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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 318

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  This was the closest he had ever been since his reincarnation to completing his mission. Perhaps it would be the only time, and perhaps such a chance would never come again.

  For this chance, he had mobilized the entirety of Deflecting Blade Manor and the spirit vein mountain, summoning all the guards of the Wang Clan and all the forces that the Wang Clan was on good terms with. Even Elder Ye and Elder Zhao had appeared.

  And he had revealed the entire strength of the Wang Clan to deal with An Yaluoshan.

  But now, everything had failed.

  That figure before him was an enormous mountain, warding off all possibilities and blocking off all his goals.

  More importantly, Zhang Shougui still had no idea what he was doing.

  And Wang Chong was certainly not going to explain.

  At this moment, even Wang Chong's heart was dripping blood.

  "Is there really nothing to be done…"

  Wang Chong's eyes were red, his nails were digging into his flesh, and he had even bitten through his lip.

  There was no 'three military regions', no 'King of the Turks', no future 'star of calamity'. The current An Yaluoshan was a powerless 'nameless soldier'.

  Not even twenty zhang separated him from Wang Chong. And Elder Ye, Elder Zhao, Li Siye, and even Old Eagle or the Huang Clan patriarch could easily destroy him from a distance of several dozen zhang.

  As long as they could kill him, the future calamity could be easily resolved. But now, everything was impossible.

  Zhang Shougui oversaw the northeast and had made his name ages ago, and in terms of strength, he was even stronger than Zhangchou Jianqiong. At such close distances, it was practically impossible to kill anyone in front of Zhang Shougui.

  Not even if they all worked together!

  "Brat, what is your Wang Clan up to? Are you declaring war against me?"

  A voice resounded in his ear as Zhang Shougui stood in the center of the courtyard like a god. The hem of his clothes trembled while his eyes seemed to spit fire as they locked onto Wang Chong at the front of the crowd.

  This was An Yaluoshan and Ashina Sugan's first outing, so they were not familiar with the great clans of the capital. But Zhang Shougui was able to recognize the emblems on the uniforms of the Wang Clan guards with just a glance.

  He had even recognized Wang Chong.

  In the Regional Commanders incident, Zhang Shougui had gathered a vast amount of information. He had even accumulated a large stack of sketches of Wang Chong.

  But recognizing Wang Chong almost made Zhang Shougui even angrier, and seeing the dead Youzhou soldiers made the flames of his rage spew into the heavens.

  He had just gone into the palace for a while to see a few ministers, and the result was that all his subordinates had almost been massacred. How could Zhang Shougui accept such a thing?

  Only he could decide the fate of his subordinates. Even if they died, they still had to die at his hands!

  "A misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding! Lord Zhang, Young Master Wang assuredly did not intend to offend you…" Zhang Jian and the Huang Clan patriarch quickly began to explain.

  The Zhang Clan and Huang Clan currently shared both glory and disgrace with the Wang Clan. Thus, when they saw that Zhang Shougui's spear was pointed at Wang Chong, the two hurriedly spoke up to defend him.

  The pair had not expected that by following Wang Chong in this hunt, they would actually provoke the great god that was Andong Protector-General Zhang Shougui. Now that this matter involved the Andong Protectorate and the Youzhou army, it was no longer some minor concern.

  If matters were handled poorly, this incident would send shockwaves through the court.

  "Silence!" A furious roar exploded forth like a peal of thunder. Zhang Shougui's face was a sheet of ice, and with a sweep of his sleeve, a dreadful energy that made the heart tremble burst from his body.

  "What sort of thing are you? Do you even have the right to speak in front of me?"

  As that voice rumbled through the heavens, Zhang Jian and the Huang Clan patriarch felt stifled. Though their mouths were open, they couldn't get a word out in the face of Zhang Shougui's might.

  A man's name was like the shade of a tree!

  The Zhang Clan and the Huang Clan were both respected clans in the capital, but compared to Zhang Shougui, the ever-victorious Protector-General of countless battles who wielded massive influence in the army, there was quite a large discrepancy.

  And Zhang Shougui was not wrong. Neither an elder of the Zhang Clan nor the patriarch of the Huang Clan had any right to speak before him.

  "Second Brother Ye, Third Brother Zhao, is this that man's will?"

  Zhang Shougui's chilly gaze turned to Elder Ye and Elder Zhao. These elders were the Wang Clan Old Master's subordinates. They had also once held very high positions in the military.

  Although they had been retired for several decades and were no longer recognized among the younger soldiers, Zhang Shougui, as one of the most senior Great Generals, had interacted with them before.

  Thus, before him, these two couldn't even hope to conceal their identities.

  "Lord Zhang, this matter has nothing to do with the duke. It is completely Young Master Chong's will."

  "Although we do not know why he wanted to do this, from his past activities, we are confident that he has a reason."


  Elder Ye and Elder Zhao had already retreated to Wang Chong's side, standing guard in front of him. Even these two had solemn expressions as they faced down Zhang Shougui, felt the enormous pressure he exerted.

  Despite Zhang Shougui's reputation and status, he was still inferior to the old duke in the hearts of the people, but it was not by much. Moreover, he was slowly catching up.

  If only he could become Prime Minister of the empire!

  All was silent. Elder Ye's and Elder Zhao's words had made Wang Chong the center of attention. To tell the truth, there was still no one who knew why Wang Chong had issued that order.

  No one knew what sort of grudge Wang Chong had against that Hu.

  "Hmph, brat, so it was all your doing?"

  Contempt in his eyes, Zhang Shougui suddenly turned to Wang Chong with a cold sneer.


  Wang Chong's voice was calm and flat. Even before this renowned Protector-General, Wang Chong did not show the slightest hint of fear.

  "Hahaha, foul brat, did you think I'd believe you?"

  Zhang Shougui angrily smiled.

  So many people had appeared here, so many Wang Clan guards, and even retired generals like Elder Ye and Elder Zhao, yet Wang Chong said that this was all his doing?

  How could Zhang Shougui possibly believe that?

  Suddenly, he began to remember how the Wang Clan's Old Master had inhibited his ambitions before, leading him to spend more than twenty years guarding the border, eating wind and drinking dew.

  The flames of fury came to life in Zhang Shougui's heart.

  Grudges both old and new caused the rage in his heart to flourish. Everything that had happened in this courtyard had made Zhang Shougui conclude without a doubt that this had to do with his entering the capital to seek the position of Prime Minister.

  If his base were destroyed and his subordinates slaughtered while he wasn't present, it would assuredly be a barrier in his plan to become Prime Minister!

  The Wang Clan had already stopped him once twenty years ago. Did it want to challenge him once more, twenty years later?

  The moment Zhang Shougui thought of this, his heart filled with fire.

  Wang Chong was observing Zhang Shougui's face and already knew what he was thinking. When Zhang Shougui was young, he had been high-spirited and full of potential, a true servant of the empire.

  But the older Zhang Shougui, the one who had spent twenty years squatting in Youzhou, had grown more dictatorial and obstinate as he rose through the ranks. Over the years, he had grown less amenable to the opinions of others.

; Wang Chong was well aware that no matter what he said today, Zhang Shougui probably wouldn't listen.

  "Milord Protector-General does not need to believe me, but everything I say is true. Today's incident has nothing to do with Milord, nor does it have anything to do with the Youzhou army. It is purely a grudge between the Wang Clan and An Yaluoshan."

  As Wang Chong spoke, his eyes were fixed on An Yaluoshan, who was now hiding behind Zhang Shougui.

  Whether in this life or the last, no matter how many cycles of reincarnation had passed, An Yaluoshan would always have that same sharpness and cunning!

  "What are you trying to say?"

  Zhang Shougui's expression showed a small crack. He had only just arrived, so he had no idea what had happened, but he could tell from Wang Chong's expression that he didn't seem to be lying.

  "Hmph, why doesn't Milord first ask your adopted son? Ask him what he did this morning in Drunken Sparrow restaurant?" Wang Chong said with a grim smile.

  The events of the future and his own 'foresight' were completely off limits, so Wang Chong could only use his older cousin Wang Liang as an excuse for the time being.

  "Foster Father, I'm innocent! This matter has nothing to do with me."

  An Yaluoshan's expression morphed as he jumped and swore an oath to the heavens, his entire body shaking.

  "I can swear that other than drinking alcohol, I did nothing else in that restaurant!!"

  Chapter 453: The Farmer and the Viper!

  Chapter 453: The Farmer and the Viper!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  An Yaluoshan's face was fraught with fear, and he seemed ready to break into tears.

  No one could lie in front of Zhang Shougui. In the Andong Protectorate, to the east of Youzhou, anyone who dared to deceive the Protector-General was already dead!

  The Turks had fierce personalities and were good at fighting, but in the northeast of the Great Tang, everyone, whether they were Turks, Xi, Khitans, or Goguryeons, would always pale at the mention of Zhang Shougui, their hearts trembling in fear.

  An Yaluoshan and Ashina Sugan were naturally no exception.

  This was not because of Zhang Shougui's status, but because Zhang Shougui had singlehandedly trained the Andong Protectorate Army, and because of his thunderous methods.

  The heavens were high and the Emperor was far away. In Andong, Zhang Shougui's words were even more effective than the Emperor's!

  "Hmph, boy, I've no idea what you're saying."

  An Yaluoshan's oath had greatly improved Zhang Shougui's complexion.

  "However, since Yaluoushan said that he did nothing, then he definitely did nothing! The capital is right under the feet of the Son of Heaven, and yet you dared to ambush my subordinates. If you do not give a good explanation for this matter, don't blame me for being rude!"

  Upon saying these last words, Zhang Shougui narrowed his eyes, and his expression immediately turned icy. An almost palpable killing intent suddenly emerged from his body and locked onto Wang Chong.


  A massive lightning bolt streaked across the sky. Zhang Shougui stood right under this thunderbolt, his entire being like a demon god from the underworld, inspiring terror in all who looked upon him.

  The surrounding temperature rapidly dropped. In the face of this Andong Protector-General, everyone felt a mountain-like pressure.

  Wang Chong had clearly angered this Imperial Great General. Everyone could feel that it would be difficult to smooth over this incident.


  When everyone was quiet out of fear, a bout of laughter suddenly broke the silence. Wang Chong looked at the nearby Zhang Shougui, whose mere mention caused countless foreigners to quail in fear. There was no fear in his heart, only frustration and indignation.

  As someone who had now lived two lives, Wang Chong had already grown indifferent to the thought of death. The only thing he cared about was completing his mission. Zhang Shougui's threats were meaningless to him.

  "…Lord Zhang, have you heard these three words before?"

  Zhang Shougui looked down upon him and coldly asked, "What do you mean?"

  "Obstinate and headstrong!"


  These words sent the crowd into an uproar. Bai Siling, Zhao Yatong, Marchioness Yi, Wei Anfang, and the others instantly paled, but Cui Qianyou, Tian Chengsi, Ashina Sugan and the other Youzhou troops actually had a similar reaction.

  In the Andong Protectorate, no one dared to say such words to their commander, not a single one! Let alone the living, not even the dead would dare.

  Yet Wang Chong dared to say in front of Zhang Shougui's face that he was 'obstinate and headstrong'. The troops from Youzhou would not even dare to think such a thing.

  "This brat…"

  "He dares to speak of Commander in such a way!"

  Even Cui Qianyou and Tian Qianzhen couldn't help but get a little emotional.

  They had no idea what the quarrel between Wang Chong and An Yaluoshan was, nor did they want to know. But at this moment, the pair couldn't help but feel a little admiration for Wang Chong, even though he was their enemy.

  Other than that individual deep in the palace who wielded total authority over the Central Plains, probably only this youth dared to doubt their commander in front of his face.

  "Hahaha, brat, did Wang Jiuling teach you to say that? Do you dare repeat that?"

  A cold glimmer flashed in Zhang Shougui's eyes as he gave a grin of absolute fury.

  Ever since he had begun commanding armies, he had always stood by his word. And starting from twenty years ago, very few people dared to say to his face that he was wrong.

  But now, this teenage brat said that he was obstinate and headstrong.

  "Young Master!"

  "Wang Chong, don't say any more!"

  Marchioness Yi, Bai Siling, Zhao Yatong, and the others nervously walked up to Wang Chong and advised him to stop, all of them with expressions of deep concern.

  Although the Andong Protectorate was on the distant border, far from the capital, Andong Protector-General Zhang Shougui had always been a topic of discussion in the capital.

  Although it was very rare to see this Imperial Great General, they had all heard the many legends about him.

  Zhang Shougui had never been a good-tempered person and his methods were tyrannical and fierce. He was not reputed to be a genial general.

  In the empire, Zhang Shougui was unequalled in the ferocity and cruelty of his methods.

  For his foes, Zhang Shougui was an existence that would haunt their dreams and never give them a single good night's sleep. For Wang Chong to provoke him was assuredly unwise.

  Yet Wang Chong waved his hand, telling these people to stop. An inexplicable aura began to exude from Wang Chong, stifling their exhortations.

  At this moment, Wang Chong gave off a completely different impression.

  Although Wang Chong had been somewhat bad-tempered in the past, he would always be extremely respectful before a few people and was rarely disobedient to his elders. Moreover, everyone here was older than Wang Chong.

  The Wang Chong right now appeared the same, but his every movement was imbued with an invisible might and an aura that demanded respect.

  He did not seem like the teenage scion of a great clan. On the contrary, his aura was rather similar to Zhang Shougui's.

  A teenager, even one who was a little smart, even if they came from a clan of ministers and generals and had far deeper insight than the normal person, had no right to speak to an Imperial Great General like Zhang Shougui, and they certainly had no right to irresponsibly say that he was obstinate and headstrong.

  But as the legendary 'War Saint' acknowledged by the world in the end days of the Central Plains, he absolutely did have this right!

  Zhang Shougui was not a bad person!

  Just like every other Han, he was ardently loyal, and so loved his country that he was willing to be buried on
the battlefield. That was how he had lived in the last life.

  Whether it was defeating the Tibetans, presiding over Youzhou, subduing the Xi and the Khitans, or suppressing the Goguryeon Empire, Zhang Shougui's abilities and conduct were beyond criticism.

  But people would always change.

  Those consecutive victories had changed Zhang Shougui. He became incomparably conceited and would no longer heed any 'disobedient words' from anyone. When he was managing Andong, even his old friends who had fought on the battlefield with him for decades did not dare say anything that would displease Zhang Shougui.

  Zhang Shougui made decisions without consultation, and so arbitrary was his rule that in the Andong Protectorate, every order, big and small, came from him alone.

  As for his own abilities, Zhang Shougui was absolutely confident in them, so much so that he would not take any advice.

  'A proud soldier is doomed to defeat' was a phrase that perfectly described Zhang Shougui.

  Some people, when they lost, would at most lead to defeat in a war. Others, when they lost, would require the entire world to suffer the consequences.

  Zhang Shougui had been too confident in his own abilities, so he had completely forgotten that he was a man, not a god.

  And a man would make mistakes.

  The more outstanding Zhang Shougui was, the more correct his method of leading troops, and the more capable he was in battle, the more severe the consequences he would create, and the greater a calamity he would leave behind for the empire.

  In his last life, countless people had analyzed that rebellion in the Great Tang that affected the entire world. The great commanders in that army had basically all come from Zhang Shougui's army.

  Tian Chengsi rigorously managed the army, and his skill in this aspect was unparalleled. His soldiers flawlessly carried out his orders, were nimble and composed. They could execute all his orders to a frightening level.

  In terms of military attainments, Tian Chengsi's leadership of the rebel army had even surpassed the Great Tang regular army!

  However, though the Tian Clan might have been field officers in Lulong for generations, they didn't have this sort of ability.

  Tian Chengsi had learned how to lead troops from Zhang Shougui!


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