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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 717

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  No longer hampered by his lowered cultivation level, Wang Chong was able to fully apply his experience and knowledge. Unlike normal Great Generals, he did not need to spend time building up knowledge, so he rapidly broke through the basic and middle levels.

  With another earthshaking metallic boom, a dazzling golden halo emerged from Wang Chong’s body and onto the ground. Wang Chong had finally emerged from his cocoon. In terms of mental demeanor or physical cultivation, he had become a completely different person, an unfathomable individual.

  “This, this… this is impossible!”

  Dusong Mangpoje, who was linked with Wang Chong through their energy, was still clinging to consciousness. He could clearly sense the changes in Wang Chong, and these changes had completely surpassed his imagination.

  Never in Dusong Mangpoje’s many experiences had he seen anybody else achieve such a massive boost in strength the moment after becoming a Great General.

  Not only that, even the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art seemed to have been transformed now that Wang Chong was a Great General. That suction became even more frightening and inescapable, and the rate at which Dusong Mangpoje’s Stellar Energy flowed into Wang Chong’s body increased by several times.

  “No one can do this! This is impossible! Just who are you?”

  Dusong Mangpoje stared at Wang Chong, his eyes brimming with shock. His organs and meridians were under Wang Chong’s complete control, making him incapable of moving, but his mind was still clear and sober.

  Dusong Mangpoje looked at Wang Chong as if he was looking at an enormous black hole. Nothing about him could be interpreted through the lens of common sense.

  “Dusong Mangpoje, goodbye! If you are reborn, then come and ask me that question again!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes were cold as he refused to answer the question. The Great Distortion Art was pushed to its limits, and in a flash, the last sliver of Stellar Energy was drained out of Dusong Mangpoje’s body. Clack! With all his energy drained, Dusong Mangpoje’s head dropped, his consciousness dissipating into a boundless darkness.

  Obsessed with the battle of the triangular gap and the death of Dayan Mangban, for the sake of his revenge, Dusong Mangpoje had ultimately died on the foreign battlefield of Talas!

  Chapter 1131 - The Veda Sacred Bell!

  Chapter 1131: The Veda Sacred Bell!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Congratulations to user! For killing your first Imperial Great General and altering the course of history, you are rewarded 4000 points of Destiny Energy! This incident will have a major effect on the Battle of Talas!”

  An icy voice resounded in Wang Chong’s mind, the voice of the Stone of Destiny. But at this moment, Wang Chong didn’t have time to pay attention to it. Throwing aside Dusong Mangpoje’s body, Wang Chong immediately made his way up to the giant golden bell imprisoning his master.


  “For the Great General!”

  “Kill him!”

  The moment Dusong Mangpoje’s corpse crashed to the ground, all the Tibetan soldiers on the battlefield went mad. The ‘Eagle of the Plateau’ had wielded enormous prestige on the Tibetan Plateau, and in the long history of Ü-Tsang, this was the first real Great General to die to a Tang in decades. The fall of Dusong Mangpoje was certain to have an enormous impact on the Ü-Tsang Empire.


  A Tibetan soldier with bloodshot eyes spurred his horse into a gallop as he heedlessly charged at Wang Chong. They had been charging to the front to assist the Arabs with breaking the Nine Dragon Blood Formation, but at this moment, all the Tibetan soldiers had gone insane. They had forgotten where they were and were madly charging at Wang Chong.


  In the distance, Huoshu Huicang, who had been fiercely battling with the Tang, now found it impossible to suppress his rage and killing intent. Without a second thought, Huoshu Huicang blinked away.

  But though Huoshu Huicang was fast, there was someone who was even faster. The sky darkened, and then it was illuminated as brightly as day by a vast beam of golden Sword Qi. As Huoshu Huicang shot forward, a beam of Sword Qi more than ten thousand feet long descended like a toppling tree, sweeping past Huoshu Huicang to slash at the distant Wang Chong.

  This Sword Qi had started up very high in the sky, extremely far away from Wang Chong, but a moment later, it was right on top of his head.


  The one to unleash such a terrifying attack at a moment like this could only be the Arab War God, Qutaybah.

  But just when Wang Chong was about to be struck and heavily injured by this horrifying attack…

  Boom! The earth quaked as a massive halo with a radius of fifty to sixty feet, its surface inscribed with complicated and ancient patterns, exploded from Wang Chong’s body, and then a second, third, fourth… Halo after halo emerged, each dazzling and magnificent but all entirely different.

  The light exuded by Wang Chong was on par with Qutaybah’s.

  With a deafening boom, a dreadful golden Sword Qi erupted from Wang Chong’s body. Raaaa! There was a dreadful primordial roar, and suddenly, Wang Chong vanished in a blaze of golden light, replaced by an enormous god, dreadful and mighty.


  It was impossible to describe the terrifying power of Qutaybah’s attack. This Sword Qi could make gods take fright and ghosts weep, could tear through the earth like paper. Debris, corpses, and dust flew more than one thousand feet into the air. This attack could be considered the strongest and most astonishing attack Qutaybah had unleashed in his entire life.

  Wang Chong had managed to escape from his sword time and time again, even managing to slay the Tibetan Great General Dusong Mangpoje and advance to the Great General level in the middle of a fierce battle. There was no question that this was a challenge and humiliation aimed at Qutaybah, and his killing intent was completely stimulated. He cared no more about the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard.

  Bzzzz! When the Sword Qi dissipated, more than half the battlefield fell silent as countless eyes stared at the place the Sword Qi had fallen. No one could stop Qutaybah’s dreadful sword, and just the sight of the scarred earth was enough for them to know that this attack had been far more powerful than they had imagined. Wang Chong was almost assuredly dead.

  “Quick, look over there!” an Arab horseman abruptly said, his finger pointed into the distance, his eyes tinged with shock.

  As everyone followed the Arab’s finger, they saw a great cloud of dust in the middle of the twisted and mangled landscape, and in the middle of this cloud of dust was clearly a golden light.


  Everyone was stupefied by this golden figure. He was alive! That young Tang commander had managed to block Qutaybah’s sword.

  Whooosh! As if in response to their thoughts, a fierce gale scattered the dust, revealing that young figure once more. From his disheveled hair, black armor, and abnormally bright and determined eyes, everyone could see his unbending resolve to fight to the end.

  Bang! Wang Chong shot a vicious glare at Qutaybah before lunging toward the golden bell.


  Tens of thousands of Arab cavalry came back to their senses and began to charge at Wang Chong. But a moment later, the air droned as golden and red Stellar Energy erupted from Wang Chong’s body, creating a six-sided formation that engulfed Wang Chong. Before these Arab cavalry could get close, their energy and blood flew out of their bodies and were sent by this formation toward Wang Chong.

  The Great Yin Yang Formation!

  Now that Wang Chong had advanced to the Great General level, the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art had also been upgraded. Wang Chong could now use Stellar Energy to construct a formation around himself to deal with these Arab elites.


  After laying down the formation, Wang Chong immediately forgot about what was happening behind him and rushed to the six
-meter-tall golden bell. Whether it was for the sake of his personal emotions or for the sake of altering the course of this battle, Wang Chong had to rescue his master. Once he did, the Great Tang would have another top-class fighting power as well as the ability to defeat Qutaybah.

  However, even though Dusong Mangpoje had been the one to use the bell in a sneak attack, even after he was dead, the bell was still strangely standing in its original place, its surface still crackling with lightning and suffused with destructive energy, still exuding an aura of extreme danger.


  With no time to think, Wang Chong slapped the golden bell with his palm. There was a massive boom, but Wang Chong’s palm which could even shatter mountains did nothing at all to the golden bell, not even slightly shift it. Wang Chong felt like this golden bell was a giant smooth mirror. At least sixty percent of the energy Wang Chong had unleashed had been diverted to the sides by the golden bell.

  Wang Chong began to incessantly punch at the golden bell, but after five or six punches, he stopped.


  His eyes flashed. The golden bell was as immovable as a mountain, but this was not what had caused Wang Chong to stop his attacks. While attacking the bell, Wang Chong had sensed a different ripple of energy from within the bell. It seemed like his master was attacking the bell from the inside in an attempt to escape.

  Wang Chong began to think. Although he currently didn’t possess any ritual tools, he knew that these artifacts were all extremely unique. Rashly attacking it from the outside might not only fail to save anybody, but could even increase the power of the ritual tool and injure the person inside.

  I must get in touch with Master!

  This thought flickered through his mind. The golden bell was an ancient artifact passed through the Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple, and even after Dusong Mangpoje was dead, it could still run on its own. Pure strength alone would not be enough to destroy it. But Wang Chong was no simple martial artist. Bzzz!An immense stream of Psychic Energy rushed out of his body and toward the golden bell.

  Psychic Energy was intangible and formless. No matter how powerful this Veda Sacred Bell of the Holy Temple was, it definitely wouldn’t be able to obstruct Psychic Energy as well as it did Stellar Energy.


  Wang Chong’s condensed Psychic Energy soon arrived at the surface of the golden bell and ran into an invisible mental barrier. In this barrier, Wang Chong could sense gloomy and profound Buddhist energy.

  This is the Psychic Energy added by the generations of High Monks of the Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple!

  Wang Chong quickly realized what was going on. The cultivators of the Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple were not merely powerful martial artists, but also extremely formidable Psychic Energy practitioners. In the past, Wang Chong would have definitely found this to be a major obstacle, but after comprehending the unthinkable art that was the Blazing Sun and learning a great deal from Masil’s memories, Wang Chong had reached a level in the domain of Psychic Energy that few people could match.

  Bzzzz! Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy transformed into a wave that engulfed the golden bell.

  “Found it!”

  A few moments later, Wang Chong found a gap in the shroud of Psychic Energy around the golden bell. This hole was about the size of a thumb and appeared to exist because the Buddhist energy had been exhausted in the many years since the holder of this ritual tool had died. Even though it was very small, it was enough for Wang Chong’s purposes.

  Bzzzz! Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy surged into the golden bell through this thumb-sized ‘hole’.

  After what seemed like both seconds and like endless eons, Wang Chong sensed a familiar aura.

  “Chong-er, is that you?”

  Before Wang Chong could speak, an elderly and fatigued voice resounded in Wang Chong’s mind. Wang Chong’s eyes reddened and he almost began to cry.

  “Master, how are you doing?” Wang Chong anxiously asked. His master’s condition was his greatest concern, but from the sound of his voice, it was very poor.

  “Chong-er, listen to me. This ritual tool of Ü-Tsang is extremely unique. It can convert your attacks into energy to use against me. Don’t be in such a rush to attack it…”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s voice emerged from the golden bell.

  Chapter 1132 - Rescuing Master!

  Chapter 1132: Rescuing Master!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Wang Chong’s heart sank and he grimaced. His greatest concern was that the ritual tool was able to convert attacks from the outside into sealing energy on the inside. Such ritual tools were the most troublesome in the world. There was no doubt that the Veda Sacred Bell that Dusong Mangpoje had brought with him belonged to this category.

  Wang Chong immediately became hesitant.


  The battlefield was a place of constant change. Only a few short moments had passed from the time Wang Chong had received Qutaybah’s attack to when he had rushed to the side of the Veda Sacred Bell. But for Huoshu Huicang, this was enough time for his mood to undergo a complete reversal.

  The moment Wang Chong had killed Dusong Mangpoje, Huoshu Huicang felt like his insides were on fire with the desire to slay Wang Chong, but when he saw Wang Chong receive the full-force attack from Qutaybah, this fiery impulse was wiped clean away.

  If Wang Chong was already this powerful after breaking into the Great General level, then no matter how angry Huoshu Huicang was, he would never be able to kill Wang Chong.

  At the very least, Huoshu Huicang knew that in the same situation, he would have never been able to receive Qutaybah’s heaven-sundering blow.

  “Tibetan, ignore him. First kill these Tang and then kill the brat!”

  Somebody spoke in hurried Arabic. Huoshu Huicang didn’t even need to turn his head to know that this was the Mameluke Commander Aybak. After several battles, Huoshu Huicang and Aybak had developed an extremely deep mutual understanding, not even needing to exchange words to understand each other.

  Huoshu Huicang hesitated for a few moments, then clenched his teeth, turned around, and threw himself back into the battle.

  Wang Chong wanted to save the Demonic Emperor Old Man and alter the course of the battle, while the Arabs and Tibetans wanted just as dearly to finish off the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard and bring an end to this battle.


  With a massive boom, Huoshu Huicang once more charged into battle, and the fighting this time was even more tense. The Great Tang was once more at a great disadvantage.

  “Venerable Senior, General Li, Qianli, Wang Yan, no matter what, we must hold and buy Wang Chong enough time!” Gao Xianzhi called out.

  He had fought alongside Wang Chong for several months, and there didn’t need to be any exchange of words for him to understand what Wang Chong was trying to do. If the Demonic Emperor Old Man were saved, the Great Tang would have a top-class fighting force that together with Wang Chong would be enough to reverse the battle.

  Bang! A torrent of Stellar Energy erupted from Gao Xianzhi’s body, jolting away Abu Muslim.

  Gao Xianzhi finally had the opportunity to fly back to the army. Boom! He immediately used the Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art, sending eight massive pillars howling out, arranging them around Qutaybah to exert destructive energy upon him.

  “Gao Xianzhi, where are you going!”

  An extremely cold and sinister voice came from behind him. A moment later, Abu Muslim, his body seething with energy, appeared at Qutaybah’s side. With a mighty punch, he sent out a black flood of energy that simultaneously swept toward Gao Xianzhi, the Wushang Village Chief, and the black-armored guard.

  With the entry of Gao Xianzhi and Abu Muslim, this battle became a complete melee and even more dangerous than it had been before.

  Meanwhile, on the other end of the battlefield, Wang Chong was facing
an unprecedented dilemma. He could sense that his master was in an awful situation, but even more disastrous was that the unique traits of the Veda Sacred Bell made Wang Chong incapable of offering assistance.

  Roars and explosions came one after another, reminding Wang Chong that the Tang army was in a perilous situation.

  Large numbers of Tang soldiers were dying every minute, worsening the Great Tang’s situation.

  Wang Chong had to make a decision as quickly as possible.

  He would either give up now and go back to help the army stand against Qutaybah, thus completely giving up on his master, or he could try to save his master as quickly as possible so that the two of them could work together to reverse the tides, but this would only make the army’s losses even worse. But no matter which option he chose, Wang Chong had to make the choice soon.

  “No matter what, I can’t give up!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he resolved himself.

  Bzzz! Boundless Psychic Energy surged forward, engulfing the Veda Sacred Bell. At the same time, Wang Chong sent vast waves of Stellar Energy to probe at the Sacred Bell. Wang Chong would never give up on trying to save his master. If he did, he would regret the decision for the rest of his life. Moreover, this battle required his assistance.

  As Wang Chong was probing the bell, the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s voice rang out in his ear.

  “Chong-er, do you still remember the Myriad Spirit Sea Art I taught you?”

  “I remember!” Wang Chong blurted out after a moment of shock.

  “Everything has a flaw. So it is with men, and so it is with ritual tools. After all, not even the Dao of Heaven is perfect. Although I don’t know how to operate this ritual tool or the mantra to use it, as long as you can find its flaw, you should be able to open it up!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man sternly said.

  His aura was in disorder and he appeared to be in very poor condition, but he always gave off a sense of calm and composure that made others unknowingly calm down.

  The most distinct aspect of the Myriad Spirit Sea Art was its ability to sense the flaws in an opponent’s body, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man had passed on the technique and its methods to Wang Chong last night together with his understanding of the origin of energy. But while Wang Chong had comprehended the origin of energy, the same could not be said for the Myriad Spirit Sea Art.


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