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His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

Page 12

by M. L. Ray

  “I’ve got good make-up.” She touched her forehead gingerly, wincing at the tenderness of it. “Well, I hope that’ll work.”

  “So, you just fell? You promise me that’s all that happened?”

  “Levi, one of us being paranoid is enough. I thought I saw Welch following me, I lost my foot on the Rialto bridge and whammo! Merda, this hurts.”

  Levi reached behind her and retrieved a plastic bottle from the bathroom cabinet. “Aspirin.”


  He drew her a cup of water and handed it to her.

  “Can I take three?”

  “No, girl, jeez. Two.”

  She grinned at him and he rolled his eyes. “So, that’s the way this relationship is going to go, huh? Endless mockery?”

  “Pretty much. I could do with a kiss.”

  Levi’s face softened. He kissed her tender forehead and then her mouth. “I never want to see you covered in blood again.”

  “Deal. I’m not wild about it either.”

  Levi turned around and cranked on the faucets of the tub. “Well, I’m spoiling you for the rest of the evening, First, a long soak. I’ve yet to use this outrageously luxurious bathtub, so let’s christen it.”

  Juno grinned but Levi shook his head. “Not like that. You might have a concussion.”

  Juno pouted and Levi laughed. “Insatiable.”

  He kissed her again, tilting her face up to his, a finger under her chin. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She immediately crossed her eyes and puffed her cheeks out and he grinned. “Especially like that.”

  He began to peel her bloody clothes from her and Juno let him, suddenly feeling exhausted.

  She couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid as to fall. It had been humiliating more than painful at the time—she’d heard the chuckles of some kids as she tried to pick herself up and it had taken a couple of moments before she actually was helped to her feet. She’d refused any further help, just eager to get away from the scene. And of course, it had to have been the Rialto she’d fallen on. Fleets of tourists to watch her. Damn it.

  Levi met her gaze, and she focused back in the room. “Hmm. Maybe I had better get in with you. I don’t want you passing out in the water.”

  She smiled. “Part of my plan.”

  When the tub was filled with hot, scented water, she lay back against Levi’s chest, resting her head on his shoulder. Levi’s arms were around her waist, his fingers tracing patterns on her belly, sensing pleasurable tingles up and down her skin. Was it really only twenty-four hours since they’d become whatever it was they were? Lovers. Partners. It was so natural to be in Levi Zapata’s arms.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Can we just stay here forever?”

  She felt, as well as heard, Levi’s deep chuckle rumble through his chest. “If you like. We might get a little wrinkly, but I’m in.”

  She laughed. She was beginning to feel dreamy, light-headed from tiredness and her injury but she felt safe with his big arms wrapped around her. She looked up at him, saw the love in his eyes and knew she had found her home. “Kiss me.”

  His lips were against hers, soft, tender at first. Juno turned and straddled him, feeling his cock hard against her sex. He reached behind her head and let down her long hair. “My little goddess.”

  He cupped her full breasts and bent his head to suck on each nipple in turn as Juno closed her eyes and focused solely on the sensations sparking through her body. The way his tongue flicked and lashed around the swollen buds of her breasts made her moan and her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him against her chest.

  With her freehand, she stroked the length of his cock, ramrod hard against her thigh and carefully, she lowered herself onto it, sighing happily as the thickness of it filled her.

  “I swear to God, you were built just for me,” she whispered in his ear and felt him chuckle, the vibration of his throat against her nipple. She began to move, sliding herself along his cock and back, finding a rhythm as the tension built between them. Levi raised his head and found her mouth with his.

  “You are intoxicating, Signorina Martello.”

  Juno smile, her lips curving up against his. “I am yours, Signor Zapata.”

  The warm water moved around them as they made love, swirling up as Juno moved faster against his hips. Slamming herself onto his cock, breathless and panting now, all pain forgotten.

  She came, almost sobbing with the release of it, feeling his cock pump hard inside her, and she tightened her vaginal muscles around him, giving him as much pleasure as he had given her.

  Later, when the water had gone cold, they got out, dried off and went to eat a light supper before curling up on the couch together. “Do we have to move?”

  Levi grinned. “Only to the bed.”

  “Good plan. But later. I’m so comfortable.”

  Juno snuggled against Levi’s chest and he drew the woolen throw over her. In moments, he heard her breathing level out and knew she had fallen asleep. Just holding her in his arms felt like he had come home. The terror when he’d opened the door to find her bloodied and almost in tears. His first thought had been that Welch had beaten her, followed by the utter relief that it had been an accident.

  He didn’t know why but the pervading thought that something would happen to Juno, something terrible that he couldn’t stop was haunting him. Was it because of what happened to his brother’s wife all those years ago? Plus, the loss of his father, the terrible cancer that had afflicted his beloved young sister before she beat it. Federico’s untimely death?

  His arms tightened around the sleeping girl in his arms. Maybe Arturo would know more about Tudor Welch? The man had to be dealt with. Levi stopped himself from thinking what he was about to think. Nope. He wasn’t that guy. But he would protect Juno with everything he had, that was for sure.

  Juno was still asleep an hour later so, gently, Levi picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down, and she turned onto her side, mumbling to herself. Levi grinned, but his smile froze a moment later, when he heard what she was saying.

  He’s going to kill me, I know it… he’s going to kill me…

  It felt as if his heart would clamor out of his ribs. Levi forced himself to leave her asleep and went into the kitchen. He grabbed her discarded, bloodied clothes, but before he put them in the washer, he checked the pockets. He pulled a crumpled envelope from the pocket of her sweatshirt and set it aside. Dumping some detergent in with the clothes, he switched the washer on. His elbow caught the envelope and its contents fell out, onto the floor.

  He bent to pick it up and got the third shock of his night. Clearly printed, in block letters, were the words:

  Ask Levi Zapata about Lucy Graziano. Ask him if he knows how she died.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Arturo waved from his seat in the outdoor café and Levi and Juno headed over to greet him. “Hey, you two.”

  He kissed Juno’s cheek and clapped Levi on the shoulder. “It’s about time we did this.”

  Levi smiled and the two of them sat down with the photographer. “Listen,” Juno said, nervously, “sorry to bring this up first thing, but I’ve been thinking.”

  “Yes?” Arturo looked amused.

  Levi grinned too. He knew Juno had been preparing this speech for a couple of days but that she was nervous to say the words.

  Juno took a deep breath. “Yes. Yes, to the topless photos. I think it would be a great art project.”

  Arturo’s expression changed to surprise. “Really?” He put a lot of emphasis on the word, making the most of being ‘shocked.’

  “Dude, come on, I had a whole speech planned.”

  Both Arturo and Levi burst out laughing at her sulky face. “I’m sorry, cara mia, it was just the expression on your face. Like you were being stretched on the rack.”

  Levi muffled another laugh and Juno swi
ped at him. “Traitor.” But she was grinning, relieved that they had bypassed any awkwardness. “Listen, seriously, I talked to the company and they’re fine with it. Levi…”

  Levi held his hands up. “Hey, I’m not about to tell anyone what to do with their body, especially not you, babe. I value my cajones.”

  “Me too,” she wiggled her eyebrows at him and he grinned.

  “So, it’s a yes on the photographs. Good. That’s good news.”

  Arturo seemed pleased and Juno was relieved. She had talked to Levi long into the night about what Arturo had suggested but he’d made it very clear—it was her body, her decision. “Listen, baby, my brother is an artist, my sister-in-law a gallery owner. Arturo is an artist, not a pervert.”

  Juno had nodded, still hesitant, and Levi had raised an eyebrow at her. “But?”

  “Levi, before us, before we got together, there were a couple of occasions where I thought Arturo might be… you know, interested in me. Scrub that, I know he was. Nothing ever happened, well, not nothing but…”

  She was tying herself in knots, flushing bright red, and Levi chuckled. “Darling, just spit it out.”

  “We almost had sex. One night. We almost had sex. I mean, we were both naked, there was a condom and… and I stopped it. I just… it wasn’t right. It wouldn’t have been fair to Arturo.”


  “Because I knew I had feelings for someone else.” She met his gaze. “To his credit, Arturo was a perfect gentleman about it.”

  Levi nodded slowly, and she tried to read him. “Are you upset with me?”

  “Of course not, Juno.” He reached for her and she sat down on his lap. “For one thing, who could resist you?”

  “Ha ha.”

  “And for another, we weren’t together then. And Arturo has been a good friend to both of us. No hard feelings.”

  So now, she just felt relieved that it was all out, and that Arturo was pleased. “The photographs will be tasteful,” he assured her, “and at any point, if you’re uncomfortable, we’ll stop.”

  She smiled at him. “Okay.”

  Levi squeezed her hand and winked at her and she sat back. They ordered food and Juno sat listening to the men talk about Levi’s new project—renovating the very same disused concert hall that she and Arturo had shot some photographs in.

  After their entrée, Juno excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. She used the facilities and was washing her hands when the door opened. She looked up to see Fausta staring at her.


  Why did Fausta look like she’d seen a ghost?

  “Hi.” Fausta said stiffly and went into the empty stall. Juno frowned. What the hell was that about?

  Fausta came out to wash her hands, seeming surprised to still see Juno there.

  “Are you all right, Fausta?”

  “I’m fine, why?”

  “You’re being weird.”

  Fausta dried her hands on a paper towel. “I was just surprised to see you here. This is an upscale place.”

  Ah, so that’s how it was going to be. Juno rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  She pulled open the door and left the restroom, but instead of going back to the table, she ducked behind a huge potted plant and waited for Fausta to leave. When the other woman came out, Juno followed her, keeping a good distance.

  When she saw who Fausta’s dining companion was, she felt a sting. Fausta was kissing ass. Tudor was sitting at a table, standing when Fausta returned, then leaning forward to kiss her mouth. Was it Juno’s imagination or did he see her watching them and deliberately extended the kiss? What the hell did he think she would think? That she’d be jealous? She nearly laughed aloud. Rather Fausta than her anytime, any day. Tudor Welch was repellent in every way. Ugh.

  She shot him a disgusted look and turned around to leave, thanking the stars that his table was nowhere near hers. If Levi were to see him… Juno sighed and went back to her table.

  While Juno was playing detective, Levi and Arturo were talking about Tudor Welch himself. Levi asked Arturo if he knew the man and Arturo shook his head. “Not personally, but I’ve heard stories. And he seems to have inveigled himself into the ballet company.”

  “Juno has a history with him. Unhappy history.”


  Levi shifted in his chair. “I’m not comfortable saying more than that but I think he’s targeting her.”

  “How do you know?”

  Levi hesitated. “Someone sent her a note… let’s just say it was designed to make her unhappy, to try to perhaps ruin our relationship.”

  “You’ll have to tell me more.”

  Levi sighed. “Arturo, you went to my alma matar… do you remember a girl called Lucy Graziano?”

  Arturo’s eyebrows shot up. “The girl who died? Everyone knew who she was. She died after your time though, right?”

  “Right. Except Federico was still involved with the college. He dated her. Dated and dumped.”


  “I don’t know what happened for sure, but I know she got pregnant, and then she was found dead. There was a suicide note but…”


  Levi swallowed. “She was found with stab wounds. The police thought it was a strange way to kill herself. It looked like she was trying to… God, I’m sorry to say this at dinner, but like she was trying…”

  “… to cut the baby out.”


  Arturo looked disgusted. “Man, that’s… just sad. Was Federico the father?”

  “He never told me outright, but I assumed. Anyway, because Federico was who he was, the police closed the case and no one ever found out how Lucy died—or who the father of her child was. Now I’m wondering if Tudor Welch found out and is somehow trying to use that to hurt Juno.”

  Arturo frowned. “But why? What has this man got against Juno?”

  Levi met his gaze steadily. “He’s… obsessed is a word I might use.”

  Arturo stared back at him and Levi could see understanding creep into his eyes. “The fucker.”

  “Yup. Man, I hate to ask and for god’s sake don’t tell Juno I said anything but…”

  “My friend, you have my word. No-one is going to touch her.”

  Levi smiled at him. “You sound like a mafioso.”

  Arturo grinned. “You know what I mean. I have friends here who can look into this Welch stronzo. Has Juno talked to the company?”

  “Some, but not the full story.”

  Arturo was staring at him. “What is it, Levi? What did he do to her?”

  Levi shook his head. Juno was on her way back to the table and he didn’t want to continue the conversation. Arturo took the hint and the rest of the dinner passed with chat and laughter.

  Juno leaned against Levi’s shoulder as they took the vaporetto back to Santa Croce. He kissed her temple. “You okay?”


  He grinned down at her. “Spaced out?”

  Juno laughed. “Sorry, just relaxed.”


  She smiled up at him. “Not even one little bit.”

  He kissed her, not caring if the other passengers were watching them. Levi would never get tired of kissing Juno Martello. He sniggered to himself and had to explain himself. “I sound like a lovesick teenager, even in my own head.”

  Juno giggled. “Nothing wrong with that.” She rested her chin on his shoulder casually but he could see the deep feeling in her eyes. “I’m not even scared to say that I’m in love with you, Levi Zapata. I know it might seem fast but not to me.”

  Levi felt a rush of emotion that felt strange but wonderful. “I love you, Juno. Very, very much.”

  “Good,” she said with a smugness that made him laugh again.

  Elsewhere in the city, Fausta refused Tudor Welch’s offer to walk her home. She’d agreed to go to dinner with him because he’d blackmailed her into it but the
truth was, she hated everything about him. His obsession with Juno Martello had made itself known very early, and it scared Fausta.

  She opened the doorway to her apartment building and cursed. The lights were out again, and she had to grope her way up the stairs to the second floor. She dropped her key at the door and had to fumble around on the floor to find it again. Her hand closed over the metal key and she stood in relief.

  She had no time to put the key into the lock before someone grabbed her from behind and then there were a thousand bee stings hitting her torso, bewildering, agonizing and it was only as she began to lose consciousness that she realized they weren’t bee stings, but the merciless, relentless blows from a knife, ripping into her chest, her stomach, her neck.

  She smelled her own blood as she tried to scream but then the knife sliced through her voice box and it was all over.

  Her killer dumped her body on the ground and Fausta gave into death.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Juno heard her cell phone bleep with a text message. She opened her eyes, saw her phone flashing on the night stand but groaned and turned away from it, curling into Levi’s warm form next to her. She slid her arm around his chest and snuggled closer. In his sleep, Levi murmured her name and Juno smiled.

  Her phone bleeped again. Juno frowned. Another bleep. Someone wanted to get in touch with her in a hurry, it seemed. Sighing, she gently rolled back to her side of the bed and grabbed her phone. Jake.

  911. Call me as soon as you get this.

  Juno, please call me ASAP.

  Something’s happened.

  Juno frowned and slid quietly from the bed, padding into the living room so she wouldn’t wake Levi. She called Jake back.

  “Hey, dude, what…?”

  “Fausta’s dead.”

  Juno went cold. “What?”

  Jake’s voice was flat, shocked. “They found her body this morning, outside her apartment. Someone stabbed her to death.”

  Juno’s legs went numb, and she sank to the carpet. “I just saw her last night. At a restaurant.”


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