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Seductive Soul (Ubiquity)

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by Lindt, Allyson

  Seductive Soul

  A Ubiquity Short

  Allyson Lindt

  This book is a work of fiction.

  While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Allyson Lindt

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Acelette Press

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Seductive Soul (Ubiquity)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Also By Allyson Lindt

  About the Author

  For my eternal dragon

  Chapter One

  Ronnie had been told life on earth, in a physical body, would be the height of sensory overload. In the best way possible.

  Hearing it and experiencing it were two entirely different things.

  She sat at a table against the bar wall, watching St. Patrick’s Day festivities roaring around her.

  The bright colors, the laughing and shouting people, the scents of hot wings and alcohol...

  And the taste... God, the taste... She was as close to Heaven as most demons ever got.

  To think she’d argued about having her Earth orientation today. Upper Hell management knew how demons reacted to having a physical form for the first time, so part of orientation was to live through a holiday. To go out and experience as much as a demon could.

  Ronnie’s book-knowledge of holidays told her this wasn’t a big one. She’d been hoping for a celebration like Thanksgiving—eating everything in sight. Or Halloween—an excuse to wear her wings and party with humanity while their inhibitions were down.

  The lessons implanted in demons’ heads needed to be updated to say this holiday had it all. Okay, technically, no one else was wearing wings, but they did have funny hats on, and not a single person gave her a second glance for the feathery black extensions attached to her shoulder blades.

  “Another drink, miss?” The bartender set a large glass mug with something green in it in front of her. He was nice. He’d been bringing her a variety of flavors all night.

  She had an unlimited budget for the week, but free drinks were more fun. “What’s this one?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Can’t figure out if you’re for real or yanking my chain. It’s green beer.” He was as attractive as he was generous—blond hair, bright-blue eyes, and an aura that crackled and sparkled like a kaleidoscope through a prism.

  Which also meant he was walking chaos laced with deception, but Ronnie didn’t have a problem with that. Every time he brought her something new, he brushed against her. Physical contact was at least as good as food. Even the light touches sent tingles racing along her skin.

  She took a sip and cringed at the horrible taste. “It’s vile.” And she loved it. Every new sensation, good or bad, was something she could add to her list of things she’d experienced.

  He chuckled again. “It’s an acquired taste.”

  “So are demons.” A voice came from the chair on the other side of Ronnie’s table, and another person appeared in the previously-empty seat.

  Unlike the mortal serving Ronnie one drink after another, the new arrival was definitely a demon. His aura lit up the room and sucked the light from it at the same time. And if bartender-guy was cute, this guy was drop-dead Hubba Hubba.

  The thing was, when she tried to focus to see his features, she couldn’t name what they were. She couldn’t tell what about him made him sexy.

  “Where did you come from?” Bartender-Guy stared at the new arrival with wide eyes.

  “I was already here,” Demon-Guy said.

  He hadn’t been, but a demon could appear in the middle of a room instantly, and convince most people they’d been there all along.

  The bartender shook his head and wandered off.

  The demon turned to Ronnie. “Don’t focus too hard. You won’t see what you’re looking for.”

  “What?” She couldn’t pull her gaze away. Watching him sent a whole new level of sparks, racing through her veins. It heated her skin and tingled on every sensitive part of her body and throbbed between her legs.

  He shook his head, and the fuzzy edges of his look faded, then vanished. “If you don’t have a perfect type, I’m harder to see.”

  His aura swam into focus—emerald on molten gold. Not as heart stopping as the influence he radiated to convince people of his beauty, but definitely gorgeous. Especially combined with the Kool-Aid-red hair, the barely-there scruff of beard on a square jaw, and amber eyes that seemed to peer into her soul. Demons and angels took on forms that resembled the way they saw themselves, so most were attractive. But this guy... Hello, hottie.

  “You’re an incubus,” Ronnie said. Which explained why his voice pulsed through her core to the point where she wanted to throw caution to the wind and finger herself right here in the middle of the bar.

  Yeah... masturbation was the first thing she’d discovered and fallen in love on Earth.

  “Why do you say that? I might be a leprechaun.” He winked.

  She laughed, not caring that the lust spilling through her was at least a little magically induced. “Leprechauns aren’t real.”

  “Says the newbie demon who’s going to work next week for a company that not only monitors the world’s web browsing, but is also run by Heaven and Hell.”

  “I’m not new.” She wouldn’t argue the rest. Most of them—agents of Heaven and Hell—didn’t get bodies these days unless they worked for Ubiquity.

  “You’re so new, you don’t realize Mr. Friendly buying you the drinks can’t figure out why the fuck he hasn’t gotten you drunk yet.”

  “Wait. People really do that?” Before arriving here, all of her knowledge had been crammed into her head via magical demon learning. And there was a lot. But everything she knew about meeting other people and plying them with booze seemed implausible to her. “Why doesn’t he just ask me if I’m interested?”

  The Incubus frowned. “Lucifer never taught you that? Hmm... Some people use deception to get what they want because they’re terrified of rejection. I, on the other hand, prefer the more direct route.”

  “Which is...?”

  He was seated next to her in a blink. He leaned in, mouth close enough to her ear that his hot breath caressed her cheek. “I’d love to help you find all the buttons on that physical form of yours.”

  Objectively, he was good. Her body didn’t care about objective—it was pleading for another taste. Or more. “Does that usually work for you?” she asked.

  “Only with the younger demons. Everyone else slaps me for it.” He pinned her wrist to her leg.

  With his tight grip, fingers pressed into her skin enough to leave a light ache, and an intense gaze that bored into her soul, she liked his nearness too much to consider slapping him. How was she supposed to respond?

  Climbing into his lap, grinding against him, and seeing what kind of things an incubus could teach her seemed like a good

  “You two have already met, then,” a new voice interrupted.

  Chapter Two

  Ronnie suppressed a sigh. Lucifer had introduced her to Izzy when she arrived on earth a few days ago. She didn’t mind the scenery—with Izzy’s slight build, dark-blond hair, and pale blue eyes—but she also enjoyed his company. Tonight though, the fallen angel had the worst timing ever.

  Despite the interruption, she was happy to give him a warm hug. Especially since she was supposed to be meeting him here.

  His words sank in, and she broke away to look him in the eye. “Wait. You know each other?” she asked.

  Izzy grasped her fingers and tugged until she was seated again, then gestured. “That’s one way to put it. And in case Irdu hasn’t warned you yet, you really want to steer clear of him. Unless you’re looking for a serious night of no-strings sex.” His smirk implied the warning was tongue-in-cheek.

  “I’d say, Guilty as charged, but there’s no guilt for what I do.” Irdu smirked. “Also, I rarely do serious.”

  Pieces clicked in Ronnie’s head. She had to make a few assumptions, to reach her conclusion, but it felt like a solid one. “You told him I would be here,” she said to Izzy.

  He shrugged. “I didn’t. I recognized your name when he mentioned he was helping with your orientation, and Irdu invited me to join you.”

  “But”—Irdu rested a hand on Ronnie’s thigh—“he didn’t tell me you’d be so stunning.”

  She liked the warm weight of his palm pressing through her jeans. “Have you met a lot of demons who aren’t?”

  “Touché. But I’ve also met a lot who aren’t nearly as fun.” Irdu stroked his thumb in lazy circles along the inside of her leg.

  The barely-there touch sent a new flavor of anticipation dancing along her tongue. It was like a hint of cinnamon in coffee—enough to tease the spice without being obvious. “Maybe I won’t be fun for long. I’m just not jaded by life yet.” She was enjoying this banter.

  “Some demons are created uptight. But you...” Irdu danced his fingers up her arm, to trail along her bottom lip. “You look like a demon who knows how to appreciate the world. Fun screams from you. And when it comes to screams of fun, I’m an expert.”

  “Your lines are really bad.” Ronnie flicked her tongue out, to lick his fingertip.

  He pulled away with a wicked grin. “But they’re working.”

  They really were.

  Izzy watched them, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Fair warning—this is Irdu’s job. Finding the new demons. Introducing them to the world.”

  “And you came along to enjoy the show?” Ronnie didn’t have a problem with that.

  Irdu scooted his chair closer, pressing his leg into hers. Nothing about this was subtle, and no bit of her minded. “It wasn’t selfless on his part,” he said. Even when he wasn’t projecting, his voice was liquid seduction, drawing up her spine. “Izzy likes to help.”

  “Help you seduce fledging demons?” Ronnie leaned into him.

  Izzy chuckled. “I was being more generic when I said introduction to the world. There’s no way to replicate that high we get the very first time we step foot on Earth, but seeing it through someone else’s eyes comes close.”

  Irdu leaned in, his mouth near her ear again. “Everyone experiences this world differently. Some of them want to hear it all—loud music. Beautiful sounds of nature. Others want to see stunning art or sunrises in Tibet. Or they’re looking for incredible scents—cherry blossoms and roses and bakeries.

  “Most want to taste or feel. Sweets. Spices. And yes, that frequently means seduction. And sex.” He drew his nose up the side of her neck.

  “I’m fond of all of the above.” Her reply came out in a breathy whimper. If this was the introduction, she might not survive the foreplay.

  Irdu nipped her earlobe. “Me too. And as much as I’d love to explore that here, I guarantee several of the things I’d like to show you would be frowned upon.”

  People tended to overlook what they didn’t want to see. It was one thing that made it easy for demons to blink in and out of rooms. But Ronnie suspected her being naked in the middle of a bar might draw attention. “What do you propose?”

  “That we all go back to my place and find out what you like most.” He took her hand, then reached for Izzy’s.

  The bar vanished, and they were in a new room.

  Ronnie was impressed. Again. It took a powerful demon, to phase from one place to another in the blink of an eye. A flawless blink was even more difficult when someone had passengers.

  Irdu’s place was so much grander than the shoebox she lived in. Plush, violet carpet that ended at polished hardwood. Furniture with no rips or stains. Bright artwork. And the faintest hint of cherry in the air.

  He kept hold of her hand and led her toward the dining area and an oval table. There was a counter nearby, with several bowls sitting on it.

  “I was thinking we’d start with my favorites.” Irdu leaned close, mouth near her ear. His voice was smooth and low, rolling over like a feather-light caress. “Touch and taste.” He dipped his finger in one of the bowls, then placed it in her mouth.

  She licked the dark-chocolate syrup, tentatively at first, but then with more hunger when the shock of bitter and sweet hit her tongue. She sucked his finger clean, relishing his throaty groan. That was going on the favorite sounds list.

  He pulled away with a tsk. “Do you want more?”

  “That’s the point, isn’t it?”

  Izzy’s smile and Irdu’s smirk said it most certainly was.

  Irdu waved his fingers. “Take off your clothes.”

  Chapter Three

  Ronnie raised her brows. “Excuse me? No seduction? No finesse? Just get naked?”

  Izzy was quiet, but she didn’t miss the way he watched her with open lust and desire. It was different. And yummy.

  “I don’t really do drawn-out foreplay during orientation,” Irdu said. “This is fun and games, sure, but not romance.”

  Did she have a problem with that? Desire flitted through her, lingering from the teasing in the bar and the hint of sweet on her tongue. “Do you do this with everyone?”

  “If they’re up for exploring touch, I do. You can tell me no, and we’ll do something else.”

  “What if I tell you yes, and then change my mind once we get further into... whatever this is?” She didn’t think a change of heart was likely, but she had to know.

  “You can stop me whenever you want. But if you let me keep going, you have to trust me.”

  She was considering taking her clothes of for him. Damn straight, there needed to be trust. Demons had a different perspective on good versus bad, but they were honest about it.

  “All right,” Ronnie said. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and tugged it over her head. The way Irdu and Izzy watched her every move sent heat spilling through her. They didn’t even need to touch her to turn her on. That was a neat trick.

  “And the rest of it,” Irdu prompted.

  With each piece of clothing she shed, the air kissed another spot on her body. The cool, combined with the guys’ heated gazes, made her pulse hammer in her ears.

  And then she was standing naked in front of the men. She didn’t have hang-ups about nudity—hers or anyone else’s—but the appreciation with which they studied her filled her head with whispers of wicked impulses.

  “Now lie down.” Irdu gestured to the kitchen table.

  She raised her brows. “There?”

  “Was I unclear?” Challenge and command filled his question. He offered a hand, while she sat on the edge. The furniture didn’t wobble under her weight. His table probably didn’t come from a second hand shop, though.

  She lay back on the polished wood. It was cold and hard against her back. Definitely the least comfortable thing she’d ever reclined on. So delicious. A thrill rushed through her at how vulnerable she was. Not really, since she could blink out of here at any time, but she pr
eferred to sink into the surface appearance of the situation.

  He slipped a blindfold over her eyes, and her heart jammed in her throat.

  “This is supposed to be about exploring my senses.” Her words came out with a squeak.

  A barely-there caress brushed her collarbone and traveled down, stopping before he reached her breast. “And you’ll appreciate the others more if you temporarily lose access to one.”

  Silence settled in, and her anticipation spiked. She squeezed her thighs together, to suppress the pulse between them.

  Hands pulled her legs apart again. Something wrapped around each ankle. The texture was smooth, but the tension was tight. She could wiggle her feet an inch or so in any direction, and that was it.

  She swallowed hard. A whimper slipped out when he secured her arms above her head, the same way he had restricted her legs.

  Ronnie could leave. Vanish and reappear in her apartment or anywhere else. She could tell him to stop.

  Those sounded like the worst possible options. He hadn’t even touched anything intimate, and she was wet and eager for what came next. Something mingled with her anticipation. Fear? Whatever it was, she enjoyed it.

  “You said you like taste.” Irdu’s voice was warm and low, rumbling through her. “You’re obviously fond of chocolate.”

  A light weight pressed at her lips, and she parted to let it in.

  He dipped a chocolate-covered finger into her mouth again.

  She licked the digit clean, loving his groan as much as the flavor.

  And then something drizzled onto her nipple, heavier than water and thick enough for her to feel it dribble down her breast. A new sensation followed. A mouth, hot and wet. A rough tongue, circling her nipple. Lips, sucking away the mess. She arched into the touch.

  “You like that,” Irdu said. But the sucking never stopped. Either he could throw his voice, or Izzy was lavishing her chest with attention.

  Apparently this setup could get more intense.

  “I like whipped cream better.” Irdu fed her something sweet and cool this time.


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