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Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3)

Page 17

by Jenny Phillips

  I rubbed my stiff neck.

  “You didn’t sleep, did you?”

  “Not a wink,” he answered.

  “Betting we won’t get coffee,” I muttered.

  “Wonder if I can find some.” He got up and went to search through kitchen cupboards while I stretched in the chair.

  By now Chase had probably realized I was gone. I hated continuing to hurt him but hopefully this would be the last time. Only one more day and things would never be the same and that was a good thing.

  Rylan came back with some horrible instant coffee. Though at this point it was really the caffeine I craved most.

  The four hours I’d slept would have to be enough. Rylan stayed right by my side while we watched Stephen and Justin come and go. We could hear people in the apartments below us but here in the loft it was as if time had stopped.

  The day dragged on while we sat helpless. Rylan knew he’d been replaced as Stephen’s right hand. We found a deck of cards and attempted playing until we realized cards were missing from the deck.

  After what was probably the longest, most boring day I’d ever experienced, a few of Stephen’s helpers began arriving. A couple would trickle in at a time and just kind of hover until someone else would show up. They conversed in small groups, intentionally keeping Rylan and I out of earshot. With Tessa, Zachary, and Raven gone, I didn’t recognize any of these faces; and with all the light and dark eye colors they were creepy.

  It was clear Rylan had been shunned by the others in the group and I feared Stephen would deem him expendable. Now that Stephen had me it was clear he no longer had use for Rylan. I needed to get him out of here and I kicked myself for not adding his safety into my bargain.

  When Stephen entered the restless crowd fell silent. It was written all over his smug face how much he relished being in charge.

  “This is it!” he boomed energetically. “Everything we’ve worked for, all of the hiding and sneaking is about to pay off!”

  The crowd buzzed with excitement.

  “We have the amulet.” He held it high in the air and I felt my knees buckle. Rylan caught me and I shifted some weight to him. My vision darkened just as it had in the basement of the Council.

  “We have my granddaughter who has also supplied us with our means of entry!”

  The crowd turned their attention to me. If I expected them to play nice to Rylan I’d have to gain their trust, so just as Stephen had done with the amulet I held the key, still on its chain, as high as I could.

  The crowd murmured louder. I had lost sight of Stephen but I knew he’d be proud of my display. My head cleared a little and though I could support most of my weight Rylan kept his arm around my waist. I was thankful for his presence.

  Stephen spoke again, commanding our attention. “Tomorrow evening at ten o’clock we will overthrow the Council by any means necessary! We will fight for our right to lead and to choose! Tomorrow will be the day we fight for equality and justice!”

  He held the amulet high again and Rylan barely caught me.

  “Morgan!” he yelled while I fought consciousness.

  “I’m, I-I’m okay,” I tried to assure him. Taking deep breaths, I attempted to steady myself and ignore the crowd’s growing excitement. Through my blurry vision I was just able to make out Stephen’s outline coming toward me. Rylan whispered encouraging words in my ear.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Stephen snapped.

  “I don’t know!” Rylan answered, still struggling to help me stay on my feet. Stephen hung the amulet around his neck hastily and attempted to help steady me. All I remember seeing was the glow of the amulet before I vomited violently and lost my battle to stay on my feet. The buzzing in my head grew louder still, and I convulsed on the floor until it was gone and the world thankfully went dark.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A cool, wet cloth on my face eventually pulled me out of sleep.

  “Morgan.” Relief flooded Rylan’s voice. “Hey, are you finally waking up?”

  “How long have I been sleeping?”

  “About ten hours.”

  “Seriously?” I tried to sit up but my head swam and my stomach rolled.

  “Yeah, it’s almost eight a.m.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned. “You still haven’t slept have you?”

  “No,” he admitted. “I didn’t think we could afford to have both of us out at the same time. You had me worried.”


  “You’re apologizing for that?” He shook his head.

  “Why don’t you sleep now and I’ll keep an eye on things?”

  He looked unsure at first but the bags under his eyes said he couldn’t fight it. He needed rest for tonight and my stomach flipped just at the thought of what the night held for us.

  Rylan curled up on the couch and I threw the blanket I had been covered with over him. He mumbled something and was out in no time.

  I wandered around the apartment for a bit but it was pretty bare. I did find a bag of unopened chips and figured those would be pretty hard to drug. Sitting down on the couch at Rylan’s feet, I satisfied my growling stomach. I saved the rest of the bag for Rylan and rolled the bag up just as Stephen walked in.

  “Ah. Good to see you’re awake.” He smiled. “And eating.”

  “Yeah, I was hoping these weren’t contaminated.”

  “Relax. I have no need to keep your Gifts under control.” He sat in the chair opposite me. “I need you in full capacity this evening. I trust you value our deal enough to not try anything … stupid.”

  “We made a deal,” I agreed.

  “I am a little concerned though.” He pursed his lips. “The reaction you seem to have to the amulet …”

  “Yes?” I had a feeling it was from that. Just the drawing in Spencer’s room of the amulet had once elicited the same reaction.

  “It could hinder our ritual process this evening.”

  I crossed my arms. “How so?”

  “You seem unable to stand, or remain conscious for that matter, in its presence.”

  “And you need me to stand in the circle?” I guessed.

  He steepled his hands under his chin and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “I see you’ve used that key yourself?”

  I tilted my head. “I have.”

  “We may need to bind you somehow once we’re in the room.” He seemed to be thinking aloud now. “Some way to keep your feet planted …”

  Desperate to keep him useful, I suggested, “Could Rylan hold me in place?”

  “Not a bad idea. Do you think he’s strong enough?”

  “To hold me?” I asked, insulted.

  “Your powers will undoubtedly intensify tonight.”

  “Could I hurt him?”

  He rubbed his chin. “It’s possible.” He thought for another second before continuing, “I suspect you won’t though. You should be able to control them.”

  “Yeah. Hopefully better than I could in the beginning!” I faked enthusiasm though I held on to the hope I’d be able to stop Stephen before it ever came to that.

  “We’ll leave tonight around nine o’clock.” He stood and left me by myself.

  I paced, conflicted. On one hand I wanted to warn Chase and the Council. On the other hand, I didn’t want anyone there when Stephen stormed the Council. I’d have to trust in the others. I needed backup … but how could I get a message to them?

  “Rylan,” I said out loud. If he could enter dreams or make people see things, couldn’t he enter Chase’s dream?

  I sat up watching over Rylan for the next four hours. I thought time passed slowly earlier … waiting for someone to wake up after not sleeping for days was like watching paint dry. I found a pen and paper and doodled. I used the deck to build a house of cards. Eventually Rylan stirred and I nearly pounced on him.

  “How does your Dark Gift work?”

  “Well, good morning, Morgan,” he teased. “Um, what do you want to know?”

ow can you enter dreams? Can we get a message to Chase?”

  “It doesn’t work like that. The person needs to be asleep.”

  I felt my face fall.

  He attempted to cheer me up, “You may be on to something, though.”

  “How?” I asked, feeling deflated.

  “Well I can make people see things … if we can think of something Chase would recognize.”

  “Can’t you just make him see me?” The desperation in my voice was thick.

  “I don’t think so … What about a clue? Something he would know was you.”

  “My locket!” I pulled it out of my shirt. “But how will he know what I’m trying to tell him?”

  “I wonder …” He stared at the coffee table for a moment then reached for my doodle paper. “It doesn’t hurt to try.”

  He handed me the pen and paper. “Write a message. Try to keep it simple and short.” I got to work and he added “Take your locket off.”

  “Can you grab the clasp for me?”

  He swept my hair back while I wrote: Council 10 p.m. be ready. Rylan let his fingers linger and I felt the nape of my neck break out in goosebumps. He laid the locket and key across the note I’d just written and stared at it. He held a finger on each temple as if he were holding his brain in. Then he shut his eyes and went completely still. He stayed silent like that for a good two minutes before he gasped like he’d been underwater.

  “Well?” I asked when he finally relaxed.

  “Well, all we can do now is hope for the best.”

  I chewed that over for a minute and then realized he was right. If I went in there preoccupied something bad was bound to happen. I’d need to be on my toes. I’d have to hope that Chase got the message. And if not, I’d be able to deal with Stephen myself. Either way it was time to let go and strategize with Rylan while we still had time.

  For an entire twenty-four hours that had passed so slowly the hours leading up to our nine o’clock departure flew by. Before I knew it I was climbing out of Stephen’s vehicle in front of the Council. The sun had gone down long ago and it was almost comical how normal everything seemed in the growing shadows. Only one vehicle remained in the parking lot across the street. Chase’s. I was pretty sure that was his way of letting me know he’d gotten the message.

  Stephen wasn’t taking any chance’s tonight and had not only instructed me to stay close but had bound my hands as well as Rylan’s I felt Justin shove me forward. His eyes were white like Tessa’s, only the small black pupil visible. He glared at me menacingly. “Keep moving.”

  He released my hands so that I could pull my card key out and walk right in. Stephen snickered behind me. He was careful to keep the amulet hidden and away from me in a briefcase he carried.

  “I really thought this would be more difficult,” he said.

  I wondered where Chase may be lurking. There were thirty or so members of Stephen’s group. Chase would need all of the help of the Gifted that had been meeting the past couple of weeks. We’d all thought after the mansion Stephen’s group would have dwindled.

  Stephen, Justin, Rylan, and I took the first elevator with about four others I only recognized from the gathering last night in the apartment. Once we were in the basement, though, everything was different. It didn’t look different. But it felt different.

  I stole a glance at Stephen but he seemed completely unaware of anything being abnormal. He instructed Justin to use the flashlight on his phone, but I moved forward without it.

  “Morgan,” Stephen warned, reminding me of my promise to stay close.

  “Then you should try to keep up.”

  “Watch it.”

  I slowed only enough for Justin to catch up but continued to lead the way.

  “It’s not much farther.”

  “This place …” Rylan trailed off but I knew he thought it was creepy. I wondered if they could hear the whispers, too. The key hummed to life and I could feel the pull to the door. It weighed heavy in my hand.

  “Stop. It’s right here,” I instructed Justin. It was strange seeing the door in the glow of the phone. I’d only ever felt it in the dark. The wood was carved in ornate Latin wording. I pulled the necklace off and used the key still attached. My chain and locket hung from the keyhole.

  Stephen stepped forward and pushed the door open.

  “Sure, after you,” I said.

  Rylan grabbed my hand in the dark and suddenly we were all illuminated in a blue glow. The familiar mustiness wafted over me.

  “Here we ago,” he whispered, and squeezed my hand.

  “Don’t walk into the circle,” I told him. Wondering if Stephen made the mistake I’d be able to use it to my advantage. My question was answered almost immediately as Justin crossed right through it with no hesitation.

  I waited for him to drop to his knees but nothing. I carefully avoided the blue glow at all cost.

  “Where is everyone else?” I asked.

  “Most have been posted as guards,” Justin answered.

  “A few will be joining us shortly,” Stephen added absently. He seemed to be taking in his surroundings.

  “This place just feels …” Justin started.

  “Powerful,” Stephen interjected.

  “Yeah,” Justin said again.

  “Well, my dear Morgan, make yourself comfortable. We still have a bit before we begin and I need to get to work.”

  I began to ask but decided I didn’t want to know. Rylan and I slid down a wall and quietly watched Stephen start unrolling scrolls. Justin held his phone light and used his free hand to help hold the curling paper open while Stephen scoured for whatever he looked for.

  I wondered if it was the scroll I had uncovered a while back … If so, Stephen may be looking for a while. Charles was smart enough to hide the key and scroll away from this room.

  The amulet had been sent even farther. Stephen had succeeded in locating that but had clearly not planned on the scroll not being here.

  The longer it took the more frustrated he grew. He was losing his composure and began swearing in his desperation. Also, the closer it got to midnight the brighter the floor grew.

  “Where is it?” Stephen started yelling belligerently at me.


  “The scroll! You have to know. You’ve been down here! Where did you hide it?”

  “I-I d-didn’t,” I stammered. He was growing impatient and I noticed the amulet had somehow made it into his pocket. I could see it glowing through his dark dress pants. I felt myself slipping in its presence.

  “G-Get … p-please,” I begged him.

  “The amulet. It’s affecting her!” Rylan yelled.

  “I don’t care,” Stephen yelled, now frantic as his hands pulled through his dark hair. “We’re getting too close to the full moon! You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “How would I—” Stephen yanked me to my feet by my hair, effectively cutting off my reply. Why does everyone do that?!

  “You’re going to take me to it now.” His eyes glowed dangerously but I was still struggling with the affect the amulet had on me.

  Rylan had gotten to his feet now, too. Stephen back-handed me and the pain seared in my left cheekbone.

  “Leave her alone!” Rylan yelled, and tried to position himself between Stephen and I.

  I struggled with the nausea but had a moment of clarity with Rylan between us.

  “Boy, get out of my way!”

  “No,” Rylan said firmly. “You’re not going to touch her again.”

  Stephen’s lips curled up into a sneer. “Oh yeah?”

  “Not without getting through me first.”


  As if it were nothing, Stephen snapped Rylan’s neck and I hit my knees the same time as his lifeless body crumpled to the ground. A sickening wail pierced my ears and I didn’t realize it was even coming from me until my throat was so raw it felt as if it were bleeding.

  Sobbing, I threw my body over Rylan’s pro

  “What a difficult lesson to learn, my child,” Stephen said, standing over me. “Now, I suggest you tell me where the scroll is or it will be the other boy next.”

  Finding the courage I needed to stand and look Stephen in his crimson eyes, I promised, “I will kill you.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Stephen grabbed my shoulder and dug his fingers in my flesh. “You will not threaten me. Your only chance of survival lies in finding that scroll. There’s only a half an hour left.” Stephen shoved me forward. “Better yet. I’ll turn you first then you’ll help me. Once you’re using your Dark Gifts you’ll start seeing things my way.”

  I dug my heels in but my emotions had me off guard. If he shoved me in that circle I’d have no chance of putting up any sort of a fight. Where’s Chase?

  I lost the battle and Stephen shoved me hard to the ground just inside of the circle. It glowed so bright it was momentarily blinding.

  Stephen let go in his surprise and for a moment I thought I’d escaped the hold it had on me previously. Just as the thought left my mind, though, I lurched forward at the same time as a few of Stephen’s minions came in, surveying the situation.

  Choking down the bile, I writhed on the floor. I heard Stephen hastily begin chanting in Latin, but a larger commotion drowned him out. I lay there fighting the power it had over me while trying desperately to understand what was happening around me.

  It was Chase! I could see his blond hair and make out Charles as well. They had Stephen cornered. I lay there unable to follow what was happening. I could only stare helplessly at Rylan’s body. He’d paid with his life to protect me. I couldn’t go down like this.

  “Morgan!” Just outside of the circle Charles was yelling to me. “Don’t fight it, Morgan!”

  What? Don’t fight? What could he mean? Rylan’s empty black eyes stared back at me from only a few feet away. I reached out pitifully to him knowing he’d never reach back. This is it. I lost. I lost Rylan. I was about to lose Chase. What would the world be like with someone like Stephen in control?

  I tuned out everything around me. Once we were gone nothing would stand in Stephen’s way.


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