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Hot SEAL, Vegas Nights

Page 10

by Parker Kincade

  Aidan joined her on the bed. He laid out the pizza boxes and flipped open the lids. Then, he tore off several sheets of paper towels and handed them to her.

  “I hope you don’t mind a mattress picnic. It’s the only way I could think to feed you and keep you naked at the same time.”

  She laughed. “I don’t mind.” She pulled a piece of pizza from one of the boxes and held it to her mouth. “I’m glad you don’t have to leave,” she said and took a bite.

  “I am too.” He grabbed a slice and dug in.

  “Is everything okay with Hawk?”

  He swallowed his bite and wiped his mouth. “Yeah. A friend of ours, Zach—we call him Z-Man—got stuck in Tijuana with his sister’s best friend. Hawk and a buddy of his have to go pick up Z-Man’s truck. It’s kind of a long story, so I won’t bore you with all the gory details.”

  He couldn’t tell her even if he wanted to. Hawk told him that Z-Man had to abandon his truck on the Mexican side of the border to prevent his sister’s best friend from getting caught smuggling drugs across the border. The woman didn’t know she was being used as a mule, but that didn’t make the situation any less precarious. Aidan offered to cross the border with Hawk, but he’d already grabbed a SEAL from another team and the two of them were going to go bring Z-Man’s truck back to the states.

  Hawk had called him as a fail-safe, wanting Aidan to know where they were and what was happening in the event something went wrong. He and Hawk had worked out a timeline and came up with a backup plan in case things went sideways. If Aidan didn’t hear from Hawk by the designated time, he would call for reinforcements.

  All he could do now was wait.

  “Needless to say, it’s a mess only Z-Man would get into.”

  “Stuck in Tijuana with his sister’s best friend? Sounds like a romance novel waiting to happen.”

  “It’s not.”

  Z-Man was already pissed off at that chick. She’d redecorated Z-man’s entire house while they were in Djibouti, without Z-Man’s knowledge or permission. Apparently, his sister had been in on it, too. Shit hit the fan when he found out. There wasn’t a guy alive who hated change more than Z-Man.

  “Tijuana is no joke, Zoe. It’s no place for a woman to go alone.” The hardened tone coming out of his mouth wasn’t something he was used to. Not when talking to a woman, anyway. But, the idea of Zoe in danger made his blood pressure rise. “Don’t ever forget that. If you end up moving to San Diego and decide you want to cross the border, you call me. I’ll go with you. You aren’t to cross the border into Mexico alone. Got it?”

  She stared at her lap, her brows pinched. “Aidan, I—”

  He didn’t let her finish. She was upset. He could guess why. “I know you think this thing between us has an expiration date, but I’m calling bullshit. There’s no reason we can’t stay in contact after I leave. I work, a lot, but if you move to San Diego, I’d sure as hell like to think we could still see each other.”

  She raised a brow. “I was going to say I don’t have any interest in crossing the border, with or without you.” Then, a soft smile tilted her lips. “Are you telling me you want us to be friends?”

  He wasn’t sure what he was telling her. He only knew he wanted to keep Zoe in his life. He wasn’t ready to put words to why. “Do we have to put a label on it?”

  “I don’t know. It sounds too complicated without one.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.” He took another bite of pizza and chewed slowly, formulating his next words carefully. “You said this thing between us could never go anywhere.”

  She nodded. “I did say that.”


  She curled the ends of her hair around her index finger. “Scared, I guess. I don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to picking good men. My last several attempts at having a relationship turned out to be disasters. After Max, I promised myself I wouldn’t do it again. Then, I met you…”

  Aidan’s heart rate kicked up a notch. He wanted her to finish that fucking sentence. “You met me and…?”

  “We’ve only known each other a couple of days, Aidan.”

  The mixture of awe and surprise in her tone told him all he needed to know. He knew exactly where she was coming from. It was confusing, the strength of this thing between them.

  “My parents knew they were going to be together from the second they laid eyes on each other. I don’t think length of time matters when it comes to being attracted to someone. You either are, or you’re not. We are obviously attracted to each other. And the sex is incredible. Why should we deny ourselves a good thing?”

  “Aidan Stone.” She giggled. “Oh my God! Are you proposing we be friends … with benefits?”

  Aidan growled and snatched the pizza out of her hand. He tossed it into the box along with his own. He stretched out his arm and swiped their picnic from the bed. Zoe squealed as he pulled her under him, pinning her arms over her head.

  “You think this is funny?”

  She stretched her neck and nipped his chin. “I think I don’t know how it would work.”

  Aidan pushed his erection against the juncture of her thighs hard enough to make her gasp.

  “Then, let me remind you.”


  The time had come to clean out her grandad’s room. Zoe had already gathered several boxes of his clothes and shoes from the various other closets in the house, but she had to face facts. Time was running out.

  In more ways than one.

  She glanced at the clock—something she’d been doing a lot lately. Watching the time she had left with Aidan slip away like sand through her fingers. The same sand she was getting good at sticking her head into.

  They’d managed to spend the last four nights together without one word about the future. It was as if by some psychic connection they’d agreed to live in the moment. To enjoy each other as much as possible while they could.

  They’d gone for a ride through the desert and gotten naked on a blanket under the stars. They’d eaten their way through food trucks across the city. They’d gone back to watch another sunset over Lake Mead—the place she’d now always think of as their spot.

  And at the end of every night, Aidan undressed her, put her in bed, and showed her all the fun and interesting ways he could make her scream his name.

  With every passing day, her confidence grew. Aidan wasn’t like any man she’d ever known. He was sweet and funny. Filthy and attentive. There was an underlying sense of honor in the way Aidan treated the people around him. The words respect and dignity came to mind. He wasn’t the kind of man who would lie to her. He wouldn’t cheat or physically hurt her.

  Aidan was one of the good guys. She felt it so strongly, she knew there was no way she could be wrong this time.

  The more she got to know him, the more certain she became. She didn’t want to be his friend anymore, benefits or not. She wanted more than friendship would allow. She wanted his heart, someday. At the very least, the chance to earn it.

  Zoe glanced at the clock again. She still had a while before Aidan would be there. Since he had spent a couple of days helping his dad, he hadn’t gotten to work on her car. He insisted on taking it to the shop so he could look it over before he left. Zoe hadn’t fought him on it. He seemed to like looking out for her, and she liked making him happy. More importantly, she believed him when he said he didn’t feel obligated to her. If she hadn’t, they would’ve never made it to their first date.

  Zoe spent the next several hours packing up her grandad’s things. By the time his room was nothing more than empty dressers and a stripped bed, she was exhausted, emotionally and physically, and expecting Aidan at any moment.

  She carried the last box down the stairs and stacked it by the front door with the others. A local charity organization recommended by Aidan’s mom would be by in the morning to pick up the last of her donation boxes. Once the house sold, she would have them come back for the furniture she didn’t plan to keep.
  Suddenly, an arm slid around her and she was jerked back.

  “Aidan!” she cried, heart in her throat. Jesus. Would the man ever stop sneaking up on her? “I’m going to have to put a bell around—”

  She realized something was wrong a split second too late. A hand curled around her throat and she was pulled back against a body that was all wrong. Before she had time to panic, a familiar voice snarled in her ear.

  “Who’s Aidan?”

  “Jesus Christ, Max. Let me go.” Zoe tried to peel his fingers from around her neck. “How the hell did you get in here?”

  “I’m going to ask you again.” His fingers tightened, limiting her oxygen. “Who. The fuck. Is Aidan?”

  “He’s none of your fucking business. Now, let me go!” She clawed at the hand around her throat. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Zoe had never been afraid of Max. Not even after the shove that resulted in her broken nose. He was a petulant man-child with a nasty mouth—all big talk and little action. But, as Max pressed his palm against her breast and squeezed hard, a healthy dose of fear chilled Zoe’s blood.

  “Now I know why you haven’t come home. Because you’ve been down here spreading for another man.”

  He shoved her away. Zoe stumbled into the living room. With Max blocking the way behind her, there was nowhere for her to go. She quickly put the couch between them, turning to face him as he approached.

  “How did you find me?” Her voice cracked. Her throat was already raw and sore from his hold.

  He scoffed. “I’ve known the whole time. I’ve been tracking your phone since these stupid trips to Vegas started.”

  What? “You had no right to do that.”

  “I have every right,” he yelled, taking a step toward her. “You’re my old lady. You don’t just walk away from that. From me. There are rules, Zoe. Do you know the kind of shit I’ve been getting from the guys in the club?”

  Zoe’s blood boiled. She didn’t know of any rules. Even if she had, she would never be with a man who referred to her as his old lady. To her knowledge, he’d never called her that before. Not to her face, anyway. Max had clearly been watching too many reruns of Sons of Anarchy.

  He advanced another step and Zoe held her ground. Max was obviously unstable, and she didn’t want to give him any reason to hurt her. Running felt like the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a raging bull.

  “Those fuckers have had a great time razzing me,” Max continued. “A man can only take so much, Zoe. I gave you a chance to come back on your own and you didn’t take it. Now, you’re coming back with me if I have to drag you. You’re going to walk into the club with me and you’ll do what I say, when I say it. You’ll goddamn learn your place as my old lady. From now on, if I tell you to get on your fucking knees and suck my cock in front of the entire club, you’ll goddamn kneel for the shit you’ve put me through.”

  He was certifiable.

  “We’re over, Max. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “You are.” He roared the last word as he lunged for her. Zoe tried to dodge him, but he was faster than he looked. He caught her around her wrist and yanked her around. She saw his fist coming, but she didn’t have time to react.

  Red hot fire erupted in her cheek as his knuckles made contact. Zoe fell back. Max grabbed her, pulled her back toward him. His grip on her arms was hard, punishing.

  “You think you can fucking humiliate me like that?” He shook her hard enough to rattle her teeth. “We’re over when I say we’re over. Now, pack your shit. We’re getting out of here.”

  This was kidnapping. Does he realize that? Zoe didn’t know the sentence, but she was pretty sure Max would go away for a long time when he got caught.

  Unless he doesn’t plan on getting caught.

  As if he’d heard her thoughts, Max pulled a handgun from the back waistband of his jeans. He didn’t point it at her, but then again, he didn’t need to. He’d made his point. He was ready to take her against her will. If he was willing to go that far, the odds were good he would dispose of her once she’d served her purpose. He wouldn’t risk her going to the authorities.

  “Don’t make me say it again.”

  The back door slammed.

  Max’s gaze snapped toward the kitchen. “Who the fuck is that?”

  Oh, God. Aidan. Zoe suddenly didn’t care what Max did to her, but she couldn’t let him hurt Aidan. She screamed. “Don’t come in here! He’s got a gun! Go! Get out of the hou—”

  Aidan came through the dining room, stopping dead when he saw them. The fury on his face was unmistakable.

  Max spun her in front of him, locking his arm around her waist.

  Aidan stared at Max, his gaze hard and assessing. He looked at her, at Max, then toward the gun Max had pressed against her side.

  “Let her go.” Aidan’s voice was deadly calm.

  “I don’t think so.” Max straightened his arm and pointed the gun toward Aidan’s chest.

  “Aidan!” Zoe cried out. She glanced up at Max and blinked back the tears she could no longer control. “Please, don’t. I’ll go with you. I’ll do whatever you want. Just …” Fear for Aidan clogged her throat. “Put the gun down.”

  Max’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he looked Aidan up and down. “You the guy she’s been fucking?”

  Aidan stood frozen, his hands partially raised, his expression hard and laser-focused on Max. “You the asshole who named his motorcycle after a dude?”

  Zoe had no idea how it was possible for Aidan to make her want to laugh when there was a gun pointed at his chest, but she couldn’t stop the surprised rush of air that left her lungs.

  “Don’t say a fucking word about my bike, man. Don’t fucking do it or I’ll shoot you where you stand.”

  Aidan snorted, seemingly unconcerned about the gun pointed at him. “Figures. Max, is it?”

  Aidan’s subtle insult went right over Max’s head. “That’s right. Now, how about you take a couple of steps back.” Max waited while Aidan followed his instruction. “Good. There’s no need for anyone to get hurt here.”

  Aidan’s brows soared. “How do you think this is gonna go?”

  “I think you’re gonna mind your own fucking business and back the fuck off. Zoe might’ve opened her legs for you, which she’ll pay for later, but she belongs to me. I’m taking her home.”

  “You’re not taking her anywhere. She’s not a piece of property.”

  “Aidan,” Zoe warned fiercely. Was he trying to get shot?

  Max’s hand slid up her body and cupped her breast. His laugh was cruel as Aidan’s gaze dropped to her chest, watching as Max’s fingers dug into her flesh. “Oh, but she is. And I own her. Don’t I, Zoe?” A shudder worked its way down her spine as Max nipped her earlobe.

  A muscle worked in Aidan’s jaw. He looked poised to strike.

  “Aidan. Don’t,” she whispered. “It’s all right. Just go.” The pain Max caused would be nothing compared to the pain of watching Aidan get hurt. Killed.

  But, Aidan didn’t move. He didn’t so much as blink.

  “You heard her. It’s time for you to go. And don’t you go trying to cause trouble for us. She’s coming with me, willingly. Right, Zoe?” Max waggled the gun, as if she’d suddenly become unaware of the danger Aidan was in. “Aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” It took every ounce of her self-control not to collapse to her knees in defeat. She didn’t need to look at Aidan to know her response infuriated him. The air turned so thick with tension, she could taste it on her lips.

  Max’s smile was smug and Zoe wanted to claw it off his stupid face. She would go with him to keep Aidan safe, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t fight with everything she was worth to get away once they were on the road.

  “Let’s go.”

  Max took a step toward the front door, his hold on her forcing her to step with him. But their height difference and the awkward way he held her caused her to step onto the edge of his foot.
She stumbled into him, knocking him, and the gun he held on Aidan, off balance.

  Aidan moved like a panther, fast and smooth. He grabbed Max’s hand, the one holding the gun. Realizing this might be their only chance—instinctively knowing what Aidan needed her to do—Zoe twisted and broke free of Max’s hold. She moved quickly, getting out of the way as Aidan spun around, turning his back on Max while he jerked Max’s arm up under his. Aidan shoved back, slamming Max’s back against the front door. There was a flurry of movement and then the loud percussion of a gun shot rang out.

  Zoe screamed as a vile curse rang out.


  “Stay back!” he ordered in a voice she’d never heard from him before. His cold, deadly tone said he wouldn’t take no for an answer, under any circumstances.

  She fell back a step as a chill ran through her. This was not the man she knew.

  The gun clattered to the floor and Aidan kicked it away. Frozen in place, Zoe watched in fascinated horror as Aidan rammed his elbow into Max’s face. Once. Twice.

  Aidan whirled around and pinned Max to the door with a forearm against his throat. “You think you can scare me by waving a gun at me, motherfucker?” Aidan growled. “I’ve killed men who had bigger weapons and more balls than you’ll ever have.”

  Zoe gasped at the declaration. Something hard hit her backside. Zoe looked down and realized she was sitting on the floor.

  Aidan was bluffing, right? He wasn’t a killer. She wasn’t wrong about him being one of the good guys. She wasn’t.

  But, the hardened man holding Max against the wall was nothing like the carefree, fun-loving, bossy-in-the-bedroom guy she’d come to know.

  This man, she didn’t know at all.

  “Let go of me.” Max struggled against Aidan’s hold. Max might out-weigh Aidan, but apparently weight didn’t equal strength because Aidan hardly budged. “This is none of your fucking business. She is none of your fucking business. She’s mine!”

  Aidan’s lips pulled back, exposing his teeth in an honest-to-goodness snarl. “Don’t mistake me for one fucking second,” he spat at Max. “If you or any of your boys from the club ever show your face around Zoe again, you’ll have to deal with me. I’ve got some boys of my own.” Aidan leaned in and whispered something Zoe couldn’t hear. Whatever he said made Max’s eyes go wide. “And my boys and I know how to hide the bodies, you feel me?”


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