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Jailed Little Jade

Page 5

by Allison West

  “Spread your legs and bend forward onto the mattress.”

  When Jade didn’t move quick enough, Nanny Marie spanked Jade’s bottom, blistering her freshly ruby colored rear. Jade jumped but Nanny Marie stood behind her, giving the young woman no where to run.

  “Cause more of a fuss and I’ll bring in guards to hold you down,” Nanny Marie said.

  Jade knew without a doubt the woman wasn’t joking. She hadn’t wanted to be spanked though. She felt rather than saw hands spreading her bottom cheeks apart.

  “What are you doing?” Jade asked. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. Her stomach bubbled with uncertainty.

  “Disciplining you for your insubordinate behavior.” Without warning, she shoved two fingers past Jade’s bottom hole.

  Jade squirmed and hissed, whining as she grit her teeth tight, not liking what was being done to her.

  “Hold still or I’ll add the paddle to your punishment before dinner. Then you can tell poppa why you’re late.”

  She closed her eyes and lay her head against the mattress, her chest flush to the soft bed as her bottom remained open and exposed for Nanny Marie. With two fingers, she slid them further, stretching Jade before guiding her fingers out.

  The cold glass pressed against her bottom hole, sliding in with barely any lubrication to make the adjustment easier. Whimpering she shifted and hissed, fighting the punishment. When would it be over? How much longer until they removed the device and let her go free?

  “You’re going to take the entire plug into your bottom like a good little one. Perhaps it will spare you a whipping from your poppa tonight,” Nanny Marie said, forcing the plug deeper into Jade’s bottom.

  Nanny Marie’s fingers came around between her thighs, sliding against her labia between her folds and then up to her clit, sparking a desire that had settled before her last spanking. She didn’t dare ask what the woman was doing. Jade’s muscles relaxed and her pussy began to throb as the plug stretched her bottom, making her feel full.

  “Stand up,” Nanny Marie commanded.

  Jade whimpered and stood, still feeling the weight of the plug. She tightened her muscles, clenching on, afraid the item might fall out. It felt heavy and unusual but continued to force the inside muscles of her pussy to ache.

  “Pull up your panties. It’s time for dinner. We’ll have to leave your hair the way it is.”

  Bending slightly, she lifted the panties back up to her waist before following Nanny Marie to the door. Nanny Marie retrieved a set of keys from her pocket and shoved a silver key with green trim into the lock. The mechanism clicked and she opened the door, leading Jade out, but not before locking the door behind her.

  “Come with me,” Nanny Marie said. “Usually little’s don’t travel through these halls but I think it would be a good reminder of where you’ll be if you keep up the behavior that you’ve been demonstrating this afternoon.”

  Sighing she wordlessly followed her nanny down the dark hall, remembering exactly where she was, not on her world. At least it didn’t seem it after traveling through the wormhole.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she walked past a window, glancing at the darkness of space surrounding her. That had been least of what she expected. Jade stopped walking, her hand grazing the glass panel, wanting to make sure what she witnessed was in fact real and not an illusion that they desired to show her. Though why would they intend to do something to trick her?

  Jade’s heart skipped a beat.

  Nanny Marie grasped Jade by the hand and pulled her to follow. “We can’t be late.”

  Jade didn’t know what would happen if they showed up to dinner late. Would Nanny Marie get into trouble? Perhaps Jade would find herself on the other end of another spanking? Her bottom couldn’t take it and certainly not with the plug stuffed so far up her rear that she found it uncomfortable and awkward to walk. If this was her punishment for not wanting to get her hair brushed, she didn’t want to discover what would happen if she did something horrible, like escape.

  Chapter 6

  Holden waited anxiously at the dining table for his little one, Jade to appear. She’d been late, by more than ten minutes and if he knew anything of the prison system it was to teach the girls discipline. Jade may have been on the receiving end of discipline already, but being tardy wasn’t acceptable either. He would have to put her in line, to keep her from further danger.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Nanny Marie said, apologizing to Holden.

  Jade stepped into the dining room, her eyes glancing over the giant pane windows as she walked past him and the table, staring outside.

  “I’ll take it from here. You’re dismissed,” he said to Nanny Marie. With Jade, he was her poppa which made him ultimately in charge of her, like a guard to a prisoner. She was his responsibility, as the papers he’d signed dictated. Nanny Marie was there when he couldn’t be or shouldn’t be for appropriate reasons.

  Nanny Marie headed out the main doors that she came with Jade through, closing it behind her.

  Holden sighed, waiting a moment until he was certain they were alone. Though he knew the staff would come in at will to bring them food and drinks, not to mention Damien could visit any time he desired.

  “Where are we?” Jade’s voice reached his ears as he approached her, standing behind her frame. Her voice sounded so young, her words filled with innocence and curiosity.

  Her hands rested against the cool panes, transfixed on the sea of darkness and speckled sky.

  “We’re in orbit around Adair, my home planet.”

  “Your what?” Jade coughed, choking on her words. Holden didn’t laugh or joke with her, which only seemed to make her eyes widen as panic set in. “No. That can’t be. You live on my block, back home.”

  “I know none of it is making any sense right now. Why don’t you sit down?” Holden suggested. Her face had grown pale and he didn’t want her to faint. With his hand on her back, he guided her to the table and pulled out one of the tall wooden chairs.

  Jade hesitated before she sat down, a slight frown forming at the corners of her lips. He pushed the chair into the table, standing beside her, making sure she wouldn’t pass out. At the moment, he didn’t trust she was okay. The news was a lot and though he didn’t intend to tell her, he also hadn’t thought they’d be locked in a room together showing her his home planet.

  As they rotated in space, slowly his world, Adair, came into view. The reds and browns, the dry land stole most of the view. There was still water on Adair but not enough to feed the plants, animals, and population.

  “How is any of this possible?” she asked, running her hands through her long dark locks of tangled hair. She placed her arms on the table and rested her head, probably trying to calm herself down or wake herself from a crazy dream she thought she had.

  “Do you remember that cylinder you found?”

  Jade lifted her head. “Yes.”

  “It was a galactopter. I used to it to travel to Earth in your time, in order to protect your planet.”

  Her eyes locked with his. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  Holden knew he sounded crazy. She had to believe him though, didn’t she? She’d stepped through the portal, she’d traveled with him here. Were the cogs turning in her head? Silence enveloped them.

  “You’re not joking,” Jade said, a grim expression on her face. “Okay. Say we’re–orbiting your planet, then how do we get home?”

  There was only one way back to Earth and that was with the galactopter, something he didn’t have and Damien swore had been destroyed. He didn’t know whether to believe his old friend or not, but one thing was certain, without it they were stuck at the prison.

  “We need the galactopter,” Holden said. The color slowly began to return to her cheeks. Seeing as how she looked a little better, he came around the table to sit across from her. “The only problem is that the warden, Damien, has it. He swears he sent it out into space, which might be true.”r />
  “Then how do we get home?” Jade asked. She began to pick at her fingernails, her eyes showing hints of concern and hesitation. Holden didn’t have to be psychic to sense she was afraid.

  “Not easily.” He hadn’t devised a plan that wasn’t risky. There were ways to acquire methods of travel to other worlds, but they were housed on Adair and all illegal. Holden had no desire to travel down to the surface of his home world and risk facing the council. He needed another plan, one that kept him on the prison colony. Could he build a second galactopter? Perhaps if he had the parts, but that was a long shot on the ship.

  “Great,” Jade muttered, staring down at the wooden table, her fingers tracing the grooves and lines. The main door between the kitchen and dining hall swung open without warning.

  The staff brought bread and soup, carrying bowls and a lump of bread to the table. Holden was provided a knife and silverware. Jade had only a fork and spoon. He was expected to cut up her food and feed her if she didn’t behave.

  Using his knife, he sliced the bread into five sections and then spread a tad of butter, handing it to her.

  Hungrily she took the food and without a word shoved the bread into her mouth, chomping at it as if she hadn’t eaten in a week. He knew travel between dimensions could make one hungry and it had been hours since they’d arrived, which meant they’d skipped dinner.

  “I just want to go home,” she said, sighing as she stared at the half-eaten piece of bread.

  The staff stepped out, bringing more food to the table along with drinks. Holden wanted to warn Jade not to speak so openly about where home was in front of anyone else, but doing so meant letting the staff know he had something to hide. They weren’t given another moment of privacy all through dinner.

  “I know,” Holden said, trying to make it sound as though she just wasn’t happy with being at the prison colony. That wouldn’t be anything the staff hadn’t heard before, he was sure of it. “You’ll follow the rules, do as told, and in no time return home.” His eyes locked on hers as he took a bite of bread. The flavor wrapped around his taste buds, like eating chocolate for the very first time. Food on Adair was different than that of Earth. He’d grown accustomed to Earth’s bland food, but he desired the spicy aromas and salty tastes that enveloped his senses.

  “Follow the rules?” she repeated, glancing up at him. “Do you even know what those rules are? What’s expected of me? I’ve been spanked more times that I can count today and my bottom is plugged with a pacifier!”

  Holden tried to hide the smile and laughter filling his chest. “They gave you a butt plug as discipline?” He shouldn’t have been surprised. There were far less classy acts that could have been dished out, but Jade had likely annoyed the young nanny and she’d done what she had been allowed as punishment.

  “It’s not funny.” Her cheeks reddened.

  “You were alone with Nanny Marie for how long, Jade?”

  She shook her head, uncertain.

  “It’s barely been an hour since I left your room,” he said. “In that time you’ve managed to get yourself into quite a bit of trouble.” Everyone could hear her screams from the hall, begging to escape the confines of the nursery. Worse, the shouts had come from the nursery next door, which meant Jade had been giving Nanny Marie a hell of a workout. He’d have been amused if it hadn’t meant further punishment for Jade. He couldn’t fathom why she’d run into little Sierra’s room, unless she had thought she might escape.

  He’d seen maps of the little’s layouts featuring the nurseries, playrooms, dining hall, and bathrooms. It wasn’t as though they could escape the prison colony without a method of transport. Running around aimlessly down the halls of the facility would help no one. Jade needed to recognize that, get her head cleared, and follow his instructions to ensure their survival.

  “I didn’t want Nanny Marie to use the hairbrush on my bottom again.”

  Unable to hide the grin on his face, Holden glanced down and reached for the soup spoon, using the distraction as a way to channel his thoughts elsewhere. He still grinned but at least she wasn’t staring at him in the face.

  “You’ve been naughty on your first day here, Jade. You need to know that there are punishments for such behavior.”

  “I know. Nanny Marie likes to spank me.”

  “It’s more than that,” he said. He’d been given a handbook that explained the levels of discipline and what was expected from the little ones. “Every time you disobey an order from your nanny, a guard, or me, discipline will always follow.”

  Jade scoffed under her breath. “How is that fair?”

  His eyes narrowed, warning her to watch her tongue. She needed to remember that they had no privacy and were never alone.

  Once the soup had been devoured, their bowls were cleared and the second course was brought to the table. Holden stood, pushed his chair back and brought the knife with him to cut up Jade’s food.

  She folded her arms across her chest. “No one trusts me with a knife?”

  “Well, you are a convicted felon,” Holden said and grinned. She had to consider where she was being kept, a prison colony. It would have been absurd to let her handle a knife. That didn’t even take into account that the program was rehabilitating women with regression to age six. Which meant children weren’t allowed knives either.

  “I don’t remember going on trial and losing,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him.

  Holden shook his head. “Keep it up and you’ll find yourself over my knee, Jade.”

  As quick as her tongue came out of her mouth, she shoved it back in and shut her lips. Jade’s chocolate brown eyes were wide. Did she fear his hand on her bottom or had the marks that Nanny Marie left still lingered in anticipation of what was to come?

  “But I—” She didn’t finish her sentence as her head darted around to make sure no one else could hear what she leaned in to whisper to him. “Nanny Marie plugged my bottom with a pacifier.”

  “Did she?” A grin spread across Holden’s face. It seemed Jade had been more than just a bit of a handful for her nanny. One of the punishments he was allowed to invoke involved a butt plug. Seeing as how she’d already been filled with it, he’d have to consider a different yet appropriate course of action if she misbehaved. Perhaps in the morning he’d speak with Nanny Marie. If anyone was going to touch Jade’s pink pucker, he wanted it to be him.

  A tinge of jealousy struck through him. He sat back down, having cut up her meat. He didn’t feel it necessary to hand feed her, unless she started misbehaving and for the moment, she was acting almost lady-like, minus the tongue incident earlier.

  Jade shoved her fork at her meat and picked it up, glancing the small bite-sized piece over. “What is it?”

  “Just eat it, Jade.” Their food was different and for Jade the closest resemblance to the food would be chicken. Not that he’d lie and tell her that’s what it was, but letting her stall wasn’t an option either.

  Grasping the handle of the fork, she lifted the meat to her nose and sniffed it before sticking her tongue out to graze the dish before fully tasting it.

  “Jade, if you don’t eat what’s on your plate, I’ll be forced to feed it to you.”

  “What will that involve?” she asked, grinning across the table at him.

  “Nothing that you will enjoy,” he said, making his intentions clear. He would treat her as a little, so long as she acted like one. There would be other times like when he ran into guards, the warden, or staff, that he’d be required to treat her as a little. However, he hoped the moments alone between them they could act like the adults they were.

  She shoved the small bite of food into her mouth and quietly chewed with her lips shut. The strange disgruntled look vanished as she most likely realized the food didn’t taste as bad as she made it out to be. Jade ate, bite after bite, sipping her drink before opening her mouth. “What are we doing after dinner?”

  “Pretty soon it’ll be time for bed.” Holden f
elt exhausted and looked forward to lying down, shutting his eyes, and getting a few hours of rest. “Right after dinner though, I’m going to take you into the playroom to meet a few of the other girls.”

  “Will Sierra be there?” Jade asked.

  “She might be,” Holden said and locked eyes on Jade. “I take it you met her during your earlier outburst?”

  Jade avoided his stare, her gaze on her near empty plate as she nodded. “Yes, Holden.”

  “You’re to address me as Poppa while we’re here. Do you understand?”

  She lifted her gaze. “Yes, Poppa.” She tried the words out on her tongue. Did she find the title repulsive or endearing? Jade gave no hint of indication what she thought.

  “Good.” He signaled the staff over as they stood by the door. With haste, the plates were taken away and Holden stood, walking over to Jade. “Come with me,” he said, taking her hand as he led her from the wooden chair out of the room and down the hall.

  His feet clomped as his boots tapped the metal with each step. Opening the nearest door, he led Jade into the nursery with four other young women who were part of the program.

  “Go make friends. Play quietly before bed. I’ll be back to check in on you within the hour.”

  Jade spun around on her heels. “Where are you going? You’re not going to stay with me?” She seemed to be an abundance of questions this evening.

  “I promise I’ll be back.” He kissed the top of her head and gently nudged her forward before slipping from the room and locking the door behind him.

  Chapter 7

  Jade stood anxiously staring at the four young woman, their gaze glued to her. In the corner Sierra sat quiet and alone, coloring again in that damned coloring book. Did she ever do anything else? What had she done that had gotten her locked up at the prison colony? Did she murder someone? From just a few short moments with her, Sierra didn’t seem capable of it. Then again, how well did she really know her?

  “Hi,” Jade said, stepping further into the room. Two girls stood in front of a mirror, putting on globs of makeup, making themselves look more like a clown than anything else. It was off-putting and horrific. Why would anyone intentionally do that to themselves? “I’m Jade,” she introduced herself to the group.


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