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Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series)

Page 12

by Karin De Havin

I am too. My body feels lighter not carrying the monocle around.

  “We better get out of here. Just stay there while I check if the coast is clear.” I peek around the hedges to make sure the INS agent didn't bring any company. I give Jin the signal. He moves slowly toward me.

  Ruff, ruff, ruff.

  Figures the idiot neighbors would let their Great Dane out when I’m trying to hide a fugitive. “Nice, Bruno. Please be quiet.”

  Ruff, ruff, ruff.

  I grab Jin’s hand. It wraps around mine perfectly. Why hadn’t I noticed it before? A tingle runs up my arm. Snap out of it. Now’s not the time to have chemistry with the genie. A siren blares in the distance. “Jin, let’s run for it.”

  We race down the side of the house, across the neighbor’s lawn, and disappear down the alley across the street. The siren grows louder as we turn and run the opposite direction. We take a break and hide behind a dumpster. “Jin, I think there’s a place just a few blocks away.”

  “Mistress, we are in such close proximity to the Sleepy Town Motel.” He pushes himself up. “Let us make haste at once.”

  I yank on his arm. “No. They’re probably searching the place right now.” We duck down a side street and hit the place I saw advertised in the local paper. “Here we are.”

  “This is a church.”

  “Exactly.” I point to a sign next to the arched front door. “They have rooms they rent out in the former parsonage.”

  Jin’s eyes light up. “What a brilliant idea. The authorities will never think to look at a religious establishment.”

  I give him a smile. “There’s a reason I’m at the top of my class.”

  I thought I’d be happy to be in a safe place like school instead of the Crandy’s. I had to use every ounce of willpower not to kill Courtney at breakfast. School seemed like a good refuge. Yet, there is nothing comforting about listening to my calculus teacher. For some reason I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around the equations he’s been scribbling on the board. Will this be the class I don’t ace? My answer comes quickly when the teacher hands out the result of our test. For the first time in my life, a giant F is scrawled across the top of my paper. Jin may be safe, but my straight A average sure isn’t. Maybe I should use up all my wishes, and then Jin would disappear. Without my genie a constant distraction I might get my grades back on track. Yet despite how much he’s turned my life upside down in jut a few weeks, I can’t imagine my life without him.

  Feeling like a total failure, I trudge to my botany class. I walk to my lab station and wonder if I can pull off an A with Trinity as my lab partner. With her piercings and tats she probably spends all her nights at clubs getting high. Wait a sec. I have a stroke of genius. Maybe because she’s so into the underground scene she might know someone who can help Jin get a counterfeit green card. But can I trust her? She still comes off as a fake friend. Still, I have to admit I’m running out of options.

  Trinity comes bounding into the classroom all smiles. “You aren’t going to believe what I have in my pocket.”

  I’m so not in the mood for games, but I play along. “A rabbit?”

  “Ha, ha.” She pulls out a baggie filled with seeds and holds it up high. “I’m going to grow some weed!”

  Jeez, why doesn’t she say it louder? Is she really that stupid? I better cover for her. The last thing I need is more trouble with the law. I snatch the baggie from her hand and shout out. “Very funny. I know carrot seeds when I see them.”

  The teacher walks toward our table. “Girls, botany is not fun and games. It’s a serious subject worth your complete attention.”

  I look at his shaggy haircut and try not to smile. I’m still not used to having such a hot teacher. “Sorry, Mr. Swenson.”

  Trinity plops a seed tray on the table. “Got the message, Teach.”

  “Good. Now get to work.”

  I stuff the weed seeds in my backpack. If she can get them so easily maybe she can help Jin. I say in a low voice, “I have a strange question for you.”

  She puts down her bag of potting soil and leans in. “Ooo, it must be good if you don’t want anyone to hear. Shoot.”

  “Well, you seem like you like to live on the edge. I’m wondering if you might know someone who could help a friend out.”

  She gives me a wicked grin. “If you want some weed, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Ah…thanks. Actually I’m wondering if you could help a friend out who’s in a legal mess.”

  Her eyes light up. “You mean your cute English boyfriend?”

  “Yes. He lost his green card. The INS is hassling him like crazy.”

  “No problemo. I have a friend who forges stuff all the time.”

  She says it so matter of fact I actually believe her. “Is he any good? The INS has to think it’s real.”

  “Are you kidding me? He’s done fake green cards for celebs.”

  “No way. Like who?”

  She leans in even closer. “You know that smok’n Latin guy that’s in those racecar movies?”

  At first I can’t think of his name. Funny, as I’ve seen his face on the cover of all the gossip mags at the checkout stand. Then I remember. “You mean Rodrigo Sanchez? No way!”

  She beams. “My Shia rocks a great forgery. We’re kinda dating.”

  Why am I not surprised she’s dating a guy who’s probably been in jail? “You think he can help me out—tonight?”


  I feel like I should be packing a gun as we walk down a dark alley toward Shia’s hangout. I nudge Trinity. “Are you sure this is the place?”

  She gives me a wink. “This isn't the first time I’ve been here.”

  Trinity knocks on the door six times. A tall guy with straggly black hair and a tat of a spider on his neck opens the door. “Hey Tif, is this the chick you were talk’n about?”

  “Yeah. She needs the card for her English boyfriend.” She gives me a wink. “Guess he snuck across the border.”

  He motions for us to come in. I’m too scared to think of a snappy comeback. The place looks like the kind of dirty, rundown warehouses gangsters take their enemies to torture and kill. A loud clanging fills the air. It even has chains hanging from the ceiling. Trinity cruises over to a ratty office chair totally oblivious.

  Shia holds out his hand. “Give me the headshot and we can get started.”

  “Sorry, I don’t have one.” I reach into my purse and pull out a picture of the two of us that Dad took in the backyard. “You think you can use this?”

  He looks at the photo closely. “It won’t be easy, but I’ll make it work.”

  Trinity leans back in the chair. “No prob. He’s a wiz at Photoshop. Plus he’ll hack into the INS data base and set up Jin’s identity.”

  “Wow, he can do that?”

  Shia laughs. “Easy. Those A-holes are so stupid. A two-year-old could crack their firewall. It’s the FBI you have to worry about.” He taps away on the computer keyboard. “But I’m so good I can even dupe them, too.”

  I think back to what Trinity said. If he can make cards for celebs, he can make one for a genie. Shia gets up and walks over to an office in the back corner. After about ten minutes he comes back and hands me the card. “Here ya go. Hot off the press.”

  I scan the front and back. It looks official. He even made Jin’s photo look like a headshot. “How do I know it can pass for the real thing?”

  Trinity laughs and pulls out her wallet. “Check out mine. I’m from Canada.”

  Talk about a surprise. I hold the cards up next to each other. The markings look identical. I just hope Trinity’s isn’t a fake too. “Wow, I’m impressed.”

  Shia holds out his hand. “Thanks, that’ll be a hundred bucks.”

  I pull out my wallet. “Sorry, I only have sixty.”

  He reaches over to snatch the card out of my hand. “As soon as you come up with the rest, it’s yours.” He tucks it into the desk drawer.

  Trinity puts her arm aroun
d his waist. “Babe, she’s a good friend.” She gives him a deep kiss. “Give her the girlfriend discount.”

  He smacks her ass. “You owe me.”

  She giggles and heads for the door. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I take her home.”

  “Thanks, Trinity. You’ve done enough for me. You stay with Shia. I’ll take the bus home.”

  “Are you crazy? Not in this neighborhood. I’ll give you a ride.”

  I still don’t know if I can trust her, but I hop in her beat-up Honda Civic. “FYI I’m not going home.” I hold the green card in my hand like a precious jewel. “I need to go someplace else.”

  Trinity drops me off in front of the church. “Thanks for everything, Canada girl.”

  She smiles. “No prob. We lab mates stick together.” She points to the church. “Get’n in a little evening prayer?”

  I put my finger to my lips. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m dating the priest.”

  She laughs. “No way. You’re cheating on the English guy with a priest? You’re way cooler than I thought.”

  Trinity guns the engine and I hope it doesn’t wake the whole parsonage. It’s only ten o’clock but some people might be asleep. I know Jin will be wide awake. At first it kind of creeped me out like he was a vampire or something. Now I just take it in stride. Like all the other weird things my genie does. My genie. It seems so natural to have one now. But he’s more than just a supernatural being to me. He’s my friend, confidante, and arm candy.

  Grandma sure was right about Jin. He has changed my life in ways I never imagined. I’m lying like a politician and I’m committing a felony like I’ve been doing it for years. I sneak around to the side door of the parsonage and yank on the knob. No luck. I tiptoe down the side of the building counting the windows. Number four has to be Jin’s room. I tap lightly on the window. Nothing. I give it one more try. Not a sound. Crap, maybe it’s number five. I knock on the window. A shadow moves toward me. I duck down in case it’s not Jin.

  He opens the window and looks around. “Esme, is that you?”

  “Yes. Can you help me in?”

  “It is not ladylike behavior to climb through a gentleman’s window.”

  I ignore him and hoist myself up on the ledge. Of course I get stuck. I reach out my hand. “Quick, before someone sees me.”

  “If you insist.” Jin takes my hand and gently pulls me inside. “Please, have a seat.”

  The room is almost empty. The only furniture is a single bed and a nightstand. Not much of a choice on where to sit down. But what do I expect for thirty bucks a night? I plop down on the bed and reach into my jacket pocket. My hand shakes as I hand him the card. “Here, this is a green card. Be sure and keep it with you at all times.”

  Jin’s face turns red. “Esme, how did you acquire the document without my being present? Did you do something untoward?”

  “It’s not the real thing. But it’s a very good forgery. I checked it against a Canadian friend’s. I couldn’t tell the difference.”

  He turns the card over in his hand. “You procured this from a criminal? You would risk such a thing for your genie?”

  I think of all the things Jin has done for my dad and me. The green card is nothing. “Of course. It wasn’t that dangerous.” I concentrate to stop my hands from shaking when I realize we might get caught. “The forger is the boyfriend of my lab partner. No biggie.”

  Jin wipes his forehead and stuffs the card in his jeans pocket. “Promise you shall never do such a foolish thing again.”

  Ugh. I hate when he sounds like my dad. “Fine, I promise.”

  The color drains from Jin’s face. I can’t tell if he’s upset or if he’s coming down with something. Can genies get sick? He sits down next to me. “Esme, I am sorry that I have complicated your life. It is not a genie’s intention. We are supposed to improve our Master’s lives, not make them inferior.”

  “Oh, Jin, you have made my life better. I was so sad and lonely when you came along. I missed Grandma so much. She told me you would change my life, and you have.”

  He reaches over and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “I hope what you say is true. I care about your welfare. What can I do to return your kindness?” My body tingles from his touch.

  I give him a weak smile. “Nothing. Just be my boy… I mean friend.”

  “As a good friend, I would like to do something to brighten your mood.”

  “I’m okay. I know it sounds crazy but sometimes I wonder if my life would be happier if I was more like Courtney.”

  “Why would you be envious of someone you do not admire?”

  “Because she has her whole life planned out. I mean it really does seem like Barbie blondes have it all. Makes me wish I were a blonde too. After all, they say blondes have more fun.”

  The room fills with a lavender mist. Crap, my brain must be toast. I can’t believe I made such a stupid mistake again. “Jin, stop!”

  He shakes his head. “You know the rules, Mistress.”

  My head itches all over. “But I didn’t mean it.”

  Blonde strands of hair grow down past my shoulders.

  “O.M.G, my hair is exactly like Courtney’s!”

  Chapter 6

  Marilyn Moment

  I gaze into my compact mirror hoping I really haven’t blown a wish on something so stupid.

  Jin sees my hands shaking. “Esme, what is causing you consternation? The hair color looks striking on you.”

  Leave it to Jin to try and make me feel better. “But it’s the same color as Courtney’s!”

  “I am quite pleased about that. I find her hair the most beautiful shade. Like the color of wheat that has bleached in the sun.”

  Does he think she’s more beautiful than me? After another botched wish, he picked the wrong time to wax poetic about Courtney. Should I tell him her hair color comes from a bottle? I’ve seen her roots and her natural color is a dirty dishwater. Should I tell him Courtney called the INS? No. I’d come off like some jealous girlfriend. Besides, she’s my problem to deal with, not his.

  Running my fingers through my newly flaxen hair, I try not to admit I’m jealous. I need to back down. Jin is just proud of his work. And he should be. My hair is glossier than my former brunette locks. “You did a nice job. The hair is thicker. Plus it has a nice natural wave.”

  “Thank you. It should have a silky texture as well. Courtney’s hair is remarkably soft.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “She gave me a lock of her hair.” He says it so matter of fact, like women hand him locks of hair every day.

  “Don't you think it was a strange thing for her to do?”

  “I must confess, I did at first, but then she assured me that it was the custom these days.”

  What a sneaky thing to do. I bet she was just waiting for me to find it. Will she ever stop? The clock above the door ticks loudly and I see it’s almost midnight. “I better go. Ms. Crandy is going to be furious that I was out so late. I told her I was only going to be gone for a little while.”

  He takes my hand. “Thank you for coming to my aid. You are the first Master who ever risked their wellbeing for me.”

  Jin continues to work his way into my heart.

  My eyes flutter open and are bombarded by the glaring white walls of the guest bedroom from hell. I peek out from under the pastel floral covers to find Ms. Crandy hovering over me. “Young lady, this is not a hotel where you can come and go as you please. I don’t allow Courtney to stay out past eleven-thirty. As my future daughter, I’m not going to let you break the house rules.”

  This is becoming a theme. Ms. Crandy wakes me up to tell me what I’ve done wrong. Dad can’t get home fast enough. “I’m sorry Ms. Crandy, the time just got away from me.”

  “Esme, I’m responsible for you. I can't have you out all hours with Jin.”

  How could she know I was with him? “I promise I won’t break the rules again.”

  “Not good enough. Y
ou’re grounded. Now get up, you’ll be late for school.”

  I throw off the covers and sit up in bed. A shrill scream fills the room. “Esme…what have you done to your hair?”

  Crap. I totally forgot I’m a blonde. “I wanted a change.”

  “That answer isn’t going to work with me or your father. He’s going to be furious.”

  I love how she’s speaking for my dad.

  Ms. Crandy heads for the door. “I have to get to a meeting. When I get home we’ll deal with your hair. I can't have you make me look bad. So keep your mouth shut. Your father is never going to know what happened.”

  Ms. Crandy storms out of the bedroom and slams the door. I walk to the bathroom and run a brush through my newly blonde locks. Jin has done me a favor. This is the perfect revenge against Courtney. I throw on my robe and head out to the kitchen.

  Courtney blinks twice when she sees me. “What the….” She practically jumps out of her chair. She walks over to me and grabs a piece of my hair. “Are you trying to copy me?”

  “Yes. I want us to look like real sisters.”

  Courtney lets out a laugh. “You can never look like me.”

  If only I could tell her the truth, that my hair color was just because of a screwed up wish. Lies are all I have. “I think your hair is awesome.”

  She pokes her finger in my face. “Okay, have your fun. But tomorrow you better be back to your natural brown. There’s only room for one awesome blonde in this house.”

  Not only has lying become a habit so has ditching lunch at school to visit Dad in the hospital. I need to tell him what’s happening with Jin. If he can vouch for him maybe the vice principal will back down and not suspend me. It’s worth a shot. Entering the room I’m shocked to find Dad sitting in a chair. “Wow, Dad, you’re out of bed!” I reach over and give him a hug.

  He laughs. “I never thought I’d see you get so excited over my sitting in a chair.” He reaches over and touches my hair. “Wait a minute. When did you become a blonde?”

  Jeez. I keep forgetting. “I wanted to check out the theory that blondes have more fun. So far, epic fail.”


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