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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 772

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  As a lower rank-one official of the Imperial Court, his big uncle was privy to a great deal of classified information, even if he wasn’t on the same level as the Three Dukes.

  Wang Chong had actually asked Wang Gen this question on his journey, but his big uncle had been exceptionally vague in his reply and had not revealed much information, saying that he would explain everything once Wang Chong returned. And now, the time was here.


  To his surprise, Wang Gen suddenly creased his brow, a hint of deep concern appearing on his usually-composed face.

  “Chong-er, right now, I also can’t answer your question. Far too much has happened since then. In my twenty years in the court, I’ve experienced countless major trials, but none of them compare to this upheaval. There are many things which not even I can explain to you, not even the matter of how that imperial decree managed to get passed. In truth, I also dearly want to know what happened on that day’s court session.”

  Wang Gen’s words were of great surprise to Wang Chong.

  “Big Uncle, just what’s going on here? How can not even you know?”

  Wang Chong frowned. This was such a major event that Wang Chong had never imagined that someone of his big uncle’s status would be left unaware.

  “Chong-er, you’ll understand once I finish.”

  Wang Gen leaned against the back of the carriage, a bitter smile on his face.

  “There was something fishy about this matter from the very start. You might not know, but on the day of the incident, I wasn’t even present at the Imperial Court. During the entire process, from the initial debate to its final passing, I was never a participant!”


  Wang Gen’s words left Wang Chong utterly stunned. For a moment, countless thoughts flew from his mind.

  His big uncle was a lower rank-one official, and to transfer him away from the capital was not something that any normal person could do. Moreover, his big uncle was an important representative of the Wang Clan in the Imperial Court. If one wanted to deal with Wang Chong, one had to first deal with his big uncle. And based on his big uncle’s words, he wasn’t even in the capital on the day of the incident. Wang Chong could not believe that this was a simple coincidence.

  It appeared more like an advance preparation, a meticulous trap.

  Wang Gen clearly understood this, indicated by the hint of concern on his brow. There were many things that could only be noticed when they happened, but it was too late to do anything about them by that time.

  “Before the incident, I received word that there had been a disaster in the Jiangnan Circuit, that the people had revolted and many fields and homes had been destroyed. The local officials couldn’t handle it, and there had also been a petition from the local people. Thus, the Imperial Court discussed and concluded that though the Great Tang was flourishing and there would not be much danger in the Jiangnan Circuit, any matter involving the common people was not a trivial affair. Thus, a major official would need to be dispatched to soothe the people and oversee the situation. After some discussion, it was ultimately decided to send me.”

  Wang Gen raised his head, a look of recollection in his eyes.

  “Although I was rather surprised, since this involved the common people and was within the bounds of my duties, I set off for the Jiangnan Circuit. King Song had also been present at that court session, and neither he nor I thought anything of this decision. After all, if it wasn’t me, some other official would be sent. But when I arrived at the Jiangnan Circuit, I discovered that the situation was completely different from what had been reported to the Imperial Court.

  “A flood truly had taken place in the Jiangnan Circuit, but the disaster had already been handled, and all the common people had been taken care of appropriately. In addition, the disaster was much smaller than we imagined, and there was no revolt or public petition. The reason was that the clerk writing the memorial failed at his duty and did not perform a detailed investigation before casually writing the memorial. This clerk has already been dealt with, and the primary local officials have also resigned. All of this was done by the time I arrived. It was also at this time that I received word of the decree passed by the Imperial Court.”

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his face slowly darkened. The carriage continued to roll forward, and Wang Gen continued to speak, his tone becoming much more serious.

  “From the moment I received the news, I felt that something was wrong and returned overnight to the capital. In that short period while I was gone, the Imperial Court had undergone a massive transformation. Many officials who I was acquainted with had vanished, replaced by new and unfamiliar ones.”

  “Did Big Uncle investigate their background? The Imperial Court is not a place just anyone can enter. Only those with achievement or talent are permitted entry!” Wang Chong suddenly said.

  To work their way from a minor local official to a major official of the court was something that many people would need to spend their entire lives to achieve. And to many more people, that hall in the Imperial Palace that gathered together all the authority in the empire was something that they could only dream about. Wang Chong, with his consecutive campaigns and incredible feats, had only possessed military authority that entire time. Now that he could step into the politics of the court, he only had the minor position of Advisor-in-Waiting.

  “I’ve investigated them, and though they appeared rather abruptly, there’s nothing to criticize about their backgrounds. They were either recommended by local officials or already local officials themselves. All of them had many achievements, but no memorials had been submitted about them until now, where they were all gathered together and sent up in a single batch.”

  “How could this be?!”

  Wang Chong’s eyebrows shot up. The Great Tang had long ago created a bureaucratic system for testing and selecting candidates for officialdom. There had never been a case where someone had rendered great service but decided not to report it. Logically, it sounded possible, but it was realistically impossible.

  “I also had this doubt, but I saw the evidence myself. Putting aside everything else for the moment, there is no doubting the contributions and merits listed on the memorials to the Imperial Court.”

  Wang Gen bitterly smiled. As a member of the court for many years, he was extremely difficult to fool. But it was precisely because he had made such a thorough investigation that he could not argue. A deathly stillness reigned in the carriage, and then Wang Chong suddenly spoke.

  “Did Big Uncle not check their reports?”

  “Chong-er, you truly are a smart one.”

  Wang Gen sighed.

  “Their backgrounds truly are unimpeachable, and all identity checks came up completely clean. But when I investigated their reports, I realized that the paper of these reports was all extremely new. If an entire report was truly valid, it would never be written out entirely in such brand-new paper! These people are extremely devious, and this is probably the only flaw they’ve left behind. There’s probably no method in the world that could make up for this flaw!”

  Even the wisest sage pondering a thousand matters could still make a mistake. Even the most perfect background would have a flaw somewhere, and time was the only thing that couldn’t be faked.

  Suddenly, the carriage came to a halt, and the driver’s voice came from outside. “Master, we’ve arrived.”

  Wang Gen and Wang Chong immediately came back to their senses and exited the carriage. Outside was the familiar sight of Wang Gen’s residence. They ceased to discuss matters of the court and walked indifferently side by side, like a most ordinary pair of relatives making their way back home.

  Inside, Wang Chong paid respects to his aunt Xing Chunyuan and his older cousin Wang Li. After spending some time within, he quickly took his leave. Everything appeared extremely normal. After leaving his big uncle’s residence, he went straight to the King Song Residence.

  There were far too
many suspicious things in this entire matter, and there was only one person who could answer all his questions.

  King Song!

  As a member of the imperial household and one of the leading lights of the Imperial Court, King Song could be considered to be at the very heart of this matter. This was the case for every upheaval or political storm.

  “Halt! Who goes there!”

  A stern and dignified voice rang out before Wang Chong could approach. Two fully-armed guards swiftly placed themselves in front of Wang Chong, crossing their spears in front of him as they sharply stared at him.

  “Those without business are forbidden entry into the King Song Residence! Do you not even know this? Hurry and leave!”

  Wang Chong’s expression darkened when he saw these two guards. He had come to the King Song Residence many times, but no one had ever barred his path. Wang Chong had also never seen these two guards before.

  “I am the King of Foreign Lands, Wang Chong. I have come to pay respects to His Highness King Song. Please convey my message.”

  Wang Chong did not act on his rage. He quickly calmed down after taking a deep breath.

  The two guards paled at the mention of ‘King of Foreign Lands’, and they began to carefully inspect Wang Chong as if trying to confirm his identity. The two exchanged glances, and then one quickly strode into the residence.

  Chapter 1227 - The King Song Residence, Meeting the Old Butler!

  Chapter 1227: The King Song Residence, Meeting the Old Butler!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  A few moments later, a muscular figure with the dominating aura of the chief guard strode out of the residence, his every step heavy and forceful. This person first suspiciously examined Wang Chong and then quickly said, “His Highness is not present. King of Foreign Lands, please return!”

  The chief guard was straightforward and to the point. After saying this, he immediately gestured as if to guide him away.

  “Not present? Where did he go?” Wang Chong inquired.

  King Song never left the capital, and the capital was only so large.

  “I do not know. In short, His Highness is not present. Please return!” the chief guard indifferently said.

  “Since that’s the case, let me see the old butler!” Wang Chong said.

  “Please return!” the chief guard said, his tone even harder.

  This time, however, Wang Chong did not argue and instead strode straight into the King Song Residence.


  Everyone paled at this sight, and the two guards immediately leveled their spears at Wang Chong. Meanwhile, the chief guard, his expression cold, went to block Wang Chong’s path. But a moment later, an object appeared in Wang Chong’s hand that caused all of them to grimace.

  “King Song’s token!” one of the guards couldn’t help but blurt out.

  Wang Chong had revealed none other than the token King Song had given him before he left for the war of the southwest.

  “All of you, withdraw.” An elderly voice rang out in everyone’s ears.

  “Sir Butler.”

  The guards immediately began to withdraw. Wang Chong raised his head and saw a familiar figure standing at the open gates of the King Song Residence, his black robes flapping in the wind.

  After the half a year since they had last met, the old butler was still as healthy as ever, but he now appeared to be somewhat more aged. The old butler stood on the steps and slowly said, “Wang Chong, come in.”

  This time, no one stopped Wang Chong, and even those other guards who had noticed the disturbance at the gate began to fall back. Wang Chong walked into the residence and up the steps, stopping in front of the old butler.

  “Old butler, long time no see!”

  Wang Chong gave a respectful bow, treating him just as he had on their first meeting.

  “You truly haven’t changed.”

  A thin smile appeared on the old butler’s worried face. Whether it was in martial arts, strength, or status, Wang Chong far exceeded him, but he still treated him with just as much courtesy and respect as in the past. This was one of the traits the old butler appreciated about Wang Chong.

  “When I heard that you had returned to the capital, I expected that you would pay a visit. Come with me!”

  The old butler glanced at Wang Chong and quickly walked into the hall, Wang Chong following closely behind.

  The hall was so quiet that it seemed like another world.

  The old butler seated himself in the hall, raised an exquisite tea pot, and filled Wang Chong’s cup. Wang Chong noticed that the tea was steaming hot. It was clear that he had been expected.

  Wang Chong quietly seated himself next to the old butler.

  “Wang Chong, I know that you must have many questions, but the guards at the gate were not deceiving you. King Song is not here,” the old butler slowly said as he placed the tea pot on the table.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his brow slightly creased. He looked into the old butler’s eyes and saw that they were just like when Wang Chong had first met him. At this moment, Wang Chong knew that the old butler was not lying.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Wang Chong finally took a sip of fragrant tea and asked, “Just where did King Song go?”

  “I cannot answer you, but His Highness truly does have matters he must attend to,” the old butler softly said.

  “That matter… His Highness is actually even more confused about it than you, and was even less willing to see it passed. His Highness has always been a member of the pro-war faction in court. You, Duke Jiu, and your father all understand this point.”

  “But why is it that King Song hasn’t replied to a single one of my letters? Tell me, just what happened? If King Song has some difficulties that he is compelled to deal with, tell me, just what is he so afraid of?” Wang Chong sternly said.

  The old butler said nothing, only took the tea pot and filled his own cup. The tea in the pot gurgled as it struck the porcelain cup. After a long silence, the old butler began to speak once more.

  “Wang Chong, His Highness has his own difficulties. All I can tell you is that His Highness will definitely give you an answer in a few days. But before this, His Highness has to investigate a matter! Only then… can he answer all your questions!”

  The old butlery gave Wang Chong an extremely profound stare.

  Wang Chong fell into a long and pensive silence.

  “I understand!”

  Putting down his cup, Wang Chong tidied his clothes, stood up, and began to walk away.

  “Wang Chong, you’re not going to ask about that day’s events?”

  This time, it was the old butler who was caught off guard.

  “There’s no need!”

  Wang Chong’s voice echoed through the hall as he took his leave.

  Outside the hall, the bright sunlight and spring breeze revealed the consternation in Wang Chong’s eyes. In the end, Wang Chong had failed to meet King Song, failed to get the answers he had sought. But, at the very least, the old butler had told him that he would receive an answer in a few days, which was some consolation.


  On the street, as Wang Chong pondered in the middle of the surging crowd while walking toward his own home, he heard a stranger’s voice.

  “Milord, would you like to board the carriage?”

  “There’s no need.”

  Wang Chong immediately refused and continued forward, but quickly he heard the voice again.

  “But didn’t Milord already agree to have a drink with my master?”


  Wang Chong was startled as he turned his head. He saw that the driver of the carriage was wearing a hat with an extremely low brim that obscured his face, and the carriage was very simple and inconspicuous, the kind used by the merchants of the capital. But when he saw the special insignia on the carriage, Wang Chong’s eyebrows rose.

  “Then I will take the offe

  Wang Chong quickly regained his composure and boarded the carriage.


  The carriage was quickly put into motion, merging into the vast crowds of the capital. It meandered through alleys and streets, going back and forth, until finally, an hour later, it arrived at the Minister of War’s Residence.

  As Wang Chong emerged, people of the residence quickly obscured Wang Chong and brought him inside. As for the carriage, it stopped only a brief moment before setting off once more to meander through the capital.


  As Wang Chong entered the reception hall, he heard the boom of the residence gates closing behind him. Many candles had been lit on the walls of the hall, and the entire Minister of War’s Residence appeared to be ready to face down some major enemy. Wang Chong silently took this all in, and though his face showed no change in expression, his heart softly thumped.

  “Lord Zhangchou!” Wang Chong called out as he walked toward that large and familiar figure.

  A man solemnly stood across from Wang Chong, dressed in casual clothes. He had apparently been waiting for some time.

  “Wang Chong, you’re finally here.”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong breathed a sigh of relief, his entire body relaxing.

  “Lord Zhangchou, is the situation in the capital this dire? With the status of the Minister of War, Milord should not need to be so secretive,” Wang Chong commented as he walked forward.

  No one would have believed that the Great Tang’s Minister of War, who controlled all the military forces in the empire, would have to convey a message at the city gate by means of a slip of paper. Not only that, he had also prepared that carriage. The vigilance level of the Minister of War’s Residence didn’t make it seem like the estate of an important official of the court, but a border headquarters preparing for a campaign.

  “Wang Chong, if you personally witnessed the changes in the capital like I have, you wouldn’t be saying this. We’re in a period of trouble, and the Imperial Court now is completely different from the one that you know.”


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