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The Teacher’s Pets

Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  God the smile she gave him seemed to melt something inside of him. His shaft jerked in his pants, making him want to adjust it away from his zipper. Fuck she was hot.

  “Thanks. I’m a little nervous about being on a horse after so many years. How far are we going before we stop to eat?” she asked.

  “About two hours, but we’ll break it up into one hour rides and stop for a walk break. Don’t worry. We’re not going to ruin you for future rides.” He winked at her.

  Cole walked out, leading two horses. Wesson couldn’t help noticing that his brother’s face lit up at the sight of Jessie. He’d talked non-stop about the woman all week. There was no doubt that his brother was already hooked on her. He just hoped she turned out to be the right woman for them. He was already thinking future with her, and that had never happened with any other woman before.

  Usually he held back his enthusiasm to see how things went after a date or two, and when they didn’t work out, he wasn’t too upset over it. The fact that he already wanted her to be the one surprised him. If she walked away, he could already tell it would hurt.

  “Hey, Cole.”

  Wesson watched as Jessie walked over to run her hand down the muzzle of one of the horses.

  “You look great, Jessie,” Cole said.

  “Thanks. I can’t wait to ride again. Wesson said I’m riding Sugar. Is one of these Sugar?” she asked.

  “This is Sugar over here,” Cole told her. He indicated the roan with a white muzzle.

  Wesson smiled as Jessie walked over and rubbed her hand up and down the horse’s face, talking to the horse like she would a beloved dog or cat. She obviously loved animals, which was always a plus in his book.

  “Let me get my horse and we can get going,” Cole said.

  Wesson walked over to where Jessie was cooing to Sugar. “Let me help you up, babe.”

  He held his clasped hands to allow her to use them to mount Sugar. She climbed up like a pro and settled on the saddle taking the reins from him. She looked good, sitting up on the horse, like a natural. He couldn’t help but admire her astride the big horse. Her posture was natural, and compounded with her amazing body, Wesson couldn’t help but think of her astride his body, riding his cock.

  Cole returned, riding his horse out of the barn. Wesson climbed up on Charger, and the three of them began the trip to the spot he and Cole had picked out to have their picnic.

  “So what have you been doing all week?” Wesson asked as they rode.

  “Lesson plans mostly. I did manage to clean out the flower bed though. The weeds were about to take over,” Jessie said.

  “So school starts for you in another week, right?” Cole asked.

  “Yeah. We’ll go the first week with the kids coming in on Friday to get their schedules and learn their teachers before they break for Labor Day. After that, they’ll come back on Tuesday full time.” Jessie shook her head. “The first couple of weeks is tough for them and for us getting back into the rhythm. The kids don’t want to be there but finally relax by the third week.”

  “What about you? Do you really enjoy teaching?” Wesson asked.

  “Love it. I love it when they get interested in a story or book for the first time and love hearing them discuss one among themselves. They come up with some of the craziest ideas about what the author was trying to get across in the story,” she said.

  “You must really like the classics to teach them,” Cole said. “What about current authors?”

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love reading romance books. I have a huge selection on my e-reader.” She grinned back at Cole over her shoulder.

  “Romance, huh? Like dirty romance?” Wesson asked.

  He could just imagine her curled up reading a dirty ménage book. He’d heard all about some of those from some of the guy friends they had who had wives that read them. It seemed that they got the best sex after their women had been reading one.

  He smiled at her quick intake of breath. He’d caught her off guard with that statement.

  “Well, they are pretty hot,” she finally admitted.

  He just bet they were. Their Jessie had a penchant for dirty books. That meant she might not be against letting his brother and him spend more time with her. He sure as hell hoped so. Just the fact that she’d agreed to go riding with both of them had given him hope. Hope he hung on to with both hands.

  * * * *

  Jessie shivered at the thoughts racing through her head. She couldn’t believe she’d admitted to reading hot romance to them. What had she been thinking? Well, she hadn’t. All that had consumed her mind for the last hour had been how good the men had looked in their blue jeans and button-down western shirts that had accented their wide shoulders and broad chests. Chests she had an itch to explore. What was wrong with her?

  They stopped next to a circle of rocks where Cole helped her down while Wesson tethered the horses to some tree limbs.

  “Thought you could use a few minutes to walk around and stretch your legs,” Wesson said as he returned to where she and Cole stood.

  “Thanks. I definitely could use a quick walk. I’m going to be sore tomorrow,” she told him.

  “Just soak in a hot tub with some Epsom salts tonight, and you shouldn’t be too sore tomorrow. We’ll have to do this regularly so you get used to riding again,” Wesson said.

  Regularly? It sounded like they wanted to spend more time with her, and they hadn’t even been around each other for more than a few hours, including the night they’d danced with her. She couldn’t stop her heart from stuttering at the thought of dating them both. Could she do it? Could she go out with two men at one time on a regular basis? Jessie really wasn’t sure. She knew one thing though. If she planned to go out at all, it would have to be with both of them. She couldn’t choose one over the other one. She wasn’t even sure they’d go out with her without the other one.

  From the beginning they’d made it clear that they shared. Jessie couldn’t pretend otherwise. If she decided to spend more time with them, she had to decide if she could handle that. Hell, she should have made up her mind before coming on this riding trip with them. It wasn’t fair that she agreed to the picnic when she hadn’t really made up her mind about the long term should they still be interested after this.

  I’m such an idiot. I like both of them. I could never choose, so either I date them both or I let them go after today.

  The problem was she didn’t want to let them go. She already liked them both too much to put an end to their relationship. But what about dating both of them and teaching at the same time? Would her seeing two men at one time affect her position with the school? Were there other teachers in ménage relationships in Riverbend?

  Jessie needed to find out but wasn’t sure how to do it. She’d talk to Brenda about it. No doubt the woman would be ecstatic once she found out that Jessie was possibly getting serious about Cole and Wesson. She’d have to be damn sure she really was before she approached her friend. There’d be no stopping the other woman. She’d be planning a wedding right alongside her own.

  I need to cool it. This is just a first date and doesn’t mean we’ll ever see each other again. I’m getting ahead of myself.

  Still, the worry that she’d have trouble with her job nagged at her as she stretched her legs while the guys waited on her.

  “How are you doing? Feel like heading out again?” Cole asked her.

  She smiled and nodded. “I’m good.”

  Cole helped her up, and then the three of them started off again. She had to admit that the views were amazing as they wound their way around rocks and jutting trees. Jessie would never have seen the serene scenery had she not accepted their date.

  The rest of the ride was made in near silence with the guys breaking it here and there to point out jackrabbits or the occasional roadrunner. Once they reached a grassy meadow she slipped off Sugar with Wesson helping her down before Cole walked the horses over to a stream to drink before tethering them
to a scrub tree.

  “It’s beautiful here,” she breathed out.

  “We like coming here when we’re feeling fenced in with work,” Wesson admitted.

  “The stream looks inviting. I just might need to peel off these boots and my socks and soak my feet in it,” she said.

  “That’s a great idea. Why don’t you do that while we set up the blanket and food,” Cole suggested.

  “Really? I don’t mind helping,” she said.

  “We’ve got it covered. You go soak your toes,” Wesson said.

  Jessie didn’t wait to see if they were teasing or not. She strode over to the stream and shucked her boots, socks, and rolled up her pant legs before dipping her feet in the warm stream. It felt amazing. She carefully walked around before settling on a rock with her feet submerged in the water. Leaning back on her hands, she lifted her face up to the warm sunshine and enjoyed the freedom she felt just sitting there.

  After a while, she pulled her feet from the water to let them dry before she had to pull on her socks and shoes again. Ten minutes later, Wesson nudged her with his shoulder.

  “Ready to eat?” he asked.

  She opened her eyes, unable to contain her wide smile. “Yeah. This is an amazing spot to just relax. I can see why you and Cole come here sometimes to unwind.”

  “Hey, Cole. Come get her boots and socks,” Wesson said.

  Before she realized what he was going to do, he’d picked her up and carried her over to the blanket they’d spread out in the sparse shade of one of the small scrub trees.

  “I could have walked,” she complained with a frown.

  “Why walk when you had me to carry you? Besides, your feet aren’t completely dry. You’d have gotten them dirty and possibly bruised from the rocks,” Wesson told her.

  She sighed. He was right. Still, being in his arms had been disconcerting. She was very aware of her plus-sized body and worried that he’d hurt himself trying to carry her. She watched him closely for any sign that she’d done just that. He didn’t act the least winded or like he’d strained his back.

  “Okay, we’ve got ham and cheese sandwiches, potato salad, chips, and brownies,” Cole announced, setting her boots and socks to one side of the blanket.

  “Sounds yummy,” she told them.

  The two men set out the food, passing her a full plate before getting their own. Wesson poured sweet tea from a thermos in three plastic cups, and they all dug in.

  “This is really good potato salad. Who made it?” she asked.

  “That would be Cole. He’s the cook between us. I burn water,” Wesson admitted with a lopsided grin.

  Jessie laughed. “I’m decent, but not great. I have about four or five meals I can cook with any luck. Much more than that, and I’m lost.”

  “Wesson isn’t allowed in the kitchen unless it’s to make sandwiches,” Cole said with a low chuckle. “He nearly burned the house down once when he tried to scramble eggs.”

  “Did not. I put out the fire before it even managed to hurt the stove.” Wesson threw a small pebble at his brother.

  “Regardless, I made the potato salad, and he helped put the sandwiches together. I have to admit that the brownies came from the bakery in town. I got them yesterday. I suck at desserts,” Cole said.

  “It’s all good. Thanks for inviting me, guys. I’ve really enjoyed this.” Jessie smiled and leaned back on the blanket after finishing her brownie. “I’m full.”

  “Let us clean this up, and then we can lie back and watch the clouds. Bet I can pick out some cloud animals,” Cole said.

  “I haven’t watched clouds since I was a teenager,” Jessie admitted.

  She watched as the two men quickly put away the food, and then the three of them stretched out on the blanket and relaxed.

  “See over there? That’s a teddy bear,” Wesson said, pointing to her left.

  Try as she might, Jessie couldn’t see it. She just laughed and shook her head. “Your teddy bear doesn’t look like any bear I’ve seen before.”

  “There,” Cole said, pointing directly overhead. “That’s a duck. See the bill on it?”

  “I can just make it out. I think the clouds are moving too fast to play this game,” she suggested.

  Cole looked over at her. “You’re probably right. I’m so full I think I’ll just take a quick nap.”

  “Sounds good to me, too,” Wesson said.

  Jessie yawned as if their words had pulled it from her. A nap sounded good. It spoke volumes that she was able to settle down to close her eyes while situated between two very handsome, very virial men. She trusted them and felt safe falling asleep between them.

  Chapter Four

  Jessie felt something tickle her nose. She swiped at it then rubbed her nose. It brushed against her nose again. This time she frowned and opened her eyes to find Wesson bent over her with a flower between his fingers.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s time to get up.”

  She yawned and stretched. “How long was I asleep?”

  “About an hour. Cole and I just woke up, as well.” He bent over, and before she knew what he was going to do, Wesson kissed her lightly on the lips.

  The quick kiss sent tiny butterflies flittering in her stomach. It was such a brief touch of his lips that she was surprised at the reaction it elicited. Was she really that attracted to him that one innocent kiss would stir her up like that? She barely knew him.

  Than Cole reached down and helped her to her feet. Instead of letting her hand go, though, he pulled her in close to him, threaded his fingers into her hair close to her scalp, and brushed his mouth across hers in a slightly longer kiss. Again those damn butterflies flitted around in her belly.

  “You look sweet when you’re sleeping. And you’ve got the cutest little snore,” Cole teased.

  “I don’t snore,” she claimed, slapping her hands on her hips.

  “Sure you don’t, babe,” Wesson told her.

  “Really, you guys are just teasing me,” she accused.

  “Ready to mount up and head back?” Cole asked.

  She huffed out a breath and nodded. “I’ve loved this. It’s been wonderful. I almost hate to leave.” She reluctantly pulled her socks and shoes back on.

  “We can do it again anytime you want to, sweet thing,” Cole said. “We’ve enjoyed it, too.”

  When Cole helped her up on Sugar once more, Jessie swore he kept his hand on her leg a little longer than was necessary. Were they as attracted to her as she was to them? Their kisses had stirred up feelings she’d never had before. Warmth had spread all the way to her toes. She needed to think about this once she wasn’t in their company. She couldn’t think with them so close to her. Was she seriously considering seeing them again?

  Well, yeah. She shouldn’t have come with them in the first place if she wasn’t serious about possibly having a relationship with them. It was insane, but she truly liked both of them.

  I’m crazy, but I really do want to get to know them both. Even though I know they share.

  Jessie chatted with them about their ranch and her years at school all the way back to the ranch. When Wesson helped her down, she slid down his body and felt his long, hard erection pressed against her ass as she did. He didn’t let her go, either. Instead he turned her around to face him and wrapped his arms loosely around her as she stood there.

  “We really enjoyed today, Jessie,” he said.

  She felt Cole’s warm breath at the back of her neck. His body pressed against her from behind.

  “We want to see you again. I know you’re getting ready to go back to work, but maybe you’d let me cook you supper Friday night?” Cole asked.

  “Um, I…” she began.

  “That will give you the rest of the weekend to get ready,” Wesson pointed out.

  “Um, okay. That sounds nice. I’d like that,” she finally got out.

  A second date meant she was seriously considering them for more than a one-off thing. Jessie prayed she w
asn’t making a mistake.

  “Great. Plan to come over around five and we can talk some before we eat,” Cole told her.

  “Sounds great.”

  The next thing she knew, Wesson was pulling her in close to him. His head dipped, and his mouth slanted over hers, his teeth nibbling at her lower lip. She opened to him and allowed him entry. His tongue tangled with hers before he slowly pulled back and kissed the tip of her nose. He turned her around, and Cole pulled her into his arms. Only his kiss was gentle and soft, coaxing her mouth to open for him, where Wesson had demanded it from her.

  When Cole pulled back, he brushed another light kiss across her lips then stepped back. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Jessie allowed him to open her car door for her. He leaned in and kissed her once more before closing the door for her.

  Both men waved as she drove down the long drive leading to the road back to town. Jessie wasn’t sure what had just happened, but she felt as if they’d made a promise to her that they weren’t going to let her go now that they’d spent time with her. Somehow she didn’t mind that one bit.

  * * * *

  “Hey, Brenda. How are you doing?” Jessie asked the next day after calling her best friend on the phone.

  “Great. How did your date go yesterday?” she asked.

  Jessie was supposed to have called her when she got home and tell her all about her time with Wesson and Cole but had decided to wait until she’d slept and mulled it over in her head before she called the other woman.

  “Really good. I had a great time. We rode out to where there’s a stream and had a picnic beside it. It was great,” she admitted.

  “Sounds like you really did enjoy it. Why didn’t you call me last night, huh? Did you spend a little more time than that with them?” Brenda asked, her voice very suggestive.

  “No. I was home by five. I just needed to think about things before I called you. They asked me to have dinner with them at their place on Friday. That was going to be our night out, but I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind if I took a raincheck on it.”

  “Hell, no. Of course you have to go with them. So they can cook?” Brenda asked.


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