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Barriers: Anderson Special Ops - Book 3

Page 14

by Melody Anne

  She was far from sexy at the baseball game, choosing comfort and business casual at the same time, wearing a fitted, somewhat short, black skirt and baseball jersey the senator had insisted all of her team wear.

  Mallory’s hair was up in a ponytail, which she despised, and she wore flats, knowing she’d be doing a lot of pacing. She found a secret thrill in the power of heels, even on the job, but they were very impractical. She couldn’t very well chase a bad guy in three-inch stilettos.

  The room erupted in applause as their team took the lead for the first time in three innings. Hugs, fist bumps, and high-fives were exchanged as liquor flowed. The crowd parted as the senator’s phone rang and she stepped outside the suite. Mallory’s eyes collided with Hendrick’s, and the heat in them nearly melted her to the spot.

  They held gazes for several moments when the door opened, and the senator stepped back inside. “I have to take care of something. I should be back in about twenty minutes,” she said, her eyes only on Hendrick.

  Mallory looked away with disgust. This was what they wanted. They needed the senator to trust Hendrick, to pull him in closer. But the thought of him going home with her was enough to make her stomach heave.

  Hendrick said something and the senator left the room, escorted by her twenty-four-hour guards, and Mallory needed a break. She’d been fantasizing about Hendrick for three days in a row and she felt as if she couldn’t breathe.

  She looked up again to find his eyes on her, something flashing between them hot enough to blow up the entire stadium. She quickly turned and fled the room just as another eruption sounded in the stadium when “Home Run” was yelled over the speaker system. The few people who’d been in the hallway rushed back into their suites and Mallory sprinted away, finding a quiet corner away from everyone.

  She let out a sigh of relief as strong hands snaked around her waist and spun her, making the remaining air rush from her deprived lungs. She gazed up in shock at Hendrick’s intense eyes and hard lips. He was so damn tall, towering above her, his strong arms flexing against her sides, and his chest crushing hers.

  “Wh . . . what are you doing?” she gasped, her voice hungry and urgent. She wanted to kick herself, but she couldn’t even breathe, let alone think rationally. She was a trained agent, and this wasn’t acceptable.

  “You’ve been driving me mad all night with your hungry looks while I have to pretend to be interested in anything that vulgar woman says,” Hendrick growled.

  She was shaking in his arms which she’d never done before. “Stop, Hendrick. If someone sees us . . .” she began, stopping at the look in his eyes.

  She was straining to retain her composure when he reached up and grabbed her chin firmly with his strong fingers. He didn’t hesitate before bending down and finally claiming her lips in a kiss that both invaded and possessed at the same time.

  His tongue was sharp as it navigated her mouth in probing swipes that had her knees trembling and her arms clenching around his neck. Within seconds her body was more awake than it had ever been, and she clung to him like a vise. Shock at him capturing her lips evaporated as his free hand ran down her back and squeezed her ass, pulling her against his body, making her very aware of how turned on he was.

  He wasn’t only hard, but the bulge pressing against her was big and tempting. There was nothing sweet and exploring in this touch. It was wanton and needy, calling to her in a way nothing had before.

  Mallory was a strong woman who ruled her life and didn’t take prisoners. She’d always been in control . . . until now. She squirmed against him as he backed them up against a wall and moved his hands, grabbing her hips and pulling her up, making her skirt crawl up to her panties as she lifted a leg, wanting his arousal pressing against the part of her that felt as if it were on fire.

  She wanted to be taken . . . wanted to be kissed . . . wanted to lose all control. She wanted to be his.

  His hand slid under the hem of her skirt and ran over the bare skin of her ass that was barely covered by her red silk panties. She’d never been more grateful for her secret love of lace, silk, and satin. She was ready for him to take her right there against the wall and be damned with the consequence. He was ravishing her in a way she hadn’t known she needed until that very moment.

  His finger began to slip beneath the elastic of her panties when a yell in the hallway was swifter than a bucket of ice-water over their heads.

  “Dammit, why don’t they just hand the game over!” a drunken voice shouted as heavy steps moved toward them.

  Hendrick wrenched his mouth from hers as he leaned back, setting her leg on the ground and tugging on her skirt at the same time he covered her body from view of anyone walking past them.

  She couldn’t see the man as he moved down the hallway, but she was shaking in Hendrick’s arms, partially from the reality of what she’d been willing to do in a public place, and mostly from the effect she was still having with him so close to her.

  “I’m sorry,” he finally said. “That got out of hand really quick. You’ve been killing me all night as I’ve stared at your legs, at the sexy pout of your lips, and the way that jersey clings to your breasts. I lost it. I won’t let that happen again.”

  If it wasn’t for the huskiness of his voice and the thickness of his erection still pressing into her, she might think he was fully composed. He was recovering a hell of a lot faster than she was.

  “I don’t know how that just happened,” she said, her voice breathy and needy.

  “We finally kissed,” he told her before he smiled, taking the breath she’d been gaining right back from her. “And we’ll definitely do it again.”

  “That was quite pleasant, but I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she told him. The longer they stood there, the more composure she gained. That was better. She wasn’t some dreamy-eyed teenager, making out with the injured baseball player while the game went on in the background. She was a confident woman on the job.

  He laughed at her words and she glared at him.

  “It was more than pleasant, and you know it,” he told her. He pulled back and she chilled at the loss of his body heat. He gave her a look from head to toe before nodding. Then he reached up and brushed below her lip, probably wiping away lipstick. She was sure she looked as if she’d just been ravished. “And it will certainly happen again. For now, we should get back. There’s a bathroom just around the corner. You might want to fix your hair or everyone in that suite will know what just went on.”

  Her cheeks flushed with color as she reached up and yanked her rubber band from her hair. She was sure it was a mess. He’d had her against the wall, and she’d been a wriggling mess in his arms. How in the world was she going to get through the rest of the game? They had at least an hour left. And how was she going to react when the senator came back and put her hands all over Hendrick? A shudder passed through her at the thought of that.

  She left him standing there without another word and was horrified at her reflection. At least she was alone in the large bathroom. She fixed her hair and makeup as best she could, but there was nothing she could do about the heightened color in her cheeks. She definitely needed another drink — that was for damn sure.

  The two of them entered the suite again just as a foul ball sailed overhead and landed in the glove of a very happy child. The big screen flashed his grin, clearly showing his missing two front teeth. The boy’s father lifted him in the air as the fans cheered.

  Mallory found a smile as she grabbed another vodka and cranberry and moved over to stand with a group of men just as the senator glided back into the room, immediately spotting Hendrick and walking to him. She said something, pulling him from the person he’d been speaking with and he leaned back and laughed, his merriment echoing through the room.

  Spite filled Mallory. She knew they’d just been kissing to within an inch of their lives, but jealousy still flowed through her. The poor man next to her didn’t stand a chanc

  “What did I miss while I was gone?” she asked in a flirty voice Mallory despised. The look in the man’s eyes was satisfaction enough for her to bear it though.

  She flirted as he laid out in detail the last inning, and she sipped her drink, forcing herself not to guzzle it. Mallory loved sports, but not when her hormones raged and she desperately tried not to watch as the senator and Hendrick touched, laughed, and made a show for the group better than the game they were watching.

  It was the eighth inning when a voice whispered in her ear. “Are you driving me crazy on purpose?”

  A chill slithered down her spine as Hendrick’s hot breath flowed over and in her ear. She turned, her face composed even with the buzz she was feeling.

  “Whatever do you mean?” she asked with enough sugar to fuel an ant for life.

  “You’ve had your hands all over this idiot for the past hour. He’s barely standing and just stumbled from the room. Remember my hands were the ones bringing you pleasure not very long ago,” he told her.

  A merging mixture of desire and anger filled her as her core tightened and her blood ran hot.

  “Your hands have been busy with the senator. Go away,” she whispered.

  “It’s a damn good thing I’m wearing this jersey or everyone in this room would know the condition you’ve left my body in. You can flirt all you want, Mallory, but I’m the only man in here who can bring you the satisfaction you’re craving right now,” he warned.

  The senator sidled up to them before she could respond. Mallory was thankful for the jersey as well, because her nipples were so hard they’d put on a show the entire suite of people would be able to read loud and clear.

  “Mallory, I haven’t had a chance to chat with you tonight. Are you enjoying the game?” the senator asked.

  Mallory had to force herself to remain calm at the drunken look the senator was wearing. Mallory knew it was all a show. The senator didn’t drink anything other than wine when she was in privacy. She always maintained a strict demeanor when in public. And though people might think she was drinking, her aides knew to give her nonalcoholic drinks only she knew she was holding. That allowed her to act as she wanted. She was putting on a show for Hendrick, probably hoping he was going to take advantage of her, and she could blame the alcohol for her actions. It was disgusting.

  “Very much, but I think I’m going to call an end to the night. We have a lot of meetings tomorrow,” Mallory said. She finished the last of her drink and set the glass down.

  “You don’t want to leave before the end of the game. This is a close one,” the senator said, but she could see the woman didn’t mean it. There was nothing the woman would like more than for the game to end so she could take Hendrick home.

  The thought of that literally made Mallory sick. She was a fool. They were doing their jobs. And Mallory didn’t think it would be a hardship for Hendrick to seduce the senator. They’d both get what they wanted. Mallory wasn’t sure why the thought of him touching Anna was killing her a bit. It had to be the alcohol.

  She didn’t say anything more, just turned around and left as she ordered an Uber. There was a small part of her that hoped Hendrick would find an excuse and chase her down. But as she reached the parking area, she realized that was idiotic too. She’d worked too long on this case to throw it all away. She was a professional. It was time she remembered that.

  Maybe she shouldn’t see Hendrick anymore.

  She was almost home when the message appeared on her phone, making her heart skip a beat. I’m picking you up Saturday morning. Don’t worry. We won’t be spotted by anyone where we’re going. We’re going to play soccer.

  She hesitated. Hadn’t she just been telling herself she wasn’t going to see the man away from the senator anymore? She firmed her shoulders and began typing a reply. She hit send before throwing her head back and sighing.

  What time?

  She was a fool. And she might end up jobless when this was done. But for some reason, she couldn’t find it anywhere inside of her to care.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mallory looked out her window each time a car passed by her house. Hendrick was due to arrive any minute and her lack of patience was being felt by the carpet under her pacing feet. She couldn’t believe she was so enamored with the man she was acting like a schoolgirl getting ready to go on her first date.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about their kiss at the ballgame. It had been hot and sexy and everything she’d ever dreamed a kiss would be. So instead of acting like the mature adult she was, she’d spent the morning changing her outfit and shoes, and then fixing and re-fixing her hair and makeup.

  Of course, she didn’t care too much for a bunch of cake on her face, so the waterproof mascara and liner and a hint of lipstick was what she’d settled on. She assumed she’d be sweaty and possibly muddy within the hour, so she didn’t understand why grooming seemed so necessary.

  Hendrick Meeks. That’s why. Dammit.

  But after a game of soccer, he’d told her they would be off to another adventure, so she’d gone through her clothes again, choosing two outfits she had stashed in her backpack so she could change. He’d refused to tell her what they were doing after soccer, but had said to bring nice clothes, preferably a dress, but saying a pair of dress jeans and heels were just fine. She wanted to pack yoga pants and a hoodie to be defiant. She might be able to act as if she didn’t care in front of him, but she knew the truth.

  She was waiting with the cliché bated breath.

  As she was glancing in the hallway mirror for the eightieth time, her ears caught the sound of a car stopping and a door shutting. He’d arrived. Was she going to have him come inside? Could she trust herself enough to show him around, give him a tour of her small but modern home? Nope. That wasn’t a good idea as her clothes, including her panties and bra, were currently thrown on the bathroom floor.

  She’d gotten home late the night before, had been more than a little buzzed, and beyond sexually frustrated, and cleaning had been the last thing on her mind. Then she’d woken late after tossing and turning for hours and had been in a rush to get ready before Hendrick arrived. Hendrick was most definitely not coming inside . . . at least not yet.

  He knocked on her door, and she found herself flinging it open within a second. She should’ve stood in front of it and taken some deep breaths first. The sight of him made her knees a little wobbly.

  “Good morning,” Hendrick said in that voice that did beautiful things to her body.

  “Good morning; you’re right on time. I just finished getting ready,” Mallory said. She was having to constantly remind herself she wasn’t a teenager on a first date. They were partners working on an important case.

  She stepped outside, firmly shutting the door behind her, bringing the two of them beautifully close. She glanced up and instantly found herself lost in the man’s sexy gaze. She’d been in such a hurry to block him from her home she hadn’t thought that she’d basically be flinging herself into his arms.

  “In a hurry to see me?” he asked as he reached out and touched her waist, making her skin tingle.

  “In a hurry to burn off some steam,” she said, her husky voice betraying her.

  He smiled, his fingers caressing her through her clothes for a few moments, before he took a step back, making her able to take in a soothing rush of air.

  “Okay, let’s go burn off some energy,” he told her.

  They walked to the car with Hendrick’s hand behind her back. She didn’t try to brush it aside, finding she liked the feel of his large fingers touching her. She knew how beautifully they could grasp her thighs and hips.

  She shook her head to clear it. If she spent the day with thoughts like that, she was officially screwed. As they got to the car Hendrick stepped in front of her, opened the passenger side door, and held the handle until she was inside. She was grateful when he took the long way around the vehicle, giving her
time to calm her nerves and try to get her hormones under control.

  Silence hung heavy between the two of them as he slid into the driver’s side of his roomy vehicle. She wasn’t sure she could handle a completely silent ride. In all of their interactions so far, the two of them had been able to delve into numerous topics, keeping the conversation flowing during their time together and not feeling awkward. But always, there was an air of sexual tension between them. And it was hanging so thick that it seemed neither of them could formulate two words, let alone entire sentences.

  “It’ll only take us about thirty minutes to get there,” Hendrick said after he pulled out onto the quiet street. She smiled as she looked at the map on his navigational screen. He didn’t need to say a word as it was telling them their arrival time. Maybe he was trying to break the silence between them.

  “Good. I need to move. Sitting too long in a vehicle today will drive me crazy,” she said. He nodded. And then they went back to silence. After about ten minutes, Mallory had to repress a smile as she thought about the awkwardness of the moment. It felt almost as if they were at a middle school dance. Boys on one side, girls on the other, both hoping the other would break the stalemate and cross the room to ask for a dance.

  Finally, after thirty minutes felt that like ten hours, they pulled into a nice park outside of the city.

  “This is beautiful,” Mallory told him. “I haven’t been here before.”

  There were large groups on multiple soccer fields. “I hadn’t planned on joining an actual game, just kicking it around between the two of us. I haven’t been here before either,” Hendrick said as he turned to her, his eyes lit up. “But if you’re game we’ll ask to join.”


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