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Melody Embraced

Page 1

by Serena Simpson

  Table of Contents

  Melody Embraced

  Copy Right

  Where to find me

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  From the desk of…

  Other books from the author

  Melody Embraced

  Alien Sabretooth Shifters

  Book One

  Serena Simpson

  Copy Right

  Melody Embraced – Alien Sabretooth Shifters - Copyright © May 2019, Serena Simpson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  Cover Art by Peri Wolford

  Published by Serena Simpson

  Where to find me

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  Chapter One

  Jade walked into her apartment resisting the urge to slam the door behind her. It closed with a gentle snick. She kicked her shoes off watching as each thumped against the wall before settling on the floor. A sigh of tiredness left her lips as she made her way to the couch.

  She collapsed like noodles in boiling water. Finally, the day from hell was over. Lately, most days felt like that. It could be the years ganging up on her. It could be a lack of anything worthwhile in her life. She shivered as the thought of the one person she lost came back to haunt her. The grief was sharper than a knife. She pushed it aside knowing better than to go down that road again.

  Depression cut across her thoughts like a mirror broken in her hand. It whispered what was the use? Why go on? Thoughts like this plagued her pulling at her heels telling her how the world would be better without her. The part that scared her was that there were days she believed them. She would go on; it was kind of her way to stick her middle finger up to the world and all its inhabitants. A faint smile crossed her lips at that thought. ‘See I can still smile.’ She grabbed her phone to turn on some music when it started ringing.

  “Hi! Jade’s studio of the perpetually depressed. How can I help you?”

  “OMG Jade! Must you?

  “Em, how many times have I told you not to call me right after I get off work?”

  “I don’t know because I ignore you every time.”

  “And that my friend is the problem.”

  “Friend, shem, I’m your bestie get it right.”

  “Sometimes I think you're my only. What’s up?”

  “They opened that new restaurant. I want us to go.”

  “Not interested.”

  “Why? Are you going to stay home eat pasta you’re not really into and drown your sorrows in ice cream?”

  “I’m thinking of skipping the pasta and moving straight to the ice cream.”


  “We both know I’m a lost cause.”

  “If you're lost, then so am I and our other friends. I just don’t believe that.”

  “I am depressed.”

  “That’s life today. More people are depressed than we think.”

  Jade couldn’t argue that. She was distressed when she found out the number of people on her job who were taking Xanax or some other doctor prescribed pill to make it through the day.

  “Okay, maybe I agree with you. But I was thinking a steak – because beef, yum – and then ice cream.”

  “Well, at least you’re leaving the pasta alone.”

  “Have you seen my hips? Of course, I’m leaving the pasta alone. Too bad I crave carbs.” Her voice was mournful causing them both to laugh.

  “We’re going out.”

  “Of course we are because you like to strong arm me. If you were a real friend, you’d let me hide until Monday.”

  “Yes, because spending all weekend thinking about the job that you don’t like will be good for you.”

  They never said the dreaded H word when it came to their jobs and their lives. Some people seemed to have it all at least from the outside looking in. Somewhere along the way, they missed the train to Blissville. Jade was convinced that some people needed to be miserable so that most of the world was happy.

  “Alright, I give. I am going to be happy this weekend if it kills me.” She laughed and curled up on the couch. Em had a way of bringing her out of her funk and making her think that tomorrow would be a better day.

  “What else are we going to do?” Em demanded. She was on her self-empowerment kick.

  “I don’t know about we, but I’m going to open myself up to new experiences, embrace the male who’s waiting right around the corner to give me the best orgasm of my life as well as love. Oh, so much love. He won’t mind my hips or my poof of a stomach and he won’t mind that I’m tiptoeing into old age and that I’m a spinster.”

  “Jade we do not use the word spinster ever. We also don’t say that we’ve been left on the shelf or closed in the cabinet.”

  “I like the thought of being the sock left in the dryer.”

  “Jade,” Em groaned, “what am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me Em, somebody should. Now tell me about this restaurant.”

  “You’re going to love it. I heard it has themes one of them is paranormal.”

  “Tell me they are shifters or better yet aliens!” She did love paranormal; they were her favorite romances. Em might make a face but she read the same things as well as their other friends.

  “Are we having a girl’s night out?”

  “Nope, the others can’t make it. It will just be me and you. Their loss.”

  “Darn, them. Oh well, we’ll make them jealous they couldn’t come.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Em told her. “Look I’ll pick you up, we both know how you hate driving Friday nights.”

  She did hate driving on the weekend. Everyone and their brother felt the need to be out on a Friday and Saturday night. She got mild road rage and screamed in her car ‘go, home people, no one wants you to be out tonight.’ She laughed not telling Em she was right, but it did take the pressure off.

  “What time?”

  “I made our reservations for nine. I’ll be t
here at eight thirty to pick you up. That should give you enough time to get ready.”

  “Is it formal?”

  “No, it’s dressy casual.”

  “I can do that see you soon.”

  She hung up and put some music on. It came through the speakers she had around the apartment. With one last longing look toward the kitchen and the ice cream she had in the freezer, she walked towards her room. If her bra didn’t come off soon, she might hurt someone.

  She took a nap and then slid into the tub for a soak. It was a Friday night ritual. Mentally she saw herself soaking off the stress of the week allowing her to have a relaxing weekend.

  Once she was dry, she pulled out an outfit. Her silky emerald pants with the wide legs combined with a ruby red shirt would look nice. She paired it with a wide belt that was red and green with lines of gold through it and a pair of gold sandals.

  Deciding she looked cute but maybe not all that casual, she grabbed her purse then made sure her keys and wallet were tucked inside. Out the door she went, Em was nothing if not punctual.

  She took the elevator downstairs, it was one of the reasons she lived in this building. That and the fact in the lobby was a beautiful sitting area for the residents. She bypassed it and went outside. Em pulled up five minutes later.

  She gave a small whistle while Jade got in the car.

  “You look magnificent as ever. I swear I wish I had your dark skin.”

  “One day and you’d give it back. You look good too.” Em was wearing aqua. She was a diehard blue fan. “I love the aqua with your blue eyes.”

  “Thanks, I love that you're wearing me.” They both laughed. Em was short for Emerald and she got a kick out of the fact that Jade loved to wear green. “Seriously when are you going to let me borrow those earrings?”

  Jade touched her ears protectively. Em could wear anything that Jade had except the earrings. They were cheap. She bought them at some boutique that went out of business the next day, but she couldn’t part with them.

  “When you allow me to wear that bracelet.”

  “That’s never going to happen.”

  “I know.”

  They were silent until they pulled up in front of the restaurant. The valet came to park their car.

  “They have valet parking? Can we afford this place?” Jade hissed at her. It wasn’t that either of them was broke, but valet parking. They didn’t usually eat at places like that.

  They exited the car and watched as it was driven off. She turned around to say something but Em took her hand quickly and squeezed it tight. Jade said nothing, that was Em’s signal to stop stressing and have fun. They walked in and the Maitra d greeted them.

  “Do you have reservations?”

  “We do for nine.”

  “What theme?”

  “There is more than one?” Jade asked.

  “There are currently three different levels open. Each has a different theme.”

  “We picked the paranormal theme, the reservation is under Stark,” Em told her.

  “I see, please follow me.” She led them off as another took her place.

  She took them one floor up. The restaurant had low lights. Still, they could see that one of the walls featured different animals they had never seen before. The artist they used was good and whoever created the animals was extraordinary.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The Maitra d left.

  “This place is magnificent.” Em looked around the room like a toddler on the first day of preschool.

  “I agree. The pictures take my breath away. Did you see that one?” Jade pointed to what had to be a sabretooth tiger, maybe. It was larger than anything she had ever seen. The teeth or tusk on that thing were long and deadly. Looking at it made her heart thump for some reason. “What if that proud beast was a shifter?”

  “Proud? Don’t you mean deadly, angry, killing machine?”

  Jade turned her head to take in the picture from a different angle. Then she rose like she couldn’t help herself and walked over to it. Her fingers wanted to caress the neck of the beast. She shook herself and returned to her seat.

  “No, he is definitely proud. I’d say he was the leader as well as the king of the jungle.”

  “Too many shifter books for you,” Em laughed, but she looked at the picture as if it made her uncomfortable.

  “Hi, I’ll be your waiter today.” There was a slight young man in front of them. He hadn’t made any noise when he approached.

  “You’re quiet,” Jade told him resisting the urge to place her hand over her heart.

  “Thank you. I don’t want to disturb your dining experience. Can I take your drink orders?”

  “I’ll start with a glass of water and a wine spr…” Em’s blue eyes were shooting daggers at her. “A glass of red wine please.”

  “Would you like the house specialty?”


  “And you Ma’am?”

  “I’ll take the same.”

  “Very good I will be back shortly for your orders.” He gave a tilt of his head and walked away.

  “You were about to say a wine spritzer.”


  “It’s not often we get dressed up and go out let’s have a good time. What’s on the menu?”

  They picked them up and went over them laughing at the dishes they couldn’t pronounce.

  Their waiter came back with their drinks.

  “We never got your name?”

  “Name?” he stumbled for a minute. “You can call me Pete.”

  “Alright Pete, I’m going for safe,” Em told him flashing a friendly smile. “I want the turf and surf with a side of mashed potatoes and broccoli.”

  “I want to know what this is?” Jade showed him on the menu.

  “That’s a specialty dish that came from Porakay.”

  The sadness in his voice was enough to make Jade wonder why she never heard of this place. “Where?”

  “A different planet not in your solar system.”

  She offered him a smile before looking at Em to see if she believed him. The sadness clinging to his pours screamed there was a real tragedy, not a made-up idea.

  “I’ve always wanted to eat alien food. What is it?” She shrugged at her certainty putting it down to Friday night jitters.

  “I’ve been told it is like your steak with mushrooms and onions. There is a sauce poured over it that is set on fire. The sauce will caramelize and give the meat a spicy kick. It has been reduced to be enjoyed by the human palate.”

  “I’ll take that. My human palate is in the mood for inhuman food. By the way Pete, I love how you are playing into the whole alien paranormal theme.”

  “Thanks, Ma’am.” He took their menu’s and left.

  “What do you think?”

  “I know it’s the geek in me but thank you for dragging my sorry self out the house tonight. I like this place and already want to come back. I can’t wait to see what they do to the food to make it taste different from everyday steak.”

  “I’m a little jealous I wish I had decided to walk on the wild side and get something different on the menu.”

  “You saw something you want to try?”

  “I did, next time.”

  Chapter Two

  “Each floor is currently filled to capacity,” Jaydel announced as he walked into the main office.

  Lyrek was sitting behind the desk staring at a wall of screens that were currently dark.


  Lyrek looked up at Jaydel, he was his second in command. The restaurants were a project he worked on since they came to this new planet.

  “Are we putting this planet in danger? The very act of us being here means that soon they won’t exist. The Hydal will destroy their planet and any trace of humans throughout the galaxy.” Lyrek knew what was going to happen. If there was a way to stop it, he would give his byema to make sure this planet survived.

  “Nothing will ever stop them
. You know this is true.”

  He tilted his head acknowledging his byema silently.

  “Lyrek, we will follow your orders. If you want to leave, we are behind you. That won’t save this planet or these people. When, not if the Hydal come, they will look for one thing. A spark, the possibility that a human will be a possible match to one of us. If they find it…”

  “If they find it, they will destroy this planet like they did ours. If we leave, then we are leaving them to their ultimate doom.”

  His byema was right. Either way, this planet was on their hit list.

  “We could gather the potential mates and leave with them.” He knew that wasn’t going to happen. Even if a bunch of humans agreed to leave their planet for a romp around space, he wouldn’t – couldn’t leave their planet to be destroyed.

  “We will follow your orders.” Jaydel saluted him.

  A laugh rushed from his belly to slip over his lips. Jaydel was the perfect second in command, but he had his own opinions. Leaving a helpless planet behind because he ordered him to wouldn’t go down well.

  “Damn it Lyrek I’m trying to toe the line here.”

  “I appreciate it really.” He laughed harder at the look on Jaydel’s face. Another minute or two his incisors will begin to grow.

  Lyrek stretched, he had not faced a challenge in a long time. The possibility of a fight excited his blood.

  Jaydel took a step back showing his neck.

  It was probably for the best but he still wanted to fight since there was nothing else for him to expel energy on.

  “Before we have the Hydal coming here, we should look for a potential spark.” Lyrek turned on the wall of monitors watching all three restaurants.

  “Excellent job, Jaydel.”

  He watched his second bask in his praise. He deserved the moment. Lyrek pushed himself to stand before walking over to the monitors. He gave each his attention as he watched the humans laugh and eat.

  “Why am I the one looking for his spark and not you or one of the others?” It was a sore spot with him. He didn’t want anything his males didn’t have. Each was deserving.


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