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Daddy's Sweet Ride (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 3)

Page 4

by Olivia Fox

After taking my medications in the evening, I lay in bed, snuggled on top of soft pillows, holding my favorite stuffed bunny, Boris, I struggled to stop the racing thoughts in my mind. I ran through the positives of the day and attempted to convince myself I could fall asleep.

  Unbidden, the scene from seven years ago that I tried so hard to forget popped into my brain.

  I knew there was no chance Steve could ever go for a girl like me, the one the fashionable girls at beauty school liked to refer to as “Squishy.” Although Steve was considered a catch, he never fell prey to the temptation to make fun of me back in the day when doing so was considered cool.

  Even so, when the attractive son of Pretty Lady Inc. started to pay attention to me and took up the habit of walking me home after my classes, I couldn’t quite believe it. It was like a dream come true, my longtime crush from high school might actually return my feelings.

  On the day I could never forget, I had waited on the front steps of the Pretty Lady for longer than usual.

  He didn’t come.

  It had been our practice for going on three weeks to walk with each after I finished classes and he was done restocking supplies for his mom.

  I worried while waiting for him. Something might have happened. He didn’t text back. It was unlike Steve to leave me hanging without a reason. My walk-home was a total blur.

  It struck me as odd that the front door to my house was unlocked. My parents were never home from work this early, and Roxy typically didn’t come home until dinnertime. I swung the burgundy door open, locked it behind me and headed upstairs to put my things away.

  On the way to my room I passed Roxy’s door, and the first thing I thought after hearing the sounds on the other side was someone was hurting her.

  I flung the door open only to find Roxy naked and on top of Steve. His dark hands stood out in striking contrast while gripping the white skin of her waist.

  “Sorry,” I tried to shut the door quietly behind me, but it slammed closed.

  It felt like someone dumped a huge bucket of freezing water over my head and squeezed my heart tightly in their fist. My breath dragged through my lungs as if I were hyperventilating, and I could hear Steve say quietly, “We should go see if she’s OK.”

  Roxy laughed and told him, “Not a chance, Hot Shot. I’m not finished with you yet. Now fuck me fast and rough.”

  I took the stairs two at a time and left the house, feeling like I might puke.

  Hiding at the Pinup Paradise Diner, I ridiculously studied my exam review for Standard Cosmetology, as if nothing happened, and consoled myself with a chocolate milkshake topped with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry. The sweetness was no antidote to the tortured questions in my mind, but at least it covered the sadness with a sugary coating.

  Did Steve only pretend to like me to get closer to Roxy? Were all of his questions about me simply feigned interest to get to his ulterior motive?

  I couldn’t understand how anyone could be that good a liar. He had been so kind and caring with me and even told me how attractive he thought I was.

  I snapped myself back to the present and hugged Boris firmly, and turned to the side wrapping my blankets tightly around me.

  What would Jax think if I told him I was bi-polar? “It’s a health condition like any other.” I repeated my therapist’s words in my head. My condition meant yes, I needed to manage my medications and practice good self-care. In so doing, I never experienced symptoms of depression or mania.

  There was so much stigma about mental illness. I still heard people use the word bi-polar like a slur. Like having a mental health disorder was the last arena where prejudice and discrimination were allowed. The deal is undiagnosed and untreated mental illnesses were the problem. Just as if it would be a real problem for someone with type II diabetes to go without medication and treatment.

  I had my break when I was 20. I probably ought to be grateful to Roxy and her shenanigans.

  After her hostile takeover of Steve, I had fallen into a funk that kept me from going to classes and kept me under the covers. I couldn’t stop crying.

  Dad worried. He took me to a counselor who did a rapid assessment of my symptoms and pegged me as severely depressed.

  The prescription for antidepressants triggered a manic episode. I liked to call it ‘dropping my basket.’ I couldn’t sleep, stayed up nights in a row studying for my cosmo. exams and insisted on talking to my dad for hours about the salons I was going to open up all over the world.

  The final straw was when dad caught me on top of our roof, thinking about jumping. I was convinced there was a huge conspiracy keeping me from passing my exams and Roxy was out to get me. As in, do me serious harm. Jumping would end it all, nip it in the bud.

  I was lucky. My family had insurance and took me out of the area to get excellent care at Stanford University, sparing me the barbaric experience of being locked down in the local crisis unit. Its sordid reputation was, unfortunately, grounded in truth.

  It took five weeks for them to get my cocktail of mood stabilizers just right. I was luckier than most people treated for a mental health condition in the U.S. Which is why the recent experience in the grocery store surprised me so much.

  After my meds were dialed in, I didn’t really have symptoms. Except, of course, the weight gain that went along with taking my pills, making them a blessing and a curse.

  Bipolar medication made me happy, but it also made me fat.

  Good thing Jax couldn’t hear my thoughts. They would definitely earn me more punishments.

  On second thought, maybe I would tell him my fat thoughts. His form of discipline definitely made my kitty cat purr.

  My phone rang and I picked it up. It was probably the only person I would answer the phone for this time of night.

  “Hi, Dad,” I said.

  “Hey, Cupcake. What’s the haps? You sound a little tired.”

  “For some reason Roxy does that to me.”

  “Your sister has always been a handful.”

  Dad moved into a two-bedroom condo in Port Townsend, Washington, when mom died five years ago. He said he couldn’t stand to be around all the places where they shared a life. For years, he was steeped in grief but had just started going out on dates and was pretty popular with the ladies.

  “That’s why I’m calling. I’ve got some good news for you. I gave Roxy cash for a place of her own, so there’s no reason for you to give her your money.”

  “What did you just say?!”

  “Yeah I took some of my tax return money and gave it to Roxy, I know she had been pestering you for first and last month’s rent.”

  “It’s really nice of you to think of me. The only problem with that is you’ve been swindled. I already gave Roxy first and last for her rent. To top it off, she used my credit card to make a bunch of purchases without even telling me!”

  “Oh, dear,” he sighed. “I ought to know better by now when she calls me up acting all sweetness and light, she has a motive. I’ve been through this a million times.”

  “Dad, you’re not the only one. It’s time we set some boundaries for Roxy and stop enabling her to behave the way she does. She considers us her own personal bank accounts.”

  “I hate to admit it, sweet pea, but you’re right. I just don’t understand why she acts like this.”

  “Well there’s no reason for her to change as long as she continues to get what she wants. Maybe we got lucky and caught her before she spent your money.”

  “If that’s the case, then I want to use it to pay off the charges on your credit card. She can work to pay me back at a later point in time. I don’t need the money right away, but I know having your credit card run-up is not in your budget right now.”

  “Thanks, Dad. That’s a big relief. Let’s just hope you can get your money back. In fact, if I were you, I’d call her right now.”

  “Great idea, sweetie. I will.”

  I hung up with Dad, feeling slightly relieved about my f

  I got out my iPad. Thank god for Kindle Unlimited. The Dani Wyatt steamy Rough Cut series was so hot.

  My sex life was nonexistent other than the pussy palpitations caused by the sex scenes I read every night. If only real life were like books. Was it too much to hope I had met a guy who promised to be something more than just another chest-staring bozo? If my hunch was right, there was an emotional connection.

  Of course, when Roxy found out it might be the case, she jumped in and did her best to interfere. What if what she said were true? Did Jax’s last girlfriend kill herself and blame him as the cause? What could have possibly been the reason? I knew from my own experience thoughts of suicide were common and if she was combining her depression with prescription drugs it would’ve been a recipe for disaster.

  Jax deserved to be able to explain things from his perspective, not through my sister’s warped and distorted lens.

  My phone vibrated on the table next to me. My heart accelerated, and I squeezed Boris tightly before picking it up.

  I saw his text.

  What’s up Buttercup?

  You’re silly.

  Sometimes. But I’m seriously missing you right now.

  How’s that?

  A million different ways. None of which may be appropriate to tell you at this juncture of our relationship.

  I need a distraction. Fire away.

  I pushed send quickly before chickening out.

  There are so many things I want to do to you, baby girl. You’ve taken over my mind and have me fantasizing about things I haven’t thought of in years.

  Oh, lordy. I was definitely in over my head. But he was in a talkative mood, so I decided to carry on and find out exactly what he had in mind. This was better than any story I could read.

  Do tell.

  It was so nice kissing on you today. I can’t stop thinking about your lips.

  I threw back the covers and walked over to my bedroom mirror to take a look. My lips were just my lips. I wasn’t certain how they could hold his attention for long.

  What’s so great about my lips?

  The way they feel underneath mine. The scene has been playing over and out of my mind since you let me kiss you.

  What scene?

  It’s rated X.

  I sucked in a huge lung full of air, my inhalation accompanying a huge gush of liquid down there.

  OK. Like I said I need a distraction.

  I think about sliding two fingers into your moist mouth, while you stare up into my eyes. You moan and I tell you to start with Daddy’s fingers, then we’ll move on to something bigger.

  My heart picks up speed like Jax’s Pontiac, and unconsciously my fingers move to my clit.

  I lose track of time and my head thrashes back and forth on my pillow, imagining Jax doing the things to me that I only read about in books.

  Where’d you go?

  The buzz of my phone brings me back and I lay panting on my bed. Uncertain how I will make it through this sexual frustration until I get to see him again.

  Oh, what the hell. Better to take a risk than remain a virgin for the rest of my life.

  Sorry, Daddy. Had to touch myself. You got me too excited.

  We didn’t discuss this rule yet, baby girl so you couldn’t have known. No touching yourself without permission.


  Yes, princess?

  Please may I touch myself and pretend it’s you?

  Good girl for asking. Are you wet?

  Like the ocean..

  Daddy’s not going to let you cum until he’s with you. I’m picking you up for lunch tomorrow so be ready at 11:30 a.m. Clear?


  10 swats for sassing Daddy.


  Hush now. If you’re a good little girl tomorrow and ask nicely, Daddy will let you suck his cock.

  There is a deep pulsing between my legs as I read that.


  Yes, sweetie?

  I never did it to anyone before. Like I said, I never did anything to any guy before.

  Which makes me the luckiest man in the world. And something tells me you’ll be a natural. Goodnight, bunny.

  Goodnight, Daddy.


  Five hours, I told myself. It was an eternity to wait so long to see her again.

  I hoped my texting wasn’t too forward last night, but it was like my fingers had a mind of their own. More like they were an extension of my dirty mind.

  Luckily, Chloe still agreed to go to lunch with me, and I planned on making a day of it. Maybe even an overnighter.

  Only a few days had gone by, and already I knew I wanted to devour her. There could be no compromise. It was all or nothing. The hardest part was getting a handle on my horniness and making sure I didn’t push her too fast.

  What was I talking about? I spanked her on our first date! But her responsiveness boded well, and I look forward to much, much more of her submissiveness under my command.

  The fact she was an innocent was the only thing which kept me from already having sex with her and was testimony to the tiny shred of self-control I had left.

  I decided to take Chloe to the Ridge Top Café for lunch. It was sunny so we could sit outside and enjoy the view of the tree-covered mountain slopes from the top. I climbed into Cash, my Pontiac, after taking more time than I wanted to admit with my appearance. I hoped she’d appreciate my button up shirt and not think I went over the top.

  I knocked on the door and she answered, “Good morning, baby girl. You appear to be bright eyed and bushy tailed.”

  “I’m super excited to go to the Ridgetop Café. I haven’t been there since they opened,” she stepped outside and turned to lock the door. My hands found their way to her ass and rubbed appreciatively.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty good,” I struggled to speak normally when all I could think about was getting under her knee length, silky skirt she was wearing. It was topped with a fuzzy sweater which made me obsess about how I wanted to explore underneath and see what color bra she was wearing. I thought, Rein it in, Jax. Easy boy.

  The hostess sat us at the edge of the patio so we had a perfect view of the valley and the Pacific Ocean. One nice thing about living in a small-town environment, is you don’t have to fight the crowds. There was no one there but us.

  It was warm for a spring day, and there were huge oak barrels stuffed with blooming bulbs of every color. I watched greedily as Chloe leaned over to sniff at the flowers. She closed her eyes as if getting a whiff of heaven.

  “Hyacinths. So beautiful, and yet they last for such a short time in the spring.”

  I pulled out her chair and scootched her up to the table. “Do you like to garden?”

  “Yes, but there’s no room to do it in the backyard where I live now. It’s a shared space and is mainly made up of concrete.”

  I sat next to her and grabbed her hand in mine. “The flowers are pretty, but they don’t hold a candle to you, little girl.” Her cheeks flushed pink, and she stared at the table. “Were you blushing last night when I texted about the things I wanted to do to you?” She giggled and put her hands over her mouth. “Trust me, that wasn’t even scratching the surface of the plans I have to love you savagely.”

  “Jaaaaaaaax,” she stretched out my name, and it felt like a caress.

  “What do you call me?”

  She put two hands over her mouth after whispering, “Daddy” and opened her eyes wide.

  “What do you think?”

  “For some reason, it’s sexy, but I don’t know if I can call you that in public.”

  “OK, little girl. You can wait until we have privacy. There’s no one within earshot here.”

  “OK, Daddy. Whatever you say.”

  My cock swelled at full throttle beneath my jeans, and she had the gas pedal to the metal.

  “Why do you like me to call you Daddy? I have to admit, for some reason it’s sexy. And also feels natural.”

h, for me too. Nowadays, there’s plenty of information out there about the Daddy Dom and Little Girl relationships, and I’m happy to tell you all about what it means for me. There’s no one cookie cutter approach.”

  “OK. I’m all ears.”

  “I don’t want to scare you, Chloe. But I have never found myself so attracted to anyone so quickly. It’s as if my body recognizes you on every level as someone I want to mate with.”

  She squeaked like a tiny animal.

  “Should I continue?”

  She nodded enthusiastically, “Please.”

  “I already know I’m interested in more than just casual sex with you. I hope I’ve made it clear.”

  “You have.”

  “The kind of relationship I want with you is a special one. I consider it my job to keep you safe and make sure I meet all your needs. I want to be your daddy.”

  “But I already have a father.”

  “This has nothing to do with that kind of relationship. I’m not talking about incest fantasies, although some people have those. Being your Daddy Dom is something entirely different.”

  “OK, well, what exactly do you mean?”

  “I told you yesterday there will be rules, and punishment will certainly follow if you break them. You might find it stimulating. You did last night unless I read you wrong.”

  She looked up at me as if I were the big bad wolf. Fair enough, I was thinking about the best way to eat her. Out.


  I concentrated on eating the maraschino cherry out of my Shirley Temple and looked out at the gorgeous view, pretending to ignore the fact Jax was looking at me like a hungry beast who just spotted a rabbit with a wounded leg.

  “You never explained what rattled you in the store the first day I met you,” he growled.

  I thought a moment and said, “Have you ever heard of triggers?”

  “You mean like the kind you find on a gun?

  “Kind of. More like something happens to you in the present that triggers a really bad memory. At a sensory level, it feels familiar so you connect it to a past experience when you felt that way. Your reptilian brain responds as if it’s in danger and reacts as if it’s back in that really bad situation from the past, even when it’s not.”


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