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Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Jenny Phillips

  “What do you mean?”

  “When we came for you, Chase was able to Sense you. Not as strong as Nolan but once we were in North Carolina, Chase pretty much did the rest on his own.”

  “Really? I felt him, too.” What could this mean?

  “Do you think it’s possible to bond to another soul-mate?” Maggie asked.

  “I-I don’t know. I mean, nothing about my life has proven to by typical so why start now, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Maggie tried to brush it off but I could tell she held some new hope. What could something like this mean for all of the people like her out there?

  “I will say this … a lot of what Stephen says is BS. But I do think he’s right about one thing. The Council isn’t honest with us about everything.”

  “Meaning they’re keeping secrets?” she guessed.

  I nodded. “I think there are some secrets buried in the basement. Have you ever been back there?”

  “You mean in Spencer’s room?”

  “No, past his room.”

  “Uh uh, that place creeps me out.” She took a big bite of her ice cream.

  “I think they’re hiding something back there. Or, maybe they’ve forgotten it’s hidden. I don’t know.” I shook my head. “There’s something back there though.”

  “Have you told Chase?”

  “No, because he was so absorbed in the Council and them being right all the time …”

  She blew out a breath. “I think that ship has sailed.”

  I contemplated this for a second. Trusting Chase had never been a question for me. Although, he didn’t like going against the Council …

  If Maggie was right he may listen. If he could keep Spencer distracted …

  “You want to head back?” she asked, throwing her own trash away.

  “Yeah, I’m surprised Chase hasn’t checked in yet.”

  Our drive home was a little lighter as I pumped Maggie for info on her and Nolan. Nothing much has happened at this point other than little flirtations and the obvious blushing she did just at the question.

  “Give him time,” I assured her. I’d hurt Nolan unfortunately, and though everything now had worked out as I knew it was supposed to he may be a little more cautious than in previous days. I knew Maggie was aware of the history there but I didn’t want to go into details so I left it at that.

  Nolan and Chase were waiting up for us when we got back. The game looked to be long over. Jackson and Kali had gone to bed.

  “I’ll probably need to head out soon,” Maggie said.

  “Stay for a little longer,” Nolan pleaded.

  “Your parents are probably still at the Council, anyway,” I pointed out.

  “True.” She sat next to Nolan on the loveseat and I stretched out on the couch next to Chase, resting my head in his lap. It felt good to be back in my own clothes.

  “Are you going back to Manchester, Nolan?”

  “Nah. Apparently I’ve been accepted enough to get the official invite to help take out your grandfather.”

  His smile was big and I couldn’t help the twisting in my stomach. I was happy Nolan was finally being acknowledged but what were they thinking? He couldn’t take on Stephen! I couldn’t handle someone like Stephen.

  Chase must’ve felt me tense up. “Morgan, he’s going to help us with our part in locating you if we get separated again. Which won’t happen.”

  “How else will you find them?”

  “We have ways. There’s no sense in you sacrificing yourself—”

  “But Rylan will keep me safe.”

  Chase made a noise in the back of his throat and I sat up. Nolan and Maggie seemed uncomfortable.

  “You know what … I’m feeling kind of tired after all.” Maggie jumped back to her feet.

  Nolan stretched. “Yeah I should probably get some sleep. No telling what tomorrow might bring around here.” He meant it as a joke but no one laughed.

  We said our good-byes to Maggie, and Nolan walked her to the door.

  “Do you love him, Morgan?” Chase asked suddenly.

  “What?” I felt as if my jaw would detach and fall off my face.

  “I mean, he was once your soul-mate and now here he is and obviously earning your trust.” He ran his hands through his hair. “I am having a really hard time understanding how you can stick up for someone like him.”

  “Good thing you don’t have to.” I put a few more inches between us. “He could’ve left me in my room to fend for myself against Raven and Tessa and who knows who else … but he didn’t. He stood his ground with them, with Stephen, and he protected me while I was there.”

  Chase gritted his teeth. “He’s playing with your head. He wants you to trust him!”

  “Then how did letting me go benefit him?”

  “Are you really that blind? You don’t think it was all a part of an act? All part of a scheme to get you to do exactly what you’re doing?”

  I met his eyes. “You don’t trust me?”

  “I don’t trust him!”

  “But what you’re saying is you don’t trust my judgment.”

  He saw the hurt on my face and stopped whatever words were about to fly out of his mouth next.

  “You talk about how Stephen brainwashes people. Then you talk about how good Rylan is even after he kidnapped you … You don’t think this is a little like Stockholm Syndrome?”

  “Rylan didn’t kidnap me; he was under Stephen’s orders.”

  “Agh.” Chase groaned in frustration. “This is what I’m talking about! You keep rationalizing his actions and making excuses. The fact is, Morgan, if he ever cared about you he wouldn’t have ripped your souls!”

  I wrapped my arms around my chest. “I’m going to bed.”

  Chase pinched the bridge of his nose as if he were fighting off a headache. “Go ahead and take my bed,” he said. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  Fighting back tears, I nodded in agreement and left him standing there alone.

  I didn’t have much in the suitcase I’d brought for the Ball, but thankfully it was mine and waiting for me in Chase’s room. After digging out my toothbrush and the only nightclothes I’d brought, I headed to the bathroom to prepare for bed. Once I was lying down, I stared at the ceiling for at least an hour. My eyes burned from exhaustion but I just couldn’t get my brain to turn off.

  I understood where Chase was coming from, I really did. I also knew that Rylan had proven himself to me and Chase didn’t need to believe me. I knew it in my heart.

  “I was hoping you’d be able to talk,” Rylan said.

  We were on the beach outside of the manor.

  “Are you in a lot of trouble?”

  He shook his head. “There was too much happening and Stephen was too preoccupied to know I let you go. He does think I’m a bit unreliable now but lucky for me Tessa left enough marks for it to be believable.”

  “Is she …”

  “Dead? Yes. As well as Raven obviously.” He patted the blanket next to him. “I think we lost ten in all.”

  “We lost two,” I told him, my mouth turning down in a frown.

  “Ours lack training and experience. I’m honestly surprised we didn’t lose more.”

  My brow furrowed in disbelief. “They don’t have someone to train them?”

  “Nope. It’s a fend for yourself kind of world we live in. Stephen barely talks to any of them.”

  “I don’t understand why you continue to follow him.”

  “The things he offers … they make sense. Maybe if the Council was more open to change not as many people would feel compelled to listen to Stephen.”

  “You’re starting to see it, aren’t you?” I was surprised it wasn’t more of a fight.

  “Let’s just say being around you has opened my eyes to new possibilities. I see more than I did previously.”

  I turned up my palms. “Why not leave then?”

  “And what?” He laughed. “The Council will welcome me back? N
ot like this.”

  “Your parents would.”

  He shook his head. “I told you. This would break my mom’s heart.”

  “I think she’d just be happy to have you back.”

  He stared off into the ocean not answering, and I decided to change the subject.

  “Will Stephen kill me?” I asked bluntly.

  “He needs you.”

  “That doesn’t really answer my question though, does it?”

  He stared at me intently. “What do you mean? He needs you and the amulet for his ritual, how would it benefit him to lose either before—”

  “I don’t mean before. What’s to keep him from killing me after? When he doesn’t need me anymore?”

  “I think he’s hoping you’ll see things differently by then.”

  “I won’t.”

  “I know.” Reaching over, he grabbed my hand. “I don’t think I ever really got to say how much I enjoyed spending time with you.” He stared down at our interwoven fingers. “I know it doesn’t really help to hear this, because it will never make it right or better … but I regret it now.”

  It was exactly what I’d wanted to hear and never thought I’d get to.

  “But I thought you believed in what Stephen stood for.”

  “I do.”

  I scrunched my face in confusion.

  “I still think the Council is wrong. They’re hiding things and keeping us under their thumb. There’s so much we don’t know about ourselves and our Gifts. Stephen thinks things used to be different, but after the story of the emperor they used the stories of the Dark Gifts to keep us in line. Yet,” he turned to face me, “I wish I wouldn’t have been so quick to tear our bond. I regret that. I wish I would’ve waited until I found you. That I could’ve talked to you about these thoughts before. Maybe everything could’ve been different.”

  It was a lot to process. The whole concept of a world where Rylan would still be my soul-mate … all of the things that would’ve changed.

  “Rylan—” I started, while still looking for the words, but his hand squeezing mine jarred me out of my thoughts. He was actually squeezing hard enough to hurt. His eyes were wide and his face contorted in pain. His mouth opened but no sound came out.


  His mouth moved again, but there was only terrifying silence in response. His hand was letting loose, and I tightened my own grip. His hand went completely limp only a second before his body crumpled forward and into my lap.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I sat straight up in bed. I had been kicked out of my own dream. My body was drenched and I pulled my hair from my sweaty neck. What had happened?

  Chase stood in the dark doorway.

  “What …” I swallowed, trying to relieve my dry throat. “What’s wrong?”

  “You screamed his name.”

  “Chase—” I started, but he only walked away. I could hear his footsteps descending the stairs, heading back to the living room.

  I hung my head pitifully, sitting in the dark, alone, in Chase’s bed. I tried falling back asleep but my mind was racing. Was Rylan okay? How much damage had I caused between Chase and I? Would things ever be the same? The last question was the only one I could answer. No. I was fairly certain things would never be the same. I would never truly have the proof of that, though, until we dealt with Stephen. Once he was out of the way, then and only then would I ever have a chance at my life going back to a version of normal.

  Finally, the birds started singing in anticipation of the rising sun. I forced myself up and into the shower. I had to put all of my inner emotional turmoil on the back burner. The task at hand was clear, and the only way to straighten out said turmoil would be to focus on ridding my life of my grandfather.

  Now that the drug had been cleared from my system, I took advantage of Glamouring myself ready. The house was still quiet and I didn’t want to just help myself to their kitchen, so I decided on going for a long overdue run and grabbing coffee while I was out. I ran to clear my head, not letting myself think about anything but Stephen. I couldn’t run my Gifted speed since it might be obvious, though I did sneak it in while in darker, secluded areas, when I was on the streets of town I tried to keep a steady human pace. I ran until my lungs burned and I realized I was closer to the Council than the Thomas’ house. Stopping at a nearby gas station, I grabbed a cup of coffee and a doughnut. The same kind I’d eaten with Rylan on the beach.

  The Council already seemed to be buzzing with life by the time I stepped in the door. Mrs. W. wasted no time hugging me tightly. She couldn’t even talk without getting choked up. I assured her no words were needed and headed straight for the elevator. Charles’ office was upstairs and I just knew he’d be here already working on a strategy.

  When he looked up from his desk, his expression was one of surprise as he saw me standing in the doorway of his office.

  “Morgan! Come in.”

  I walked in with coffee in hand and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. The office looked different than the last time I’d been here, but perhaps it was me that was different. Maybe only my perspective had changed since then.

  “What brings you here so early?”

  “Couldn’t sleep.”

  He nodded. “I don’t blame you there. I don’t think anyone’s getting much sleep these days and we haven’t been through anything close to what you have.”

  “I’m ready to get this going. Stephen needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible.”

  A slow smile spread across the old man’s face. “Okay. We’ve been working through some ideas and I hear you’re receptive to the Thomas’ plan?”

  “Where I’m bait? Yeah.”

  “All right. Is there anything else you can help us with? Any information you may have learned from Stephen or his friends?”

  A humorless laugh escaped. “Friends? Stephen has no friends. He has people that are too afraid to question him.”

  “I mean his minions. Whoever follows him and his ideas. What are the Gifts they possess?”

  “I feel like you already know that answer.”

  He folded his hands in front of him. “Well, Morgan, there are stories of course. Though, we’ve never actually had a connection with that group of people to know how true the stories are.”

  “They’re true.”

  He tilted his head waiting for more. When I didn’t go on he prompted me. “So Stephen …”

  “Has red eyes. That’s about all I can tell you. I know the stories say something about soul sucking, but I don’t think he can achieve that until he pulls off this ritual he’s obsessed with. Which he has the amulet for, so I’m assuming he only needs me now. And that’s why our plan is dangerous and limited. We won’t have much time to pull this off.”

  Charles opened a notebook and started scratching his pen wildly, nodding at everything I said.

  “Glamours that rip their souls have the ability to numb the senses.” I thought back to Rylan’s fight with Tessa. “It’s like they can fog your head or something kind of incapacitating you. Powers take on the ability to control technology or electric … it’s like they can wield the energy from it or something. I don’t understand it … any of it. Minds,” I thought to Rylan’s black eyes, “they can enter dreams.”

  “Like soul-mates?”

  “Yes, but not limited to soul-mates. They can manipulate them, too. Not just for communication but however they see fit. Nightmares for example. They can also make you see things that aren’t there.”

  “Nightmares when you’re awake,” he suggested.

  “That’s accurate.”

  “Like Rylan?”

  Biting my lip, I decided to ignore him. “I don’t actually know what Senses turn to. I only met one.” In my mind, I saw Zachary’s empty peridot eyes. “But he never used his Gifts in front of me.”

  Charles nodded. “Anything else?”

  “Not off the top of my head.”

  “You spent a lot of
time with Rylan I’m assuming?”

  “I wouldn’t say a lot,” I corrected. “But probably more than anyone else.”

  He scribbled another note. “He used his Gifts in front of you? On you?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t really want to talk about Rylan.”

  He looked up from his notebook, studying me, then once again dropped his gaze down to his notebook. When he was finished, he turned his attention back to at me.

  “Okay. In about an hour we’re having a meeting with the majority of the Council, and frankly, anyone else that would like to lend a hand. Can you stick around until then?”


  As I left his office and walked through the dark hall, I could hear people already arriving and flicking on random lights. My coffee had cooled enough to drink, and as I sipped it, I took random halls and walkways before settling on the back staircase. I zigzagged through most of the building, deciding that if I could get down to the basement without anyone noticing I could check out that dark space that no one but me wanted to explore!

  I saw Laura, Chase, Jim, Jackson, Maggie, and even Nolan come through the front door followed by Maggie’s parents. I pressed myself against the back hallway wall. They appeared to be on their way up to see Charles and I knew I only had a short time before someone would come looking for me. I darted into the first available elevator, and with my heart pounding out of determination, I punched the button to the basement. The hall was dark and nearly pitch black even in this area and I felt along the wall until I managed to reach Spencer’s room. I started to flip on his lights and thought better of it. That would only let them know someone was down here.

  Wishing I would’ve brought a phone with me, I continued on in the close, dark hallway. I pushed on until I knew I’d passed the room that held old, crumbling documents. Even in the dark I knew I’d never been this far before. My heart was pounding in my ears and I wondered if I’d hear that strange whispering again. It had always felt like something called to me from back here.

  Stumbling on a section of disintegrating concrete, I fell, landing hard on my knee. I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out in pain. I couldn’t let anyone hear. This far back I didn’t know if they’d hear an echo or not. Forcing myself to my feet, I continued until I hit a dead end. My hands fumbled in the dark over every nook and cranny in those walls until I finally hit it. An old wooden door. Something inside called to me and I knew this was what they were hiding. I pulled and pulled on a metal doorknob with no luck. No give at all, no rickety jiggling on its old hinges … nothing, not even the slightest budge.


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