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Jailed Little Jade

Page 3

by Allison West

  “Stop that.” Jade pushed the woman’s hands away. “I can undress myself.”

  “Really, because I don’t see you doing so,” Nanny Marie said. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before. Waste my time and I will put you over my knee, Jade. I don’t care if it’s your first day here. Your bottom will be redder than the rouge to your cheeks.”

  She took a tentative step back and worked the button on her jeans free, shimming the tight material down past her hips before she stepped out of them.

  “Shirt off.” Nanny Marie wasn’t wasting a moment. “We have a schedule to keep.”

  Jade didn’t know what type of schedule Nanny Marie had but Jade didn’t see why she had to follow it. She wasn’t even supposed to be here! Her stupid curiosity had landed her into a whole lot more trouble than she’d ever found herself in before. With plenty of hesitation, Jade inched the shirt up and over her head, letting it hit the floor.

  “Panties and bra off too.”

  “What? Why?” Jade asked.

  Nanny Marie seemed to have enough of the questions from Jade. She pulled the young woman by the hips and brought her across her lap as she sat down. In one swift movement, she pulled her panties down past her bottom and swatted her cheeks repeatedly.

  Jade kicked and squealed like a child, trying to get away. “Oww!” She shoved her hands behind her, trying to shield her rear from getting spanked. It seemed to do little good. She could not remember ever being taken over another’s knee. Twice she had been spanked but it had been when she had been a very young child. The pain came jolting back all at once.

  The woman grabbed both of Jade’s hands, pinching them together in her fist as her second hand continued landing blow after blow to the young woman’s bare bottom, splotching her pink.

  “The next time you will think twice about disobeying an order around here, missy.”

  Jade whimpered, finding it impossible to fight back aside from her squirming her hips which didn’t seem to help. Her bottom had to be red, far brighter than the color in her cheeks earlier from blushing while disrobing. Did Nanny Marie enjoy spanking her?

  “Have you had enough punishment?” Nanny Marie asked, swatting Jade’s bottom over the areas that had already darkened.

  Tears blurred her vision. “Yes. Please, I’ll be good.” Jade would say or do anything right now to stop the woman from spanking her.

  “You will take off your bra and panties. Do you understand?” Nanny Marie didn’t explain or wait for a response. She helped Jade to stand.

  With her bottom still sore, she opted not to start further trouble seeing as how Nanny Marie meant business. The woman had to be nearly as tall as Holden and quite a bit stronger than herself. There was no way she could take Nanny Marie over her knee, even if she wanted to!

  Jade slinked out of her panties and unclasped her bra, letting the cotton material hit the floor. She covered her breasts and shoved her legs tight together, hiding her intimate areas from this woman.

  Nanny Marie paid no heed to her behavior. She reached for the pink dress. “Arms up,” she said, commanding the young woman to get dressed.

  Jade lifted her arms into the air and Nanny Marie helped her slide her head and arms into the gown before pulling it down, the material ruffling as she guided it past her hips. “You will wear bloomers,” Nanny Marie said.

  “Aren’t they like granny panties?” Jade preferred sexy lingerie, underwear that wasn’t embarrassing to wear. Not that she had any intention for anyone to see it, but with the way things were heading, who knew what would happen.

  “You will wear them and you won’t fuss about it,” Nanny Marie said, grabbing the white cotton bloomers from the dresser. “Come here.”

  Jade did as Nanny Marie instructed, not wanting to get on her bad side. Her bottom couldn’t handle another round.

  One leg at a time, Nanny Marie slid the panties up and around the young woman’s waist.

  “They look hideous,” Jade groaned. She didn’t want to wear them anymore than she wanted to be wherever it was she’d ended up.

  “Hush. You will say no such thing to your poppa.”

  “My poppa?” Jade asked.

  “Yes, you will from now on address Holden as Poppa. Is that understood?”

  Jade shook her head no, frowning. It seemed to be such a strange request, as did the clothes and the prison. What the hell was going on? Where was she? Why was Holden keeping everything together so well? He may have worked for the government, but Jade didn’t believe he knew anymore than she did about where they were and what was happening.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Jade said, the room spinning and her cheeks flushed as Nanny Marie grabbed her by the arm, escorting her to the bathroom.

  She lifted the lid to the toilet as Jade’s knees buckled against the cold tile floor. Even though it wasn’t home, it felt strangely familiar.

  Nanny Marie’s hand gently rubbed Jade’s back. “You’re making yourself sick, worrying about inconsequential things, child.” Nanny Marie grabbed a white cloth and turned the sink on, dousing it under the tap.

  “I’m not a child.”

  Nanny Marie wrung out the towel before placing it on the back of Jade’s neck. “Even so, you will behave as one and address adults by their appropriate titles.”

  “Why?” Jade asked. Her eyes didn’t budge from the lifted toilet seat, staring down at the toilet that looked similar to the one at home. Her eyes shut the moment she felt the cool compress against her heated skin. Her breathing slowed and her heart rate calmed to a normal pace. She’d worked herself up over nothing. Well, that wasn’t exactly true, there was a lot to fuss about, but making herself sick wasn’t doing anyone any favors.

  Trembling, she pushed herself from the cool floor. Glancing briefly in the bathroom mirror, she noticed the glass looked silly like that at a carnival distorting her image. Were they concerned she’d break the mirror and use a large shard as a weapon? She didn’t blame them. If they kept her prisoner, she’d do whatever it took to get away.

  Though she wasn’t caged, she still felt contained and Jade wasn’t pleased by it.

  “Usually I’d suggest you join the other little ones in the nursery but seeing as how you’ve already had a stressful morning; I’d prefer if you took a nap until you see Poppa at dinner.”

  Jade didn’t want to nap. “I’m not tired.” She also wasn’t a child and by the looks of the clothes and the fact she had a nanny, made it seem a bit preposterous. The entire situation was beyond absurd, but it seemed wherever she landed from the wormhole, rehabilitation meant dumbing down women. At least that was how Jade had seen it. She tried to piece together the puzzle that was laid out in front of her, but it made little sense.

  “You’ve had a long day, seeing as how you were brought in this morning.”

  “Brought in?” Jade asked.

  “Yes, by prison transport. I know the ride and acclimation into space can be quite daunting on the body.”

  “Space?” Jade repeated confused. Had this woman gone mad?

  The nanny walked Jade to the bed and pulled back the covers. “Climb in.” She gave an order, not wasting a beat, her hand came up as though she’d smack Jade’s bottom.

  Jade didn’t give her the opportunity. She hopped onto the mattress, her rear hitting it before Nanny Marie’s hand had time to land a single blow. “When will I see Poppa?” Jade asked. She tried to be good, pleasing her nanny in an attempt to get what she wanted. Perhaps if she played their game for awhile, she could find her way out and back home.

  “I’ve already told you, at dinner, child. Until then, you’ll rest. Lights out.” Nanny Marie pulled the covers up around Jade. “You will get out of this bed when I come into your room. Not for any other reason. Is that clear?”

  “What if I need to use the bathroom?” Jade asked.

  “You will use the potty before going to bed and when I wake you after your nap. Unless you need a diaper?”

s eyes bulged in horror. The thought churned her stomach all over again. Silently she shook her head and laid back down, shutting her eyes. The pillow though lumpy formed comfortably around her petite frame, cocooning her as did the mattress.

  Nanny Marie walked to the door that she’d come in from, through the bathroom. She shut off the light and slipped from the room, closing the door behind her.

  Exhausted, Jade fought sleep. She waited until she felt certain no one would catch her before climbing down from the mattress. Her feet brushed against the wooden floor, creaking as she walked. Jade knew without a doubt that if it was true and they were in space, then the floor beneath the wood was probably metal just as it had been in the hallway, same as the walls hidden beneath layers of paint and pictures.

  Curious she tiptoed with stealth to the door Nanny Marie had stepped through. It was the only way out, seeing as how the door Jade had entered through had been locked. Jade hoped that her nanny wasn’t waiting for her on the other side, as some sort of test.

  She shut her eyes and listened, leaning closer to the door, waiting for a sound, a noise, any indication that someone else was nearby.

  Not a sound could be heard.

  Jade tried the door, surprised to find it unlocked. The bathroom led to another door, the cold tile under her toes as she leaned her ear against the wood, listening yet again for a voice, a sound, anything to indicate that she wasn’t alone.

  “I don’t want a new friend!” a woman’s voice whined and a loud crash sounded from the opposite side.

  Jade took a tentative step back.

  “What you want isn’t up to you,” Nanny Marie’s voice answered the woman through the door.

  Jade didn’t want to listen but the shouts now were impossible to ignore.

  “You are a brat Sierra and I assure you that your poppa will discipline you long into the night after I’m done with your bottom.”

  The brunette jumped as she heard the repetitive swat, swat, swat of presumably Nanny Marie unleashing her fury on the young woman’s bottom. What exactly had she done to end up here? It didn’t even answer the question she had of where she was and why she was being disciplined. Jade wasn’t keen on being sent to a nursery to play house or whatever children were supposed to do.

  Not wanting to disappoint her nanny and knowing that escaping through the door wouldn’t lead to her freedom, Jade quietly headed back to bed. The wooden floor boards creaked louder, groaning under her weight. Gasping, she scurried back to bed, throwing herself beneath the covers as she shut her eyes.

  The bedroom door groaned as it opened. Did Nanny Marie poke her head in to the room or was it Holden? Jade didn’t dare open her eyes to discover who watched her sleep. Keeping her eyes tight, she clenched the sheets in her grip. When Nanny Marie returned to wake her, Jade would do her best to behave, prove she didn’t belong in this strange prison, and perhaps they’d let her free. Was it too much to ask?

  Exhaustion set in, lulling her toward slumber. She let the dreams pull at her, twirling her like the wormhole she’d stepped into, reminding her that she was any place but where she yearned to be: home.

  Chapter 4

  Holden sat, fidgeting in the chair, unable to keep his heart from racing. He’d done everything to get away from Adair and now he unwittingly returned. The prison rehabilitation camps were no secret, but Holden never imagined to see one, let alone play poppa with a little one. How could he get out of his newfound responsibilities? Not easily of course. Damien wasn’t one to change his mind very often and even less likely to be kind and generous. His deal seemed a bit too good if Holden wasn’t mistaken.

  He pretended to glance through the papers laid out on the desk in front of him. A pen sat to his left, awaiting his signature, an agreement to perform the tasks and duties assigned to him with the knowledge and understanding that the prisoner was not his property once her rehabilitation was finalized. Pretty much when they were done with her, they’d send her back into society. It would be an issue without a doubt, given she’d never set foot on Adair. Without the proper credentials to get into the prison transport, they couldn’t escape the base. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. In the same way they’d miraculously fallen into the prison system, they could hopefully return home. The galactopter wasn’t an easy tool to work with but Holden had enough knowledge to program it to the right time and space, getting in the proper dimension that he desired. The bronzed cylinder could travel to anywhere, which was obviously a blessing and worse a curse. Inhabited planets weren’t always kind and welcoming. He’d learned such stories from the man who had entrusted him with the precious device, a rarity even in Adair. Travel among the stars and through time wasn’t to be had by everyone. There was too much at risk. In fact, Holden wasn’t supposed to have the device at all. It was technically illegal.

  The metal door squeaked open and Holden’s head shot up, glancing at the intruder.

  Damien’s heavy footsteps clobbered, echoing on the metal rafters that he walked along. Unlike the nursery that Holden had seen a short time ago, the room he was being kept in looked more like the halls and prison cells. Dark with dim lighting and gray ceilings and floors it was anything but inviting.

  “Have you signed?” Damien asked.

  “I figured you’d send one of your goons to make sure I scribbled my signature,” Holden said. Tension filled the small space. Holden’s hands clenched as he tried to stifle the growing anger and resentment he felt toward Damien. Every moment longer that he wasn’t in charge only made him hate the man who had once been a friend. It wasn’t his lack of power, though that didn’t fit him well, it was the fact that he had no control and without an ounce of doubt knew that Damien had something else going on. There was more to the story but Holden couldn’t quite put his finger on the weapon, though undoubtedly Damien would inevitably pull the trigger. Hopefully he’d see it coming and slip out of the way.

  “There’s no need for such hostility,” Damien said. “Tsk, tsk.” He shook his head, glancing down at the unsigned documents appearing displeased. A slight frown formed on the edges of his lips.

  “Why do you need me to sign such archaic documents?” He pushed the pages at Damien and forced his chair back. It squeaked sending a chill down his spine and forcing goose bumps to rise on his arms as he stood. Towering above Damien, Holden showed no hint of fear. Damien may have been in charge but it didn’t appear that way to anyone watching.

  “Would you prefer a book?” Damien asked. “We have an electronic one that you can sign with your thumb. Of course if we do it the old fashioned way with pen and paper, no one else will be notified of your arrival at the prison camp.”

  Holden’s eyes narrowed slightly. Why was Damien helping him? Sure the digital paperwork would have his fingerprint and it was possible the system would alert the authorities of his presence, but the men in charge were busy and the likelihood of them chasing after him seemed dim if not downright unlikely. He was just one man and as far as he knew, few had discovered what happened to him.

  Reaching for the pen, he picked it up with his left hand and pressed the tip of ink down on the line awaiting his signature. With a heavy heart, Holden let his name line the pages, his fluidity swift and easy as he delivered his name to each page on the line marked especially for him.

  “Now that I’ve done what you asked, I’d like to see Jade.” He’d had enough with the games and stalling. He wanted to see her for himself and know that she was still being well cared for and tended to.

  “Jade is preoccupied at the moment. Nanny Marie assures me she’s in good hands, resting for the time being. Is it not exhausting from transport?” Damien smiled, his eyes shining with mirth.

  “You know Jade isn’t from Adair.”

  “Do I?” Damien asked. He stepped closer to Holden. “Tell me, friend, where is she from?”

  Holden wouldn’t do it. Admitting to where he’d been and bringing a girl back from Earth, it would be grounds for the most extreme form of punish
ment. Adairans were fond of hanging, drawing, and quartering. It was a fate of death he didn’t wish to ever experience. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Holden stepped away from the table and towered over Damien. “Show me to the prisoner.” He tried to pretend that she didn’t mean that much to him, though he knew that Damien could see through the charade. Otherwise he wouldn’t have signed his life away, lied on the forms, and given up his title and wealth. As a poppa for the prison system, he would be rewarded with room and board in exchange for properly rehabilitating a little one assigned to him. Jade had thankfully been assigned to him. As a man who had ran from the system and his world, everything he had was locked away his funds and home were out of his reach. Signing the papers was risky but Damien was right, it was less concerning than brushing his finger over the book that would seal his death.

  “You don’t give orders, Holden. You take them,” Damien said, reminding him of his place at the prison.

  Holden cleared his throat, annoyed. “Let me see the girl.”

  “Assure me that you understand your responsibilities as her poppa. Then you may set eyes on your little one.”

  Shifting uncomfortably on his feet, he grew to despise Damien. “I know the job.” He knew enough of the prison system and the rehabilitation project that he didn’t need a lesson from his former colleague and friend. Besides he had no intention of hanging around any longer than necessary. “Where’s the galactopter?” Holden asked, getting right to the point.

  The corners of Damien’s lips creased upwards in a smile. “Where it belongs. Not with you. It’s been destroyed as it was sent out into space. It was that or return it to the high council which I considered doing, but then thought better of it.”

  Why hadn’t Damien sold him out? He would inevitably want something in return, but what? “Why protect me?”


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