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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 448

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 665: Lu Wu! I

  Chapter 665: Lu Wu! (I)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The world had already changed. At a time like this, Wang Chong required even more the assistance of his relatives, the assistance of Wang Bei.

  His second brother had to realize that there were some matters that were even more important than the Berserker Syndrome that he was burdened with!

  "Second Brother, don't fool yourself. You know that Berserker Syndromes can resonate with each other. You probably knew the moment I entered the capital. This is precisely why you wanted to refuse all visitors and hide in the Imperial Palace's Death Prison."

  Wang Chong sighed. There was no way he couldn't tell what his second brother was thinking. But his ability to see through his brother's thoughts did not fill with Wang Chong's eyes with any pleasure, only bitterness.

  "But, Second Brother, there are some things for which hiding is useless."

  As Wang Chong spoke, he leaned his back against the wall of the passage and slowly slid to the ground. Whether or not his second brother was willing to listen, there were some things that Wang Chong had to say. He had to at least try one last time.

  Wang Bei was trembling in his cell, apparently lost in his own world, unable to hear anything beyond it. But Wang Chong knew that his brother was listening to his every word.

  Because they were brothers, because this was his second brother.

  He might not respond, but he would definitely listen and help out.

  "Second Brother, did you know? I've been made a marquis. His Majesty personally conferred the title of Young Marquis on me, a marquis title personally created by the Sage Emperor. This is probably the first time such a thing has been done in the history of the Great Tang."

  Wang Chong spoke without care, his lips curling into a smile.

  "In addition, Father and Big Brother have also been rewarded. They've received a large promotion, and in the future, their ranks in the military will only continue to rise, a smooth procession into the heavens. Your Wang Clan is certain to have limitless prospects, to be like the sun at its zenith. Even King Qi wouldn't dare to act so recklessly to deal with me as he did in the past."

  The cell remained quiet, the only sound being Wang Chong's voice. But at some point, Wang Bei's body had ceased its painful tremblings.

  Although there was still no response, his brother had at least stopped being so agitated. His entire person had calmed down.

  But what Wang Chong said next was clearly outside his expectations.

  "But, Second Brother, you know how it is. While everyone in the capital might be envious of our glory, whether it was me, Father, or Big Brother, all of us almost died on Yuanfeng Mountain in the southwest, in which case we would have never been able to come back."

  As he spoke, Wang Chong shot a glance at Wang Bei, noticing that his brother's body had clearly shuddered for a moment. Wang Chong smiled before continuing.

  "I know what you're thinking. I know that you don't want to harm us because of your Berserker Syndrome. But don't you know? Even if you lock yourself up in the Imperial Palace, you won't be able to change a thing.

  "If I, Big Brother, and Father are fated to die, we'll still die in the end. The only difference is that it won't be you who will have killed us. But to us, what would be the difference?"

  "The southwest… what in the world happened there?"

  A voice suddenly emerged from the cell, interrupting Wang Chong. Although Wang Bei still had his back turned to Wang Chong, this was the first time since Wang Chong had entered the prison that he had taken the initiative to ask a question.

  Wang Chong gave a bright smile and immediately began to give a detailed recount of the southwestern war. As a descendant of the Wang Clan, his second brother also had the right to know what had happened.

  The entire southwestern war, from the initial departure, to the first battle, all the way to the final decisive battle—the recount of this war involving countless people emerged from Wang Chong's lips. As a primary participant and strategist, Wang Chong could give a far more detailed and far more hair-raising account than any other person.

  Outsiders could only see the glory, but under the calm surface was a vicious undercurrent, far more savage and dangerous than any bystander could imagine.

  Wang Chong spoke of a great deal. This was probably the most detailed retelling of the southwestern war in the world, and the number of people who had heard this story down to such a detailed level in the Great Tang could be counted on one hand.

  In his cell, Wang Bei remained silent, showing no signs of emotion. But Wang Chong understood that he was definitely listening, and listening far more attentively than anyone else ever would.

  "Second Brother, when the world is in danger, every man has their duty to save it. Our Wang Clan is a clan of ministers and generals, so we're naturally born with more responsibility than others. If not even we put in all our energy, what hope can there be for the empire?

  "When the entire nest is overturned, no egg will be safe. You've also seen the danger the empire is in. The Great Tang is no longer the Great Tang of the past, and the foreign countries are also no longer their former selves.

  "The world has already changed, and an undercurrent has already begun to surge beneath the calm surface. This definitely wasn't the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. We managed to luckily beat the Mengshe–Ü-Tsang army this time, but what about the next time, or the time after that? What if all the countries bordering the Great Tang work together?

  "Will we still be lucky then?

  "Second Brother, my strength alone is too weak. I want to do some things, change some things, but these aren't things I can do alone.

  "In this world, there are some things more important than the Berserker Syndrome.

  "Second Brother, I need your help."

  With these words, Wang Chong gave a deep sigh and stood. Whether or not his second brother had listened, he had said everything he wanted to say.

  What came next wasn't for him to decide.

  "Second Brother, there are things in this world more important than Berserker Syndrome. Berserker Syndrome is just a curse of the body, not the soul. Don't let your mind be controlled by your body."

  Wang Chong left his brother with these final words.

  The cell behind him fell into a deep silence. Wang Bei sat alone, saying nothing, his thoughts inscrutable.


  As night fell, the entire capital was peaceful, the only sounds being those of watchmen and Imperial soldiers patrolling the streets. The red lanterns of the Wang Clan Residence were like the stars in the night sky.

  Around the Wang Clan Residence, deep in the night, black-robed figures began to appear on the roofs of the surrounding buildings, unnoticed by anyone else.

  "It's about time!"

  "We can summon Lu Wu!"

  "Remember, don't let the people of the Wang Clan escape. In addition, if any Imperial soldiers or watchmen arrive, kill them! Don't let them make trouble!"


  The black-robed men watched the Wang Clan Residence in the center. It was peaceful there, the red lanterns hanging from its eaves adding to the serenity and warmth.

  It was late, and all the servants and maids of the Wang Clan had already fallen into a deep sleep. Most of the guards had also gone to rest, with the few scattered guards left patrolling unable to pose any threat.

  This was the best chance to strike.


  The black-robed men seated themselves cross-legged on the surrounding rooftops, their fingers beginning to form hand seals. Dim pillars of light suddenly burst out, connecting the black-robed men to each other. In the blink of an eye, a strange and invisible formation shrouded the entire Wang Clan Residence.

  Bzzt! No one in the darkness noticed a pitch-black dome begin to rise from the corners of the estate, slowly rising into the air to completely
enclose the residence.

  From the inside, it appeared like the sky over the Wang Clan Residence had darkened somewhat, but no one at this time noticed anything strange.

  As the darkness gradually deepened, a strange air of unease began to permeate through the estate.


  At a pavilion on the northeast corner of the Wang Clan Residence, the ground suddenly began to open, a large sound coming from within.


  "Who goes there?"


  Sleeves flapping, a pair of Wang Clan guards flew through the air as they rushed toward the sound. But before they could react, bang, bang! Two arms thicker than the thighs of a normal adult exploded out of the ground and snatched at their ankles.


  The pair screamed as their clothes and the Stellar Energy within their bodies instantly ignited, flames pouring out of their eyes, mouths, and ears.

  In a flash, these two Wang Clan guards had been burned into ash, tiny particles scattered through the air.

  Rumble! The earth sundered apart as the thick and steely arms widened the fissure.


  The roar of a beast came from underground as a strange giant rose up. His body was massive, his arms as thick as thighs and his thighs like giant stone pillars. He stood at a height of 2.7 or 2.8 meters, even taller than the Invincible Great General Li Siye.


  As this giant man roared, his entire body exploded with the brutal and vicious aura of some savage beast. Boom! His fist lashed out, but before it even struck, the pavilion several steps away shattered into pieces under the force of some invisible energy. The wood shards ignited into a fierce flame rising several zhang high.

  "Kill! Kill everyone!" the giant roared, his eyes shining with a red light. His mouth constantly repeated the same phrases as his killing intent grew so thick that it seemed to take physical form, warping the surrounding space.

  Bang! Bang!

  The giant swept its eyes over the area and quickly locked onto a distant study, which it quickly began to stride toward. The well-lit study was like a beacon in the dark night.


  "Who goes there! You dare to come to the capital's Wang Clan and run wild!"

  The shout of a woman came from out of the gloom. There was a flash of light from a nearby building as a petite figure clothed entirely in black leaped off the roof toward the giant.

  Chapter 666: Lu Wu II

  Chapter 666: Lu Wu (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Miyasame Ayaka was extremely fast. In the entire Wang Clan Residence, she had been the first to arrive to the scene, so she was also the first to strike. Miyasame Ayaka had been appointed by Wang Chong as the first expert to respond to any incidents at night, while the entire Wang Clan was sound asleep.


  Just as she had expected, Miyasame Ayaka's sword stabbed at the chest of the giant. But rather than the sound of metal entering flesh, there was a spray of sparks and clang of metal. Miyasame Ayaka's sword had failed to break through.

  "How could this be?!"

  Miyasame Ayaka was shocked, her beautiful complexion paling as she lost her composure. Although the sword in her hand seemed unremarkable, it was actually a Wootz Steel sword that Wang Chong had personally forged for her, so sharp that a hair blowing by on a gust of wind would be cut in two.

  Hardly anything could block this kind of weapon. Even the renowned plate armor of Ü-Tsang seemed to not exist before a Wootz Steel weapon, much less any other kind.

  But this giant had relied purely on his flesh to block the Wootz Steel sword. This outcome was utterly inconceivable for Miyasame Ayaka.


  Miyasame Ayaka was stunned, but the giant was not. There was a flash of light as a steely fist the size of an alms bowl hurtled toward Miyasame Ayaka.


  With a scream, Miyasame Ayaka was sent flying along with her sword. Her body smashed into a roof ten-some zhang away, crashing through countless roof tiles.

  Roar! Upon sending Miyasame Ayaka flying, the giant paid her no further attention, immediately resuming its charge toward the lantern-lit study.

  "It's an assassin!"

  The entire Wang Clan was now in an uproar, the loud clash having long ago roused everyone from their slumber. Countless guards were rushing out of their rooms, streaming in from all directions to stop the giant.


  With a single punch from the giant, guards were sent screaming into the air, many of them bursting into violet flames in midair. Their bodies and clothes were burned into ash that dispersed through the air.

  Boomboomboom! No matter how many people came at the giant or how powerful they were, they were all like sheep before a tiger. A single punch was enough to pulverize them and burn their remains to ash.

  Even all together, the Wang Clan guards were naught but ants before the giant. Not a single one of them could take even a single blow.

  Flames began to spread through the estate, incinerating all the halls, towers, pavilions, and promenades. The massive giant was like a destroyer, leaving only ash in his wake.


  Just when it seemed like the giant was about to annihilate the Wang Clan Residence, kill all the guards, and continue unimpeded toward Wang Chong's study, a roar came out of the night.

  Boom! In a flash, just when the giant seemed about to break out of the encirclement, a massive figure equipped with heavy armor clashed with him.


  In the study, Wang Chong sat cross-legged by a lantern. After returning from the Imperial Palace and paying respects to his mother, Wang Chong had entered the study and begun to cultivate.

  This was how Wang Chong had spent the majority of his time since his return to the capital.

  But this night was bound to be different from the rest.


  Scream after scream came from outside. At the start, Wang Chong had not paid them much attention. After all, although the Wang Clan couldn't be considered a den of hidden experts, there were still many experts gathered here. It was not a place some ordinary person could barge into.

  And besides, Miyasame Ayaka and Li Siye were patrolling in the darkness.

  But Wang Chong gradually began to feel that something was wrong, as the screams outside seemed to only grow more intense, and were soon joined by the booms of buildings collapsing.

  This was certainly not a sign that the conflict was coming to an end.

  "What's going on? The capital is an important area under the feet of the Son of Heaven. How could there be someone capable of intruding into a place like this?"

  Wang Chong's brow furrowed as he stood up. Throwing the door open, he walked out of the study. Even though Wang Chong had already mentally prepared himself, he was still given a massive shock when he saw the scene outside.

  Although the Wang Clan's residence could not compare to the luxury of King Qi or King Song, it was still a clan of ministers and generals. Its buildings had been constructed in a distinguished style, with all the pavilions, towers, gardens, and ponds appropriate to a clan of its status.

  But when Wang Chong walked out of the study, he was greeted with an entirely different scene. A vast stretch of the buildings, gardens, and ponds had been destroyed, flattened.

  Flames were still blazing amongst the ruins, and everywhere Wang Chong looked, the ground was covered in a thick layer of black ash. In the center of this black ash was a giant 2.7 or 2.8 meters tall, his muscles bulging, his body towering like a mountain in the ruins of the estate.

  Across from him, the Invincible Great General Li Siye was currently engaged in fierce combat.

  Although he had not seen the battle, the smell of burnt flesh in the air was enough to make Wang Chong instantly pale.

  "What sort of monster is this?"

  Wang Chong had seen his fair share of experts, including Huoshu Huicang
and Duan Gequan, but not a single one of them had given off the feeling Wang Chong got from this monster.

  This was a killing machine constructed for the purpose of slaughter. Wang Chong could not feel any emotion from his body, only an intense desire to kill and destroy.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong extended his right hand and pulled out his Wootz Steel sword. Bang! His foot slamming down, Wang Chong cannoned into the air.

  "Leaping Dragon Art!"

  A dragon roared as Wang Chong's body spiraled in the air, exhibiting his most powerful technique. This technique was originally meant for use with a spear, but Wang Chong had modified it so that it could be used with any kind of weapon while still maintaining its original strength.

  Boom! Wang Chong streaked down from the sky like a shooting star and smashed into the giant's head, his Wootz Steel sword aimed accurately at his Baihui Point.

  At Wang Chong's current level of strength, the Leaping Dragon Art possessed a monstrous power. The earth trembled at the moment of impact, the ground beneath the giant's feet cracking as his feet sank down.

  How could this be…

  Wang Chong's pupils constricted as his heart shivered. At this moment, Li Siye's voice rang out.

  "Young Master, careful!"

  Before Wang Chong could react, he saw a fist the size of an alms bowl, suffused with a destructive energy, quickly filling his field of vision as it hurtled toward him.


  Wang Chong immediately sent a fist flying out in response, striking the giant's. Boom! A powerful wave of energy swept through him and Wang Chong's body shuddered. Despite his incredible strength, he was incapable of standing against this power and was sent flying.

  Hwoom! A violet flame suddenly began to blaze from the hand that Wang Chong had used to punch the giant.

  "What sort of monster is this?"

  The Stellar Energy within Wang Chong exploded, instantly extinguishing the violet flame, but he had to expend quite a significant amount.

  "Young Master, be careful. This monster is extremely dangerous. The energy within him can ignite our Stellar Energy. Anyone with insufficient strength will end up being burned to ash. This was how those guards died."


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