His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

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His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2) Page 6

by M. L. Ray

  She was just adding some light make-up when Arturo buzzed her intercom and she pressed the button to let him in. “Apartment six, Arturo.”

  She left the door open for him and as she tried to get her makeup finished, she heard him call her name. “In here.”

  Arturo smiled at her as he appeared at her bedroom door. “I’m not too early, am I?”

  “No, I’m really late.” She smiled apologetically at him in the mirror. “Sorry about this. I’ll be done in a second.”

  “Take your time.” He sat on the edge of her bed, watching her work and Juno felt herself flush.

  “Sorry for the vanity.”

  “Self-care isn’t vanity. If it makes you feel good, what’s the harm?” He picked up a tube of make-up primer. “Although I’ll never know the intricacies of the beauty world. I usually have a make-up artist deal with that side for me.”

  Juno smiled at his reflection. “I’m a contradiction,” she said, picking up a small brush and dusting powder into the crease of her eye, “while most of the time, I prefer a clean-scrubbed face, especially when I’m dancing, I do love make-up as an art.”

  “That’s interesting to know. When we do the portraits, we can do a natural and a more dramatic theme depending on your mood.”

  “My mood?”

  Arturo nodded. “It’s important to me that I show the real you. Like I said before, I need your passion for dance… hell, even if you don’t feel like dancing one day, I want to capture that. This project is more about showing who you really are, Juno.

  Juno flushed, feeling self-conscious. “I thought it was more about the dance.”

  His eyes met hers in the mirror. “No,” he said softly, “it’s all about you.”

  Juno felt a thrill of something going through her and she looked away from his gaze, unable to reconcile what she was feeling. “I’m done. Shall we go?”

  Arturo insisted on paying for a water taxi out to the first building out to Sacca Fisola. As the taxi pulled up to the pontoon, Juno felt her heart lift when she saw Levi waiting for them. He raised in hand with a greeting and came to help Juno from the taxi. Arturo hopped out after her and shook Levi’s hand.

  “Hey, man.”

  “Hey.” Levi’s hazel eyes twinkled at Juno. “How are you?”

  Why did this man make her feel breathless? She barely knew him. “I’m good. How was the apartment hunting?”

  “It was fine. I mean, it was a good apartment, but it felt very…” He cats around for the right word. “Unmagical.”

  Juno grinned. “That’s not a word.”

  “Is to.”

  “Is not.”

  She nudged him with her shoulder and he grinned. Arturo cleared his throat. “Guys?”

  “Sorry, Arturo.” Levi sounded amused as he clapped his friend on the shoulder. “We’ll behave.”

  Juno felt a warm feeling deep in her stomach. We’ll behave. We. For the love of God, girl, stop acting like a love struck teenager. Arturo was directing them down a long street then they were at the building.

  “Ah. You weren’t kidding when you said it was a project.” Levi chuckled as they gazed at the run-down building. It was the size of a small hall and as Arturo unlocked the door, a cloud of dust surrounded them. Juno coughed.

  “Mio Dio.”

  Arturo snorted. “My apologies, but you’d better get used to it. I want to juxtapose your beauty with urban decay for my work. So, we’ll be seeing a lot of places like this today. And besides, Levi, you wanted somewhere to build your and Federico’s palladium. This is a solid option.”

  They walked around the abandoned building, seeing where they could stage shots and Levi lagged behind Arturo and Juno, using his architect’s eye on the place. There was no doubt it had potential but like the apartment this morning, it was… unmagical.

  He could see Juno too had reservations and Arturo appeared to pick up on them. “It’s not quite right, is it?”

  Juno shook her head. “I’m not feeling it.”

  Arturo took them to a couple of other places where they had the same reaction. At dusk, they sat in a small street café near the Rialto Bridge and watched the vaporettos and gondolas dance around each other on the canal as the lights of the hotels and cafes flickered on and reflected sparkles off of the water.

  Juno picked unenthusiastically at some soggy French fries. “There are tons of beautiful empty spaces here. Why can’t we find any?”

  Arturo grinned. “So impatient. Did you really think we’d find somewhere on our first try?”

  Juno shrugged and Levi smiled at her. “Arturo’s right. We have time.”

  Juno pushed the fries away from her and Levi handed her a fork, indicating his own steaming pile of pasta. “Help me out with this, would you?”

  She grinned and twirled her fork in the spaghetti. “Levi’s big-brothering me,” she explained to Arturo, “even though he knows I eat like a horse.”

  Arturo smiled, lighting a cigarette. “Does this bother either of you?”


  “Arturo Corri, smoking while people are eating? Even I’m not that crass.”

  They all looked up to see a gorgeous slinky-hipped woman walking towards them. Her dark hair was cropped close to her head, slicked into pin curls over her ears and her dark, watchful eyes were heavily ringed with black kohl.

  Arturo stood and kissed her cheek. “Cat, you came. Levi Zapata, Juno Martello, this is Cat Papini, one of the enfant-twins-terrible of the art world.”

  Both Levi and Juno shook the newcomer’s hand, Levi waiting until Cat had seated herself in the chair Arturo indicated before sitting down himself. Cat Papini smiled at him, her eyes at once predatory and friendly. “So, you’re Knox’s twin? Not identical then, although you look enough alike, I’d know you anywhere.” She smiled at Juno. “And I’m very pleased to meet you at last, Juno. I saw your Giselle last year. It was sublime.”

  “Thank you.” Juno murmured, flushing red. She gave Cat a shy smile.

  Levi nodded at Cat. “Are you and your sister showing at the Biennale? I remember Arturo telling me you were.”

  Cat nodded. “At the Italian Pavilion, obviously. Isa’s there now. She does better at these things than I do.”

  “That surprises me.” Arturo stubbed out his cigarette and took a mouthful of beer.

  “Why?” Juno was curious.

  “Because Isa is the quiet one.” Cat explained to her with a grin, “I’m the big mouth. Isa is… what’s the word, introverted? She’s not so good around people, and she hates the crowds, but no one is more poetic in talking about art. She’s the real artist of the two of us. She could have her own career easily and, lately, I’ve been encouraging her that way.”

  Arturo’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  She smiled at him. “I’m seriously considering retiring.”

  “At twenty-seven?”

  “From art, at least.” Cat’s smile faded. “My heart isn’t in it anymore.”

  Levi nodded at her. “So, where is it?”

  “My heart?” She met his gaze steadily. “I’m not sure I have one. Maybe I need someone to help me find it.” She held Levi’s gaze, and he felt a jolt. She was coming onto him?

  Well… damn.

  Chapter Nine

  Cat smirked and let Levi off the hook. “I’ve been thinking of moving into other forms of entertainment. Hostessing my own club. A private club.” She nodded at Arturo. “The kind you’d like, babe.”

  Arturo smirked, and Levi got it. “Ah.”

  “What? What am I missing?” Juno looked confused and Arturo leaned over and whispered in her ear. Juno’s eyes widened and her face flamed red.

  “A sex club?” She hissed it at them and the other three chuckled. Levi watched Arturo sweep a hand over Juno’s hair.

  “Such an innocent.”

  Juno pulled slightly away from him. “I’m not, it was just a shock, is all. Not that it
’s any of my business.” Then her face relaxed. “Wow, how prudish did I just sound?” She looked at Cat, apologetically. “Sorry. I just wish I could be as confident and open as you.”

  Cat patted her hand. “Fake it until you make it. Listen, why don’t we decamp to the Jazz Club? A friend of mine is playing there tonight with his quartet.”

  As the night wore on, Juno felt more and more like a sulky teen. She watched Cat flirt with Levi, touching his arm, his face, leaning in to speak to him even though the music wasn’t so loud. Juno hated that she felt jealous, after all, Levi was twice her age, and Cat was so much more… more vital than she was. More womanly, more worldly wise.

  Juno played with the olive in her drink, twirling it around and around in the liquor until it was mushed into a grey-green mulch at the bottom of her glass. She felt a hand go to the back of her neck, massaging it, and looked up to see Arturo smiling at her. He leaned closer. “Cat flirts with everyone, piccolo.”

  Juno flushed, hating that he could read her mind. “I don’t care.”

  Arturo shifted his chair closer to hers. She could smell his expensive cologne, the faint scent of soap underneath. His green eyes were intense, and he nodded at the pre-occupied Levi and Cat. “You think they’ll fuck tonight?”

  God. Juno looked away. She wasn’t used to such open sexuality on display and, when she felt Arturo hand slide up her skirt, she froze. She turned scared eyes on him but he just grinned.

  “Let go, Juno. Sometimes it’s good for the soul.”

  He removed his hand and Juno pushed down her skirt, feeling foolish and childlike. Her heart was thumping uncomfortably though, and it wasn’t just out of discomfort… but the fact that she’d liked his touch. The way his fingers had brushed the inside of her thigh—it sent tingles through her.

  But soon the familiar sick feeling came too as she watched Cat and Levi talk and laugh. She closed her eyes and willed away the visions of Tudor Welch and his grubbing hands, the disgust she had felt, but they kept coming.

  She pushed her chair back and stood, startling Cat and Levi. Arturo was up then, at her side. “Are you okay, cara mio?”

  Juno nodded. “Sorry, I just… I’m so tired. I think I must go home.”

  She willed Levi to stand and offer and he looked as if he would before Arturo stepped in. “I’ll make sure you get home okay.”

  Juno didn’t look at Levi again and as they walked through the midnight streets of the city, Juno couldn’t help but imagine that soon Cat and Levi would be at her place or his hotel, making love and forgetting she even existed. She had a sense that she had missed her chance with him… if there ever had been a chance.

  Arturo had his hand on her back. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Listen, about earlier… I am sorry, I overstepped. I forget how young you are.”

  Juno bridled. “Not that young. I’m no virgin, Arturo.” Practically, but that didn’t have anything to do with it. “I’m not a child.”

  He held up his hands. “I’m sorry, I’m saying all the wrong things tonight.”

  They were at her apartment building now. Arturo touched her cheek. “I’m sorry I upset you, cara mia.”

  Juno looked up at him and wondered. Would she feel better, get over… things… if she slept with this man? Would it make it awkward at work? Arturo was gorgeous, even if she did get a sense that he was… what? Her crush on Levi, however ridiculous, had come at her out of the blue and she still wasn’t sure it wasn’t because he felt so safe to her. Safe. God, that was hardly the stuff of erotic fantasy was it?

  “Would you like to come up?” Her voice felt thick in her throat but she lifted her chin, met his gaze steadily.

  She knew he would say yes. Knew it and when he nodded, his green eyes on hers, she felt a thrill of danger, of fear but also of victory. Yes… she could do this.

  She led the way up the dark stairs to her apartment and let them in. Her palms were sweating, and her legs quivered with nerves. Arturo closed the door behind them and locked it. He held out his arms, and she went into them. His kiss was soft, his lips firm, and the kiss was a good one, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

  Yes… I can do this…

  Arturo took her hand and led her into the bedroom. Juno was glad she’d changed the sheets on her tiny bed that morning as he sat down on the edge and drew her close to him. He undid the buttons of her blouse slowly and pulled the fabric apart. He pressed his lips against the bare skin of her stomach and Juno closed her eyes. She stroked her fingers through his curls as he unzipped the fly of her blue jeans and slid them down her legs. When his fingers snagged in the sides of her panties, she tensed, but didn’t stop him as he gently drew them down her legs.

  She was exposed now but Arturo gently removed her blouse and bra and gathered her to him. They tumbled back onto the mattress and he deftly moved her onto her back as he tugged his t-shirt over his head. He kicked his jeans off and then moved Juno’s hand to his groin. His cock was huge and hard against the fabric of his underwear. Juno swallowed her fear and began to stroke him, slipping her fingers inside the underwear to feel his skin.

  “Juno…” He was nuzzling her neck now, moving down her body so he could take her nipples into his mouth, his tongue flicking around them. Juno felt them hardening under his touch, but the usual terror of this kind of situation was building in her stomach.

  No, she told herself, no. No more letting what happened affect my life. This gorgeous man wants to make love to me and I’m going to let him. I’m going to enjoy this…

  She pushed Arturo’s underwear down. “Do you have a condom?”

  “In my jeans,” he murmured, his whole attention on her breasts. Juno could just about reach his discard jeans and snagged a condom from his pocket. Arturo sat up then, his cock proud against his belly. He smiled down at her. “Want to help me out with this, cara mia?”

  She helped him roll the condom down over his straining cock and Arturo hitched her legs around his waist. He slid a hand into her sex and frowned. “Are you wet enough?”

  Juno shook her head, and he bent to kiss her. “Don’t worry, I’ll make you so soaking wet you won’t feel any pain.”

  God. Juno supposed that what he was saying was a good thing, but the word pain…

  “No… no, I’m sorry, I can’t...” She pushed him away and rolled up into a sitting position. She waited for the explosion, the fury of the rejection.

  It didn’t come. Instead she felt Arturo’s arms go around her shoulder as he sat down beside her. She opened her tear-filled eyes and looked at him. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize, sweet girl.” He kissed her temple. “It’s okay.” He stroked her hair, then as she shivered, he pulled her comforter around her. “I should have been a better man than to take advantage like this.”

  “No, it really isn’t your fault, it’s mine.” Juno felt terrible at him thinking it was down to him. “You’re gorgeous, Arturo, and sexy and any woman would want you. But… something is broken inside me.”

  He kept stroking her hair, and it comforted her. “What happened to you, Juno? I know this is none of my business and you certainly don’t have to confide in me. But I want to help you if I can.”

  Juno felt weak with relief that he hadn’t gotten angry or mock her. “I’m… I’m not ready to talk about it.” She looked up at him. The room was dark and she couldn’t see the expression in his eyes but he leaned his forehead against hers.

  “If you ever need to…” He kissed her lips quickly hen stood up. “I’d better go.”


  “Do not say you’re sorry again, cara mia,” he chuckled, then stopped dressing. “Will you be okay if I go?”

  She nodded, but part of her wanted him to stay, not to make love, obviously, but to be there… for what? She couldn’t make it out. “If you want to change to one of the other dancers for your project…” />
  “No way. My project is you, Juno. All the way.” He pulled on his t-shirt and smiled down at her. “We’ll get together at the end of the week. Okay?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  She walked him to the door. “Arturo… thank you. Thank you for understanding. For being so nice about what happened here tonight.”

  Arturo kissed her cheek. “Lock the door after me, Principessa. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  The apartment seemed too quiet after he’d gone and Juno opened the window and sat on the sill, listening to the night, trying to make sense of what had happened. No need, she told herself angrily, she knew why she had reacted that way. Why she always reacted that way.

  Juno dropped her head into her hands and began to cry.

  Chapter Ten

  Seattle, Washington

  Martha had become so much a part of their lives that they’d formed a routine around childcare for Tab, and Anouk needing to work. Since she’d been pregnant, Nook had been determined to work right up to the birth this time, and she had to admit, having Martha as a de facto nanny for Tabitha had really helped.

  And Martha loved her new role. Knox had also arranged for her to see his psychiatrist and she had started to come out of her paranoid ‘phase’ as they had decided to call it.

  To set her mind at ease, Knox had engaged a detective to investigate and prove to Martha that no-one was following her, no-one was going to kill her. The doctors he had spoken to told him it wasn’t unusual for the consequences of what had happened to Martha to come back to haunt her.

  One doctor, who had been a great friend and golfing partner of his late father, asked him if he and Nook sometimes got depressed over the horror of Shawn Simon. “Sure,” Knox had agreed, “I know, for me, that it never goes away.” He was silent for a moment, the image of Nook’s broken and bloody body lying on the floor of her gallery’s vault still fresh even after all these years. “Are you saying that it could get so bad that it could cause you to break down years after?”


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