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The Eld Queen (The YaraStar Trilogy Book 2)

Page 21

by Jeanelle Frontin

  In June, 2019 read the epic ending to The YaraStar Trilogy in Book Three: The Melded Truth.

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  Find us @YaraStarTrilogy and @JeanelleFrontin everywhere!


  To those who have read this book:

  I think we all have a tendency to run from the darkest parts of ourselves. When we consider facing that darkness there is a wave of consuming discomfort and, all of a sudden, something “doesn’t feel right.” We convince ourselves that this “off” feeling must be a sign. We deceive ourselves away from the path that calls to our souls.

  I challenge you to run toward everything that causes that discomfort, over and over again, until you come face to face with the real monster within: the one that prevents you from fulfilling your true purpose.

  Expect to feel horrible. Expect it to be messy. Expect life to become an incoherent mush of senselessness.

  Hold on tightly when it does. It’s just the guck falling away—years and years of denial layered over our purest forms.

  Then, one day, you’re going to wake up feeling something…else. You’re going to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what’s so different about today. And you’re going to see all of life as it really is for the very first time…because it will also be the first time that you are, with divine clarity, seeing yourself.

  That’s when darkness is conquered.

  And that’s when existential purpose is revealed.

  You got this…

  - Jeanelle


  My Dream Team

  Kevin Licorish: Is there even a limit on how incredible a human you are? Every time I think about what to say to you, I am overcome with gratitude, humbled by the blessing that is you. I think one of the reasons I got better at this was to ease your suffering (as my pseudo-developmental-editor) so you didn’t have to read chapters over and over again! You’re the love I never thought I’d find, the support I never knew I needed, and the man I’d move heaven and earth for, should it be the will of the Divine [no offense, Sunstar].

  Israel Silva: Izzy, Izzy, Izzy…just when I thought book one’s cover was beyond my wildest dreams, you again tuned into the words of my imagination. You transformed them into an exact depiction of my sweet Yara seeing the coming of Mira’s first night. My pores are still raised! Your patience in attending to the tiniest details never ceases to impress me. Thank you for your dedication to Yara’s story, visually exposed for the world through your hands and heartstar.

  My Readers and Supporters (yes, you’re a part of my Dream Team too): You all made me cry some really intense tears (don’t tell anyone—I’ll deny it) when you told me how much you connected to Yara’s story in book one. Some of you also threatened me when I postponed this book’s release by a month (no, I didn’t press charges—ha). If you have enjoyed book two, then I did right by you when I paused the release and surrendered to writing 25,000 more words than I had expected. I had intended this trilogy to be a shorter, punchy, but still potent approach to writing fantasy in a world filled with distractions and limited time. I projected books one and two to be around the same length; but, you know, man plans… My “screw-the-synopsis” moment happened when an inspired new story line for book two into book three accosted me. If you want to know what is different, feel free to ask me privately (let’s not spoil this for everyone else) at: or @jeanellefrontin.



  “The one thing I’m not is one thing.”

  Simple as it may be, Jeanelle’s adage has been a consistent reminder to her of her limitless freedom to choose “all of the above” when exploring varied passions. As a result, she has never been afraid of having a diverse lifestyle. She has been actively involved in various fields, from engineering to the creative industries. She was born in the Caribbean, in Trinidad and Tobago, and she firmly believes that every human being on this planet should personally experience her native islands. She is honored to be the mother of Alyxander, the son of her greatest dreams, and she dedicates her work to him.

  Find me @jeanellefrontin everywhere!




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