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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 54

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  It was their responsibility as subordinates to lead their emperor back to the right path. Since it was a matter regarding their fundamental responsibility, it was impossible for big uncle to listen to anyone’s advice on this matter.

  This was also the reason why Wang Chong didn’t bring up the matter in the conference hall.

  “King Song has arrived! ——”

  While Wang Chong’s mind was still plagued with worry over the matter, a high-pitched voice sounded from the direction of the entrance suddenly. Hong long long, at the same moment, the ground rumbled. Somehow, Wang Chong could vaguely hear a sound resembling ocean waves.

  Outside the Four Quarters Embassy, at the very end of the street, a carriage drove in. Exuding from the interior of the carriage was a powerful aura reminiscent of a rising sun, making one aware of its presence regardless of how far one was.

  However, this domineering aura didn’t lack gentleness, and the gentleness didn’t blunt the majesty either. It felt as though the aura of an upright monarch.

  “He’s finally here!”

  Feeling the aura, Wang Chong heaved a sigh of relief. In the royal court, including Big Uncle Wang Gen, the authoritative officials who opposed Consort Taizhen view King Song as their leader.

  ‘To untie a knot requires the one who tied it’. To resolve this crisis and avert the damage the Consort Taizhen incident would cause to half of the officials in the royal court, King Song played a crucial role.


  “Your Highness! You’re finally here!”

  At the entrance of the Four Quarters Embassy, upon noticing the arrival of King Song, Wang Gen’s spirit lifted and he seemed much more energetic than before.

  For this entire day, too many important things have occurred. However, what Wang Gen’s thoughts were centered around was, without a doubt, the Consort Taizhen incident. This matter involved half of the royal court, and it has already grown to become a huge political storm in the Great Tang Empire.

  “Have you spoken with the old master yet?”

  The moment the doors of the carriage opened, King Song stepped out dressed in a gunfu. His expression was grim, and he seemed to be plagued with worries as well.

  (Gunfu is something similar to a Mianfu, and it is a robe worn by royalty.)

  “Not yet.”

  Wang Gen shook his head. At this moment, what the old master was concerned with was how he should report to the Sage Emperor to prevent the policies of regional commanders and utilize Hu talents from being passed.

  Under such circumstances, Wang Gen had no idea how he should raise the subject.

  After pondering over the matter, he decided to wait until King Song arrived.

  “Your Highness, the matter regarding Consort Taizhen isn’t a small matter. This affects His Majesty’s reputation, as well as ours. No matter what, we have to prevent this matter from going through. As a father, how could he take his son’s wife as consort? If word were to spread out, wouldn’t the incorruptible image of the Sage Emperor crumble? He’ll become a laughingstock!”

  “His Majesty is currently too mesmerized by her, causing him to be oblivious to the situation before him. He will regain his composure after a period of time, but by then, it will already be too late. As his subordinates, we can’t allow His Majesty to commit this kind of mistake. We have to find some way to wake him up.”

  Wang Gen spoke with a grim voice.

  “Un, I share your sentiments as well. A father inducting his son’s wife as consort… This is a scandal of the royal family, a scandal of the Great Tang Empire!”

  King Song nodded worriedly.

  “But it is a pity that King Qi and Yao Clan are meddling with the matter behind, and half of the royal court supports His Majesty’s induction of Yang Taizhen into the court as a consort. His Majesty is already blinded by love, so we have no choice but to render the help of Duke Jiu for this matter. This is also the main reason why I rushed here to offer my blessings.”

  “Duke Jiu is one of the most established elder in the royal court, and he commands massive influence there. At the same time, he is a meritorious subject who supported His Majesty to the throne, and His Majesty carries great trust for him. If he were to make a stand, he will surely be able to stop this scandalous and immoral matter from going through, thus preventing history from repeating itself.”

  “Those are my thoughts as well! It wasn’t easy for His Majesty to maintain an incorruptible reputation, it mustn’t be ruined in the hands of a woman!”

  Wang Gen sighed.

  “Your Highness, follow me. Something cropped up in the middle, allow me to tell you about it later.”

  Wang Gen gestured, and he personally led King Song to where the old master was resting.

  Upon seeing this sight, Wang Chong slowly retracted his gaze. Worry flickered across his eyes. He had clearly seen the attitudes of big uncle and King Song when they were discussing just a moment ago.

  From the looks of it, they vehemently opposed to the matter of Consort Taizhen, and to Wang Chong, this wasn’t a good thing.

  “Little lad, so you’re here!”

  A voice abruptly sounded behind him.

  Shocked, Wang Chong hurriedly turned around to take a look. An academic dressed in a loose robe was smiling at him.

  “Lord Lu!”

  Wang Chong immediately recovered and bowed respectfully.

  The person was Academic Lu Ting, who Wang Chong met once at the Vast Crane Pavilion.

  “Hehe, when is Chong gongzi returning back home?”

  Lu Ting smiled.

  “After dinner.”

  Wang Chong was taken aback. The Wang Clan was rarely gathered together, and only on grandfather’s birthday did the entire clan get a chance to gather together. As such, it became a family tradition to have dinner together on this day before leaving.

  Having lived his life alone for his previous life, Wang Chong cherished such moments dearly.

  “Hehe, that’s good. King Song has entrusted me to invite gongzi for a meeting.”

  Lu Ting spoke of his intentions straightforwardly.

  Lu Ting had an extremely good impression of this Wang Clan offspring, and he was the one who pushed for King Song and Wang Chong’s meeting.


  Wang Chong was taken aback for a moment before nodding his head.

  “Alright! I happen to have something to ask of King Song as well!”


  Lu Ting raised his head and glanced at Wang Chong. This time, it was his turn to be surprised.

  The sun slowly set, and the crowd who were here to offer their blessings gradually left. Elder Ye, Duke of Hu, Elder Zhao, Elder Sun, Elder Ma, and the others left the Four Quarters Embassy along with their offsprings.

  Soon, the entire Four Quarters Embassy fell silent.

  Wang Chong waited outside for an hour before King Song emerged from the Erudite Pavilion. He noticed that the other party’s complexion didn’t look too good.

  “Seems like King Song didn’t get what he wanted.”

  Wang Chong shook his head.

  Wang Chong didn’t look into the Consort Taizhen incident in his previous life so he wasn’t clear about the details.

  Regarding the Consort Taizhen incident, grandfather’s attitude was vague.

  The Song and Wang Clan had several generations of friendship, and on many matters, grandfather would support King Song, and the opposite was true as well. Both parties often shared the same opinions on the major affairs in the royal court.

  It was precisely because of this relationship that big uncle and King Song established an ‘Alliance of Offense and Defense’.

  Many times, before a court discussion, they would meet in advance to share their thoughts and opinions.

  On the matter of Consort Taizhen, Wang Chong thought that grandfather would support King Song. However, that wasn’t the case.

  But while grandfather didn’t support King Song, he didn’t object to his
actions either.

  On this matter, grandfather chose to remain silent.

  Having weathered through innumerable tribulations in the earlier part of his life, grandfather often spoke frankly before the Sage Emperor, rarely mincing his words.

  Yet, grandfather chose to remain silent on the Consort Taizhen incident. This was out of character for him. Even after decades have passed, Wang Chong was still unable to understand his actions.

  Eventually, Wang Chong could only understand it as that big uncle has made a stand, so grandfather decided to take a step back. However, Wang Chong always thought that there was something deeper to the matter.

  Lu Ting walked over to King Song and whispered a few words in his ear. King Song pulled himself together, and his complexion alleviated.

  Wang Chong met King Song by a fake hill near the bamboo forest. The surroundings were completely silent except for the few Imperial Army members patrolling the area.

  Upon seeing Wang Chong, King Song’s spirits seemed to have lifted and a hint of a smile appeared on his face.

  “I’ve heard of you from your big uncle. Truly a young hero!”

  King Song offered generous words of compliments.

  He had heard of the matter regarding Yao Guang Yi from Wang Gen. If not for Wang Gen’s confirmation of the matter, King Song would have found it hard to believe that a veteran strategist like Yao Guang Yi would lose to a fifteen-year-old child.

  “I have already ordered for that matter to be silenced, and that all those who know of that matter are strictly forbidden to speak of it. Thus, no one should know that you are the one who hindered Yao Guang Yi’s ploy.”

  King Song said.

  King Song had a deep impression of Wang Chong. It was an incredible feat to foil the ploy of a formidable adversary like Yao Guang Yi.

  This was also the reason why he looked forward to meeting Wang Chong on this birthday banquet.

  “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  Wang Chong bowed.

  Given the years of friendship between the Song and Wang Clan, King Song would protect the members of the Wang Clan without having a word to be said. This was also the reason why the Wang Clan members chose to submit to King Song.

  “Hehe, speak. What kind of rewards do you want? As long as it is within my means, I will give it to you.”

  King Song spoke magnanimously.

  “Your Highness has already rewarded me.”

  Wang Chong politely declined.

  “Hehe, those are two different matters. Back then, it was because of my appreciation of you. This time, it’s a bestowment from an elder, so you mustn’t refuse me.”

  King Song smiled gently.

  “…preventing history from repeating itself.”

  This is King Song said about Consort Taizhen, Li Mao, and Emperor Xuanzong earlier in the chapter.

  By history, he meant Wu Zetian (The one who established Second Zhou Dynasty 690-705 abruptly in the midst of the Tang Dynasty).

  Wu Zetian was the consort of Emperor Taizong (the second emperor) before marrying his ninth son (as well as the successor to the throne), Emperor Gaozong, and became the Empress.

  In summary, she married both the father and the son.

  (There are various tiers to the back palace, and consorts/concubines have different ranks. Empress stands at the very top of the hierarchy, and they are often viewed as the ‘official wife’.)

  Chapter 109: Wang Chong Pays Respect to King Song!

  The Song and Wang Clan weren’t just in a simple political alliance. There were many other emotions involved in their relationship as well.

  For example, the old King Song and Duke Jiu were fellow peers, and they were good brothers back then.

  During the era of turmoil, they fought side-by-side to aid the current Sage Emperor to the throne.

  It could be said that Duke Jiu has watched the current King Song grow up.

  When the old King Song was still around, Duke Jiu often visited the King Song Residence, and he had often carried and played with him. Putting aside their political alliance, King Song actually regarded Duke Jiu as a fatherly figure, as well as a kind elder in the depths of his heart.

  Thus, even though King Song was disappointed by Duke Jiu’s lack of support, he didn’t fly into a fit of rage.

  King Song didn’t have much of an impression of Wang Chong, but now that he was thinking of it, he suddenly remembered a few past events vaguely.

  King Song had probably carried and cajoled Wang Chong when he was younger. However, after he took over the position of King Song, with many matters on his agenda, he became busier and busier. Thus, he lost the time to be concerned about these ‘juniors’.

  Now that he was done tackling the matters of the royal court, looking at Wang Chong brought up some fond memories within King Song, triggering his sentiments as an elder.

  Wang Chong didn’t know what King Song was thinking about, but he could sense that he was in his most friendly, casual, and relaxed state.

  As though he was talking to him in the capacity of a kind elder.

  “Your Highness, I dare not reject your bestowment. If possible, may I ask for a person?”

  Wang Chong lowered his head and bowed.

  “A person?”

  King Song and Lu Ting glanced at one another in curiosity. This was especially so for King Song. He was still frustrated over the Consort Taizhen’s incident, and upon hearing Wang Chong’s words, his interest in the matter surged abruptly, causing him to put aside the worries of the royal court for the moment.

  “Hahaha, a person? A woman? Which lady do you have your eyes on? It’s normal to have a crush when one is younger, so feel free to tell me about it. Regardless of who it is, I will talk to them on your behalf.”

  King Song chuckled and his mood lightened.

  Who hasn’t been young before? After hearing Wang Chong’s words, King Song thought that Wang Chong was infatuated with a lady from some clan, and this raked up many of his childhood memories.

  “Indeed, Chong gongzi. You should speak of it. Even if it is a princess, it isn’t entirely impossible with King Song’s help.”

  Lu Ting stroked his beard as he teased by the side.

  “That’s not it, Your Highness, you have misunderstood my intentions.”

  Wang Chong was placed in an awkward situation. This wasn’t the case at all! What were these two thinking?

  “I would like to save a person, but only Your Highness wields the ability to do so. Thus, I would like to plead with Your Highness on this matter!”


  King Song glanced at Wang Chong, and upon seeing Wang Chong’s serious expression, he frowned and retracted his smile. With a grave tone, he spoke:

  “Who do you wish to save? I’ll have to tell you in advance that the royal court has its own laws. Even if I am a king of the royal family, I cannot violate these laws!”

  “I understand. This person is called Zhang Munian, and his crime wasn’t very severe. This is the scroll of his sins. Your Highness, please take a look.”

  With a lowered head, Wang Chong passed the scroll which he had copied in advance over with both of his hands.

  It wasn’t just because of the Consort Taizhen incident that Wang Chong was determined to meet King Song. To Wang Chong, there was a person who was more important than Consort Taizhen.

  That person was Zhang Munian!

  After his reincarnation, Wang Chong had pondered for many days and nights, and he eventually came to a conclusion. To change the fate of the empire, there was a person which he truly needed:

  Zhang Munian!

  “Zhang Munian?”

  King Song frowned. He tried to jog his memory, but he realized that he hadn’t heard this name before.

  “Academic Lu, have you heard of this person?” King Song glanced over.

  Lu Ting shook his head.

  He hadn’t heard of this name before either.

  “That’s weird.”

ng Song was astonished. Grabbing the scroll over from Wang Chong’s hands, he unfurled it and started browsing through.

  “So he is an agriculture official. Why would he embezzle so much money? That’s twenty thousand gold taels!”

  Glancing through the information on the scroll, King Song frowned. But on the inside, King Song heaved a sigh of relief. He was worried that the person who Wang Chong wanted to save was a crook who had committed vile crimes such as murder, arson, rape, and treason.

  Even though corruption wasn’t a minor crime either based on the empire’s laws, it was only a matter involving financial loss. In King Song’s perspective, it wasn’t a huge matter.

  At the very least, it wasn’t unpardonable.

  “Your Highness, while it’s true that he had embezzled twenty thousand gold taels, I can assure you that there’s something else to the matter. He didn’t take this money for his own use!”

  Wang Chong said earnestly.


  King Song frowned, but he didn’t ask about the matter. In any case, a small official like that wasn’t worth his attention:

  “Regarding this matter, if you can return the twenty thousand gold taels, I can step in and have the Bureau of Punishments lighten his sentence…”

  “I can repay the twenty thousand gold taels!”

  Wang Chong was delighted. Before King Song could finish his words, he immediately interjected. In terms of the laws of the empire, twenty thousand gold taels was a huge amount. But to the current Wang Chong, it didn’t mean anything at all!

  “Hehe, wait for me to finish first. I can order the Bureau of Punishments to review this matter. As long as you repay the twenty thousand gold taels that he embezzled, this matter will be easy to solve. However, if you want me to help you on this matter, you have to answer a question of mine.”


  Wang Chong lifted his head, baffled by King Song’s request.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t make things difficult for you. You just have to tell me why you want to save him. Is he your friend?”

  King Song smiled. After confirming that the person Wang Chong wanted to save wasn’t an unpardonable villain, he was relieved.


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