  “Yeah, be right back.” He took off back around the tower to find our friends. That left me to find something useful to do. As I scanned the battlefield trying to find where best I could apply my magical talents, my world exploded in light. A painful tingly feeling ran through my entire body.

  You have been struck by an Unknown Cultist Leader with ‘Lightning Bolt 1’ for a 37 Lightning damage.

  The muscles in my body tried to activate all at once as the electricity ran its course. It was an effort of both physical exertion and will to keep from falling flat on my face.

  “While my mistress and Shoto deal with your friends let me test my mettle.” The guy I had seen earlier walked forward through the fighting. As if the undead and shadow puppies brawling and ripping each other apart just inches from his robes meant nothing to him. The plight of his own followers as they desperately fought against my Hound Master summon meant equally nothing as he passed the obsidian skinned man braining one of them with his cudgel.

  “So who are you?” I asked through still cramping jaw muscles. My teeth groaned slightly as I fought to keep them from breaking.

  “Me? Well. I’m nobody important. Not in the grand scheme of things. But here, now, I’m the most important person in your little world. The last one you will ever see.” The spell caster’s hands crackled with lightning. He thrust an open palm up and the electricity arched from his fingers to his staff, where a ball of the power formed in a menacing vortex.

  An ebony colored club whirled through the air and connected with the lightning mage’s shoulder. The mage jumped back, using the lightning ball on the tip of his staff to keep the hound master at bay. “I thought you would be amused killing them! Fine, if they can’t entertain you dark brother, then perhaps these can.” The mage twisted a ring on his finger and a dozen dog sized experiments, lizards with fur, horned rabbits with scales among the more tame oddities, launched themselves onto the heavily muscled darkling.

  As that struggle took place, I messaged my neck and jaw muscles, trying to regain control. It took me only a few seconds, but by the end my summoned Hound Master was dead. Along with him, four of the Dark Do
gs had been summoned back home.

  “I’m about done with you,” I said as I used the mana I had been shaping. The Light Lance bore through the lightning mage’s chest, leaving behind the smell of cooked heat and melted stone. Shock filled the man’s eyes as the lightning ball spun out of his control.

  I raised a shield and ducked down behind it as quickly as I could. As streaks of random lightning died off, I looked at my mana pool. It was nearly empty. I hadn’t had time to recharge from the healing earlier. Maintaining the summoning kept the rest of my mana pool and regeneration locked up. All I had at my disposal now was my saved spells. I checked them as the last bolt of electricity bounced off my shield and into the ground. Well, I’m going to have to be more discerning, I thought as I realized I had only a few dozen Force Bolts left, along with a few other spells.

  “RAYID!” a loud basso voice yelled, and I turned to see. Tol’geth was holding off three Shoto’s. The giant man glowed nearly every color in the rainbow as he desperately tried to keep up with the samurai’s speed and deadly blade. Ailsa flew overhead, casting spells, trying to dispel the illusion or whatever cloning ability that Shoto was using. But none of them worked. Every blade sang when Tol’geth met it, every meeting of metal sparked, and the grin on each Shoto’s face was slightly different. Pina and Dale appeared next at a run. A heartbeat later, the cultist woman wrapped in shadows and glowing a slightly sickly green appeared, riding on tendrils of darkness.

  I looked around me. The fighting along the barricade had moved on. My summons finally got some momentum as they overcame the undead. I glanced at the battlefield and saw a sight I was ill prepared for.

  Six pits of hellish fire had opened around the giant darkling underlord. My summon, his brother was flying in and out of each of the fire pits, throwing balls of bright red flame and tendrils of darkness that did little but annoy the larger lord. The giant for his part was trying to play whack a mole, slamming his hammer down whenever his brother exited. Trying to catch him just as he emerged from the portals. It was always close, but the giant was just a little too slow.


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